The Divine Hunter

Chapter 590: Wilderness Temple


Rough sea breezes blew wildly from the curved coast over the snowy hills of Povis.

The bright red sunset on the horizon reflected two long rows of horseshoe prints on the snow.

The clatter of hooves paused outside the dense pine forest, and the grizzly brown horse snorted, and there was excitement in the babble.

Immediately, the knight as handsome as a girl patted its neck soothingly, and with his short hair and his amber vertical pupils, he swept the buildings in the forest in front of him.

This cedar forest is still three hundred miles away from Lang Essett. Along the way, people who rely on the woodland to make a living have established large and small villages in the wilderness, both permanent settlements and temporary settlements. Although sparrows are small farms, there are also casual wooden houses and surprisingly large shacks.

In front of it is the center of the gathering place's beliefs, a humble country temple.

Looks like a good place to rest.

He turned to another black horse, a half-blooded elf boy with pointed ears and green stubble on his chin.

"Arkhamtom, it's getting late, let's stop here today, don't exhaust Wilt, or you won't be able to explain to Roy when you go back!"

The young man glanced at the sky, and the twilight reflected the playful arc of the corner of his mouth.

"You still look tired. Who begged Ms. Lydia to open the portal to Karak and let us hone our martial arts along the way on horseback? In the end, for half a month, in addition to cooking an old-fashioned water ghost, I just ate it. Mouth full of mud!"

The young man took out a carrot from the saddle bag and stuffed it in front of the black horse's head to watch it feast on it.

"Your Excellency, teach me how to brag to those little bastards, and the Water Ghost Killer will make another great achievement? Just thinking about it can make people laugh out of shit!"

"We should have gone to the city and followed Master Dandelion to eat and drink in the newly opened dance hall, or go to the No. 2 pharmacy to catch up with Vicky, but after so many days, all plans have been lost, and it won't be long. Get back to Ellander for penance!"

The word "hard work" made Carl's eyelids jump.

Arkham froze all over and grinned, "The new master Ivar is a pervert, torturing everyone in different ways! What kind of blade spinning dummy, the enhanced version of Killer Road, Harrier Zippo, woo- I fell last time. The fall has not healed yet, do you think there will be any sequelae?"

"Shut up! This is the fourteenth time you've complained in two weeks. It's more annoying than snoring every day!" Carl rolled his eyes, tucked the cat pie pendant under the leather armor and hid it, and led the reins to the shade of the woods. between, buildings with cold silhouettes,

"If you have time to talk nonsense, why don't you take the time to lick your stinky mouth and think about how to convince the priest! Or do you want to continue sleeping on rocks and blowing the cold wind?!"

The two led their horses into the temple among the white pine branches.

It is not even grandiose. The scale of the building is not even a corner of the Novigrad Eternal Fire Temple. It is just a fence and a few low-rise bungalows with red brick walls and shingles.

What is puzzling is that the old house next to the wooden shack on the left is boarded up and airtight.

At this time, the day was coming to an end, and the setting sun through the cracks of the forest illuminated a marble statue in the courtyard - a wise old man with a bushy beard and a wise eye, wearing a short-sleeved tunic made of a single piece of fabric, hanging down to the knee, supporting the left hand The excess part of the clothes, the right hand stretched forward, as if to impart knowledge to the believers below.

The witchers are pretty lucky, a tolerant, friendly faith—Rebiuda, who might be willing to take them in for a night.

In front of the statue, in front of the sacred niche and the altar, a group of boys and girls, the younger is seven or eight years old, and the older one is fifteen or six years old.

They were wearing patched linen underwear, their eyes were stunned, their gray cotton coats hung with crystal snowflakes, and long white air gushed out from their noses and mouths with their breaths, and their cheeks were red with cold. He was in a trance, and seemed to harbor some kind of adolescent troubles in his heart.

When the two young witchers saw it, they all thought of Gawain's house, but the atmosphere in the temple was much more depressing and dull, like a pool of stagnant water.

At this moment, a young woman wearing a simple and simple white sacrificial robe and a fur hat walked out of the yard with sharp eyes, accompanied by two sturdy men.

"Hello, you two are not residents of the Pine Forest District, what are you doing here?"

She is about twenty-three or four years old, her long reddish-brown hair is swaying over her shoulders, her skin is white and transparent, and a thin and light layer of fluff is faintly visible between her neck, but her cheeks are tight and long and narrow black. There were bloodshots like sandworms in his eyes, obviously he had not been sleeping well recently.

The witcher was keenly aware of the unnatural flash of this pretty face.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, my name is Carl, this guy is Arkhamtom, and he happened to pass by the temple. As you can see it's getting late, and the temperature in the wild is so cold at night that people can freeze to death, we want to spend the night with you. lodging, beseech Rebiuda's blessing."

"I am Daisy, the priest and steward of this temple, and they are the guardians of the temple, Rumazi and Dino,"

The giant man with the wide and prominent chin and the shaggy man with the tousled hair and the beard smiled slightly, but the smile was full of unease and alertness.

They stared at the hilt of the sword behind the boy and the silver jar in the pocket at his waist.

"Rebbiyuda is merciful and willing to provide a warm rest for weary travelers, but you are fully armed, with swords... Swords can hurt and kill, and there are many vulnerable children in the temple."

"A hoe, a pitchfork, and a sickle can kill people too. The key is who uses them. Swords are what we eat, and our profession requires them to stay with us. But don't worry, our swords are only for 'monsters'."

Arkham smiled brightly and showed off the badge on his chest.

"We're Griffin Witchers... from Karak to the south, going to Ron Essett to join acquaintances. After all, there are more opportunities for jobs in the big cities."

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that witchers have to constantly travel around, looking for commissions.

After they made a name for themselves in Nuocheng, this centuries-old tradition is still unbreakable.

The difference is that commissions are now just a life-enhancing agent for the witchers of the Brotherhood, not a means of making a living.

The legacy of Wigfortz and Arzu has been enough for the Brotherhood to grow for ten years.

"Such a young witcher is quite rare, do you have any other evidence?" Although the catalysis of the herbal decoction made the young man look a few years older than his actual age, more like a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old, he still The childishness has not taken off, and it is far from the legendary mutants with big mouths and green faces and fangs.

The priestess looked thoughtful.

"Look at this sword? It's not an ordinary murder weapon." Carl grinned excitedly, holding the hilt wrapped in buffalo leather with his left hand over his shoulder.


Silver flashes.

A sharp flash of lightning suddenly burst out in front of the priestess and the two bodyguards.

The trembling tip of the sword blooms like a white petal, and an inch below the cross-shaped handguard reveals a dazzling rune, surrounded by six faint blue rays of light, alternating with waves, and a beautiful stylized section is engraved under the rune. Ancient inscriptions.

The entire sword is breathtakingly beautiful, like a work of art.

Carl's index finger swept across the blade as thin as a cicada's wings, and the cold blade reflected light, dreamy and deadly.

For some reason, the two big men took a step back in horror.

"Meteorite sword heart, silver blade... with a variety of magic... Only the witcher can wield it. You two need not be afraid, it only has special effects on monsters and will not threaten humans."

Carl returned his sword to its sheath, grinned, and the three people's jaw dropped in shock fully satisfied his vanity!

And Arkham snorted unwillingly, God gave this opportunity to let this cheeky bastard pretend to be here again!

"Your Excellency Carl, is the word engraved on the sword?"

The disheveled bodyguard winced and stammered.

"The eyes are good. It was a gift from one of my teachers, the legendary witcher Roy, and then another great master personally inscribed it under the golden sunlight at noon on the summer solstice! I'll tell you more when I have time!"

"The vertical pupil, the Griffin badge, the legendary silver sword, the identities of the two are unquestionable, please come in!"

Daisy sacrificed a strange look in her eyes, her attitude suddenly changed greatly, she reached out to the two of them without hesitation, and pulled them inside,

The children who were in a daze in the yard looked over at the same time, with a hint of vigor in their eyes.

Arkham waved at them with a big smile, but they fled into the house like frightened deer, leaving the yard littered with footprints.

Arkham frowned, a strange feeling surged in his heart, and he exchanged glances with Carl.

"It must be the pity of Lebbiuda who sent two saviours to bring an end to the disaster of the temple!"

the priestess said happily,

"What disaster?" The two teenagers were refreshed,

"Seeing those little guys... um... I'm sorry, country kids are afraid of life and easy to be shy. In short, the reason why their faces are covered with clouds is because there is evil in the temple, which disturbs everyone's life, and we need superb skills. The Master of Exorcism!"