The Divine Hunter

Chapter 616: Night Feast of Demons 4


Midnight is approaching.

The moon and stars were dim, and darkness enveloped the ancient ruins.

The hypnotized soldier still fell asleep knowing nothing.

And in the crumbling walls, two monstrous shadows moved at high speed around the single man.

Clothes were fluttering in the air, so quiet that there was no sound at all, and his posture was swift and elegant.

The grass, ancient trees and stone walls collapsed and shattered in the violent collision, blood and sweat splashed into the air, mixed and merged.

In the sound of sharp claws and silver swords breaking through the air.

Lambert stood in the center with a fierce expression, like a reef under the impact of the waves, his right hand swung the steel sword quickly and not chaotically, and his left hand threw out various dharma seals in succession, resisting the attack from both sides.

But the high-level vampire's fighting power is far superior to that of the vampire banshee, and its movements are unbelievably fast, giving him a sense of frustration that he has nowhere to go.

One-on-one Lambert is still confident to deal with it, but one-on-two, he has become only able to parry, and has no power to fight back!

"Give up futile resistance, it will only hurt yourself." The woman's warm and fragrant breath passed by the witcher's ear, causing goose bumps on the back of his neck.


Lambert angrily turned around and slashed his sword, and the blade cut a silver rainbow in the air, but it didn't even touch the corner of Nathanis' skirt.

The woman didn't have the slightest scent of fireworks, fluttering back lightly in violation of physical rules, with blue eyes and red lips with a charming smile, and red hair fluttering behind her head like a cape.

The wind was blowing from the other side.

Regis' slender figure appeared out of nowhere, slapping his back like lightning.


Broken golden light.

Quinn's shield blocked the surprise attack, and the aftermath of the impact made Lambert stagger forward, sweat dripping all over his body, and a sneer soaked through the corners of his mouth.

"Buying more with less is the so-called human nature that you are proud of?"


The silver sword struck the sharp claws flying diagonally.

he sneered,

"Wait and see, my brethren will get justice for me!"

"It's not just you two Rory snarky orators, he's going to find your goddamn elder and kick his ass!"


Two hidden figures reappeared in mid-air, falling like a meteorite!

Lambert traced the seal of Quinn with ten fingers, but the repeated battles made his reaction slow and slow.

The Queen of the Night slapped off his silver sword from the front, breaking the prototype of the seal.

And Regis came from behind, his right hand with claws like steel cones grabbed his hands and wrists, pinned him to the ground, and his knees pressed against his back spine, just as he had done with the Vampire Banshee before. general.

"I swear," Regis' eyes flashed with guilt, "I will do everything in my power to save your life!"

"Fuck the ghost! A hypocritical high-ranking vampire, a son of a bitch, a scumbag!" Lambert cursed with a sullen face, until a hand pressed lightly on the back of his head, amber pupils He stared round, his body softened, and he closed his eyes and passed out.

Regis shook his head and sighed, leaping lightly, his body scattered like a group of bats, wrapped around the witcher and floated to the crypt.

And the Queen of the Night also turned into a bat group and flew to the soldiers. She had to follow her previous promise and take these guys away from Fin Karn!

But at this time, on the slope full of chamomile not far from the ruins, six dark shadows came quietly.

One of them raised his left hand—

call out-

The bowstring hummed.

The arrows continuously broke through the air, dragging the meteor-like tail feathers and whistling across hundreds of meters.

The bat swarm flying towards the crypt suddenly exploded with a bang!

The unconscious Lambert fell to the ground.

A man with black hair and silver eyes emerged from the explosion, and the long bone sword above his head descended from the sky with thunder, smashing the space, and slashing towards the reshaped Regis.

Regis showed his gleaming fangs, and the sword glow hit his face for a moment. He thought that the end of the world was coming, and the sword in front of him was like eternal misfortune, and no one could escape.

Can only be killed by the neck!

But it's all an illusion!

The older the high-level vampire, the stronger the power. The 400-year-old Regis' reaction speed has surpassed that of most existences in this world.

A piece of temple collapsed, ignited by a strange force in mid-air, and turned to ashes.

He screamed in anger and fear, a phantom of a bat appeared on his face, and jumped back ten meters like an electric shock.

Onyx-like black eyes looked at the uninvited guest standing with the sword in hand—

Unusually young, he is considered extremely handsome among human beings, with the distinctive feature of taking potions on his face, a terrifying cold light flashes in his silver-gray vertical pupils, and a kaleidoscope-like Arden circle under his feet. It emits a scarlet outline, throbbing, struggling, and wailing like flames. At a glance, it makes people feel suffocated and desperate, as if a mountain is pressing down!

At this moment, Regis' impression of the witcher group was completely subverted.

So powerful.

More powerful than the original witcher that he remembered hundreds of years ago.

And Roy looked around and swept across the unconscious Lambert, and Mengte, who was sleeping sweetly on a clump of mountain flowers.

The two were breathing and beating normally.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the opposite side, his pupils twinkling.

Emile Regis Godifoy

Age: 427

Status: High-level vampire, barber, alchemist, ascetic (he has quit blood addiction)

Health: 300/400 (blood loss weakness)

Mana: 300


Strength: 30/35

Agility: 30/35

Constitution: 30/40

Perception: 18

Will: 20

Charisma: 12

Spirit: 30


Blood Hunger lv10: Advanced vampires do not depend on blood to survive, but they are addicted to blood. If you drink blood in battle, you will quickly heal your serious wounds.

Self-healing lv10: Garlic, flames, and wooden stakes are all ineffective against high-level vampires. It is very long-lived and has a strong self-healing ability... Even if the heart is taken out and the head is cut off, it can slowly recover, even if it is burned to ashes , can also respawn after a long time.

Void lv9: Transform into a group of bats, avoid attacks and move at high speed.

Call of Blood lv9: High-level vampires can compulsorily order nearby low-level blood-sucking creatures: bats, vampire banshees, gorefiends... to act as their thugs.

Blood-forged body lv8: Unleash all power and transform into a huge bat. In this state, all attributes are improved, and it has the ability to fly, grow fangs and claws, and is full of killing desire.

Blood Magic lv5: A complex and profound spell created by high-level vampires using blood essence and magic power.

Hypnosis lv8, Invisibility lv9,

Regis, it really is you!

There was a strange joy in Roy's eyes, as if old friends were reunited.

The barber of the Grave Hill Steppe.

Gu Xixun is the incarnation of humanity in the female squad.

Geralt's best friend, Toussaint's righteous extermination.

The three impressions in the memory merged into one, becoming the thin man in black robe in front of him.

Regis' anger was suppressed by doubts.

He doesn't remember where he saw this guy, why does the other party seem to have known him for a long time

His pale lips moved before he could speak.

Roy turned around suddenly.

Seeing that her lover was attacked, the Queen of the Night leaped and leaped at the witcher with astonishing speed, scythe-like claws attacking his neck.

Her recklessness put her in deep danger.

The red light behind the witcher came alive, creating an illusion of a vast sea of blood.

Thousands of tentacles broke through the sea, setting off huge waves, turning into a blood-colored octopus shrouded in starlight. It pressed down on its arms and feet, and threw itself out from behind the witcher's shoulders, pounced on the pale-faced Queen of the Night.

clack clack—

The serrations are staggered and the suction cups open and close.

In the center of the huge round head, the pupils are like black holes, deterring her soul.

In an instant, Nathanis seemed to see the shadow elder who was commanding the clan.

The same supremacy, the same mastery of life and death!

She shrieked so loudly that it pierced through the dark night.

The graceful body turned into countless bats, trying to escape from the gaps in the tentacles.

But unavoidable.

An indestructible energy field radiated around the scarlet tentacles, blocking the fleeing bats in the middle, and instantly closed, wrapping her tightly into a human-shaped blood cocoon, revealing only a pair of panicked brown eyes.

Immediately afterwards, an exquisite long sword with dense runes was placed around her neck.

The high-level vampire, the Queen of the Night, became Roy's captive in an instant.

"Don't mess around! Your Excellency! Don't hurt Natanis!"

Regis grinned like a beast, no longer calm,

"Then stand there and don't move. To tell you the truth, my sword once killed an unruly high-level vampire. Your so-called immortality and immortality are nothing to me."

Roy warned while observing the stunner in front of him. A pinch of red hair brushed across his cheeks, exuding a unique fragrance.

The Queen of the Night, who is more than 200 years old, has weaker attributes than Regis, and also has the negative state of blood loss weakness.

At this moment, he was in a state of shock and did not dare to move.

Roelio nodded, and a dazzling magical aura emerged behind him—the Scarlet Cross, the Aquamarine Vortex, the Purple Light Ball, the Mutated Beetle, the Ice Spirit, and the Witcher Illusion. Special, Triss, brought behind him.

"I always pay attention to fairness. Since my companion is intact, your lover, I will give it back to you!"

Under Regis' unbelievable gaze.

Roy gently pushed the Queen of Night's silky smooth back, pushing her over.

"I sincerely remind the two of you that if I can defeat you once, there will be a second and a third... But in the future, I won't forgive you easily."

"So don't act rashly."

Regis and Nathanis looked at each other, their faces were blue and white, and they were extremely wonderful. Never before had a human said such arrogant words to them, so arrogant and ridiculous.

But they also know that the other party has this strength.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why do you seem to know me? What is your purpose here?"

"Roy of the Witcher Brotherhood, some people are born knowing more than others. They can see information that is difficult to detect with the naked eye from the stars and the movement of everything."

"So I know you, Regis, Queen of the Night, and honestly, I appreciate your principles—never indiscriminately kill innocents."

Roy said with a smile in the man's surprised eyes,

"If it were another occasion, I might have a drink with you. But now I'm going straight to the point. I came to the ancient tomb of the elves in the wilderness, and I didn't mean to be your enemy."

"I hope that the two of you can hand over Erin from Kent Village and Gaitan the Cat Witcher. Don't worry, I will never be against them."

The faces of the two high suctions changed.

Where did this guy know these secrets? !

"Don't cover up or lie, you can't go to great lengths to bring two dead people home."

Roy seemed to see their doubts and answered generously,

"Don't forget, witchers are the best at piecing together the truth. Our series of investigations in Chotter River and Kent Village have figured out your suspicious behavior."

"No, Your Excellency..."

The Queen of the Night pursed her red lips and shook her head,

"You don't know what Erin and Gaitan mean to our people. I can't give them to you."

"Then tell your secrets, and I'll judge for myself. I'm a reasonable person."

Roy calmly swept across the faces of the two.


Suddenly, a group of blood-colored bats flew out in the distance, flew to Regis and fell, forming a man and a woman.

The man had black hair and blue eyes, pale complexion, and an ordinary appearance.

But his eyes are impressive, both the mature and rational of the elderly, and the stubbornness and innocence of some young people.

Full of contradictions.

The woman wears a huge gemstone necklace on her chest, dressed as an aristocrat.

They stood side by side with Regis and Nathanis, glaring fiercely at the witcher.

Beauclair's evil beast Deraff, Toussaint noblewoman Orianna.

Roy suddenly realized that it was these four guys.

It was right to think about it, they all belonged to the Jialansha tribe of Toussaint, and they were either lovers or friends.

It is not uncommon for them to conspire together.

"Witcher, you have trespassed into private territory without permission, confronted us with swords, and are still talking nonsense here!"

Deraff bowed like a beast, grinning revealing gleaming fangs,

"You want to stay with us forever?!"

"More than people?"

The joking voice came from not far away.


In an instant, four figures fell to Roy's side.

The witcher Kaian, the vulture, Iskar, and the sorceress Rita Ned looked at each other with sharp eyes.

"I haven't met a single high-level vampire for decades, but today there are four? What a big scene."

The vulture stroked the smooth silver sword in his hand, and the viscous vampire sword oil covered the ridge of the sword, his gray-green pupils were full of fighting intent,

"Want to gang up on my brother? Try it?"

The two sides of the confrontation suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

The air became as oppressive and tense as before a storm.

A fierce battle is imminent.

Right at this time.

The witcher Aiden quietly sneaked into the elf tomb with the Davao village chief who was eager to find a girl behind his back.