The Divine Hunter

Chapter 605: Ciri and Elena



Skelliger whistled and the wind blew the sea, the blue waves tirelessly beat the coastline, and the splashing white foam was plated with a dazzling golden speck by the noon sun.

The thirteen-year-old girl was standing on the edge of a raised reef near the sea, holding her baby aunt who was babbling in her arms, and listened to the adventure story of the boy opposite.

The silver ponytail on the back of her head swayed playfully in the wind, and the gorgeous and warm sealskin cloak on her back also clung to her body, showing a slender and green curve.

She listened and listened, her bright little face exuded a blush of excitement, and her emerald green eyes were like a swaying sea of forest trees.

"The witcher doesn't lie to the witcher! There really is a girl who looks exactly like me at the school?!"

"I, Monty, swear by the name of the Snake Sect witcher," the young witcher boy in the heroic brown leather armor and scarlet vertical pupils patted his chest and said earnestly with a tight and delicate face, "She She looks like you're a twin, the only difference is she's older than you, her hair is bright straw, her eyes are dark brown... wait, Falgar, when did you become a witcher?!"

Monty squinted his eyes and looked up and down this beautiful and noble girl, who had nothing to do with the witcher, "Ms. Yennefer said that the ugly girl is going to be the queen of magic! You never took the grass test. Practicing!"

"Humph! I have not only received special training from witchers, but also systematically learned magic under the guidance of Yennefer and Grandma Coral," Ciri said with a tight white face and swore, "They all praised me. A little genius, in my opinion there is no conflict between the witcher queen and the magic queen!"

As she spoke, her right hand skillfully embraced her little aunt, and her left hand five commands dazzlingly waving. The air was filled with aqua blue magical aura, and the rich water element outlined a lifelike fish. The dense gills swam slowly around Monty, breathing air bubbles.

Among the four elements, the water element is the most tame, and the Skellig Islands are full of water vapor, and they are all magical meeting points.

Thanks to various conveniences, Ciri has made rapid progress in water spells in the past two years.


Splashes of water!

The fish of the elements burst open, and the witcher was stunned, but he had no choice but to wipe off the fishy smell in his mouth. .

Seeing this, Ciri laughed.

"Back to the point! What's that girl's name?"


"Interesting name! I must find a chance to have a good chat with her! If you are so similar to me, you can definitely help me!"

The girl was in a happy mood, and could not help but gently pat the swaddle in her arms—the little baby girl with her green eyes narrowed into a slit, braided with horns, and carved with pink and jade thought that the big niece was teasing her, and her chubby little hands grabbed it. One of the girl's slender fingers was stuffed into her mouth and sucked, making a rattling sound.

Monty followed her movements and couldn't help but laugh for a while.

On this trip to Skellige, he learned that Falgar had inexplicably added a prominent grandmother and a young aunt. When they first met, everyone thought that Falgar married and had children at a young age. She blushed with amusement.

"Don't laugh!" Seeing this, Ciri glared at him, puffed out her small chest, and pretended to be a fox, "You and I are the same generation, and Elena is my lovely elder—"

She squeezed the baby girl's chubby face softly, and the little guy giggled like a little white flower watered by the drizzle,

"She is also your elder, you should have the most basic respect for her, and call your aunt to listen! Quick!"

"You must understand, Elene is still your teacher's accidental daughter! She is also the blood of a lioness, born to master the energy of chaos, time and space, making the witcher's pendant tremble... uh, in short, she was born Just holding a golden spoon! Call her auntie, you won't suffer!"

Monty's face stiffened, he touched his nose in embarrassment, and turned to ask for help—

Charnem, Lloyd, and the rest of the little witchers sat statuesquely on the shore reef, in a fishing competition with the megalomaniac Harna and the little puffin Kerris.

But it is a pity that the witcher's skills are completely useless at the moment, they were beaten to the ground, and all the harvests in the fish baskets combined are not as good as Keris alone.

I can't take care of myself, how can you save me

Monty blushed and shook his head, and decided to turn against the guest, "Then... what is your grandmother doing? Just throwing the child to you."

"Grandma she—"

The girl paused, hugged the little aunt in her arms tightly, pursed her lips, and rippled in her green eyes.

Since her youngest daughter, Elene, turned one year old, Calanthe's main focus has shifted to future strategy.

The ceasefire agreement between Nilfgaard and the North continued, and the Black Armor retreated to the south bank of the Yaruga River.

However, the smoke of gunpowder has not stopped all over the north, and the group of inhuman races attacked the caravan of human beings like crazy, which led to the frequency of small-scale conflicts and deaths in the north far exceeding the peaceful times.

According to Calanser, the entire north is like a sleeping volcano, waiting for meteorites to fall from the sky before erupting again!

When the war restarts, the Queen of Sintra will fish in troubled waters with King Bran of the Archipelago, and send dragon boats to attack the coastline of Nilfgaard. Terra, to avenge the sacrifice of the people, her husband Ist Tursek!

All of this, Calanser has long since told his granddaughter Ciri.

Under the strict discipline of witchers and sorceresses, Ciri is no longer the willful little princess who always loved to run away from home!

The corners of her mouth curled into a confident smile, "Grandma has official business, and Elena is safe with me!"

She spread out her left hand, the fine cocoon squirmed for a while, and the blood of the ancients was already in the palm of her hand.

Once she unites with the little aunt Elene in her arms, she can instantly teleport to another ancient bloodline Roy with a single thought to avoid danger - the legendary Wild Hunt that has never appeared!

In Roy's warning, this group of war predators and ghost knights have been looking for the ancient blood.

Getting caught is a humiliating loss of freedom.

Ciri took the warning to heart, and turned her eyes to the witcher in front of her.

"Let's go back to Angulan..."

Monty glanced at the girl again, and for a split second, her expression matured far beyond her age.

"Karl and Arkham almost died trying to save her from the orphanage run by the God of Bad Omen..."

"Damn it! You don't even call me on such a wonderful adventure. I've always regarded them as good friends!"

Ciri sighed, beating her chest and sighing, and the little Elene in her arms clapped and applauded,

"You should observe a moment of silence for them. The two of them acted without authorization. When they returned to the temple, they were banned by Vesemir for a year. This excursion is not a part of it!"

"How did those poor children arrange it? All of them were introduced to the grass trial?!" Ciri glanced across the reefs, and Lloyd in the fishing team danced to mention a lively plump silverfish on the hook, ha, ha Elma just made a disdainful comment with her arms crossed.

"No, a lot of them are past their prime. So Master Kalkstein is developing another trial system for them that is completely different from the grass trial."

Monty rubbed his green chin and considered,

"Master missed the point when he was showing off to us. The new trial is called the Path of the Damned. If successful, those children will become a new type of witcher across the ages...with a normal stance and a fighting stance."

"Can I do it?" Ciri and the little aunt in her arms widened their eyes at the same time, like a cat seeing dried fish,

"You should ask Roy!"

"Then there's no drama!" Ciri pursed her pink lips.

"Forget it, say something happy! Why are you the only ones who came to see me this time? What about the other guys? I haven't seen Vicky in a long time, by the way, are the teeth in that girl's mouth full?"

"These two, including Conrad, have become skilled pharmacists. They are currently stationed at Ron Essette and are in charge of the newly opened pharmacy!" Monty said with admiration.

"Where's the cow?"

Ciri gritted her teeth and asked again. She glanced down at her chest, which was slightly undulating but lower than average. She could see the toes of the boots.

"Pfft! Cows? You mean Miss Yuna, the blacksmith?"

Monty's cheeks puffed out like a squirrel, then shrank back, resisting the urge to laugh.

This is normal!

It's not just girls who compare their bodies, but young witchers in their teens often compare their lengths with each other.

Of course the mutation gave them enough strength to make ordinary people ashamed.

Maybe this is the compensation for reproductive isolation.

"She moved to Novigrad with her father, Master Clough, to run a blacksmith's shop, and by the way took the blacksmith apprentice with the Gawain House."

"Speaking of which, I don't know if I exercised my body through ironing. The last time we met, Yuna's figure became more plump!"

Hearing the words, Ciri slapped the swaddling clothes for a while, her face tightened, and there was a dangerous light in her eyes, which made Monty's neck go cold.

"Hmph, I carry two watermelons all day, and sooner or later I'll get frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis!" Ciri muttered angrily and asked again,

"Where's Carolyn?"

This is a student who used to study culture at Gao Wen's House.

"Under the guidance of Professor Dandelion of Niuburg University and Linus Pete, the master's supervisor of the Department of Natural History, he and more than 20 other students received a hearing from Oxenfurt University, and they focused on the world every day. The cultural elites who studied poetry, history, and politics together can be considered to have realized their ideals. Of course, it cost a lot of money to make Mr. Serrit hurt for a whole month.” There was a sigh in Monty’s eyes, and he has so far I can't believe that a group of once hungry orphans got into one of the two best universities in the world.

The methods of the witchers can be called turning corruption into magic.

"When Elene is older and can take care of herself, I'll go to Niubao too!" Ciri squeezed her pink fist.

"That's all for them. Why doesn't that old man from Vesemir come to see me?"

"Mrs. Marina is old, and her health is not very good recently," Monty sighed, an old and kind face appeared in front of his eyes, the old lady loved Wu Jiwu, and was very kind to the little witchers, but the mortal body was too mortal Weak, "Vesemir has been accompanying her at the Cow Castle, watching over the group of auditors by the way."

"Don't worry," Monty smiled, noticing the worry in the girl's eyes, "It's just a common cold, but people tend to be sentimental when they reach a certain age, and there must be someone around to talk to."

"As for the other teachers, let me explain it by the way. Lambert, Oaks, and Aiden went to Upper Sodden on the southern shore of Yarugan. Someone took the relationship with Ms. Triss and hired them three to protect a certain big man. safety."

"This was revealed by Lambert before he left. You didn't see it. He looked so excited that he was going to visit the most luxurious brothel in the world. I don't know what is so magical about Soden."

"Besides beautiful women, what else can make this pervert go crazy!"

Ciri commented with disdain,

Monty smiled, Lambert's reputation in the fraternity was completely doomed.

He continued,

"Cohen accompanied his girlfriend Igsena in Ron Essett's dance hall, Kayane and Lady Evelyn guarded the botanical gardens outside Novigrad, and Eskar accompanied the girls at Kyle Morhen. Mopacia, old Uncle Moore, Aunt Susie, Minor, Golphin also settled there..."

"Of course not all teachers are in pairs. Serrit and Owl are two bachelors hunting and farming in the Temple of Elland. Leto and Master Yvar live in the fortress of Guthvid, sorting out the collection of snakes sent in the past. Precious materials and documents are said to be prepared for future troubles.”

"Didn't the Brotherhood have two new sorceresses?"

Ciri stroked the baby girl's horn braids, Elena narrowed her eyes, and made a comfortable whistle from her mouth.

"Ms. Lydia and Sister Casca? They're back on Sunid's Island to run errands." Monty paused. "That's pretty much the situation at home. I've said everything I need to say. Let me ask a question. , Geralt and Lady Yennefer? Haven't seen them both in a while."

Hearing this, Ciri raised her head and raised her chest suddenly, as if she had accomplished a remarkable feat.

"They were a pair made in heaven. They were accidentally separated in the past, but they have been reunited after my hard work! Now, hehe, they are going to the Ring of Mayenadruy together to visit Geralt's mother, Visson. Madam Na!"

She lowered her voice and winked at him, "Maybe there will be a grand wedding in the near future?"

For the past two years, Yennefer has been staying in Skellige to guide Ciri carefully, treating her like a daughter, and White Wolf often comes to visit the unexpected daughter.

Ciri is like a bridge and a reason, gradually repairing the broken relationship between the two elders.

And because of her, the long-separated couple has become warm again.

Monty couldn't help smiling, sincerely happy for them.

"So what about Roy and Ms. Rita? After he brought back the group of children, their whereabouts are unknown."

This sentence is like a trap button.

Little Elaine suddenly widened her eyes, her short legs stomped wildly, and her two little hands like fat lotus roots hugged towards the sun, babbling babblingly,

"Roy, Roy! Hug! Hold high! Go in circles!"

"Hmph! Unconscionable little aunt, thanks to me taking you out to play every day, you just remember him being good!" Ciri rolled her eyes, pinched the little guy's nose, and sighed.

The Law of Accidents once again showed unbreakable magic power, and Elena had a natural affinity for Roy since she was born, more intimate than her niece.

She couldn't help but say with a bit of taste,

"The two of them are living the two-person world at the bottom of the Nine Valley Lake!"

Thousands of miles away in Toussaint.

Deep in the swamps of wildlife paradise, a laboratory under the lake.

A difficult mutation came to an end.