The Divine Hunter

Chapter 592: cellar


We acted together, and the eerie moonlight shone through the window, revealing two figures sitting cross-legged on the icy ground.

"Man, I'll give you an important task, and I'll stay outside the cellar later." Carl patted Arkhamtom's shoulders with a stern face, just as the general ordered his personal soldiers.

"Go away!" The latter quickly pushed his hand away in disgust. "Let's act together!"

"Don't be ridiculous, my intuition tells me that something is wrong with those two muscular guys, you have to stay outside just in case." Carl stared out the window thoughtfully,

"You're wrong! Who solved the water ghost last time? This time it's my turn to take action!" Arkham's eyes were like copper bells, and he spit out, "Besides, I propose to remove the demon for free, and I risk it. Bear it!"

"One yard is one yard! If you want to be the main force, when will you beat me!"

Arkham laughed angrily when he was poked at the sore spot, and said meaningfully, "You are so brave and selfless, thinking of others? Then go, I will take good care of Vicky after you sacrifice."

Carl grinned and showed his cold white teeth, his eyes shot a cold light, and he turned his palm into a knife and aimed at his partner's crotch, making the action of sharpening the knife to the pig and sheep, "When did you learn Lambert's shameless hobby, believe it or not, I will castrate first. about you!"

"you try!"

After the two of them were sarcastic with each other for a full five minutes, their minds became unusually calm.

Carl picked up the silver sword on the left side of his knee, drew the sword, held the hilt diagonally with one hand, and poured the creamy evil spirit oil on the smooth blade with the other hand, followed by the second safety, improved from the Viper School. , colorless and transparent puffer fish venom.

When the two liquids soaked into the stylized inscription on the sword.

Carl's index finger immediately brushed the ridge of the sword, with a sharp beauty, like a skilled swordsmith polishing a sword.

The sword oil was evenly spread, and the sword body reflected a layer of gray-brown oil.


The silver sword is sheathed.

At the same time, both hands brushed the porcelain jars and long-necked silver bottles in the hidden pockets on the waist and chest.


The cork fell to the ground.


He swallowed two different potions one after another.

In cats, the choroid layer inside their eyeballs is more sensitive to light because of the mutation.

Thunder, expands muscle blood vessels, penetrates muscles and veins, stimulates potential, and is ready to go like a sneaking cheetah.

A large area of dense black blood vessels wriggled like spasms, stretching from the neck to the temples on both cheeks, and in the blink of an eye, the entire face was covered.

The white air spewed from the mouth and nose, the arc flashing faintly when the eyes turned, and the murderous aura overflowed.

Carl got up, and while the cloak swayed, Meteor strode over the threshold, Arkham followed in unison, relaxing his muscles and muscles and making his body active.

At night, the sky is snowing, and the temple courtyard is silent, only the cold night wind whistles past.

On the far left side of the temple, beside the wooden shed where horses were tied, and in front of the old brick house sealed with wooden boards, the priestess holding torches and two big men were shivering in the night wind.

Carl didn't take a few steps, his ears shaking.


Weeping whispers came from the darkness of the brick house, whistling through the dark night sky like a cold wind, one can't help but think of a mad woman whispering to herself by the grave, with a weak voice with a cold breath that permeates her heart .

"Master Carl, are you sick, or are you suffering from evil?" The torches illuminated the demon hunter's face, and the man with disheveled hair was immediately taken aback by the ghost-like appearance, and he held his waist vigilantly. dagger.

"Don't worry, this is a kind of tattoo magic that can intimidate ghosts. Of course, it also has some effect on people, so don't be nervous." Arkham's cheeks covered with black blood vessels showed a terrifying smile, "What are you doing? Open the door!"

The bald man turned around and glanced at Daisy. Seeing her nod, he used a hammer to pry open the wooden planks that sealed the abandoned and dilapidated house, and threw them into the snow.

step in.

The dark and empty wooden house has been abandoned for half a year, and dust and cobwebs are blowing in the face.

On a wooden board that was slightly sunken in the center of the house, the light of the torch illuminated several chains and locks that were entangled like pythons in heat.

The priestess glanced at the witcher, patted her chest, took a deep breath, squatted down and took out the keys from her robe pocket to unlock them one by one.

With her back to the crowd, her hair swayed, but she accidentally revealed a bizarre mesh pattern the size of a fingernail on the back of her neck as smooth and clean as jade.

Most of the patterns are hidden in the burqa behind her, only showing a few weird black characters, bl…

mark? Tattoos

The witchers exchanged glances, and they all felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

The two big men assisted the priestess to lift the slate by dragging the chains.

A sloping stone ladder appeared below, and the changing whispers in the cellar turned into high-pitched whistling, more and more soul-stirring.

The pendant on Carl's chest vibrated rapidly, and the magic in the air became chaotic.

Immediately, he outlined his five fingers, covering the leather armor around him like a bright golden shield, and the second layer of Helios seal appeared.


With the silver blade unsheathed, he just lowered his head with the sword, and slammed into the darkness like a crab.

"Aren't you going in to help?" Daisy looked suspiciously at Arkhamtom, who was squatting at the entrance.

"He's my boss, the strongest among the first apprentices of the Witcher Brotherhood, the master of water ghosts!" Arkham said jokingly, his expression suddenly changed, and his tone became a little more excited, "Shh, come on It's gone!"

The air was thick with dust, rancidity, and earthy odors.

Two green light clusters floated in the darkness.

Several rays of moonlight slanted from the holes in the deep wall, interweaving a kind of serene beauty.

Carl sneaked like a cheetah, bowed his back and bent his knees, held his breath, stood on tiptoe, and fell silently to the depths of the cellar with an increasingly harsh roar.

The shriveled vertical pupils penetrated the tide-like darkness, and there was a mess everywhere, piled up with hill-like stones, debris, pickled vegetables and cured meat.

And just within his reach, a charcoal-fired table leg slanted like the mast of a sunken ship.

The mast and the semi-recessed marble table beyond make triangular gaps.

An indistinct and elegant azure light came from it at high speed, with the sound of whistling wind, rushing towards the cellar intruder without touching his feet!

Carl's eyes narrowed, and his left hand clasped the silver jar around his waist, suddenly throwing it away.


The glass shattered, and the blue-gray dust cloud filled the air, like a closed fishing net, instantly covering the ghost from the feet to the head!

The arc flickered, the moon dust took effect, the ghost's translucent body became solid, and it was completely revealed under the hazy moonlight—

Wearing a tattered blue dress. A lantern in one hand and a rusted dagger in the other, his body hovering an inch above the ground.

Described as withered, skinny, hands exposed outside the dress, dry face, covered with blue-gray corpse spots and rotten bruises.

She is like a zombie bride in a wedding dress who has just emerged from an ancient grave!

In the witcher's tome, it is called the Night Demon.


It screamed and twisted as gracefully as a waltz, and the dagger turned diagonally downward like a gear, drawing a sharp green light.

The young man had already predicted it one step earlier. The short, extremely skilled roll of a lazy donkey rolled over the edge of the strong wind and onto the back of the demon spirit like he had avoided the spinning dummy tens of thousands of times in the past.

Before it reacted, the five fingers outlined a lavender inverted triangle.

One push!

The Arden circle rises on the ground, and the purple halo wraps the demon spirit in it.


A piercing scream echoed in the dark cellar.

Its floating body was suddenly put on heavy shackles, sinking like a quagmire.

The light all over his body flickered, and his movements became sluggish to the naked eye, but he still roared towards the half-squatted witcher.

A smile appeared at the corner of Carl's mouth, the silver sword stood on the side of his face, and the tip of the sword pointed at the demon spirit, like a bull charging upside-down horns.

Stepping forward with his left foot, he stabbed like a gust of thunder.


Straight silver light pierces the air!

The long silver sword stabbed the demon spirit in the chest first.

The silver and sword oil on the sword showed great power, corroding the body of the demon spirit like sulfuric acid.

White smoke billows and sizzles.

It suddenly burst into a terrifying hole in its chest, screamed in pain, and deformed its movements!

Carl easily avoided the aftermath of the dagger swipe,

Footsteps are ghostly, revolving around it.

The silver blade was swung, and the sword light filled the sky.

In the cellar, there was a continuous sound of puff puff.

Every hit of the witcher will inevitably pierce the target, and with the power of the sword oil, create a series of horizontal wounds on the demon spirit.

However, it was trapped by the Moon Dust Gajaden Formation and could not be turned into an incorporeal body. The speed and reaction were not as fast as the enemy who had drunk the potion. It became a trapped beast in a cage covered with bruises and teased, and could not escape the doom of annihilation. !


Carl tapped his toes on the ground, dodging the bright yellow lantern waving to his face, and within a short while, his silver sword shook off three cold stars in a row.

From the bottom to the top, he fell into the skirt of the demon spirit, with a willow waist and a hideous face!

Its body floats in the air, its skirt swivels like a windmill, its mouth is open and hysterical wailing, the basement vibrates,

The sound waves containing magic power are like crazy waves, sweeping around with the demon spirit as the center.

The gravel is falling!

Carl swayed, and the black mask covering his body burst instantly, but he resisted the sound wave attack for him!

He moved like a rabbit in an instant, and the long sword that stood obliquely in front of his abdomen was like a plough ploughing the field, piercing its left eye with a cold light.

Just give it a super hit.


Suddenly, a strong wind hit the back of his head.

In the darkness of the cellar, the second demon spirit with fangs and claws was thrown out!

The witcher turned pale in shock, immediately jumped to the left, and hid behind the marble round table, but was still a step too late, Kun's magic shield was shattered by the dagger, and the golden light scattered into Wukong.

At the same time, the situation was reversed, and the bruised and bruised demon spirits roared and roared from the left and the right!

Although Carl expected that the battle would not be easy, his lack of experience still caught him off guard.

The injured demon attacked his lower plate with a dagger. Carl jumped up in time to save his knee. The newcomer waved a yellow lantern and smashed a series of sparks on the marble table, swiping the back of his right hand.

In an instant, the skin opened and the flesh was drenched in blood, Carl's mouth was in severe pain, and the silver sword almost came out of his hand.

Fortunately, he has gone through countless times of life-and-death devil training in the Brotherhood, and his endurance is amazing.

He swiftly bent backwards, made a graceful, extremely standard iron plate bridge, avoided the left and right pincers, and let go of his arms!

The blade draws a semicircle.

The demon spirit on the left wailed sharply, a corrosive wound appeared on the wrist, and the sword in the abdomen on the right screamed louder.

Karl drew the seal of Alder with his finger, hit the demon spirit on the left, and knocked it back.

The seriously injured demon spirit took the opportunity to launch a frantic slash, hitting the witcher's left waist and drawing a white mark on the leather armor reinforced with dragon scales.

Carl just snorted, turned his toes, flashed out of its attack range, and turned to its side. At the same time, the silver sword in his right hand hit the back of the demon spirit, and beat the water dog, stabbing the second sword!


A fiery snake swam through the void, and the enchanted blade ignited with flames, penetrating from the back of the demon spirit to the front of the chest.

Its shape changed, and layers of illusory outlines appeared. It seemed to want to split, but the oil was exhausted, and it screamed of relief in vain. Facial slumps.

Its body seems to have been decayed for thousands of years, weathered into slag, leaving only a pool of emerald green evil spirit dust on the ground.

Carl panted like a cow, his body was like a pendulum clock, his waist was like a spring, and he rushed to the other side of the demon spirit that was divided into three!

Silver swords, French seals, silver pots, bombarded indiscriminately!

"Did you hear? The battle is quite intense, can the master really do it alone?" Daisy gritted her silver teeth and looked at the dark cellar worriedly, "Are you sure you won't help?"

"Don't worry, he's not a fool. He needs support. He has already spoken. If he doesn't say it, then it can be solved." Arkham's eyes are firm and confident.

The voice just fell.

The continuous fighting in the cellar suddenly stopped, and the four of them didn't dare to breathe and tighten their bodies, clenching their torches and weapons.

Exactly ten minutes later.

A pair of twinkling eyes quickly rose along the stairs.

A handsome face full of jet-black blood vessels appeared, but at this moment, the body was covered with mud and dust, and sweat dripped down his chin.

Carl seemed to have been sleepless for three days and three nights, his spirit was lethargic, his face was pale, and there was a thin blood on the side of his face.

It's obviously been a tough fight.

Dino, Bruzzi, and Daisy were stunned for a moment when they saw this, and then showed bright smiles.


"It took me a lot of work, but I finally fulfilled my mission, and the night demon was solved," Carl wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled, "The cellar is temporarily safe!"

Arkham breathed a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of which, the information of the three is seriously wrong!" Carl turned around, frowned, pulled out a bottle of swallows with a grin and poured it on the back of his bloody hand, "There are two demon spirits hidden in it, not one, if it weren't for me Be fully prepared and will definitely explain it inside!"

"Ah! I'm sorry, Master Karl," the priestess and the two big men looked flustered, and bowed hurriedly to apologize. "Please forgive our unintentional mistakes!"

Carl was lying on the top of the stairs, stared at the three of them for a while, turned to Arkham, who was angry, and shook his head, "Forget it this time, now, hurry up and get some shovels down to help!"

"What do you want?"

"I did a rough search of the cellar just now, but I didn't find the source of the birth of the demon spirits at night. They are likely to be buried underground. They must be dug up immediately and disposed of to avoid future troubles. We are busy tonight. !"