The Divine Hunter

Chapter 6: New skills and upgrades


The calm days passed like water, and nearly a month passed. The busy work of the butcher apprentice and the nightly Quint game in the tavern were carried out in an orderly manner. Roy gradually gained a firm foothold in this familiar and unfamiliar small village. .

A month later he had saved up 60 crowns, most of it from the old captain Jack and the blacksmith Pusig. This amount of money is enough to pay for the travel expenses to big cities such as Vangerborg, but the two have already taken precautions against him, and they will easily not play Quint with him, and the windfall has won the end.

During this time, Roy often talked to the blacksmith Pusig in his hometown, Skellige, and deliberately pulled together, and then spent fifty crowns to purchase a dagger, and a pair of daggers from him in the name of self-defense. Pocket Hand Crossbow - Gabriel, named after Verdon's forge, is a small grey crossbow that can be held in one hand and comes with twenty wooden bolts.

Another Aden local blacksmith would not sell Gabriel to a half-sized boy at all, but in the simple concept of Pusig, who grew up outstandingly in Skelly, in the chaotic world, boys should prepare some self-defense weapons from an early age. Children under the age of ten on the archipelago began to dance with knives and swords, not to mention Roy's appetite for him.

Different from the crossbow that can be found casually in the game, the power of the hand crossbow in the real world is huge. Although this Gabriel has an old structure, short range and slow arrow loading, it is easy to operate and does not require much shooting skills. Children and old people with little strength, as long as they hold them firmly and shoot accurately, they can also cause damage to elite soldiers.

For a teenager like Roy, whose physical attributes are lower than that of adults and has no combat skills, the hand crossbow is undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice. It is more suitable than melee weapons. His 5-point perception attribute is not weaker than that of adults. The field of view is also wide enough.

Roy put the dagger and this big killer into the space.

This storage space is extremely convenient, except that it cannot be loaded with living things, there is only a volume limit for the loaded objects. Every time he only needs to move his mind, he can collect the items in an instant.

In the early morning, the dewdrops covered the chaotic weeds along the small roads in the village. Roy waved and greeted a villager who was out for farming, but most of the villagers ignored him.

In the hearts of traditional Kaye villagers, farmers' children should inherit their father's business. He cultivated his own crops honestly, but Roy learned the technique of slaughtering cattle and sheep from the butcher, hanging out at the tavern at night, and making friends with the barbarians who immigrated from the Skellige Islands.

The combination of various behaviors will inevitably attract criticism and jealousy from others.

With the original Roy, he would probably be said to be autistic, but now he doesn't care too much.

According to his plan, after leveling up, in his spare time as an apprentice, he would bring a crossbow and weapons and start exploring the wilderness outside the village, hunting small animals, and by the way, selling their flesh for some crowns.

In the remote countryside, there is no so-called hunting right.

After the level has risen a few levels, he has a certain amount of self-protection and saves some money. He will find a way to take Old Moore and Susie to leave Kaye and settle in Novigrad. After he has properly settled his parents, he can Feel free to chase power and explore this fantasy world.

He has a lot of information in his head:

The wizarding academy of Arethusa, which specializes in training sorcerers, is located on the Isle of Sinid in the territory of Goss Wellen, and the wizarding academy of Ban Arder, which only accepts male apprentices, is located in the kingdom of Kaedwen. The secret of the wolf-sect witcher Base Kyle Morhan is hidden in the blue mountains east of Kaldwin, where old Vesemir lives...

These are all on the schedule and will come true sooner or later

Today he's taking one small step in his journey - just kill one more animal and he'll level up!

After a month of the butcher's scolding guidance, and the work mixed with blood and sweat, the attributes in the template have quietly changed a little:


Age: 13 years and 8 months

Status: civilian

Health: 41

Strength: 4→4.2

Agility: 5→5.1

Constitution: 4→4.1

Perception: 5

Will: 4→4.5

Charisma: 5

Spirit: 6

You unlock a new skill:

Unnamed (passive) LV1:

(You killed and decomposed more than four and fifteen animals with your own hands, and your body was stained with an irresistible bloody smell: the hostile creatures that attacked you entered the range of you late (0.3 meters), and There is a 1% chance of being stunned by breath. If the will attribute is lower than yours, you will temporarily lose body control for up to 1 second.

You have a certain understanding of the body structure of mammals such as pigs, cattle, sheep, and wild dogs, and know how to properly exert force, use weapons, and skillfully bypass their skin, muscles and bones to attack weak points. Your damage to animals with similar body structure is permanently increased by 1%.

Note: This skill will level up with the type and number of creatures you kill. )

Storage space: 1 cubic

Other: unknown

Experience Points: 98/100

After a month of high-intensity exercise and sufficient oil and water, Roy's strength, physique, and agility have been improved. His delicate face is no longer pale under the black hair, and he has brought a healthy rosy appearance. His body is obviously stronger than a month ago. , Although he still looks thin, he will no longer give the weak feeling of being blown away by the wind.

Among several attributes, willpower is the most improved... No matter who it is, after working in a bloody, dirty and smelly environment for a month, after vomiting enough, the nerves will become hard.

The newly added passive skills... Roy felt a bit of evil from it. Although the current skill probability and damage increase are only 1%, it is better than nothing, but don't forget that it is only level 1. It can be enhanced by killing, or by using skill points after the personal level is increased.

Obtained under the guidance of the butcher, and upgraded through continuous killing, then this skill is named - Roy's mind moves, and the words "unnamed" in the skill become "slaughter".

Halfway through, Roy bumped into Brandon who was rushing over like a little squirrel.

I don't know if this little chubby has a special talent in magic tricks. In just one month, he learned all the tricks he had found on the Internet before: magical prophecy, catching grass in the air, threading cloth with a fork...

Roy doesn't know if Brandon is suitable to be a bard, but this guy must be suitable to be a juggler.

I have been pestered for a month, my promise has already been fulfilled, and I have no patience to accompany him any more.

"I've told you so many times that I've finished teaching what I have to teach, so let me go, little slug!"

The chubby round eyes were full of curiosity, "Then come and appreciate my improved trick, the future bard will definitely be popular in the entire Caye, no, the entire Lower Posada!"

"I'm not interested, I still have to work!"

"I'll give you some greasy oil, Fletcher made it yesterday." Brandon's chubby face showed a pleasing smile. Since childhood, this pampered little fat man has never been so begging.

But this time he fell in love with magic tricks, with a passion he had never seen before.

"Then show him the show," Roy said firmly. "If you don't find your little followers, Mindy and the others would love to cheer you on and applaud you."

"I dare to find Dad? He still doesn't beat my ass." Brandon took his hand and said reluctantly, "I can't always act for those stalkers, it's too childish! If you don't have a good opinion, count you as the most skilled."

"Forget me, please!" Roy stared into his eyes and intensified his tone. "I have work and other urgent matters. Can you give me some space? I'll play with you tomorrow."

Brandon was startled for a moment, and suddenly lowered his head quietly.

Roy got rid of the slug and went to the butcher's house. At a glance, he saw that the two were fighting a big white pig in the yard. Fletcher grabbed the pig's head and the villagers pulled the tail. .

Roy quickly stepped forward to help the two hold the white pig down, and it stopped completely when Fletcher gave the pig anesthesia.

Fletcher sat on the pig's back, not too dirty, the flesh on his face trembled, and seemed to ask casually, "Roy, did you see that stinky brat in Brandon just now?"

"Well... he went to some kids to show off his magic."

"After killing this pig in a while, you can help me call him back, and the little bastard will have to wait in vain." Fletcher touched his nose and whispered, "But just now I scolded this stinky boy a little bit. Ruthless, I'm afraid he'll run away sadly."

Roy secretly complained that this was another hard-mouthed and soft-hearted guy, and agreed to his request.

With the help of Fletcher, he skillfully killed the big fat pig with one knife. When the blood was almost discharged, the experience value rose to 100% smoothly. At this moment, Roy felt the whole template shake extremely weakly, so he made an excuse , I found a secluded place to sit down.

A "+" sign appears behind the light green experience bar of the personal template.

When his mind focused on the "+" sign, a new line of text appeared in the template: Level 1 (3/500)

At the same time, a faint warm current, like the legendary internal power, true qi, and chaotic energy, circulated along the whole body.

After each attribute and the skill "Slaughter", a clear "+" sign appeared.

Gain 1 attribute point and 1 skill point.

Roy suppressed his excitement and carefully studied his attributes.

Strength 4.2, physical strength 4.1, and willpower 4.5 are all weaker than adults. Even if you add a little bit, there is no advantage. As long as you continue to do this job and let your body develop naturally, the three attributes will increase, and you can't use precious attribute points.

As for the charm attribute, he has no interest in becoming a little white face, and he will leave it behind for the time being.

His focus is on the three attributes of spirit, perception, and agility.

His three attributes are no less than adults. Especially when his spirit has reached 6 points, when the attribute points are scarce, he agrees to expand his own advantages, rather than developing it into a panacea.

However, at present, Roy does not master any spells, nor does he have the opportunity to contact the spell-like witcher's seal, so the mental attributes that affect the power of spells will not be considered for the time being.

Perception and agility.

Agility can improve his reaction speed and improve his dynamic vision, which will be very helpful for Gabriel with the hand crossbow. Very helpful for his future plans.

Perception can make him feel everything around him more clearly. It can not only be used for defense, predict crises, but also optimize observation and vision. It can also be used with hand crossbows.

After Roy thought about it,

"Perception, it's up to you!"

Thinking of this, the 5 behind the attribute jumped slightly into a 6. At the same time, a more violent heat flow slid across the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, skin, and between the eyebrows.

In an instant, he entered a wonderful state, the world in front of him suddenly came alive, and a faint smell of blood came from the butcher's yard in his nose; he looked into the grass, and he could clearly see the leaves hanging on the leaves. Dew drops on his face, brightly colored ladybugs; a warm, soft air swept across his fingertips and swept in the direction in front of him.

Everything becomes more alive and wonderful.

Roy was intoxicated in this strange state, and after a long time he came back to his senses, and added skill points to the newly unlocked skills, Slaughter lv1 → Slaughter lv2.

In the 1st level span, the damage increase and the shock probability have actually increased by a large margin, jumping from 1% to 5%, but the body has not changed significantly.

Roy was overjoyed and more confident about the next plan.