The Divine Hunter

Chapter 623: Invitation to the meeting


Sinid Island, the side hall of the Rorschach Palace.

Principal Tishaya sat in the chair beside the round table with her eyes closed. The obsidian talisman on her chest projected colorful flashes. One after another, spheres exuding milky white light suddenly flew out of the flashes and suspended above the round table.

When she breathed out the last spell, the balls of light flew over the remaining seats at the table.

The light and shadow changed into blurred shadows that flickered, and the outlines and colors quickly became clear, forming clear silhouettes—

Between their necks, there are magical talismans made of halite, obsidian, and silver, with thin long skirts, gorgeous makeup, and graceful postures.

But at this moment, the sorceresses spent a lot of magic power because of the mental projection, and the rouge and lipstick on their faces were wet with sweat, and they were covered with a blush.

"Is everyone here?" Tishaya asked,

"Ledcliffe, the advisor to Dermawie." Philippa Earhart, the royal advisor of Redania in the projection, leaned over slightly, pretending to inadvertently show her expensive jewelry to her colleagues, buying new ones. of lace-trimmed maxi dress, and looked around with satisfaction—

Sabina, the magical advisor to King Caldwin Henselt, tilted her chin slightly, her long fiery red hair falling into the proud scenery at the low-cut neckline.

Triss made eye contact with Kayla Metz, who was also the royal advisor to Temeria across from her, with a serious face.

Yennefer of Van Geborg was dressed in exquisite black and white clothes. His violet eyes and pale, tapered face shone with a delicate and moving luster. His complexion was astonishingly good.

Covier and Queen Povis's friend, Ciel de Tansavier, was wearing a long black velvet dress and a silver leather scarf. He folded his hands around his chest and fell into contemplation, guessing the purpose of today's meeting.

Not far from her, Rita Ned, who had quit her job as royal counselor at Karak many years ago and joined the Witcher Brotherhood, had her coral lips gleaming in magical light, and her azure eyes stared unblinkingly at the projection mirror. The elf sorceress Francesca Findabe.

This one is dressed in a bright red dress, with elf-style blush smeared around his eyes, and his temperament is elegant and noble like an empty orchid.

But the most eye-catching presence was Margarita Laux Antille, a blond beauty full of mature femininity, with a skin as smooth as jade and a body as perfect as a marble sculpture. .

"Radcliffe is unwilling to attend, he has already stated his master Demaev's position. There is no need to wait for him." Tishaya shook her head and sighed, "Back to the point, welcome sisters to Aretusa, I invite you to Your participation in this remote meeting is to discuss a critical issue."

"I'm sure you've heard that not long ago, in September 1266, Demaev, Foltest, Vizmir II, Henselt, and Queen Mivi of Leiria and Livia gathered at the The Haji Fortress, in response to the rampant atrocities of the Squirrel Party, decided to take a tougher measure - to centralize all the ancient races."

Tishaya paused and looked at the colleagues in the telescopic mirror who were also royal advisors, "In the days to come, all the ancient races in the north will have a very difficult time."

"But in my opinion, the decision of the kings was too extreme. Not all the ancient races were instigated by Nilfgaard to undermine the unity of the north, on the contrary, except for the group living in the Blue Mountains, other members obeyed Law-abiding good people should not be implicated."

"Are you pitying them?" Sabina, Kaedwen's advisor, shrilled with fiery eyes. "According to me, the inhumans are to blame for this fate! What have they done these past few years? A good thing? Hiding in the woods, grass and bushes and suddenly jumping out, attacking the caravan in the north like a madman, killing the people passing by, even the old and the weak, women and children, it's just unconscionable!"

Angry words echoed in the hall.

"Calm down, Sabina!" Tishaya squeezed her fists hard, "I repeat, not all ancient races are the executioners of the Squirrel Party."

Francesca, who was silent, frowned slightly, feeling quite disgusted with the name executioner.

But Sabina jumped up emotionally and broke away from the projection for a moment,

"These are bullshit! Dwarves, elves, and gnomes, even if they don't blatantly join the Squirrel Party, are secretly helping their compatriots to escape capture, providing food and weapons. Only by locking them up can there be no future troubles!"

"I agree! These heinous crimes are enough..." Philippa, the royal advisor of Redania, continued to fan the flames, taking a stand. "They went so far as to assassinate the king of the north. I was lucky enough to escape... This reminded me to strengthen the defense forces around His Majesty Vizmir II in time..."

There was a trace of inexplicable regret in her tone, "Otherwise, Redania has ushered in its new king, Radovid V."

"Your Majesty was also assassinated?" Triss covered her mouth in surprise.

"It was these two failed assassinations that angered the king of the north, and that led to the Haji Fortress summit not long ago." Hafelipa grabbed the huge braid and nodded, raising her voice, "Respected Principal Tishaya, I I know that you, as well as Hen Gedimidis, Alto Tranova, and the long-lost Wigfortes of the Association of Gifts and Crafts, have always been very fond of the elves. But this time I will let you down. , the few of us are just soft-spoken magic advisors, powerless to change the king's will."

"What king can forgive the assassins who offended their dignity and attacked them?"

Triss curled her reddish-brown hair in circles with her index finger in distress. After the assassination against Foltest, she was hypnotized by a high-ranking vampire on the way to find the cat assassin, and she was unconscious for a night, and was teased by the witchers of the Brotherhood for weeks.

"The king can't implicate innocent people." Francesca's innocent eyes were full of irony, "And have you forgotten? The actions of the squirrels today are gentler than what humans have done in the past. outrageous."

Hundreds of years ago, humans slaughtered most of the elves that ruled the continent and drove them into the barren Blue Mountains to replace them.

The commotion in the north now is but the belated vengeance of the elves.

The elf sorceress added,

"Everyone, I declare in advance that this is not an alarmist. Since the human king can treat all the ancient races as aliens and kill them, he will raise the butcher knife to me, who masters the energy of chaos, and my sisters! We must stop this trend. "

Gu Pu

"Shut up, Enid Findabey!" Sabina gave the valley daisy a stern look, "Look in the mirror, look at your pointy ears, look at the makeup around your eyes, and be one of those crazy fairies. Just like that, you will naturally speak for them. But don't forget your identity and the oath you made to the Northern Warlocks Association!"

As she spoke, she glanced at Yennefer covertly. This sorceress had a quarter of elf blood, and it was possible to eat inside and out.

Francesca took a deep breath, clenched her delicate fist in her lower abdomen, and fell silent.

Yenai Fa quietly exchanged glances with Triss and Coral. The three of them were closely related to the Witcher Brotherhood. They had learned from Roy that Francesca was trying to occupy the Valley of Flowers and restore the Elf Kingdom. Leave the fate of the Clan to the head of the Squirrel Party of Emperor Nilfgaard in the South.

But the three did not speak out.

To this day, most of the Society of Northern Warlocks has been kept in the dark about the identity of its traitors and spies.

"The quarrel is useless." Margarita, the other dean of Arethusa, raised her head, Yingying smiled to relieve the anger in the hall, "Since this hasty meeting cannot resolve the differences, then why not discuss it face to face in detail? "

"I hereby invite all of you to visit Sineder Island on the first of next month for a grand meeting. Not surprisingly, all the colleagues of the association will be present. An important topic of the meeting is to discuss the treatment of ancient kings by the kings of the north. Is racial policy appropriate?"

"Furthermore, the situation is dire, and the Second Civil War is not too far off. The association must prepare in advance."

Margarita's gentle blue eyes swept across the women in the projection,

"When the time comes, several sisters must be present."

There was a moment of silence in the arena, the eyes of the sorceresses turned, and their thoughts flew.

All association members

Francesca made a major decision in an instant, taking advantage of the Sunid Island meeting to remove all stumbling blocks.

Philippa glanced at her covertly and made the same idea, it's time to clean up this group of traitors from the north.

"I'm quite comfortable at Cowell," Sear said reluctantly. "I'm not interested in getting involved in the mess of politics."

"No, chaos is coming, and no one can stay out of it, especially the women in the association! We must take responsibility and show our strength, and we can't let the stinky men in the association do things arbitrarily!"

Philippa emphasized the word "female", and Xier, who was a female chauvinist, was immediately persuaded and nodded with a straight face.

"That's right, women should be in the dominant position in the Magic Association. Then I'll be there on time."

"Can anyone else be brought in?" Rita Ned interjected suddenly.

"Who?" Tishaya asked,

"Witcher." Rita looked at Francesca, and the other party's beautiful face was covered with frost, obviously brooding about the witcher's behavior of slaughtering the Squirrel Party twice.

But this time, she couldn't escape.

"Wow... Coral, you have been in seclusion for so many years, and you found a concubine outside without making a sound?" Kayla Metz rubbed her small chin, and a scorching heat appeared in her hazel eyes, and she thought of serving as King Fu again. The bodyguard's wolf and snake demon hunters, those two strong men really brought her an unforgettable joy.

"How old are you? Young guy or mature man?"

Coral smiled and said nothing.

Triss turned her face and sighed inwardly.

"More than one..." Yennefer said, "I also asked to bring someone."

"Geralt of Rivia, right, you two got back together after being separated for so many years?" Xi Er said with some disdain. She never understood how the stinky, rude and rude white wolf could win the heart of the noble sorceress.

Yennefer nodded with a smile.

Tishaya said hesitantly,

"This is an internal meeting of spellcasters. It's okay to join a few ordinary people with related interests, but there should be no witchers with swords and swords."

"What are you worried about?" Sabina licked her lips, showing a warm and charming smile, "Could it be that a few witchers can influence the decisions of a group of noble warlocks? Let them come, just for the dull meeting. A little special, fun energy."

Satya glanced at Margarita beside her, who nodded after a little thought.

"Okay, Coral, Yennefer, bring your men. But don't forget to teach them gentlemanly first, and make sure they obey the rules of Sineder."

"Of course, we promise."