The Divine Hunter

Chapter 614: Night Feast of Demons 2


in dense fog.

Lambert saw her.

A head of thick dark long hair is draped over his back like a cloak, his pale and delicate facial features are as calm as water, and his dark eyes are like stars in the night sky.

She didn't have an inch of strands, and the mist turned into a veil that half covered her slender body, exuding a looming fatal temptation. It is no exaggeration to praise this beauty with any flattering words.

But she hung down on the fingertips of the ten fingers on her waist, and her black nails like steel cones appeared in horror, which could easily cut through the fragile flesh of human beings.

It also revealed her true identity, Vampire Girl, or Vampire Banshee.

This group is good at imagining the beauty of human beings, bewitching young men, sucking blood from their bodies to satisfy their hunger, and mastering dangerous abilities such as screaming, summoning bats, invisibility and teleportation.

But compared to their close relatives, vampires who like to cut their prey into pieces, they maintain a considerable degree of rationality, and their killings are more elegant and gentle—

Usually, instead of killing innocent people indiscriminately, they choose a "lover" to continue to smoke, so that he can enjoy the tenderness before dying. Of course, if the lover is strong enough, this "love" will last for a long time.

Lambert doesn't like to make fun of such "monsters" with full danger levels, unless it is out of self-preservation.

He took a deep breath, put his energy into the moon dust bomb in the alchemy pocket on his chest, approached her gently and vigorously, and stood still five meters away.

The young woman in the mist had staring eyes, her pale face full of longing, her pink tongue licking her lips, and her natural charm was almost uncontrollable.

"Ma'am, this is a complete misunderstanding. I have no intention of trespassing on your territory to interrupt your vacation. If I offend you, let me say sorry. Also, you should have heard that witcher blood contains many deadly demons. The ingredients of medicine are not 'delicious', and one sip will save at least ten years of life."

The witcher rubbed his chest and bowed slightly to her, speaking half-truths in a serious manner.

The woman stood there, motionless, noncommittal.

"Let's be honest, as long as you lift the fog, I will immediately take those noisy guys away, and promise never to come back to this palace to disturb you again, I swear by the honor of the wolf faction."

Lambert showed the wolf head badge,

The woman remained silent.

"Ma'am, let's part in a friendly way before the irreparable bitter fruit has occurred! Those soldiers are just pitiful worms who obey orders.

The woman nodded, but tilted her head and looked to the side, as if she was looking at a shivering prey in the mist, her pretty face grinned with a brilliant and terrifying arc, and the two fangs on the corners of her lips sparkled.

"Who are you looking at? Knight of the White Rose, that arrogant fool?"

The woman shook her head slowly.


She nodded quickly, her movements crisp and forceful.

"If she has any accident, I can't explain it to my brother. For my sake, can't you raise your hand?"

"Besides, do you know who is standing behind her!?"

The corners of the woman's mouth rose, her jet-black pupils shone with disdain, and her mouth let out a low growl like a beast.

A burst of deep helplessness filled Lambert's stinky face, he suddenly clenched the alchemy bomb,

"Then I can only use your life for hers!"


The elliptical moon dust drew a parabola in mid-air, and a gray dust cloud exploded on the ground.

But the woman's slender body has jumped to the side first, perfectly avoiding the alchemy bomb, her back arched like a big cat, her thin red lips grinned to the base of her ears, revealing two rows of needle-like teeth, and roared sharply at the opposite side.

The sound swept the night sky, turned into an invisible hammer and hit the witcher in the chest, but only shattered a layer of the black seal of Helios and disappeared.

Lambert jumped forward unaffected, spit out a cork in mid-air, and a large distorted black blood vessel appeared on his face.

The silver sword held high above his head reflected the radiance of the highly poisonous sword oil, whistling to shred the air, and fell like a meteor!

The direction of the sword.

The amazingly beautiful woman has transformed into a huge bat, carrying a pair of membrane wings on her back, and a pair of steel claws shining in front of her like a shield.


Gold and iron clashed, screeching loudly, and a large piece of dazzling sparks flew like a waterfall.

A sword strong enough to cut the beast in half, leaving only a shallow bloodstain on the sharp claws.

But the sword oil stung her!

The human-shaped bat hissed and whistled, its pitch-black wings flapped silently, and after flying into the dense fog in mid-air like a kite, it suddenly fell from another unexpected angle and threw itself towards Lambert's neck.

Lambert twisted his body and slashed, and the sword and claw collided again.

This time, the figure of the big bat that flew away completely dissipated transparently and merged into the mist.

The ghostly cold eyes of the witcher were unable to capture half of his figure.

But he calmly formed the Yaden seal, the binding circle rose from his feet, and the purple light enveloped the land with a radius of five meters.

He held a long sword diagonally in one hand, and stood in the center of the array with a lunge, closing his eyes to listen and feel.

Statue-like calm.


The wind is blowing.


The pendant trembled slightly.

A pair of ghost claws suddenly appeared in the purple light, hitting Lambert's defenseless back like a crossbow arrow.

Like a prophet, he raised his left hand one step ahead and outlined it with his five fingers.

After the second mutation, Quinn was woven into golden armor, blocking the attack in time.


The golden light shattered, but a powerful anti-shock force erupted, breaking the humanoid bat apart, and a piece of moon dust exploded along with its unbalanced body.

Alchemy dust filled the air!

A large number of electric arcs flickered between the black hairs covering the body. It lost its special ability and still rushed forward!

Both sides fight together.

Rabbits and falcons rose and fell at a speed that exceeded the limit of ordinary people's eyesight, circled and chased each other, the sword light and the cold light of the claw blade crisscrossed, cutting the fog into pieces, during which the golden and purple rays of light were constantly solidified and disillusioned.

In just one minute, sweat soaked Lambert's cheeks, and the black body of the humanoid bat was covered with long and narrow bloody mouths scorched by sword oil, with murderous intent in his eyes.

It flew again, and the long hair that suddenly appeared in the back of its head twitched and fluttered like a butterfly.

Lambert struck Alder head-on to knock it back, holding the sword in both hands across his chest, strode forward, the tip of the sword pierced the air, thrust forward, and the bat screamed and flapped its wings.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the stabbing sword reached its chest, it suddenly deflected slightly, passing through its wings and across its face.


A blood line spilled into the air.

The two figures crossed each other.

Lambert rolled on the ground a few times, and stood up together, a hair-thin wound opened on his left face, and blood dripped down his chin.

And the humanoid bat is even more miserable, the porcupine-like ugly nose is missing, half of the face is blurred with blood and bones, and the scarlet granulation is squirming and gluing.

But the deadly sword oil wreaked havoc in the gap, burning it to the point of billowing white smoke, and the bat's body crumbled back to human form.

The unrecognizable woman looked at Lambert with dark eyes and resentment, and suddenly screamed, the voice seemed to come from hell, penetrated the seal of Helios, and scorched his breath.

But he did not stop to launch the final offensive, dashing towards her with a feint sword.

The severely injured woman swung her claws to block and hit Lambert's arms. He took the opportunity to go around her armpits to the back, twisting her waist and spine, and swinging a powerful sword.

The sharp sword threw out a piece of blood, and a sharp claw flew away!

The woman screamed and turned around to slap. The latter followed her like a shadow. One step ahead, she turned around, aimed at the other arm, and swung her sword again.

Bloody arms danced in the night sky.

A huge force surged from the back of the woman who lost her arms, and she fell head-on like being struck by lightning, her cheeks buried in the soil.

At the same time, a smooth blade lay across her neck, freezing her soul with cold.

"What did I say before? Don't listen to the witcher—" Lambert stepped on her smooth, silky back with one hand on the back of her head, and declared condescendingly, "But the merciful himself Usually, pretty women are given a second chance to dispel the fog immediately, and I'll let you go."

The banshee made a series of mumbles and struggled under his feet.

"What a gentle and good man!"

There was admiration behind him, followed by three soft footsteps, and Lambert smelled a rich violet and rose heart fragrance, mixed with a variety of herbs.

When he turned around, he saw a woman in a red dress who could be called a sexy stunner, a tall and thin middle-aged man with an aristocratic hook nose, like a tax collector.

They were neither tall nor strong, not even the horrifying claws of the vampire banshee.

But it made Lambert feel cold all over, like falling into an ice cave.

As we all know, the more advanced and powerful vampires are, the closer they look to humans.

These two are more human than vampire banshees, so their identities are self-evident.

"Did I pour blood mold for eight lifetimes or was cursed by the evil god? Just point in any direction, and I'm actually waiting for a few highs to suck?"

Lambert's heart was bitter and unbearable, but he felt that the special fried pot in the alchemy pocket had a little more confidence, and his eyes turned to the center of the two.

The sorceress Triss stood there with a dull expression, her delicate features pale and almost transparent, like a soulless porcelain doll.

Can't help but feel pity.

But at least it doesn't show any injuries on the outside, and people are still alive, so there's something to talk about.

"Your Majesty the witcher, thank you very much for showing mercy to my good sister. How about we make a deal before it becomes bitter?"

Sweet as honey, in a voice as charming as night.

The woman held Triss's catkin, smiled at him, and issued an invitation.