The Divine Hunter

Chapter 617: The price of blood


In the end, Regis took the lead in breaking the deadlock, using rational and calm eyes to appease the restless companion, and then slowly looked at the five people on the opposite side,

"There are two options now in front of you, desperate to fight - you call on your brothers and sisters, and we call on the vampire banshee, Kathakarn from the night and the wilderness... Let this ruins flow into rivers of blood."

"But it's pointless to do this, and it will inevitably hurt innocents," Regis said sincerely, looking at the sleeping soldiers in the distance, "We have a better choice, communicate peacefully, and open the skylight to speak eloquently."

"That group of sleepy bugs has nothing to do with us, and the threat is ineffective."

The cat vulture raised the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose with a cold face, but returned the sword to its sheath under Roy's eyes.

The repressed atmosphere in the field was greatly eased.

"Come on then, what are you waiting for? You group of mutants, you dare to make excuses even if you have made a mistake first?!"

Dyloff suddenly added fuel to the fire, and with a cold gaze, he did not hide the anger on his face.

"What makes you so confident? Strength? Let me try!"

Then, he attacked unexpectedly, like a gust of night wind, flying towards the vulture with lightning and flint.

A dark shadow flashed in the air.

Roy stood in front of his companions like a prophet, and the crimson lava Quinn ignited on the dragon skin armor. His hands were like red-hot tongs, and he precisely grabbed Delav's claws.

Under the blessing of Arrondette's "guardian", potion and Arden's halo, his strength and speed have surpassed the high suction in an all-round way.

The vampire, who was scorched and attacked with enormous force, screamed in a piercing voice, so loud that it almost burst the eardrums.

A flower in front of everyone.

I saw a flame human figure and a giant bat jumped into the air together, entangled in a ball, colliding quickly, changing directions, and dazzlingly attacking frantically.

The giant bat vibrated its pitch-black wings to resist the silver sword, turned into a bat swarm to avoid the impact of flames and air currents, and sometimes opened its bloody mouth and roared a sonic hammer, threw a spear full of blood and flames, and swung its sharp claws in mid-air. A bright red bloodstain.

And the long sword in the right hand of the witcher danced in an airtight manner, constantly breaking apart the sharp teeth and claws protruding from the void, and from time to time, he used color to split a blood-colored sword light.

The left hand pulled the trigger, and the crossbow arrow broke through the air, bringing out a cloud of blood from time to time.

There are even more daggers flying in the sky, causing chaos energy turbulence.

Bang bang bang!

Continuous collision.

At the junction of the sword and the claws, the dark night shattered, and colorful flames erupted over Fin Kahn, as if a gorgeous fireworks show was going on.

But the witchers and vampires below did not move, tacitly maintaining restraint and preventing the battle from escalating.

After half a minute.


The ancient roar shattered the void and roared across the night sky.

Everyone's heart stopped.

And the big bat that bears the brunt of it froze and fell from the sky like a broken wing.

It instantly returned to human form when it landed, and the huge impact pushed it back several meters.

His feet and left hand were touching the ground, and half of his right hand was empty.

The posture resembles that of a desert lizard resting on its front legs.

Dylav's cold-sweaty cheeks flashed an abnormal blush, his hands, chest and abdomen, exposed scorched skin and bloody sword wounds, several arrows trembled in flesh and blood.

But all injuries are visibly healing, including the missing right hand.


The witcher fell to Coral, gave the latter a reassuring look, and twisted his neck.

Except for a few pale scratches on the leather armor, there was no damage.

Even without the use of shock and awe, he can still defeat the high suction!

"How, am I qualified to talk now?"

Roy stared at the embarrassed Delav.

At this point in time, the curtain of blood and wine has not yet opened.

But by virtue of memory, he already knew Dyloff.

Being able to fall in love with an alien mortal woman, trusting each other unreservedly, giving her everything.

After being deceived and abandoned, he will lead a group of low-level vampires to bloodbath a city.

He has distinct likes and dislikes, and is impulsive and irritable.

But in general, before the situation can't end, this guy can still listen to some advice.

As expected, Dyloff silently retreated to his companion, with deep fear and respect flashing in his eyes.

Respect for the strong is the consensus of all races.

The Queen of the Night, Regis, and Orianna all changed their expressions when they looked at the witcher.

Finally, from the bottom of my heart, I regard them as objects of equal communication.

"Now, let's talk... You have to decide what's right or wrong." Roy looked around and said loudly, "We wouldn't have disturbed the party if they hadn't taken Gaitan and Irene away."

"Is Your Excellency so forgetful? You killed Gruffed on a whim in Vizima a few years ago, and you let a southern seed die on my turf."

The Queen of the Night's voice retorted softly, her charming temperament was heartwarming,

"The elders of Vikvaro ordered me to catch the murderer, but unfortunately we have been trying to find no results for the past few years. Until we were lucky enough to find Gaitan, who was seriously injured and dying, we came up with a compromise method to make up for the southern tribes. the loss, and quell the wrath of the elders."

"So Your Excellency is the initiator of today's conflict."

A high sucker died, so take away the cat and send an assassin to make up for it

What kind of remedy

Roy's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed the plan of the four.

"The kind of scum that kills innocents indiscriminately and recklessly sucks human blood, if you die, you will die..." Kaiyan raised his chin slightly, and his scarlet pupils flashed cold light, "Or, do the four agree with Grufid's evil deeds? "

"But you shouldn't insult his corpse..." Regis glanced coldly at the alchemy belts on the chests of several witchers, and the four silver jars were splattered with blood, and they actually had one.

"Hehe..." Escal said fiercely with his arms crossed around his chest, "Grufed is unscrupulously hunting humans, so he should have been mentally prepared. Sooner or later, he himself will be used as material and food by others."

"Now it's just blood debt and blood repayment, karma!"

"This is fate's punishment for him!"

Gaoshou's faces were solemn, but they couldn't help nodding their heads.

Not even Dillard.

Things cluster together.

The two male high smokers present have completely got rid of blood addiction. Although they live in isolation, their eating habits are no different from those of humans.

The two women, although occasionally drinking blood, strictly adhere to the principles of fair trade—the Queen of the Night gets blood from her customers, and Orianna gets blood from the orphanage she runs.

What Gruffed did was against their principles and against the iron law laid down by the elders, totally damn it!

"I agree with Your Excellency very much. The reason is this, but it's useless to tell us. You have to explain it to the Shadow Elder in person." A trace of fear flashed in Dilaf's eyes.

"Now, it's too late if you don't want to take the initiative to meet. The elder will soon be able to draw relevant memories from our bloodline, and learn that you are the culprit who killed Grufid. There is no doubt that it will be in the In the near future, one day, leave the underworld where you have been living for a long time, and take the initiative to find you, then you will not escape the disaster."

He paused and warned,

"Witcher, I admit that you are very strong, but you can't compare to the elder. The elder has lived for more than two thousand years, and any words to describe his strength are too pale."

Dyloff clenched his fists and thoughtfully said,

"To be precise, the elder is the god of vampires, and it only takes a snap of our fingers to blow us to the ground."

Except for Roy, the other witchers and sorceresses were deeply shocked.

They had never heard of an Elder Shadow.

Two thousand years old.

There are still such ancient creatures in the world.

However, Roy straightened his back and said cheerfully, "After today's affairs are successfully resolved, I will go and give the elder an 'explainer', but I have to ask you to lead the way."

"I hope you will do what you say."

Regis looked at the young man in front of him deeply, as if to see through his heart, whether he was bluffing or relying on something else.

The strong desire to explore in Roy's eyes was about to come out.

The shadow elder who hangs Geralt is stronger or weaker than the lion-headed spider god of bad omens

In addition, he had a bold idea in his mind. If successful, the elders would become a powerful aid to the Brotherhood.

"The matter of the shadow elder will not be mentioned for the time being. I have some other questions that I want to ask."

Roy paused, staring at the eyes of the four,

"Irene and Gaitan, are they still alive?"

The witcher held his breath.

The main purpose of their trip was to rescue the village chief's daughter and the cat assassin.

The four Gaoshou exchanged glances silently, Orianna folded her hair and tapped her sharp chin.

"As expected of a witcher who is good at inferring, you are right. But now, even if you can calm the anger of the elders, it will not help, it is too late."

"The boat is done, they have been completely separated from the old life, and it is absolutely impossible to return to the past environment."

"Let's be clear," Kayan raised his eyebrows. "They were imprisoned? Or were they seriously injured and unable to move."

"I'm afraid that's not the case." Roy's eyes slowly turned, and he made another surprising guess, "The four want to transform Gaitan and Irene into the same kind, through some special ceremony-"

He thought of what the old village Davo had seen in his dream divination,

"Lying in a coffin and transforming, the process cannot be reversed?"

His tone was firm, as if stating a fact,

"I, a witcher, killed a high-ranking vampire. In its place, would a witcher be transformed into a high-sucking?"

"It's called making up!"

For a moment, the ruins were so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Escal, Vulture, and Kaian breathed heavily, and their eyes widened in a rare gaffe.

Turning mutants into high-suckers sounds like a joke.

And the coral blue eyes are full of brilliance, and the index finger is twisting around the hair, this is definitely a miracle in the field of life mutation!

The four bitter masters looked at each other in disbelief, stunned for several seconds.

Regis sighed and almost let out a loud, comical whistle, and looked the witcher up and down in amazement.

"Lord Roy, admit it, you are a high-level vampire disguised as a witcher? Otherwise, how would you know our plan?"

"Your Excellency is quite humorous."

"This is no joke. In fact, you guessed it half right, we don't usually call this sacred ritual transformation, but reproduction."

Regis reluctantly touched the damaged temple,

"This is the continuation of our clan."

"Listen to Your Excellency, can't high-level vampires reproduce in normal ways?"

Rita Ned quickly grasped the metaphor in his words,

"Sorry, no comment."

"Aren't you going to have a candid exchange? We won't give up a member of the Brotherhood without convincing us with the facts."

The sorceress touched her beautiful nails and reluctantly emphasized,

"You have strength, and you pay attention to principles. It doesn't matter if you show mercy a few times. But that history is too sad and heavy. Unless you make a solemn oath, you will never leak any of the next words to the outside world."

The Queen of the Night said,

"If you violate it, your witcher's fate will be completely cut off in the near future."

Orianna folded her hands in front of her belly, dignifiedly adding a cruel condition.

But that didn't scare off the curiosity of the crowd.

They do what they say.

The night wind is cold.

Amidst the ruins, everything was silent.

Regis's magnetic, eloquent voice rang out.

"About 1,500 years ago, our ethnic group, more than 1,000 high-level members, plus a group of low-level members, were involuntarily wrapped in the mighty power of time and space during the first celestial rendezvous, leaving their hometowns. , into this world."

"The three shadow elders were full of ambition, thinking that the ethnic group would take root and thrive in the new world, but they did not expect that this is the beginning of a nightmare."

Regis paused and took Natanis's hand,

"At the beginning of the advent, everything was normal. The males and females of the tribe were able to combine smoothly, reproduce and raise their offspring together. Although they can only give birth once in a hundred years, they can barely maintain the scale of the tribe."

"But in the future, water sources, food, plants, chaotic energy, and all factors in the environment that are completely different from the hometown begin to show subtle and irreversible power..."

"First, the newborns in the clan began to die in large numbers - in the first five years of life, due to unknown reasons, the organs of the whole body were deformed and died of exhaustion."

"One-fifth of the lucky ones survived by chance, but their sanity was gradually distorted as they got older, and they were finally completely dominated by blood addiction and reduced to beasts."

"The elders tried their best, but they couldn't change the status quo."

At this moment, the four Gaosi lowered their heads with sad expressions, especially the sentimental Queen of the Night, whose fragrant shoulders trembled, and a few crystals flickered around her long eyelashes.

In the long life, if there is no family companionship, can not enjoy the happiness of family, loneliness and loneliness is inevitable.

Orianna can at least play with the children of the orphanage and pass the loneliness.

But the Queen of the Night can only endure loneliness.

"It's not over, in the next hundred years, that fifth is gone - all the high-ranking members are completely infertile, and because of reproductive isolation, we can't reproduce with any other intelligent creatures. ."

"Do you know what this means for a race?"

"The catastrophe of extinction, without a steady stream of new blood replenishment, no race can escape the fate of extinction, including the long-lived high-level vampires."

Roy answered in a heavy tone.

The coral around him quietly held his arm, his pretty face turned pale, and a sigh of pity appeared.

How similar the current state of high suction is to witchers and sorceresses.

"Six hundred years have passed. Due to various accidents, the number of clan members has dropped sharply from more than 1,000 to 500."

"Seeing that the time of perdition is not far away, fate finally shows us mercy. The elders have gone through untold hardships... With the experience and strength accumulated in a long life, they have created a way to continue the ethnic group and reproduce the descendants in this desperate world. —”

"That is the transformation in your mouth."

"How many do you know? Me, Delav, Orianna, and Nathanis are all products of the transformation ceremony, and we were once mortals."

Regis' voice stopped abruptly, and a strange daze flashed in his eyes,

Roy looked shocked, and even his "prophet" didn't know about it.

High-level vampires actually have such a heavy past.

No wonder the shadow elders are always eager to return to their home in another world.

"Can you talk about the transformation ceremony in detail?"

The sorceress didn't know what to do.

"Witchers use mutations to create companions, and high-level vampires use transformation to reproduce offspring. You don't think the two are strikingly similar."

Maybe this is the world's punishment for longevity

"How can two different things be confused!" Dylav snorted angrily,

Regis patted his shoulder,

"It's okay to say it, you will retreat when the time comes."

"We have a few iron laws for breeding rituals."

Regis paced around a piece of upturned granite,

"First of all, it takes a hundred years for each tribe member to transform a descendant. Because once a certain substance required for transformation is consumed, it takes a hundred years to recover."

"Secondly, the object of transformation must be someone who is terminally ill or seriously injured and dying."

Roy suddenly realized that it was no wonder that they would take Irene, who was suffering from cancer, and Gaitan, whose blood was about to be drained.

"Can't you be a normal person?"

"If you're not grateful for the transformation and embrace it wholeheartedly, you probably won't survive. That's the conclusion of a lot of experiments."

Only those who are dying with strong unwillingness will accept a new identity without rejection in order to survive.

"Third, two high-level vampires must work together to provide the blood of one transformation."

"You guessed it, the main step of transformation is blood replacement, replacing the blood in the human body with our blood. The four of us, happened to transform two newborns."

No wonder.

Roy slowly scanned the four pale faces.

Both have the negative state of hemorrhagic weakness.

"What kind of blood transfusion?"

Rita Ned asked.

"First, drain their blood."

Orianna spread her fingers towards everyone.

The cruciform scar on each fingertip is exposed.

"Then put your fingers together and manipulate our blood into their bodies at the right speed."

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, this kind of blood transfusion method was unheard of, and only high suction can do it.

"After the blood transfusion, they need a month to transform, and our blood will transform their bodies from the inside out to regenerate them!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Dekaeff's eyes,

"To tell you the truth, this is also the first time I've 'reproduced' offspring,"

"So Irene and Gaien, the countdown to transformation has begun?"

"That's right, and it's completely voluntary. If you take them away now, the transformation is likely to fail, and you can only take away two cold corpses."

"But little Irene is about to succeed."

Regis turned around and glanced at the sky. As midnight approached, he turned to the tomb in the distance. A trace of love flashed in his eyes, like a father who missed his daughter.

"After tonight, the month of January will expire, and she will be free of the disease and reborn."

"It's so simple, a mortal becomes a high-level vampire."

Kaiyan raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"The Witcher mutation carries untold risks and pains."

"Your transformation, without any side effects, doesn't need to pay a little price?"

Several pairs of vertical pupils flickered dimly.

The high-level vampires were silent collectively.

"how is this possible."

Regis shook his head regretfully and began his improvisation,

"Everything has a price, think about it—"

"You are terminally ill, or dying from a serious injury, and you are about to meet the end of your fate in agony and weakness.

A precious opportunity is suddenly in front of you.

As long as you accept it, you will soon be reborn, with resilience, immunity, speed, and strength responses that are far beyond humans and comparable to gods, and have the ability to transform into a bat, call demons, teleport invisibility, and your lifespan is almost invisible. end.

But this opportunity obeys the principle of equivalent exchange. "

A decisive, truth-like voice resounded in the night sky.

"As much as you get, you have to pay."

The witchers breathed for a while, and had a bad premonition.

"First of all, the mortal blood in the Transformer's body will be drained, and not a drop will remain. Only with the new blood we injected to maintain the last trace of consciousness, he will touch death at close range and enter a special state of nothingness."

"In the next month, he could only lie in the coffin, and his body was gradually transformed. The whole process was as painful as a thousand cuts."

Regis took a deep breath, his body trembled quietly,

"But these are not the biggest costs. Transformers will transform from the inside out, and the brain is no exception."

"This means that metamorphosis will take away all his memories and completely cut off his past life."

"He, like a newborn baby, chases sweet food by instinct."

"The first year of birth—"

Delav took over,

"The new people are a group of blood addicts who have lost their memory and are confused."

"If there is no guidance from the elders, they will tear the necks of all the humans in front of them and suck them into mummified corpses."

"And it's like a curse that goes deep into the bone."

"They will especially love the blood of their former relatives. Any smell will drive them mad."

"What's more terrifying is that they have no memory and self-control, and will only mercilessly kill all their human blood relatives."

Not only did everyone get chills on their backs, but they began to wonder if this rebirth was a gift or torture

"When past relatives are dead."

Regis finally sighed,

"They're going to have a real new life."

at this time.

Aiden and Cohen, with old Davao, silently bypass the tombs of traps and sleeping vampires.

Finally, I came to the gorgeous tomb in the center and stood in front of the two marble coffins.