The Divine Hunter

Chapter 600: Show up



Carl pushed out Alder, and the weird man who was rushing like a spider in front of him was knocked five meters away, but he fell to the ground and immediately jumped like a fish on his belly, then got up and jumped again.

At the same time, outside the door of the dormitory, the wolves hunted by the twelve spidermen spread out like dexterously, attacking the witcher from different directions.

The blue veins on their faces were abrupt, and the black energy lingered around their bodies, and their frail bodies burst out uncharacteristically with a speed and strength that surpassed that of adults.

Their hands and feet are arched, their heads and backs are turned down, their eyeballs are blinking between pitch black and pale, and in a curious posture similar to an iron bridge, they sprint with their hands and feet on the ground, at a speed no less than a galloping horse, while running, While uttering a vague incantation like a prayer.

Carl's face became extremely ugly.

As the potion's potency faded, the tiredness that had not closed his eyes for two days flooded in, and his body became weak.

And he couldn't do anything to kill the runaway orphans. .

The silver sword in his hand had already been put back into the scabbard, and he swung the sword with the scabbard, smashing a spider man with short black hair, and using his gloved left fist to repel an attacker, he kicked the attack and kicked him. He got up off the ground, snarled and fell to the fence, baring his teeth.

The witcher let out a loud roar and jumped over the gap between the two spidermen with all his strength.

Rolling on the ground, he picked up the pine branches on the ground, and while running to the prayer room, he swung it left and right.

It was only ten meters from the stone carving to the gate, but it was as long as a year. The spider men on both sides leaped one after another. Carl managed to knock down five heads with a stick. Two of them hit his back, and one hugged his shoulders. One wrapped around the thigh.

The jaw-dropping force from all over made him numb and fall forward, burying his face in the icy snow.

Then his body lost control, and the five-headed Spider-Man grabbed his limbs and neck and lifted him up.

Let him stare at the roof.


An invisible force lifted the ceiling of the prayer room.

A huge shadow jumped out, half the size of a house. Eight chelicerae feet covered with black wolf hair and sickle-like fell on the roof in different positions, rhythmically like springs.

Several spidermen rushed out of the gate after him, and worshipped under it.

It stands on the roof overlooking.

Looking up, it looks like a tarantula magnified thousands of times. The spindle-shaped abdomen gently presses the beam of the house, and the circles of golden and green patterns gleam in the sun, but in front of it is a huge deformed lion head. , the eight eyes of different sizes in the center of the face radiate green light, like a swirling abyss vortex, just one glance makes the soul tremble and loses resistance.

A wisp of black smoke wafted and rose from all over the lion-headed spider's body, and scattered straight into the void.

It seems that there is an invisible big hand above the sky, holding the puppet wire to control the monster.

Is this the god of evil omen? Lionhead spider

Carl stared at its bloody mouth in a daze—between the two midge teeth that turned out their lips, biting a spider silk, and hanging down a white human-shaped giant cocoon.


Carl hissed!

"wake up!"

The lion-headed spider glanced at the witcher below, and quickly raised its abdomen to reveal three pairs of protruding spinners. It sprayed out a piece of semi-liquid pale silk glands at him. The silk glands immediately turned into cables when they encountered air. Thick spider silk stuck to half of his body.

The five-headed spiderman let go of the witcher's hands and feet, and crawled on the ground reverently. Carl was dragged by the spider silk and swayed to the roof.

His thighs, abdomen, chest, and head were submerged in a tidal stream of cobwebs.

Only one left hand stretched out tenaciously, and as it got close to the other giant cocoon, the five fingers outlined like lightning!


Carl shouted in his heart before being completely entangled!

The magical flames swept through the air, hitting the hanging cocoon.


The giant cocoon fell, and the upper part that was melted by the flames revealed Arkhamtom's dazed face, and his right hand holding the crystal tremblingly!

He widened his eyes as if he had just woken up from a dream, and squeezed the crystal tightly, as if he was choking his fate.

"Bah! Go to hell! Eight-legged monster!"


Prismatic crystal shattered!

A drop of fresh blood splashed out and suspended in mid-air, turning yo-yo.

Like the finest blood gemstone, it bursts with dazzling red light, attracting everyone's attention!

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Skellige, a figure sitting cross-legged woke up from meditation, and opened his eyes like liquid silver.

The lion-headed spider caught an ominous aura of fate and spewed silk toward the blood drop.

But it was too late.


The strong wind was blowing, and a square black door was cracked open in the middle of the courtyard.

The spider silk flew into it, like a mud cow into the sea, without causing any waves.


Immediately after, a swift roar came out of the dark door, spreading throughout the temple.

It is incomplete, only half out, but it contains the unstoppable mighty power that comes from the sky, the resonance of the earth's bones, and the surging power of planetary vibrations!


There was a loud noise like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the space shuddered in the roar.

All the creatures in the temple seemed to have been hit with a heavy hammer, their brains buzzing, and they froze in place.

The lion-headed spider, entrenched on the roof, also fell into a brief freeze.

Only eight pairs of eyes turned around, and it saw a figure jumping out of the portal.

Black hair, silver eyes, slender and straight body, the gray cloak behind him swirls like dragon wings, and an aura made of killing and will turns into a blood-colored flame lingering around him, like a rippling blood-colored ocean.

He stood there, silent, like a drawn sword.

Makes people dare not look directly.

The familiar face makes the lionhead spider dream back to the Vizima sewers.

It was him, Roy, the snake demon hunter, who destroyed the foundation of the God of Bad Omens.

Forcing the Sect of Bad Omens to wander and move, but after losing the safest base camp of Vizima, the situation became more and more difficult. After all, it was on the verge of death under the relentless pursuit of the northern countries.

Now reduced to the country, by coaxing war orphans and obsessed businessmen, to survive.

New hatred and old hatred flooded into my heart.

In the boundless anger, the lion-headed spider felt a trace of fear, and inspiration gave it a strong warning.

The witcher's strength is not what it used to be—

He quickly looked around, his eyes swept across a group of spidermen who were shocked by the dragon roar, and the apprentices who were tied into zongzi.

He only stayed on the lion-headed spider for half a second, and instantly grasped the current situation.

Lionhead Spider/Abigail/Daisy

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Status: Cursed, priest of the god of evil omens, lion-headed spider incarnation

Health: 400

Mana: 300



Constitution: 30

Agility: 25

Will: 20

Perception: 18

Charisma: 30

Spirit: 30


Spider-shaped body (passive curing): The curse of the God of Evil Omen is not only a gift, but also a kind of torture that goes deep into the bone marrow. It will never let the bearer of the curse easily be freed from death. The life limit is +100, and the heart is no longer the key. .

Curse lv5: The essence of the curse is the transmission and transformation of pain. As the only surviving priest of the god of evil omens, she has received the supreme favor of her faith and can freely pass her own pain into the eternal net. The lion-headed spider's mighty power transforms into bad luck, hurting and cursing his enemies, allowing misfortune to haunt him for the rest of his life.

Or consume a lot of pain power, give followers a mutation of life level, and obtain the body of a beast.

The greater the change in life strength, the greater the consumption.

The lycanthrope will be branded as a lion-headed spider, siphoned off pain in life, and sent into the web of eternity after death.

Pain Absorption lv6: Mark the person who has been tortured by fate, make him your child of pain, his tragic experience will become your nourishment, once he is crazy because of pain, the mark will be invalid.

Admonition lv5, sticky spider silk lv4, violent charm lv6


Roy's mind drilled into the experience of many years ago.

The poor priestess who manipulated the bat-winged demon and made the curse of Yada relapse, looked like a pure and pitiful white rabbit on the surface.

This is fate.

Silver-gray pupils and eight green eyes looked at each other from afar.

Destined, Abigail, priest of the god of evil omens, you cannot escape this catastrophe!

Roy outlined with five fingers, and then intertwined his hands to launch a double cross that flickered with magic power.

In an instant, a dazzling humanoid illusion jumped out of the water-blue light curtain, an ice spirit as strong as a mountain, clad in frost armor drilled out of the blue-purple door of annihilation, a lion-sized, black horny, two-tentacle mutation on the top of its head. The beetle was born from the double cross of Alzu.

As soon as they landed, the summoned creatures immediately divided into two groups, the ice spirits rushed to the immobilized spidermen and knocked them to the ground, and the phantom and the beetle rushed to the two apprentices in the spider web.

Roy reached out and grabbed it, took out the hand crossbow Gabriel from the void with his left hand, squeezed the trigger, and held a long bone sword with his right hand. the center of the head.

Lock its body and even its soul.

At this moment, a sense of absurd and unavoidable crisis surged in the Lionhead Spider's heart.

It seems that this time, no matter how it resists, it cannot escape the end of the soul.


The arrow pierced the air, the bowstring vibrated, and the witcher disappeared into the air.

The lion-headed spider suddenly stood up.

The three pairs of spinners spewed snow-colored spider silk in front of them.

Eight spider legs danced like a meat grinder, hitting the arrows that came flying.

The mouth of the blood basin opens and closes.

Broken, painful, weak, deformed!

The various curses of the God of Evil Omen overturned, and the green flames in the pupils rolled forward.

Everything happens in a hundredth of a second.


Several orange fireballs roared through the air, and Igni Fury flames like a cannonball melted the boundless spider silk.

The witcher passed through the emerald flames with the crossbow arrow, and the dark Heliotrope shield was instantly annihilated by the power of the curse.

However, the energy of the curse further touched his skin and was torn apart by an illusory tentacle, scattering all over the sky!

Its pain is insignificant compared to the witcher's strong will and physique!

Can't distort his body and soul,

Abigail turned pale in shock, and every pair of eyes rolled wildly.


The witcher's long sword was raised above his head, and he struck a vertical slash from top to bottom.

A sword glow like a scarlet ocean wave flew out of Arrondette, straddling the air, cutting the dancing spider legs like a bamboo stick!


Broken legs sprayed with blood, shaking painfully,


Roy marched on the pool of blood and stumps, and his pupils shot red light.

A huge group of wriggling tentacles rushed out from the sea of blood surging behind him, and the whole body radiated endless blood, instantly crushing the lion-headed spider on the roof, and tentacles entangled its chelicerae, abdomen, and The lion head is getting tighter and tighter.

The serrated suckers between the clumps of tentacles gnawed at the back shell of the lion-headed spider, and the black wolf was corroded and riddled with holes.

Under the struggle of the two giant beasts, the roof was crushed, collapsed and torn apart in an instant.

Dust clouds rose.

Three full seconds.

The lion-headed spider was crushed between broken bricks, tiles, and broken beams, struggling but unable to move.

The witcher stepped into the ruins and held up the sword of judgment at it.

At this moment, the ambition to revive the sect of the gods vanished... Hiding in the countryside, the helpless and sneaky priest of the evil god turned into nothing under the gaze of the Supreme.

The trembling of the soul made the lion-headed spider shiver uncontrollably and wailed mournfully.

Arrondette swung twice in a row ruthlessly.

Cross cut, vertical cut.

The lion head soared into the air.

The spider belly is divided into two.



A shrill scream erupted, and the eighteen spidermen seemed to have had their spines removed, slumped to the ground, convulsed like epilepsy, and foaming at the mouth!

And a translucent spiritual body in the corpse of the lion-headed spider was pulled out by the tentacles, and it was about to be torn apart and swallowed.


The blood-stained spider totem in the center of the courtyard emitted a bright green light.

A flash of green light caught the witcher and the "fat" in his mouth.

At the same time, the world was spinning, and Roy felt a sense of weightlessness and dizziness like passing through a portal. When he came back to his senses, the world was changed. He strangely entered a dimly lit, paint-like place from the messy Rabiunda Temple. A chaotic space with rich colors.

Countless green flames floated on the dark dome, flickering like a phosphorous fire in the middle of the night, illuminating the sticky and elastic white cobwebs under his feet, which could not be seen at a glance, as well as the thousands of thousands of cobwebs piled up everywhere. Spindle-shaped cocoon.

It was a hard mountain to climb, and he stood at the foot of it.

"The blasphemer, the soul stealer!"

An indistinguishable voice came from the depths of the spider web, resounding in the heart of the witcher.

Every note is filled with bleak malice and hysteria, like the vicious curse of a dying man.

"Welcome to my kingdom, the eternal web!"