The Divine Hunter

Chapter 598: Hands on


When the two made up their minds, it was late at night with the stars and moon bleak, and in a few hours, they would be able to enjoy the beautiful sunrise over the Povis Wilderness.

They were worried that the "fat pig" in Pamela's record would arrive too soon, so they gave up the rest of meditation, and ran wildly on horseback with the two remains in the starry night.

Along the way, the horse dragged a pine branch behind it, sweeping away the continuous hoof prints in the snow.

They ran from the bright moon to the sky, a touch of fish belly white appeared, and the dawn was rising.

He stopped in the woods ten miles away from the Temple of Lebiunda and dismounted.

"There is a lycanthrope among the two cursed people, and his sense of smell is extraordinary. We have to rely on the past to do a great job. First, we must eliminate body odor and avoid scaring snakes!"

"Apply the deodorant powder all over your body, and don't even let your little brother go!"

Carl poured out the light yellow powder from a snake neck bottle, rubbed it in the palm of his hand, and then quickly smeared the face, hands, and all parts of the skin, including the leather armor and weapons.

Scorpion and Werther were not spared either, and their shiny fur turned a coquettish pale yellow. The two pairs of dark eyes were full of resentment.

"Is this thing any good?"

Arkham questioned, but he moved his hands slowly, wiping his armpits and crotch, in a comical gesture, like a lunatic taking a shower in a cold winter field morning.

"The product produced by Master Kalkstein must be a high-quality product. The deodorant powder is combined with Quinn and Helios' seals. It has triple protection. The dog's nose is in front of us, and it can't smell anything!"

After he finished speaking, Carl cautiously led the mount into the dense kale bushes, and directed at the two big heads in turn to calm the gods and cover them with bushes.

To deal with the priest of the god of evil omens, this preparation is naturally insufficient.

The two of them checked the various materials on their bodies. The two of them went thousands of miles away to practice alone. It was the first time among all the apprentices. It was absolutely valued by the Brotherhood. The ordinary potions, life Potions, magic potions, alchemy bombs, cloaks of silence, you name it.

In order to ensure that the trip was foolproof and the two little cubs would not be killed by a powerful enemy in the middle, the Demon Hunter Grandmaster had even invested the most high-end potion for the two of them—a high-level vampire decoction rippling with blood.

And a new generation of incredibly powerful clay bombs.

Without the support of all these strong resources, even if Arkham had a strong sense of justice, he would not impulsively fight an uncertain battle.

But the greatest sense of security for the two comes from another killer -

Calrely took out a fingernail-sized, multi-colored prismatic crystal from his saddlebag.

He held up the crystal and looked at it in the morning light. A drop of dark red blood was spinning in the crystal. It was like life, reflecting a deadly and dreamy color.

"Put it away and crush it when you live or die."

Carl shoved the crystal into Arkham's arms.

"you take."

"Then I am a striker?!"


The morning breeze blew through the snow-capped woodland, and a plump white hare poked its head out of the silver-grey edelweiss and looked carefully.

Confirming that the natural enemy was not nearby, the three-petaled mouth started to move.


Suddenly a gust of wind swept past from behind.

It also thought that the natural enemy was attacking, and pricked up his ears stiffly, and turned to look at it.

Nothing, no sound, no smell, just two hazy lines of marks on the snow.

out of its sight.

Two cheetah-like figures are galloping fast.

Unimpeded all the way, the two rushed to a stop under a huge pine tree 100 meters away from the temple.

The two nights never closed their eyes, and the chariots and horses had been rushing for a long time. Even with their mutated inhuman physique, they felt a little tired.

But the burning fighting spirit suppressed all discomfort.

Arkham leaned against the rough trunk of the pine tree, his pupils peering through the gap in the forest.

On the open space outside the temple fence, three ornate carriages, all in black, decorated with golden roses, and hung with light purple silk curtains, were parked impressively.

At the gate of the courtyard, Bruzi, a giant man in a thick padded jacket and a woolen hat, with his hands around his chest, and his back against the carriage, kept a whistle.

He yawned lazily, his wide eyes opened and closed, flashing a cold light from time to time, like a lion taking a nap after a meal.

But the witcher's preparations worked, and he didn't even notice the distant peepers.

As for the other guard Dino, the priest Daisy, the orphans, and the group of people who got on and off the carriage, it was probably in a certain room.

"Repeat the plan again." Carl patted the shoulder of the guy next to him. Arkham's red and green face tightened. Due to excitement and tension, his body kept shivering, and the tips of his ears twitched.

No amount of rhetoric can hide the fact that he is a rookie.

He lowered his voice and repeated in a trembling tone, "Sneak in, take Priestess Daisy as a hostage, and force her to remove the mark of the god of bad omens on the orphans... Dude, we're late, hurry up!"

"Be calm! Five minutes later, I will create a riot and attract Bruzi's attention for you. There is only one chance, you must seize it, brother!"

Both hands clasped tightly.

Draw your sword and apply double sword oil.

boo boo…


All kinds of potions were taken.

The golden light and the jet-black magic shield flickered on the leather armor.

The witcher soldiers with black blood vessels on their faces were divided into two groups. Arkham went around the back of the temple, while Karl held his breath, like a cat hiding in the grass, with his toes on his toes, slowly heading towards the temple. Entrance sneak.

When Karl lurked ten meters in front of the carriage.

Arkham jumped lightly over the backyard fence, his ears and nose moved, and went to the window behind the dormitory to observe.

The scene in front of him took him by surprise.

A dozen or so thin children huddled together in the room, looking in a trance, spinning slowly in circles, their lips wriggling and chanting a strange prayer.

"The thread of fate is woven into a web in the ancient gaze... Pain and torture make it strong... Doom and death are driven by it... Your might, called impermanence..."

Arkham felt restless after hearing a few words vaguely, and began to lose his mind inexplicably.

What worries him even more is that this group of people exudes a black ripple that is almost visible to the naked eye, like some kind of radiation, ripples on the lake surface, which stimulates the chaotic energy in the air to fluctuate in disorder.

The pendant against the skin of Arkham's chest vibrated wildly, like a bird struggling in a snare.

"What's the purpose of Daisy?"

Angouran and the other children were not inside, Arkham left quietly, and crept to the back of the prayer room next to him.

The dull growl, the rapid gasping, and the screaming of pain grew louder and louder in his ears.

Through the window fence, under the candlelight in a circle, five thin figures were lying down on the bright red carpet and in the chairs, their limbs stretched weakly, their eyes blank, and their expressions pale and numb.

Like puppets who have lost their souls, only a trace of struggle and pain passing through their empty eyes from time to time proves that they are still alive.

In sharp contrast in the hall are several other middle-aged men with bloated bodies and thick body hair.

Their words and deeds were unsightly, and in the dim light, they seemed like a group of demons and monsters who were opening a feast.

Beside the altar in the corner, a bald man held down An Gulan, pinched her neck from behind with both hands, and pressed her cheeks to the ground, watching her struggling and beating like a fish out of water.

The man's twisted face had an excited grin and cursed in his mouth.

"Dead girl!"

"Shout, you shout to me!"

Priest Daisy, the administrator of the temple, stood immaculately at the entrance to the prayer room, watching the horrific atrocity in silence.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Arkham was very familiar with this, and every time he made progress in his daily training, Mr. Cohen smiled.

He quietly gripped the hilt of the sword behind him.

Hurry up, Carl!


a sudden loud noise,

There was a deafening explosion from the entrance of the temple, and the flames shot into the sky.

An ornate carriage was on fire, and raging flames licked the frame.

The dark horse pulling the cart neighed, panicked and dragged the surging fire waves, knocked down the fence wall, and rushed into the courtyard. The gatekeeper, Bruzao, swiftly jumped sideways like a big cat, avoiding the death collision.

And the carriage slammed into the statue of Rebiwanda in the center and overturned into the snow.

The wanton flames illuminated the bald-headed man's hideous face, and turned to the instigator not far away—the witcher hiding behind the second carriage, provoking him five meters away, and hooked at him.

Disdain and contempt were condensed on his face.

The man was furious, grinned his sharp white teeth, and suddenly threw himself at him, as vigorous as a lion.

A jump is five meters.

When he was in mid-air, he had already completed his transformation, turning into a fangs and claws, a head as big as a lion, a four-legged human body, and a strong monster two meters tall.

The moment it hits the ground.

Carl Lightning flint jumped aside and jumped far away, turning his sword in one hand and holding an alchemy bomb in the other.

The witcher and the cursed lion face each other, the size difference between a child and an adult.

But he was unmoved, calmly observing its weakness.

Its hair was disheveled, its bloodshot eyes gleamed with brutality, a bloody mouth full of poisonous fangs, and the barbs on its tongue stood up.

"Witcher, we have already spared you once, why did you come back?!"

"Heaven has a way, you don't want to go! I'll make it happen for you!"

Everyone in the prayer room was stunned by the explosion.

All actions are one stop.

And Arkham didn't hesitate, he pushed out Alder with his left hand and smashed the wooden window.

He jumped up, got into the house, took three steps forward, turned the sword in his hand half a circle, like a knife cutting tofu, mercilessly slashed the back of the necks of the two men, and severed the cervical vertebrae.

Blood gushed like a spring, their eyes widened, their throats murmured, and they poured weakly into the pool of blood.

Most of the people were still in the shock of the explosion and did not recover.

Only An Gulan turned around and saw a back.

Arkham's tensed body rushed towards the priestess at the door.

The bloody silver sword slashed the air.

Shouting in anger.

Suddenly behind the priestess, a huge claw poked out, and slapped the witcher's silver sword.

The second lion-man jumped into the house and charged at Arkham!