The Divine Hunter

Chapter 594: Angulan


Strange to say, as soon as Arkham left the room, the dozen or so boys and girls in the snow-colored courtyard whispered as if they had seen some kind of beast. All of a sudden, there was no sound, and before he could speak, they were like a group of frightened kittens, scrambling to get ahead. rushed into the dormitory.


The solid pine door slams against the frame, slams shut, and locks.

A few pairs of timid eyes flickered at the window.

Arkham, who was beside the statue of Rebiwanda, bared his teeth, and touched his young and handsome face with a black line. He had never been so feared and disliked along the way.

He walked to the window in disbelief, took out a few pieces of dried pork from the dark pocket at his waist and greeted the children, their reaction was even more intense, a few pairs of eyes shrunk into the darkness in horror, and even held their breath.

"what's the situation?"

The witcher turned darkly, his eyes lit up.

In the shack where the horses were placed not far away, a girl seemed to be separated from her companions, squatting silently behind the brown horse's big head, as if she was playing hide-and-seek with the witcher.

Not knowing that Wilt betrayed her, the fluffy tail fluttered like a propeller, sending signals to Arkham—

There's a little brat hiding here!

Arkham sneaked silently on tiptoe, stood beside the wooden barrel filled with water, and looked at the side of the horse's neck.

She was about fifteen years old. Her slender figure was covered by a grey, patched cotton jacket. She was half a head shorter than Arkham, about 1.6 meters. A green hairband goes around her forehead, adding a third of her heroic air.

Her facial features are exquisite, her eyes are beautiful dark brown, the bridge of her nose is upturned, and her thin lips are neither large nor small. She is eight-point similar to Sister Fargar (Ciri) in Arkhamtom's memory, except for the outline of her face. Brighter, more mature temperament, less delicate skin.

Arkham thought, Falgar, probably in the Skellige Islands, receiving the careful guidance of Lady Yennefer and Master Roy.

The girl didn't seem to notice the movement in the yard, and she blew rhythmically at the horse's nose, stroking the mane softly.

Wilt snorted irritably and shook his head. If it hadn't been specially trained by Master Roy to be sensitive to threats, he would have kicked the naughty little girl away earlier.

Arkham raised his eyebrows,


When she looked up, her innocent and beautiful face stiffened.


In the exclamation, she blocked her right hand in front of her chest like lightning, and her left hand reached into her left boot to hold a half burning stick? The body huddled into a ball in a defensive stance.

Arkham's face turned even darker, and only a peasant who was thrown down by a water ghost would show such a terrified expression.

Am I that scary

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, and I won't hurt you," he briefly tidied up the short hair in front of his forehead, his collar and cuffs, barely smiled and reached out to hand a piece of jerky, "I carry a piece of jerky with kindness. Come here, just want to make friends."

The girl stared at him up and down with wide eyes for half a minute, especially on the young face and flat stomach for a long time, confirmed a certain situation, and asked coldly,

"Who are you?!"

"A kind-hearted witcher Arkhamtom, in order to help you poor children, eradicate the dormant monsters for free for the temple!"

"Witcher, don't call me little girl, I have a name, An Gulan! You speak so powerfully, have you dealt with the monster that was screaming at night?"

The girl spoke, her almond-like brown pupils looking eagerly at the slightly fragrant jerky on the witcher's hands, but she licked her lips, suppressed her desire, and forced herself to look away.

"From today, you can sleep peacefully. This is my gift to all the children in the temple. Are you satisfied?"

An Gulan didn't answer, and continued to squat there, puffing out his cheeks like a squirrel, puffing his mouth and blowing at the horse's nose.

Poor little brat!

Arkham complained in his heart, stuffed the jerky into his mouth, deliberately making a loud chewing noise,

" smells good..."

"What are you doing to Wilt...?"

She swallowed her saliva, widened her eyes, and said seriously,

"Haven't you heard the old saying, blow on a horse's nostrils, and it will be loyal to you all its life, but you must get close and be patient and meticulous to gain its trust!"

"Where did you hear that strange horsemanship?"

The corners of Arkham's mouth are slightly curved, this girl is quite interesting, at least more interesting than those cowards who hide their heads and show their tails.

"Master Roy's mount is loyal and will never be bought off! Wilt, will you be a traitor?"


Wilt pursed his thick lips, revealing a row of big white teeth, rustling between his teeth, sprayed the girl's face with saliva, and then turned his head in disdain, obviously wanting to distance himself from the relationship.

Angulan wiped his saliva expressionlessly, still insisting on blowing, and Arkham even heard her blow a pleasant whistle.

"Stop! Stop harassing it! It's all in vain, even if you somehow gain Wilt's allegiance, what can you do?"

She didn't say a word.

Arkham looked at her quietly, sighed after five seconds, and reluctantly changed the question, "Why are your companions so afraid of me?"

An Gulan pursed his lips and hesitated for a while, then suddenly said in a vicious voice,

"Have you never looked in the mirror? Amber striped eyes, ears and nose that can stab people to death, how can it not be scary!"

What an irritable girl who just opens her mouth!

Arkham's mouth twitched, "Why aren't you afraid of me and run away?"

"I'm scared to death!" The girl's thin lips trembled, obviously blaming the person in front of her, but her eyes suddenly turned to the empty space, her voice was indistinguishable, "But your legs are so long, you have weapons, and your eyes are so long. like a cat!"

Arkham initially thought she was talking nonsense, but after listening to it, she felt that there was something in her words,

"You still have... a dog-like nose, sharp teeth and claws, and can run faster than a galloping horse. Can I escape? Where can I escape?"

She whispered nervously, her eyes were red, she sniffed sharply, and rubbed her eyes.

"Why don't you put three heads and six arms on me!? To tell the truth, don't you just want to ride Wilt out of the temple? Is there anything in here that scares you?" Arkham asked in a low voice.

An Gulan continued to blow on deaf ears.

The witcher is not discouraged, he has already mastered a little skill in dealing with this strange girl, and took out the puppet in his arms and shook it in front of her to change the subject, "Have you seen it?"

The girl reacted instantly, grabbed it in the palm of her hand, clasped it tightly, and stared at it for a full minute.

For a moment, this tender and delicate little face revealed an extremely suppressed grief and guilt, as if repenting for an unbearable past.

But in a short while, her expression returned to calm,

"I don't know, the temple is very poor and has no money to buy toys!"


The witcher's words shook her body,

"Forgot to tell you, the puppet was found from a corpse!" Arkham kept his eyes on the girl's expression, lowered his voice, and made sure that outsiders couldn't hear, "She was buried under the cellar, and she was not yet dead. Twelve years old."

"In addition to this, we also found the body of another girl of the same age!"

"The two of them walked very painfully. A large cat brutally ripped their skin and bones to pieces, and a terrifying spider spit out cobwebs to entangle them, and slowly sucked their flesh and blood like a mosquito sucking blood!"

"They were tortured and died with hatred, and the ghosts lingered in the temple, looking for the murderer!"


An Gulan's face became even paler, she stopped breathing, and squeezed the puppet tightly with her knuckles white.

"Priest Daisy claimed that he didn't know the two dead, and that he had never seen a big cat or a big spider that broke into the temple. Everything was a tragedy during the management of the previous priest."

"They've only been here for half a year. You've been in the temple longer. You should know the truth. Is that so?"

"You answer honestly, help me find the murderer, and the soul of the deceased will rest in peace!"

An Gulan raised his hands around the horse's neck without a word, lowered his face, his body trembled slightly, as if he was enduring some kind of flooding emotion.

Her unexpected move allowed Arkham to see a mesh black tattoo on her wrist and a row of slender chelicerae.

A line of black generic text was written in a corner of the net, and this time he read it completely—

blakat …grayba

Black Greba.

Arkham was stunned for a moment. Priestess Daisy also has this tattoo on her back. What special meaning does it have

"Angulan, what's the matter with the pattern on your hand?"

The girl covered her sleeves like an electric shock,

"You dare not answer? Who threatens you? Say it, I just want to help you."

"Bah!" She suddenly put her hands on her hips, spit on the ground, growled hysterically, her eyes flashing with anger, "Help me? When I'm a three-year-old child! We are not relatives, so why help me? I've seen too many hypocrites, shameless scum, and perverts with bad intentions!"

"No one can be trusted!" she said viciously like a wounded hedgehog. "Go away! Don't try to fool me!"

Arkham frowned, he didn't understand why the girl was so sensitive and irritable.

He put away the cynicism on his face and said frankly,

"Why help you? Do you think I like to meddle? Not because you look a lot like my friend!"

"Her hair is silver-gray, her eyes are green like spring when all things sprout, she's not as unlucky as you, trapped in a icy temple, unable to eat enough, not warm enough to wear—" He turned and glanced at him The room where the priestess was.

"She used to live in a suburban school in Novigrad, where everyone lived in harmony, helped each other, could read, read, and play. Falgar was my good friend, and you are so similar to her, if I If you sit back and ignore you, you will definitely be blamed by her in the future."

Arkham grinned with a hearty smile,

"What's more, according to what we witchers say, the encounter between people is also a kind of destiny. The goddess of fate asked me to solve your problems!"

"If you help me find the monster, I swear to get you and your friends out of trouble, and no one can threaten you or hurt you!"

The girl took a deep breath and moved her lips, but her facial features suddenly became stiff and sluggish, and her pupils slightly expanded.

"No, what Ms. Daisy said is absolutely true. There have never been any lynx or spiders in the temple. I have never seen them!"

"Angulan!" Arkham looked directly at the twinkling eyes of the girl behind the horse,

long silence.

"Stop stalking, I said I don't know!" The manic girl's chest thumped rapidly, her white cheeks flushed red, and she threw the puppet at the witcher's feet, "Why don't you ask it with so many questions? !"

After roaring, she patted the horse's neck reluctantly, rushed out of the horse pen, and after leaving a row of small footprints in the snow, she knocked on the door of the dormitory.

Arkham and Werther looked at each other for a while, then picked up the dirty puppet thoughtfully. Behind him, the bald man Bruzi came quietly, moved his nose and made a sniffing motion, showing a look of disgust. The expression of fear, and soon squeezed out a stiff smile.