The Divine Hunter

Chapter 589: a perfect world


After experiencing a chaos of destruction.

Parts of the sewers in the ruins of Maripo are still strong.

Arzu and the four great masters led the crowd to find a secret room made of bluestone in the dark and dirty pipes.

The room is not big, but it is very beautiful. It is equivalent to a combination of a library and an alchemy laboratory. The four walls are stacked with a dazzling array of bookshelves, with at least thousands of books hidden. Taiwan and other experimental instruments, the details are exquisite and elegant, and they are the best things.

You can also see some comfortable upholstered benches, cups made of gold, dinner plates, and even inlaid gems, it is conceivable that Arzu's past life was not shabby.

Arzu raised his chin towards an ancient table beside the bookshelf,

An exquisite amphora came into view.

"The magic bottle that sealed Dijing?" Roy's eyes lit up, and he rubbed the smooth and cold bottle body.

Dijing wishing has many limitations, but its uses are not small, such as restoring fertility to sorceresses with withered wombs.

"Ninety percent of the magic bottles have been used up in the past, and this is the last one left in our hands..." Arzu glanced at the expectant witchers, "It is loaded with three wishes. But you must pay attention, once the Dijing is released, Hold the bottle cap tightly and finish your wish as soon as possible, or beware of being 'pranked' by it!"

"As for these books...these are the lifelong collections of Cosimo-sensei, Idaran, and me," he said with nostalgic eyes and a sense of accomplishment. "There are not only books related to magical training—"

"Including the legendary spells you created?" Coral interjected with bright eyes, she had the incomplete Alzu's Thunder, and even so, the power of this spell was comparable to a forbidden spell.

Triss also raised her heart.

"The complete Arzu Thunder, Arzu Shield, Arzu Double Cross Summoning, and my lifelong experience in spellcasting are all recorded in it.

"In addition to this, it also includes a lot of information on biological transformation: about the grass trials of the first generation of witchers, and Yidalan's experience in transforming monsters and plants, I believe it can help you."

Kalkstein laughed, his lips becoming more and more wretched.

And Serrit, who felt the most aura, found a few exquisite and luxurious mahogany storage boxes behind the bookshelf and opened it.


The golden light, the light of Oren coins and crowns, the colored light of jewels and diamonds, make people dizzy!

"With this batch of property, the Brotherhood will not worry about funds for at least the next twenty years!"

"Actually, jewelry gold is the least valuable thing in the lab for the same weight," Arzu said. "But from now on, it's all yours."

Everyone looked at each other with a satisfied expression. This hard battle was finally not in vain!

"Since you are satisfied, can you mercifully fulfill our humblest wishes?" Elan asked sincerely with his hands on his chest.

"Grandmaster, have you made up your mind?" Keen clenched his fists with a look of unwillingness on his face, "A perfect world in parallel time and space is more valuable than reality?"

"My heart has been dead since the night of the avalanche..." Ellen shook his head, staring at the brazier in the corner, as if to see a fresh face, "I live until now, only to change The end of the day."

Aigar and Anahad, who stood side by side with him, nodded in agreement.

Vesemir regretted that he was unable to persuade Grandmaster Aiga to change his mind.

Only Ivar Evil Eye changed his stance and entered the team of the Snake Sect witchers with a clear stance, and looked at this group of old friends with sighs.

He followed Arzu for only twenty or thirty years.

The obsession in his heart is far less deep than that of the other great masters.

What's more, after seeing the lineup of the Witcher Brotherhood, and Roy's ability to reverse the time and space and drive the Supreme Being.

The balance in his heart turned quietly.

Joining the Brotherhood will sooner or later fight the Wild Hunt and achieve a long-cherished wish.

No need to travel to an uncertain perfect world!

Roy took out four Supreme Essences from his arms...

"Alzu, after you ascend to the perfect world, where will the other 'you' that originally existed in that time and space go?"

"We enter their bodies and souls blend." The legendary mage said truthfully.

Isn't this similar to the state when I first came

Roy's silver-gray pupils slowly swept over Arzu and the three masters who had made up their minds, and finally locked on Anahad, who had broad shoulders and the most burly figure.

"Then there is one last piece of trouble left."

"Between you and me, there is an unpaid blood debt."

Roy's voice was decisive,

"Cintra Castle, the feud of dismemberment! I haven't dared to forget it so far."

The vulture's cheeks tightened instantly, and he moved his lips, but he stopped talking.

The Grandmaster of the Bear Sect lowered his head.

Of them all, he is without a doubt the least popular and recognized.


He took a deep breath and glanced at his two old friends, Mr. Arzu, and at the red agate in Roy's hand.

There was no fear on his face, his eyes were sharp.

The light of the brazier made him look like a death row prisoner heading to the execution ground.

"It's over, it's useless to talk about it. Come on, Roy, be quick!"

He raised his head, straightened his neck, and slaughtered with his neck,

"I was ruthless to you back then, and it was only natural for you to kill me!"

"I only have one request." He looked at Ai Jia and Ellen, his voice was low, as if he was explaining his last words, "You two, for the sake of fighting together for many years, I hope you will have my place in your perfect world. Please let me be a normal witcher for the next time—according to the plan we made together."

Aigar, Elan looked at Roy.

"His fault, we bear it together."

"The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner, I'm sorry!"


Arrondette unsheathed.



There were screams in the secret room one after another.

But it was nowhere near as fast as the lightning-fast sword light.


Hissing in the air.

Steaming blood poured out!

Even if Roy is weak.

The incomparably sharp blade still easily separates the flesh and blood.

Everyone was terrified when they saw the burly body of the Great Grandmaster of the Xiong Sect torn apart in an instant, and his limbs were chopped off. Only the smooth section of the thigh supported the body in the pool of blood.

Funny, funny, and pathetic.

Described as so terrifying, he only groaned and frowned.

Looking up at Roy with a pale face.

The entire secret room became silent.

Some witchers looked unbearable.

Some people closed their eyes in pain at the sight of this cannibalism.

"Anahard! Listen up!" Roy suddenly retracted the sword around his neck, squatted down, grabbed the front of his shirt, his silver-gray pupils stared directly at his innocent Emotional Amber's vertical pupils seem to see his long and cold life in the past, "From now on, we will be separated."

Roy grinned and nodded at him, the light of the fire showing the openness and relief on the young pale face.

The old hatred disappeared in this smile.

They are no longer enemies, no longer!

His next words and actions surprised most people.

Only Coral and Leto, with a face as expected!

"Now, witcher brother, I will fulfill you as a compatriot!"

Roy held a supreme essence to the mouth of the great master of the bear sect, and sent his heartfelt blessings,

"Anahad, go after your lost feelings and humanity, go find redemption, and open a new chapter in your life!"

The loud voice rippling back and forth.


The man opened and closed his lips, his throat undulating, and he involuntarily swallowed the most precious essence of the Supreme Being.

At this moment, his long-dried heart and ice-like will also produced a crack.

An ugly and awkward smile appeared on his stiff cheeks.

Those who looked at the weak back felt a strange heat that warmed their bodies.

No sign!


Crimson light poured out of Anahad's bloody remnant.

The flame of purifying is burning!

The red light illuminated the entire secret room, splendid and dazzling, vaguely mixed with countless bizarre pictures - Anahad is smiling, angry, sad, grateful!

Everyone couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

In an instant.

Following the red flame, the big man shattered into pieces, wisps, and disappeared into the dark void like light smoke.

In front of everyone, apart from a pool of blood and four severed limbs, not even a grain of ashes remained!

"Is this a perfect world, not a soul-destroying soul? Don't you think about it anymore?"

Oaks swallowed hard

Arzu, Aigar, and Elan looked at each other, as if they were about to usher in a major happy event in their lives, and smiled and hugged and said goodbye to their juniors.

"Korn, the Griffin School of this world will be handed over to you! I only give you one piece of advice - don't forget the virtues of knighthood, but you must also distinguish the target, don't let kindness flood into disaster. The most important point is to take care of yourself first. and the people around you!"

"Vesemir, never walk alone, never leave your brother behind!"

"Roy, maintain your humanity, just like just now, don't be dominated by the desire to swallow!"

Elam, Aigar, and Arzu swallowed the crystals in turn, and they shattered and disappeared in the red light of the sky!

The chamber fell into a long silence.

"Is there really a perfect world in parallel time and space?" Coral asked uncertainly, holding the arm of the person next to her.

Everyone's eyes were cast.

Roy clenched the only remaining essence of the Supreme Being and stared at the void. At this moment, he seemed to see the magnificent scene of the Supreme Being wriggling with tentacles and jumping back and forth between the trees of the world.


Time and space are born in darkness and nothingness, and they meet in chaos to weave a complete world.

an unknown space-time.

Mograg Castle, bright laboratory.

A ten-year-old boy with bushy eyebrows, a round nose, and moderately thick lips has emerged from a prolonged coma.

Due to malnutrition, his face was slightly pale.

At this moment, he tilted his clean head, looked at his slender arms and thin body, dumbfounded, and deep shock appeared on his childish face.

"Congratulations, Anahad," the magic light illuminated in front of him a handsome man with curly black hair and a blue lab robe, the man reached out to him, his brown eyes full of genuine joy, "you After the green grass trial, there are no sequelae!"

"make a fist!"

The boy acted according to his words, and the surging power flowed in this slender and thin arm full of pinholes.

"Do you feel it, from now on, no one can bully you... You will use this power to protect yourself, protect others, and drive out the darkness."

"Teacher! Everyone, everyone alive?" Anahad interjected and asked, his voice trembling involuntarily, containing the nervousness that has been separated for hundreds of years.

"It's nothing short of's very different from the probability we calculated from the mutation formula in Mogrago," another sorceress in a blue robe and a curvaceous almond-eyed peach cheek stepped forward and took his hand affectionately. , "The survival rate has reached 100%, Maddock, Ivar, Aigar, Elan, Jagoda, and you, all six people survived!"

Anahad then looked around, and the other five operating tables were full of peers of the same age who were waking up from a dream.

"Fortunately," the woman said with lingering fears, looking at the boy's loving eyes, "otherwise, the rest of my life will be spent in regret."

Arzu put his arms around her comfortably, his eyes met, tenderness and love were about to overflow.

Anahad grinned.

The scene in front of you is exactly the same as everyone's plan...

Liliana survived, awakening as a sorceress to accompany Arzu-sensei.

The first test site is not the cold and cruel Riesberg, but Mograg Castle.

There are no other thirty-two poor victims here.

This is the miracle created by the essence of the Most High!

But he swallowed the essence first.

Ellen and Aigar should not have arrived at this point in time.

As for Teacher Arzu, he will go to another parallel time and space.

"What's the matter, child? What's wrong?"

Liliana noticed his strange look and asked with concern,

"I'm homesick." Anahad rubbed his face, his eyes flushed, and he said with choking, "When my body recovers, can I go back to see my father, mother, brother, and sister..."

Yuanyuan's eyes showed deep yearning, his tone of nostalgia, the emotions that had been completely forgotten by him, the beautiful memories of his relatives that had been buried for a long time, returned tenfold and a hundredfold, nourishing his long-dried heart, "I and they It's been too long, too long... it's like a lifetime."

"When did you learn Ivar's bragging skills, you are only ten years old, how many lifetimes can you live?!" Arzu rubbed his head lovingly, and pondered, "We create powerful warriors, not Cold-blooded butcher, you will rest for two more days, and I will personally open the portal to send you home!"

"But remember to come back in time," Arzu said solemnly. "The next training session is about to start! For our lofty ideals, eh? Anahad!"

"Destroy all monsters lurking in the shadows and create a safe world for all human beings!"

The boy's voice was loud, he grinned and laughed, tears welling up in his eyes.

This time.

I will stick to it till the end.

Anahad thought to himself.

This time.

I will never walk alone again!

Unprecedented light shone in the amber pupils, and joy and hope for the future overwhelmed him.

after many years.

Povis Wilderness, a castle on top of a hill surrounded by greenery.

In the spacious courtyard, the bright moonlight and the roaring bonfire illuminated a pair of eyes that flickered like beasts.

"Everyone knows why Kyle Siren moved here from the cliff edge of the Arc Coast of Keville?"

A witcher with slender cheeks, wearing a knight's plate armor, but exuding a strong bookish air, took a piece of hot golden suckling pork from the grill, slowly tore off a bit, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Mr. Kelda, don't give a shit, just say it!"

An anxious drake sounded from the crowd.

"Be patient, kid, with such a grumpy temper, be careful to be cleaned up by the bridge guard trolls in the future!"

The man gave the young man a stern look.

"As a matter of fact, many years ago, a group of mages with bad intentions pinned the source of the Vyzima plague on our heads because they coveted the rich collection of books that Kel Siren could not ask for, and planned to launch an unprecedented avalanche in the Dragon Mountains. ."

"Take all of my more than 60 brothers and turn them into popsicles!"

He paused, and immediately a young apprentice wisely turned the valve of the huge oak barrel and brought a glass of wine to his mouth.

Only then did he describe vividly, "Fortunately, Grand Master Elam watched the stars at night the night before, and foresaw this bloody disaster in advance and eliminated it from nothing."

A group of young witchers surrounded the bonfire, their heads raised, excitement and reverence surging on their green faces, while the griffon pendant between their necks reflected the dazzling firelight,

"Grandmaster Elan alone, defeated a group of mages with evil intentions?"

A young man with a few pimple marks on his chin and tri-colored pupils asked.

"It's not so outrageous! The Grand Master invited legendary helpers - the founders Arzu, Cosimo, and Ms. Liliana, who have always maintained a good relationship with us, led a group of colleagues to come together and beat the bastards to the bottom of the water. !"

"Accidentally happened again, Kael Siren moved from the coastal cliff to the barren mountain castle in Povis!"

"The Grand Master and His Excellency Arzu took this opportunity to give a unique speech, and in the entire northern region, they have cleaned up most of the stigma for the witchers!" Kelda sighed, "So, you are going out now, It's rare to see anyone calling us mutants, freaks."

"Of course, discrimination and prejudice still exist."

"But the people are starting to face up to our actions of saving lives, face up to our contribution to the world, and show due respect to us."

"Now, our Griffin faction not only kills evil monsters, but also helps villages, towns, cities, and countries coordinate conflicts. If war breaks out, we will assist civilians to retreat and escape."

"That's what your seniors fought for with their lives!"

"Kelda, instead of indulging in the vanity of the past, it is better to have a knowledge lecture with the children!" A tall man with black hair and a tattoo on his side carried a graceful figure with white temples. woman approaching the bonfire.

The jumping sparks showed his majestic yet loving face.

"Master Ellen!"

"Ms Jagoda!"


"Just say a few words!"

The young Griffin pie exploded, and pairs of vertical pupils stared at the man.

And Elan looked around, there were a total of 120 witchers, half of them had experienced vicissitudes of life, and half of them were young and immature.

a perfect world.

it's here.

That big avalanche never happened.

A considerable part of the world casts aside prejudice.

The Griffin became a true righteous, respected and recognized knight.

He turned his head and smiled tacitly with the woman beside him with white hair hanging down his hips, amber pupils and a flowery smile.

He and Riesberg's first love, Jagoda, eventually get married.

Everything is going in the perfect direction, and their ship is about to sail out of the storm!

"Children, I only have a few suggestions. When adhering to the virtues of chivalry, protect yourself first! Don't be a stubborn fool like I used to be!"

"Some people are not worth protecting!"

"As witchers, we live, first of all, we should be responsible for ourselves and our brothers and sisters!"

"When you fall to the ground and bleed!

We don't care about money and fame! "

An old witcher took a gulp of wine and gave a roar,

Immediately afterwards, a group of "old griffins" and "young griffins" sang in their safe nests.

The cry of the griffins echoed in the night, in response to the jumping bonfire and the scent of wine beside the bonfire.

"Because of the brotherhood, and the creed of the griffins

It is our driving force! "

It fills Kel-Serens, crosses the towering towers of the castle, and finally flies all over the northern, boundless world!

more years to come.

Kaer Mohan, ancient sea fortress.

The screams of killing and the flames that permeated the trapezoidal city walls gradually weakened.

Aijia quickly swung the blade and jumped into the group of thugs without any hesitation.

The white light jumped between the necks of several people, blood splashing everywhere.

He cut down three people in an instant.

The other two charged towards him, and he squatted to avoid the blade, blocking their attack, when a burst of flames burst behind him.

A witcher with a side-face tattoo and a gryphon amulet hanging from his neck has an Igni seal on fire, igniting a thug who tried to sneak up on him with a pitchfork!


Under the big banyan tree in the center of the courtyard, a tall, broad-shouldered witcher wearing a bear talisman slashed and split the two armored thugs in half from the center of his forehead.

On the top floor of the watchtower, a long sword of a demon hunter with changing pupils and a slender stature seemed to swipe behind him at will, with a viper pendant swaying on his chest.

The mage, who flashed to his back, with a dazzling fire in his palm, seemed to stretch his neck to send it up to the sword, clutching the blood gushing wound and falling back softly, kicking his legs twice, and there was no movement.


In front of the iron gate suspension bridge of Kyle Mohan, a witcher wearing light leather armor, flexible footsteps and surprisingly quick reactions, with dark cat pupils, wielded a razor-sharp and thin blade that glowed with faint blue light.

Rabbits and falcons rise and fall between the suspension bridges.

Three swords.

Three corpses rolled down the moat, blood splashing everywhere.

And the entire Kyrmohan Fortress, countless locations reproduce this scene.

The wolf faction, the snake faction, the cat faction, the griffin faction, the bear faction... The five major factions of witchers and a dozen mages stationed in the castle, bathed in blood and fire, fought side by side.

In less than two hours, hundreds of thugs and mages who invaded the fortress were killed!

Aigar took a group of sturdy wolf demon hunters, standing in the castle courtyard, in the sea of blood and corpses.

To the four great masters and compatriots who came to help, I bowed and thanked.

"Don't do this, buddy! It's easy to clean up this group of idiots who are obsessed and self-defeating, not even a warm-up!" Ellen's shiny cockscomb swayed in the wind, and his expression was serious, "And this is not another one. In the world, the sect voluntarily disbanded because of the difference in mutation formula, not the battle of ideas. We each created a school for the better development of this group.”

"By the way, how did we agree before we came? The witchers are in the same breath!"

"One side is in trouble, all support!" Anahad's tough face full of masculine charm showed a sunny and hearty smile,

This is the perfect world they have built together for two hundred years!

Aiga was speechless with excitement.

This time, all the brothers get together!

Looking around, the 100 surviving witchers also had tears in their eyes.

"Guys, hurry up and clean up the corpses and have a drink together at night! Everyone, come and see, which school has the most brothers!"

Finally, another unknown time and space.

The crisp chirping of birds can be heard among the evergreen spruce forests.

The bright sun shines on the slopes of the rose and the spring.

On the mist-shrouded mountainside, a purple morning glory hung from the top of the cave, weaving a fragrant curtain.

Arzu woke up on a simple straw mat in this cave that was warm in winter and cool in summer.

He looked around in confusion, and the magic crystal of moderate brightness reflected the two hundred strollers in the cave hall.

Cosimo, whose white beard fell to his waist, an amiable middle-aged sorceress, and his own disciple Idaran, were casting spells with their fingers.

Magical aura interweaves a colorful river in mid-air.

The crystal clear glass feeding bottles turned into a swarm of bees that diligently collected nectar and nurtured their nests, dazzlingly flying in the sky, and automatically feeding the babbling little ones in the stroller.

"Arzu, go to the old place," Cosimo noted the awakened disciple, wiping the sweat from his brow, "she's waiting for you there."


Arzu's heart trembled, he quickly changed into a thin linen coat, and wore a lily badge on his chest.

He walked briskly and impatiently out of the cave.

He found a woman among the cliffs of the falling waterfall. The same simple linen dress could not hide her natural beauty. Sitting in front of the waterfall, she swayed her legs, and the splashing water fell on her smooth and delicate side face. Activating the red glow of people, the broken sunlight plated a layer of golden light on her hair.

Like a marble statue of a goddess.

Arzu is obsessed.

For this look, he waited hundreds of years.

For this look, he gave everything.

He held his breath and walked over, carefully sitting beside the woman, not daring to make any sound.

As if afraid to pierce this beautiful "illusion".

The man quietly accompanied her to look down and admire the red flowers and green grass all over the mountains and plains.

And dolphin deer, white storks, wild dogs drinking water by the river under the waterfall…

The size of these beasts, without exception, is twice the size of normal individuals, appearing to be stronger and full of vitality.

"My dear, I still can't believe it to this day. After the cataclysm of the Most High, why did we and a group of children survive?"

Liliana skillfully leaned her head on the shoulder beside her, smiled sweetly at him, her big black eyes filled with doubt,

"Everyone else annihilated, disappeared without a trace, searched the whole world, only us."

"Perhaps the Supreme One took a nap and just missed us? Maybe because we all harbored beautiful and lofty ideals, the Supreme One deliberately kept us..." Arzu said with a smile, his tone gradually becoming impassioned,

"Let's start a new cycle by teaching a group of newborns!"

"We will be the pioneers of mankind and re-sow the seeds!"

"We will guide and create a new world without war, and shape a human civilization without sin."

"Under our education, human beings will be reborn, whether it is the monsters dormant in the shadows, or the dark side hidden in people's hearts will all vanish."

"This is our perfect world!"

Liliana looked at the man beside her with admiration and burning eyes,

"The most important thing is that we are together again."

The man hugged the woman's fragrant shoulder tightly,

"Now, however, there is a critical piece of the puzzle that needs to be addressed."


"Among more than two hundred children, there are five more boys than girls. Do you know what that means?" Arzu stared deeply at his lover, as if to make up for the regrets of the past hundreds of years.

"What do you mean?" Liliana's pink cheeks were flushed, her tone shy.

"We have to work hard to have a few girls!"


In a bell-like laughter.

The splashing water from the waterfall reflects the sunlight and outlines a splendid rainbow in the air.

Connect the two figures on the edge of the cliff together.

until the end of time.

Spider Kiss