The Divine Hunter

Chapter 59: flame


"Pfft, pfft..." The heavy footsteps stepped on the snow on the ground with a layer of deep footprints.

The witcher lightly brushed off the snow and pine needles from his shoulders, looked up at the sparrows that were disturbed in the woods,

"How far is it from the destination?"

"No more than half an hour." The white-haired dwarf behind him gasped for a few breaths, flushed and rushed to the witcher's side. "At that time, a body was found under the oldest pine tree in front of you." The dwarf kept looking around, looking nervous. He said, "Master Leto, there will be no problem with the two of us, no need to call more people?"

"Many people make mistakes. Now let's talk about the identity of the deceased."

"Wait for me to rest for two minutes, you are so fast, how could that kid keep up before."

The dwarf rested for a while on his knees. When he was alone, Kelvin's attitude was not as mean as Roy, and his tone was respectful.

"The deceased's name was Adria, 80 years old this year, a worker in a mine, and had a son and a daughter in Carbon Mountain."

The white-haired dwarf hesitated for a second, "The background of the remaining three dwarves is similar, they are all workers in the mine, and there was an accident when they returned to the Carbon Mountain after get off work."

Lesso rubbed the rough bark beside him, "Secret work is well done, the villagers of Spencer thought that there were only four humans who died."

The dwarf smiled bitterly and said, "No way, if they knew that the Mahakam Guards were killed, how could they work in peace? The mines will suffer losses. In order not to cause large-scale panic, the news must be blocked, but it won't last long."

"A bunch of vampires." Leto shook his head.

"And who spread the rumors and told the villagers that the murderer was a ghost?"

"I don't know, I hope the rumors come true, at least the ghosts won't be too scary to deal with."

The two turned over the hillside, and the entrance to the forest could not be seen clearly.

"Master Leto, do you sympathize with those villagers?"

The witcher was silent.

Kelvin continued, "As far as I know, witchers suffer from verbal discrimination and insults in human society. No matter how many monsters you help humans get rid of and how many lives you save, they are regarded as monsters by them."

"What's the difference between a watchdog that's on call and lingering?"

The dwarf increased his tone, quickly looked up to observe the witcher's expression, and couldn't help but be disappointed, the other's face still did not waver.

"Tell me your thoughts directly, don't go around."

"Okay." Kelvin shrugged and quickened his pace again. "I think witchers and ancient races are on the same side, alien in the eyes of human beings. You have been wandering around, accepting commissions, and have never thought of settling in one place?"


"For example, Carbon Mountain." The dwarf took a breath and said the words in his heart, "With your skill and profound knowledge, Carbon Mountain will give you a satisfactory position."

"To recruit me?" The witcher stopped suddenly, and turned to stare at the dwarf with amber pupils.

"Mahakan and Tan Shan are too cold and uninteresting to suit my temperament. Besides, I still have a heavy responsibility, and I can't stay in Tan Shan for too long." Abandoning these words, the witcher continued to move forward.

A look of anger flashed across the face of the rejected dwarf, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Let's go back to the case. Do you have any clues about the murderer?"

As soon as the dwarf finished speaking, the witcher stopped, made a silent gesture backwards at him, and then slightly arched his body like a cheetah.

Just about a mile into the forest here, there are more pine trees wrapped in silver, but the surroundings are suddenly quiet, there is no sound of small animals, and even the sound of the wind disappears.

The dwarf hurriedly swung the warhammer, and he had an illusion that the pine trees around him had undergone a strange change, turning into men with stiff expressions, staring coldly.

His hands trembled slightly, but his eyes were full of fighting intent.


Leto bit off the cork of the potion in one bite, his Adam's apple rolled, gurgling swallowed the liquid in the bottle, a purple-black blood vessel like an earthworm crawled along his chin all over his cheek.

The burly witcher was full of muscles, like an angry beast.

"Get close to my back and cover each other."

The witcher spoke in a deep voice, and their backs were instantly close to each other.

His right hand quickly drew a triangular rune in mid-air.

A faint green light shines brightly along the transparent traces, and while the dwarf is stunned, a circular circle with a radius of about twenty chi emerges from the snow-covered ground.

Immediately after, the yellow light circulated, and the Quinn's shield shrouded the witcher.

Almost at the same time, countless wolves emerged from the gaps in the surrounding woods amid the continuous long howls.

Grey-white fur, emerald green eyes, and scarlet mouth breathing hot air, the wolves lowered their bodies and let out a low roar, approaching the two of them step by step.

"Mahakan is on top, what's the situation? Qianlin's investigation was not so unlucky before!"

"Because we made 'it' feel threatened."

The witcher spoke in a deep voice, drawing the steel sword behind him, not the short sword.

As soon as the steel sword covered with a layer of sword oil was unsheathed, the white light from the snow brought out an evil spirit. Plows for sub-cultivation.

"Woooo... oooo..."

"Come on! Please your master and attack me!"

The witcher's face was expressionless, but his words were full of mockery.

The wandering wolves seemed to be provoked all of a sudden, and madly poured into the Arden Formation. The magic circle flashed green light, and the power of restraint took effect. The wolves who stepped into were shackled by magic power, their figure sank suddenly, and their flexibility was immediately reduced by three points.

"Bang!" The white-haired dwarf smashed the wolf that was pounced on him to the ground with a hammer. The snow-covered ground was stained with a layer of blood red, and the wolf corpse under the hammer instantly turned into minced meat.

"It's so fucking cool!"

With a roar, he strode forward, and the warhammer in his hand swung a sloping arc in mid-air, and at the same time knocked the beasts rushing from both sides into the air!

The witcher in the back is another style, with a slight bow, the steel sword stored at the waist, the left foot in front and the right foot behind in a T-step, forming an explosive posture, like a bow and arrow full of strings.

The shadow of the wolf rushed towards him, the blade of the blade was like a plough that broke open the ground, and it stabbed diagonally upwards, and the sword plunged into the flesh. The steel sword was stuck with the wolf's corpse like this, and it slashed further down. The witcher stepped forward, and the second wolf was cut into two pieces from the waist.

Internal organs flowed all over the place.

The witcher shook his wrists, threw the flesh and blood from the sword lightly, and returned to the circle, continuing to maintain the "ploughing", using the simplest jabs and slashes to deal with the wolves.

The gleaming blade turned into a scythe of the god of death under his hands. Before the beast could get into him, it would be corpse in the snow.

A trace of blood splattered on the witcher's cheek, and the twisted black blood vessels looked even more eerie.

In the blink of an eye, more than five wolves died under their hands, but they were insignificant compared to hundreds of beasts.

The blood of the same kind stimulated their fierceness, and the speed of the attack was accelerated in the long howl, and the tide rushed from all directions.

The key attack target is Kelvin, who is obviously weaker!

"Damn, there are more mice than the wine cellar!"

The dwarf's white hair was blown backwards by the strong wind. The warhammer in his hand was smashed and hung horizontally, and one of the dwarves flew. He took a breath and took a step back in a little embarrassment. bite his left leg.


White light flashed, a flying knife penetrated the wolf's waist,

"Dude, can you hold on?"

"Don't worry, no... no problem!" The dwarf regained his grip on the warhammer with trembling fingers, and smashed another beast to death.

The witcher's amber pupils swept across the densely packed beasts in front of him, twenty to thirty in piles.

The density had reached the bottom line he expected, so he grabbed the earthen pot around his waist and threw it into the wolves.

The round alchemy bomb detonated twenty minutes away from the two of them. The sound of the explosion resounded through the forest, and the flames instantly drowned dozens of wolves.

The smell of blood, mourning, and barbecue filled the surroundings, and most of the wolves wandering in front of the two were emptied.

The corpses of the wolves covered in charred black and on fire lay on the snowy ground. Fortunately, several of them were not killed on the spot, but turned around and rushed into their own team with flames.

"Mahakhan is on top, what a perfect bomb!"

The dwarf forgot his nervousness, only his admiration remained.

It's not over yet!

The witcher turned around, his fingers flexibly outlined, and another seal of Alder was struck, and the wolves rushing behind him were blown away, and the space was cleared.

Throws the second alchemical bomb.

There was no immediate explosion this time. Amidst the shattering sound of the porcelain jar, a burst of thick white smoke spread rapidly and enveloped a large group of beasts.

The range is wider, more than thirty heads.

The witcher pulled the dwarf closer, inserted his sword into the snow with one hand, and quickly drew an afterimage with his five fingers. He pushed it forward sharply, and the orange-yellow cone-shaped fire tongue blew out and ignited white smoke.

The diffuse gas was detonated by the fire snake, and the fire clouds erupted in series from near and far.

In an instant, frantic wailing and detonation filled the entire pine forest.

Fifteen seconds later, the wailing continued intermittently, and the hundreds of wolves were completely dispersed by the bomb. A small half fled for their lives with their tails between their tails, half lay on the ground and turned into corpses, and the remaining few were half-dead.

In the entire snowy forest, there was only one tall figure standing proudly. As he dissipated the seal, the pale yellow Quinn's shield shattered like a bubble.