The Divine Hunter

Chapter 624: Curse School and Advance Placement


The catkins swayed gently in the evening breeze.

An Gulan bowed and stood in the courtyard of Gao Wen's house, with her hands separated into claws, her eyes glaring at the pale and thin black-robed man opposite her through the bright straw-colored bangs, she suddenly jumped forward, as vigorous as a lightning.

The petite body was transformed in mid-air—the hook-like nails drilled out ten fingers, the black mane like steel needles covered the back of the hands and the neck, and a whip-like tail was thrown from the back of the buttocks, and the delicate face instantly turned into a huge and hideous one. Wolf head, bloodshot eyes, showing fangs!


The sharp claws roared through the air and attacked the man's shoulders, but he dodged in a flash, and the speed was like a teleportation, and the werewolf Angulan lost his target in a flash.


The screeching scream like an owl swayed through the air, and the cornfield outside the fence made a circle of golden ripples.

An Gulan's expression froze, and she barely turned half a circle. A huge force suddenly hit her claws crossed on her chest, and she was thrown out like a sandbag.

But she didn't lose her balance. Like a cat that fell from a height, her spine burst in an instant, her limbs tensed, her tail wiggled, and she landed in balance.

She stretched out her paws to touch, and the warm blood stained the black hair between her palms, and the thin and deep blood on the back of her neck was healing visibly with the naked eye.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man on the opposite side was not blushing or panting, he swiped a smear of blood from his fingertips, and his mean lips opened a smile, as if he was playing a warm-up game.

His contempt ignited An Gulan's anger, the scarlet vertical pupils between the wolf's heads shrunk into a slit, she grinned, revealing the white teeth, and the neck screamed—

The beastly body swelled further, a piece of rock-like muscle tore the loose linen coat, and the two-meter-high body was full of blood, like a violent little giant.

As soon as she leaned over, breathing heavily, she ran towards the man opposite her on all fours like a beast.


The thin man was turned into a swarm of pitch-black bats for a moment when she was pounced on.

Ghostly flew behind her, wrapped her body tightly like a carpet, and flew her into the air.

Move back and forth. .

Roaring, roaring echoes!

Ten seconds later, the struggle came to an abrupt end.

After a burst of irregular squirming, the bat group reunited into ordinary-looking human males.

And Angulan, who was freed from the bondage, changed from the terrifying wolf shape to the human shape, and squatted on the ground exhausted. The blood-stained coat was ripped open, revealing the girl's slender body and smooth skin, and the scars from the bat's bite were Fades quickly.

"How are you feeling, ma'am?"

Arkham Thom, who was watching the game quietly on the sidelines, led a group of children to surround Angulan, and put on a large black cloak for her to cover up the half-exposed spring light.

The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled at her companions with a pale face.

"I'm fine, I'm hungry enough to eat a cow!"

Saying that, she reluctantly looked at the barber across from her.

"Little lady, you should know how to be satisfied."

The high-level vampire Regis shook his head with a smile,

"Apart from not being able to use the seal, potion, and silver sword, your physical fitness and resilience surpass that of a rookie witcher who just passed the grass trial."

"It's no exaggeration to say that now you can tear people who are trying to hurt you to shreds with a single claw. With this power, you can protect yourself and your friends very well. With that said, it's time for me to leave. Well, I'll come back to practice with you at this time tomorrow."

Regis jumped into the air and disappeared into a plume of black smoke.

An Gulan clenched his fists quietly, feeling the power in human form that is no less than that of an adult. The unwillingness on his face gradually dissipated, and a bright and confident smile appeared on his delicate cheeks.

The pain and suffering he suffered at the God of Omens Orphanage in those years finally paid off.

All this is due to the generosity of the witcher.

"Congratulations, Angulan, or, in other words, the first witcher of the Cursed School in history!" Calkestein came from the alchemy room not far from his goatee, looking at the girl as if he were looking at a perfect work. Even the dark circles under his eyes are filled with gratification.

At the same time, the days and nights of research flickered through his mind—

An ingenious combination of the Necklace of the Damned and the midges of a lion-headed spider creates a cursed trial that turns painful memories into power.

This discussion has proved that the curse trial is more efficient and safer than the grass trial.

One transformation can transform into a powerful cursed body at any time - apart from being more sensitive to silverware and being easily emotional, there is no particular weakness.

When they changed back to human form, their genes were the same as ordinary people, which meant that they could also inherit the lineage.

Not that there is reproductive isolation between witchers and ordinary people.

But the conditions of the curse trial are more severe than the grass trial.

Those who have not experienced extremely painful and inhuman torture, cannot activate the curse.

At present, only Angulan has been successfully transformed.

"This is a huge breakthrough. The Brotherhood has a second trial road besides the grass trial!" Vesemir looked at Angulan among the children and announced in a formal and proud tone, "But more importantly, Yes, boy, you are welcome! From now on, you are also a member of the Witcher Brotherhood!"


An Gulan murmured, and looked around at the witchers around him with red eyes—

In order to witness the historic moment, Geralt of the Wolf Party, Owl of the Cat Party, Ivar of the Snake Party, Cohen of the Griffin Party... and the group of young witchers Carl, Monty, Arkham of the same age They all rushed back... A pair of vertical pupils showed deep acceptance and recognition.

Since her birth, no one has ever treated her as tenderly as a witcher.

There has never been a day when her companions relied on and admired her so much.

The girl squeezed her cloak tightly, her throat seemed to be blocked by a stone, unable to say a word, sourness poured out of her nose and eyes.

I, Angulan, have finally become a useful person!

"Wipe away your tears, my own person, you don't need to be too polite."

Roy walked out of the crowd with a smile, and solemnly handed a wolf head badge with silver stripped out to her hands - different from the fierce image of the traditional wolf school badge with grinning teeth, this badge has a wolf head with a closed snout and calm eyes.

In the future, other forms of the curser will appear, and the witchers will also customize the badges of other appearances.

"Angulan, remember," Roy patted the girl's thin shoulder encouragingly. "Appropriate anger enhances fighting spirit, but too much, don't let strong emotions obliterate reason. Keep the image of the badge in your heart and learn to restrain yourself."

"After all, we witchers don't eat with our fists alone. Often times, brains are more useful than force."

"I see, Mr. Roy!"

An Gulan squeezed the badge, nodded crisply, and a group of teenagers and girls around him cast envious glances!

"Children, this is the end of the fun, let's go back to the classroom." Kalkstan raised his chin, "Angulan must undergo a comprehensive examination immediately to ensure that there are no sequelae!"

"As for you—" The alchemist took the girl and looked at Roy, Geralt, Vesemir and the other witchers, "Go to the conference room, don't keep the ladies waiting!"

Conference room hall.

The magic light illuminated a rectangular table covered with worm-eaten marks, and the surrounding area was full of people. Among them, a dozen or so little witchers were sitting with their green faces raised, listening to the beautiful sorceress talking about the scene not long ago. Projection meeting.

"The matter has been settled. At the beginning of next month, Francesca will attend the Sinid Island meeting... Principal Tishaya has also accepted my request to allow you to accompany you to enter the Rorschach Palace,"

Coral stood behind Roy's seat, his hands gently supported his broad shoulders, his fiery hair fell to his cheeks, and his blue eyes winked at everyone.

"What are your plans for this upcoming meeting?"

"First of all, take this rare opportunity to have a good talk with the Elf Queen... Coral, would you like to sit here? I want to watch you talk, you make me very unaccustomed to it."

The red-haired sorceress took the seat on his left obediently, and Roy continued,

"For the sake of Ciri, Elena, and my own safety... We must ask Francesca for the coordinates of the plane where the Wild Hunt lives, and take their commander, Ellie, first. Ting, the sage Avarak, and the king of alders, Oberon Mukhitazi, are all swept away, ending all coveting and conspiracy against the blood of the ancients."

Hearing about "Wild Hunt", everyone present looked solemn, especially the Serpent faction who had suffered from it, as well as Geralt and Yennefer who were worried about Ciri.

Strangely enough, the Wild Hunt hadn't shown up in years.

"Ms. Elf has two blood debts with us..." Serrit shook his head. "It's hard to persuade verbally. I suggest to prepare for it in advance. If you can't be soft, you will be hard."

"Are you sure you want to force a sorceress at the association's headquarters?" Yennefer's violet eyes shone with disdain, "Aren't you afraid of being burned to ashes by the overwhelming fireball?"

"You can't do it." Geralt, who was beside the sorceress, stroked the gray stubble on his chin, "Although Wingford is dead, his assistant Lydia van Bradwater is standing with us now. This side, for now, is with Casca in Goth Velen."

"Lydia has evidence that Francesca colluded with Nilfgaard through Vigo. If the elf sorceress doesn't want to be accused by thousands of people, she can only choose to cooperate obediently."

Gu Qin

"It doesn't make much sense to identify her as a traitor at the meeting." Roy shook his head, a strange cold light shot out from his silver-gray eyes, and looked around his companions, "The blood of the ancients showed me the afterimages of the future, this fairytale The Neders Conference would be the beginning of unrest in the north."

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Roy took a deep breath, and the loud voice echoed in the conference room.

"I saw the magic aura dance wildly, the blood flowed into the river, the fire rose into the sky, and the huge explosion tore down the magnificent palace... Francesca had planned to tear her face at the Sinid Island meeting, colluding with the Squirrel Party and others Warlocks of the South, join forces to eliminate dissent."

"And Philippa, the royal advisor of Redania, will also unite with the staunch northern faction to eradicate all traitors in the convention."

Roy glanced at the red-haired sorceress who was as pale as paper, the freckles between her nose trembling, "Triss, trust me, Philippa will invite you and Kayla to join the plan soon."

Triss pursed her lips. Once these southern spies succeed, the North will inevitably suffer the scourge of war again. She—will accept Philippa's invitation without hesitation.

Roy turned to Yennefer again,

"Because of one-quarter elf blood, you will be regarded as a traitor by Philippa."

The sorceress froze for a moment, and Geralt quietly held her cold hand.

"Valley Daisy, she looks so beautiful, but she is so hard-hearted. But how dare she? How can she take action against the colleagues of the association?"

Rita Need still shook her head in disbelief,

Lambert touched his hairline, and the corner of his mouth opened a sarcastic arc,

"Think about it. In recent years, Francesca has sent many Squirrel compatriots to jump into the fire pit to die in order to restore the elf kingdom. What else can't be done!?"

"What's the result?" The coral rose-red nails tapped lightly on the table, and made a "dang" sound, dispelling the haze that was pressing on everyone's heart, "Did you see that the warlock who was eating and crawling succeeded?"

Roy said, "The illusion told me that after this battle, more than half of the warlocks from the northern faction, the southern faction, or the neutral faction were killed or injured. The Northern Warlock Association was completely disbanded after this conflict, and Nilfgaard took the opportunity to launch a second invasion war."

"So, everyone, in this meeting, we not only have to ask Francesca about the whereabouts of the Wild Hunt, but we also have to think carefully about whether to remain neutral, or to stand on the side of the northern countries?"

"Brotherhood, do you want to intervene in the turmoil in Sinid Island? Everyone should make this decision together."

Roy previously planned to punish the Wild Hunt while helping the elves stay away from the war and find a more suitable land for them to live in, but Francesca refused to meet again and again, and he was no longer interested in being a licking dog.

"Little devil, have you forgotten, you killed a lot of Nilfgaardians in the Battle of Sintra four years ago, and you have already chosen your side." Oaks calmly expressed his opinion.

Roy was silent.

"That shot was to protect Ciri and little Elene." Escal shook his white, glowing head and said gruffly, "I don't think it's time to mind your own business this time—ask the Wild Hunt. The whereabouts are enough, and at most, make sure that Yennefer, Coral, Triss, and Margarita, Keira Metz and others who have a good relationship with them are not harmed."

"Our enemy is only the Wild Hunt."

Vesemir, Lambert of the Wolf faction, Serret, Leto, Ivar Evil Eye of the Serpent faction, Kayane, Vulture and Aiden of the cat faction, nodded in agreement, and the apprentice of the sober faction Karl And a bunch of small followers around him also showed their approval.

In recent years, the Witcher Brotherhood has almost never asked about war and politics, and it has developed smoothly.

Yennefer took Geralt's arm and said nothing.

Her heart was originally north, but Philippa regarded him as a traitor - she hated hot faces and cold butts.

"But I," Triss shook her reddish-brown hair excitedly, and looked around earnestly with her big cornflower-colored eyes, "I can't just sit back and watch my colleagues in the north get killed by those southern traitors!"

"I must control the traitors in the south and thwart their plots!"

"Teachers," Arkham and Lloyd next to him stood up suddenly, their young faces were full of firmness, and their voices were clear and powerful,

"We grew up in the north and have obligations and responsibilities to contribute to the peace of our hometown!"

"Little devil, this is not an occasion for you to interject at the moment." Leso Carrot's thick index finger tapped the two of them on the foreheads, "Be careful and listen!"

Having said that, the old-fashioned poker face under his bald head was quite moving.

This is the first time Triss has made a request since joining the Brotherhood.

The witchers have to pay attention.

"I hate destruction and destruction." Cohen, who abides by the way of knighthood, suddenly opened his mouth under Arkham's desperate wink, his tough cheeks shone with a warm light under the setting sun outside.

"The conflict on Sinid Island will clear the way for Nilfgaard's re-entry northward... At that time, the Black Armor Army will destroy our homeland and homeland!"

"Since I know this in advance, I can't ignore it without asking!"

Cohen clenched the gryphon talisman between his neck,

"Even if we don't directly participate in the war, we should try to change the outcome of the Sinid Island Conference and prevent the destruction of the Northern Warlocks!"

"As long as it's not deeply involved, it's not against the principle."

"Just treat it as fulfilling Triss, and me!"

The witchers fell silent, but their attitude of indifference changed.

"Dude, I understand your sense of justice..." Lambert put his arms around his chest, and his amber pupils shot with admiration, "but don't forget, Principal Tishaya only allows Roy and Geralt to accompany two ladies into Lobby. Summer Palace... This means that the two of them will face at least twenty traitors of the Northern Association, a large number of hungry sorceresses, and a large number of squirrels, and they will probably be directly drained."

"Dry? The dog can't spit out ivory, so you can't be serious?!"

Coral and Yennefer's eyes were cold, and terrifying magic was stirred around them.

The pendant between Lambert's neck vibrated wildly, and the force almost strangled him!

Aiden hurriedly put his arms around the stinky brother's shoulder, and let him roll his eyes out of the sea of misery.

"Why don't I bring Cohen to the meeting?" Triss gratefully looked at the Griffin faction,

"Three is not enough, standing opposite is a group of the most powerful warlocks in the north."

Lesso exchanged glances with Ivar beside him, and when he saw him nodding, he simply said loudly,

"Do this, me, the other brothers, and this group of little devils... rush to Sinid Island to hibernate and prepare to support."

Triss crossed her hands in front of her belly, and bowed her knees to the crowd with a flushed face.

Serrit looked at Roy,

"But as I said, since I decided to interfere in the meeting, it's better to play a big game and let the group of 'new allies' take action."

Everyone's eyelids jumped, and the images of a group of huge bats appeared in front of them.

Since Roy sent the Shadow Elder back to his hometown, the high suction in the north has been under his control. No matter how rebellious he was before, facing the witcher with the bloodline mark of the Shadow Elder, he was as tame as a little sheep and obeyed him. .

Therefore, Regis, who has always lived in isolation, was helpless to be summoned to serve as a sparring partner for the new generation of witchers.

"Three hundred and twenty-eight high-level vampires are enough to destroy a country."

Ivar Evil Eye looked at the Snake Sect junior in amazement,

"To be exact, it is one hundred and thirteen, and most of the remaining half are still in a long slumber. Forcibly awakening them will cost a certain amount, and it is unnecessary."

"Summoning high-level vampires is an extremely mana- and stamina-intensive job."

Roy got up, walked to the window, rolled up his sleeves, revealing a red bloodline mark on his arm.

Gently rub.

The magic power in the air began to boil, and the witcher badges between everyone's necks shook one after another.

The dazzling blood light suddenly lit up, like weaving a red mist.

"But Serrit is right. Only an overwhelming force can safely, quickly and completely resolve the troubles at Sineder Island."

The voice fell, and everyone looked out the window with wide-eyed eyes. In the dazzling golden sunset of the skyline in the distance, a large dark cloud suddenly appeared, and scarlet lightning was swimming in it.

As if the end had come, the sky split open into the abyss.

The billowing dark clouds came swiftly, covering the alder forests around Gawain's house.

Puff puff!

A whistling gust of wind blew past, dark clouds swayed, and torrential rain fell on the courtyard, strangely condensing into thin, cold, terrifying and depressing figures.

The blood in the sky reflected pale faces and scarlet eyes.

They respectfully saluted towards the conference room.

"Our new allies are ready, and the final word will be finalized at that time!"