The Divine Hunter

Chapter 612: Finn Kahn


An ancient and ornate burial chamber.

Two immaculate marble coffins lay in the center, the bottom continuously hitting the floor, making a depressing sound like muffled thunder.

The rich magic power overflowed from the crevice of the sarcophagus, turning into a vortex as if it were substantial, cutting the surrounding space into broken mirrors, full of criss-crossing folds.

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew from the dark corridor on the east side, blowing over the torches hanging on the four walls, and in the whimpering wind, the flames flickered ghostly twice. On the right wall of the tomb, there were carefully carved oak trees, vines and green leaves. The pattern vibrated with it.

These patterns are exquisite and full of wonderful textures. It seems that they will be activated at any time into real flowers and plants, exuding fragrant flowers and branches. The most unfortunate thing is that too long time has destroyed its integrity. Cobwebs, cracks, wild The holes made by the mice cut the wall into countless pieces.

On the other side of the wall, four dark figures standing side by side were projected.

On the far right is a tall, thin, tall, knee-length hand that fastens the backpack straps on his chest. His pale face is inlaid with a huge aquiline nose, deep eye sockets, and thin lips. ,

The one on the left is dressed in black leather, with his hands around his chest, his back is rigidly straight, his facial features are like a knife and axe. An aloof temperament, the darkness that formed his shadow, was like a huge bat trapped in a cage, twisting and struggling, growling greedily, and about to break through the wall.

The remaining two were very close, one was wearing a very bold dark red open-breasted ruffled short skirt, with a pair of light and smooth black lace gloves, with hands on hips showing the enchanting curves of the full moon, and scarlet lips , The tip of the nose is slightly upturned, and the slender phoenix eyes are raised, charming and moving.

The other was wearing a long sleeveless dress, with his hands clasped in front of his belly, with a dignified posture. The gems on the necklace on his chest were large enough to make any sorceress astonished. His facial features were soft, and his temperament was elegant and noble with a hint of saying. The sense of mystery that is unclear and unclear can make princesses and queens of all countries feel ashamed.

The flames flickered and swept across her ten fingers that were slender and slender, each fingertip revealing a distressing cross-shaped scar, in which the red blood was thumping.

"After the early morning, the one-month period will expire, and the transformation will be completed."

The man in black suddenly turned to the noble lady, his magnetic voice echoed in the tomb, full of unquestionable taste,

"For the next year, you will be responsible for teaching her the rules and principles of the new world. Don't let her let her out of her instincts and become a childish lunatic of the mountain-releasing sect or the cage sect. But you don't have to ask her to 'abstain from alcohol'. , how can you endure loneliness without seeing all the beauty in the world?"

The noble woman bowed her knees.

The "tax collector" on the other side turned his eyes to the coffin on the left, and interjected weakly and a little irritably,

"What about this newcomer? We strictly abide by the iron law of the tribe, and we spent a lot of blood on him, and even invested a precious quota. He should be kept in the Jialansha tribe."

"Sure enough, greed for cups was a mistake, have you forgotten? A few years ago, the subordinate of the elder Vikvaro died in the north with no bones left, but before he died, he passed back the pain of burning silver, and the elder concluded that The murderer must be the witcher. Now, it's the witcher's turn to pay the debt."

"You don't want to? If you have to keep him," the lonely man turned to the other coffin, "Are you going to send this 'little sheep' into the lions?"

The "tax collector" was silent for a while, then nodded obediently.

The woman in the red dress comfortably wrapped his arms around him.

"A month later, when he's 'mature', I will personally lead him to the south to meet your Excellency and meet his destiny."

After the man finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head, his pupils turned into a pitch-black abyss, staring at the pryers in the void.


In a strange twist of the world, the frosty-bearded old Davao woke up from his dream with a groan. When he opened his eyes again, he entered a warm bedroom filled with pleasant incense from the ancient tomb.

Holding the jasmine hairpin in his palm, he propped himself up from the sofa and looked around.

The mature and beautiful Ms. Colin Tilly was putting the half-knitted sweater in her arms into the tin box and smiled at him.

The wind blows.

Aiden hurriedly approached the old man's eyes, eagerly grabbed his withered hand, and his reddish-brown vertical pupils were full of anticipation.

"Master, I lived up to the expectations and saw Irene and the person you were looking for lying in the coffin, Dr. Godifey and three other strange guys got together to chat, mentioned... mentioned-"

Old Davao's tone quickly changed from excited to hesitant.

The words that the four had said, their outstanding appearance and temperament, blurred in an instant.

In the end, the black flames lingered in his eyes, accurately erasing the relevant memory in his mind.

In one breath, the old Davao only remembered the ancient tomb and two coffins in the dream.

"The coffin is not for the dead?" Aiden's thin cheeks lost their blood, and his expression was sad, "So Gaitan still didn't survive?!"

Roy and Coral came from behind Aiden and patted him on the shoulder,

"The situation is unclear and it is too early to draw conclusions."

There is no reason for high-level vampires to take two dead people.

He turned to the bewildered old man,

"The most important thing is the position of the two of them, have you seen it?"

Old Davao rubbed his temples and repeated in a low voice,

"Ancient burial chambers, marble coffins, patterns of leaves and vines..."

The old man's eyes lit up and shouted excitedly,

"I see! It's not the grave mound grassland, it's the burial place of the ancient elves farther northwest - Fin Karn!"

"What are you waiting for? Ms. Rita, open the portal, let's find someone!"

Aiden shook his fist sharply,

"Man, before that, I have something to remind you." Roy's expression suddenly became more serious than ever,

"Just now, the blood vessels in my body were abnormally restless, giving a strong warning and a lot of future illusions."

"The guys in Fin Kahn's tomb are not as simple as the barber and three ordinary people they seem, they are extremely dangerous."

Aiden's eyelids twitched.

"There is at least one high-level vampire among them, maybe even four!"

"Prepare for battle! Of course—" Roy's voice changed, and he thought of Regis' good-natured nature, "It is best to use peaceful means to resolve differences!"

three hours ago.

Birch forest at night.

The lights of the torches form a long dragon, tearing apart the darkness and cruising quickly in the jungle.

"Your Excellency Lambert, Advisor Triss, is it time to change places?"

A burly young knight with a long sword on his waist, wearing silver-white armor and a white rose emblem tattooed on his chest turned to look at the more than 100 soldiers with torches around him, and said slightly dissatisfiedly,

"All afternoon, everyone searched the woods upside down. Except for the pile of bottles, they didn't even see the shadow of the assassin. I suspect that these clues are all his suspicions, and I suggest to search forward."

"Your Excellency Lorraine's words are very reasonable! Brothers are really hard work, we will definitely ask your Majesty for credit when we go back!" Lambert forced a smile, glanced at the red-haired sorceress Triss beside him, but saw that she was sipped. She pursed her lips and shook her head covertly—

There was still no news from Roy's side.

Lambert took a deep breath, and carefully arranged it in advance to fool the pursuers sent by King Fu in the woods for so long.

"Lorraine Knight, see, what is that!" Lambert suddenly strode to the west of the birch forest exit sign, leaned over and took out a cat pie badge from the soil, showing it to the surrounding with surprise on his face soldier.

The tired faces turned bright again.

"The assassin fled to the northwest!"

Lambert shouted loudly, his eyes rolling.

The five of Roy went to Kent Village in the east, so the pursuers must not be blocked.

"Brothers, come with me, catch the assassin, and collect the reward from His Majesty!"

The long dragon in the night roared into the deep darkness.