The Divine Hunter

Chapter 615: Night Feast of Demons 3


The night wind howled, and the thick fog wriggled in the darkness.

Lambert retracted his foot on the back of the vampire banshee, but the long sword was still on her neck, and a flick of the wrist could cut off a beautiful head.

Although he didn't think he could threaten her master with a vassal.

"You two, out of basic etiquette, shouldn't you introduce yourself before sending out the invitation? For example, myself, Lambert of the Wolf School, from the Witcher Brotherhood."

The pair of men and women were stunned when they heard the unheard of organization, and then smiled calmly,

"She is Nathanis, the owner of an old-fashioned tavern, the sister of the naughty girl under your sword, and the most beautiful woman in the world." The black eyes under the man's gray eyebrows looked at the woman, making no secret of his admiration. , the woman also stared tenderly.

"A high-level vampire who runs a tavern, such an outstanding beauty..." Lambert suddenly said, Roy mentioned this to him, "As far as I know, there is only the proprietress of Vizima Night Queen's House."

The woman in the red dress smiled and bowed her knees and gave him a ladylike salute, standing meekly to the side.

"Your Excellency is well-informed and polite, unlike other witchers who call us blood-sucking freaks and bats in human skin when they meet, I'm starting to appreciate you."

"As for me, there's nothing to hide, Emile Regis Godifoy..."

He patted the linen pocket on his black robe, and the fresh herbal smell came over him,

"A hairdresser from Dillingen who has been in the country all year round. To be honest, Finn Kahn, this elf graveyard has been under the care of me and my companions for more than 100 years. Change it to a year ago, I will open the door to welcome Your Excellency and invite you to taste the new Mandela distilled spirit."

His tone is gentle, his attitude is reasonable, and his body exudes an approachable magic, which is incompatible with the bat swarm that launched the raid and the blood-sucking banshee wielding a pair of sharp claws before, as if he was just an ordinary old man.

Even the pendant on Lambert's neck didn't move, and didn't respond to him.

"We can talk about alchemy, pharmacy, and environmental ecology. Most witchers are experts in this field, and I'd be happy to share my experience with you."

"But not now..."

Emile Regis spread his hands apologetically, a little accentuated,

"You, such a large group of people wearing armor and holding long swords, coming noisily and unannounced, breaking into this private territory has really caused us great distress and almost ruined a major event. As a warning and a small Small punishment—"

He paused, then waved his hand casually.

Dispel the clouds and see the moon.

The gloomy fog around it dissipated, and the starlight re-illuminated the world.

Among the collapsed stone pillars and the thick green shade in the ruins, soldiers were poured out in various directions. They closed their eyes and slept peacefully.

The Knight of Lorraine, who was lying on one of his subordinates' lap, even snored and snored, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, probably having a beautiful dream.

Lambert turned his eyes and counted it roughly. There were actually a lot of one hundred companions. Even the unlucky ghost who was bitten by the bat received proper treatment and his face returned to normal.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

in his previous knowledge.

The power of high-level vampires is beyond imagination. They regard mortals as ants, and they can kill a large piece of it with just one move of a finger.

A high-sucking organization called the Cage School even raises humans directly as delicious food, in the same way that farmers build livestock pens.

Whether mortals live or die, they don't care at all.

But there are always some outliers in every group.

Lambert thought to himself.

Lena and Regis are by no means ordinary high-level vampires, they seem to be more human!

The possibility is not ruled out, they are old foxes who are hidden and want to solve the trouble without bloodshed.

Lambert pretended to soften his sharp gaze.

Regis nodded,

"Don't worry, everything is normal for them. After a night of sleep, a few sweet dreams, and forgetting a memory that is irrelevant and asking for trouble, they can leave this place safe and sound."

"Of course, they will also subconsciously stay away from Finn Kahn in the future, so as not to repeat the same mistakes. The same is true for this lady."

The Queen of the Night patted her smooth palm.

Triss lowered her head and took a step towards the witcher in a daze.

"As you can see, we can easily take the lives of this group of people. But we didn't, and a very important reason is to show our sincerity to you!" Nathanis crossed her hands in front of her lower abdomen, and her magnetic voice went straight to Lan Burt's head twitched.

The witcher smiled slightly, and in return, decisively retracted the long sword from the vampire's neck.

The severely injured and disabled Banshee swayed her half-grown pink stump arm, propped up her body, stumbled towards the Queen of the Night, and hugged her fleshy calf, like a daughter who was wronged and sought comfort from her parents.

The Queen of the Night gently stroked her black hair and covered her ears with a few words, and she turned into a red-eyed bat and staggered toward the tomb not far away.

"I appreciate you more. This is a perfect start." Regis smiled gratified, "I like to understand and help each other, I hate unnecessary fighting and killing. Although the other two companions, proposed more A safe, no-fuss approach, but I think that's going too far."

Lambert's heart sank, is this a warning, and there are two high-level vampires hiding in the shadows

In the face of four legendary monsters, he has no chance of winning.

We can only try our best to mediate and wait for reinforcements.

"Now we only need to get one step closer to each other, and today's accident will end happily." Regis's tone was full of emotion and contagiousness,

Lambert bent slightly, making a gesture of listening intently.

"It's very simple, draw back the sword, take a deep breath, and completely relax your body and mind. Please forgive me, because the witchers are specially trained, and it is much harder to hypnotize you perfectly than a sorceress."

"But I promise, as long as your Excellency cooperates, there will never be any harm. After hypnosis, you will only forget all the memories of tonight, about Fincan and our identity."

Lambert glanced at the blood-stained sword in his hand, and the bright silver blade showed a sneer on his dull face and the corners of his mouth.

What's the difference between doing this and automatically putting your neck in the noose

The barber saw his attitude, and began his statement with the impassioned tone of a speech,

"I, Regis, have been drinking the blood of innocent human beings for more than 300 years. In my opinion, the thirst for killing and the indulgence of blood addiction is a low-level and immature performance."

Blood is not necessary for high suction, they can eat the same food as humans.

"I appreciate your science and technology, poetry and music, and innovations in all walks of life. I am willing to lend a helping hand to desperate human beings and give you a chance."

"In fact, our group is not much different from humans, elves, dwarves, witchers, or other intelligent creatures, at least mentally. You can trust me as you trust a fellow."

"I swear by the blood of Jialansha, and there is no lie in what I just said."

Regis raised his slender chin with rigid lines, like a proud aristocrat.

The Queen of the Night beside him softly agreed,

"For more than two hundred years, I have never forced any human being to donate blood. Everything is based on your wishes. My tavern and my sisters bring happiness to customers, and they give us a little bit of blood that is insignificant and harms our health. ."

"I never intended to abandon principles and credibility, and the same is true today."

Her voice changed,

"We forgive you for your reckless intrusion. Should you also pay some price and make a little sacrifice?"

The woman took a step forward, her red hair dancing with the night wind, brushing her pale and delicate cheeks, her petal-like red lips, her light red dress clinging to her body, and her fiery curves unobstructed.

Incredibly beautiful.

Normal men can't reject her.

Except the witcher.

Lambert felt grotesque.

These two aliens seem to have been completely secularized.

Obviously he could use force to subdue him, but he chose to talk at length and persuade him with words.

Lambert decided to wield the stick of reason in a tit-for-tat, his eyes rolling, racking his brains to recall Dandelion's famous aphorism.

"I know that these two monsters are definitely not indiscriminate killing of innocents,"

"I can trust you as a witcher, so please put yourself in my shoes and think about it. When you meet for the first time, you ask the other party to trust you without reservation and put your life in your hands. Is this common sense? "

"I have a softer proposal."

Lambert glanced at the sorceress and the sleeping soldier.

"I will take them away immediately, and will never return. I will keep today's events a secret until I die. I swear by the reputation of the Wolf Sect witcher, and if I break my oath, I will go to hell forever."

He returned what he said,

"Are you two willing to trust me?"

The night wind suddenly stopped, and even the rustling insects disappeared.

The ruins were eerily silent.

Regis and the Queen of the Night fell into a long silence.

The witcher quietly put his hand on the specially made alchemy bag on his chest and affixed the bottle of life-saving decoction.

"Sorry, this is a difficult decision. If it's just me and Natanis, why not promise you." After a long time, Regis sighed and took the woman beside him a step closer, an ordinary step, There was an afterimage behind him, and it didn't disappear for a long time.

"But the two of them are really grumpy and impulsive, and if they knew about your proposal, it would only be worse."

In the words of regret, the air became oppressive and breathless.

Both the moon and the starlight hide in the depths of the night sky.

The dark tide came.

Lambert outlines with five fingers, the French shield is covered with leather armor, and his hand across his chest decisively peels off the cork.

Was going to sip.

Regis' thin body suddenly froze, his conspicuous huge aquiline nose moved, and his gray eyebrows were twisted together, and he asked him a strange question.

"What's in your arms?"

"The witcher's potion, providing a little extra resilience."

"I'm referring to the ingredients in it. I'm a big alchemist, and I know it's not just herbs," Regis tilted his head, his voice cold.

"Okay, I admit," Lambert smiled slightly, still clenching the medicine jar, "with a little bit of bat-winged mutant tissue added to it, but I think that kind of brainless bloodthirsty monster is not as rational as your Excellency. And noble creatures have nothing to do with it, right?"

"Not a bat-winged demon, not even a kathakarn, a vampire girl. The breath is more ancient, powerful, and familiar."

"Then what do you think it is?"

Eyes met, after a brief silence.

Regis' face became very complicated, he took a long breath, and told another story.

"Four years ago, an idiot from the south, whose full name was Mocha Apple Gruefeld, lost his breath in the outskirts of Vizima, his body was missing, and the water of resonance was hard to find. . Have you heard of him?"

"Unheard of."

Of course Lambert knew that it was the first high-sucking head Roy killed, and the corpses have been continuously made into decoctions in Kalkstein's experiments.

Many times to defuse the deadly crisis of the guys.

"Although I am very disgusted with this guy's behavior of killing innocents like a beast to satisfy his abnormal blood addiction, I can't wait to solve him personally."

"But since our race came to this world, natural reproduction has become a luxury. Every member is very precious. I am not qualified to judge him, and neither can others!"

"His death has angered another group leader in the south - the elder." Regis' eyes flashed a hint of fear.

The Queen of the Night was also pale.

"Our troubles during this time are all from this."

Regis took a deep breath, his shoulders trembling visibly,

"Lord Lambert! Did you kill it? And make it into a decoction? What a genius."

Regis' voice lost its gentleness, with a hint of sharpness and playfulness.

"I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Lambert's throat wriggled and he spat out the cork.

A lot of black tendons appeared on his face, and deep helplessness.

Why do you want me to take the blame for Roy

Regis and the Night Queen grinned, revealing pale, sharp canine teeth.

"Sorry, the plan has changed, you must go to the south with us and explain to the elders face to face!"

Two flying afterimages rolled towards the witcher with boundless darkness and blood light.