The Divine Hunter

Chapter 625: Severe winter is coming


distant alien world.

Tirnalia, the capital of the Kingdom of Ain El.

A palace stands behind the catkins that flutter in the wind like green gauze on the river.

Different from the ordinary marble and alabaster structure, the main body of this palace is made of slender white lace, ethereal, light and delicate, like a mirage suspended in mid-air.

The breeze is blowing, the catkins caress, the mist is cruising, the river is rippling, and the palace seems to be about to rise by the wind at any time.

Cross ivy-coated suspension bridges, hollowed-out fountains, mosaic tile statues, arabesque railings, cloisters, domes, and thin stalactite-shaped towers.

In the center of the palace, in an ornate room decorated with stained-glass windows, mirrors, cameos and tapestries of floral tapestries, and chandeliers, stood a thin, tall man.

He was dressed in a black jacket and wore traditional elf high boots with buckles.

His long grey hair fell over his sloping shoulders and slid down his smooth back,

The hands holding the railing were white and slender, and the fingers were slender like a woman.

But at this moment, the man stared at the lake where the swans swam outside the window, and his eyes like molten lead were filled with the vicissitudes of life.

"Ian Savigny, Eredin and Callanhill?"

He turned and glanced at the blond elf sitting in front of the low desk. The sunlight pouring in from the window reflected an incredible brilliance on the black jacket, making his head seem to be haunted by a sacred halo.

"Your Majesty Oberon, call me Avarak."

"The two of them have just finished their long mission and are arranging their appearance. They will come to see you when they are full of energy and in a stable state of mind. And I can't wait to bring you good news."

The elf sage smiled gently, revealing a set of white and small teeth without canines.

"Fortunately, we survived the humiliation and managed to let Baishuang stop. This world has more than half a year of stability."

"Avalak," Oberon looked at him earnestly, his voice slowly as if every word had to be exhausted, "I will remember your contributions and sacrifices for the race."

"Your Majesty's words are serious, and this is a due responsibility." Avalak changed the conversation, "but unfortunately, safety is only temporary."

"I don't know which link has gone wrong. The power of Hoarfrost is constantly strengthening, and it is passing through cosmic rifts at a speed beyond what was expected in the past, approaching the world of Ain Shedi and our world, especially the latter."

Oberon's face was serious, and he was listening.

"In the past six years, the red knights led by Eredin completely gave up looting, and focused on letting the navigator Callanhill travel through time and space to lead away Hoarfrost—"

A shadow passed over Avarak's face, and he waved his hand casually—in the elf's way, only movements, no spells.

A luminous curtain floated in front of the two of them, weaving a series of lifelike scenes—

The strong whistle and the rumbling sound of hooves exploded, a group of knights galloped in the chaos, the bull-head-shaped helmets swayed with the strong wind, and the blood-like red cloak fluttered behind them, like a stretched flag.

In front of the cavalry team, shimmering cracks kept appearing, and they kept going in and out, rushing from a darkness to another unknown realm.

From the beginning to the end, there was a white ribbon with no end in sight, chasing after the red knights. Death follows them, swift and unstoppable, entwined in their rusted armour of interlocking steel, their tattered crests.

Cover their whole body with a layer of pale and crystal clear ice ridges.

blah blah blah!

The biting chill fell with the raised horse's hoof, about to break the projection curtain, and circles of jagged white freezing air poured out of the tall and majestic body of the Red Knight.

But the riders' eyes were firm, leading the frost wave, and they rode their horses galloping forward—

Finally, after a shuttle, he got rid of the white nightmare behind him.

But the dark dome was riddled with holes by countless shuttles, like a mirror surface that was forcibly glued together, with cracks all over it, and it could shatter and collapse at any time.

There was a faintly pale behemoth hidden behind the fissure, casting malicious peeps.

"As you can see, the red knights lead away the hoarfrost, but they have to create more cracks, and the more cracks, the faster the hoarfrost will gather, which is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst."

Avarak raised a wine glass on the table and swayed it full of wine.

"It's like using a cup to hold back the rain that falls from the sky, when it's full, the water will overflow and fall into our world, drowning, freezing, and obliterating all life."

Oberon nodded heavily, his elegant and thin cheeks were filled with tiredness and helplessness, and he became more and more old and decadent, "I remember the prophecy of the great sage Islini revealed that no matter how delayed, the era of white frost will eventually come. Now it seems that this process has been greatly accelerated, as for the reason, have you investigated it?"

"You have ruled the Ain Hill family for six hundred years. It should be clear that Hoarfrost has only been interested in one thing from beginning to end. Since ancient times, it has tirelessly pursued our clan, from one world to another. A world is all for the end to swallow up that bloodline."

"Blood of the Elders." Oberon blurted out, rubbing the bridge of his nose, his tone was more rotten, and his expression was helpless and tired. "But in the past 100 years, there has only been one navigator, Kalan Hill, in Ain El, an incomplete ancient bloodline, which has limited attraction to Baishuang, so it shouldn't be brought forward so long."

"We have every reason to believe," Avalak clenched his fists, and the sea-like blue eyes flashed with heat, "the variable comes from the world of Ain Shedi (Witcher)."

"There is no doubt that when the age of hoarfrost came in the prophecy, Swift, who reborn the world, has awakened the blood of the ancients, and the awakening degree is very deep. She has a hundred times more powerful than Laura Doren and even those of us who know it. The ability. It is her presence that attracts Hoarfrost to approach like mad."

"Swift, Zireael, you are referring to my daughter who was deceived by the shameless human warlock Craignan," a trace of complex warmth and guilt flashed in the Elf King's eyes, "It should belong to you. Fiancee Laura Dolan."

"Exactly the bloodline descendant of Laura Doren."

Gu Jia

Avalak's face was mixed with love and hate.

In the elves' near-eternal lives, the biggest trouble is sex.

Love among the same kind quickly becomes dull, fresh, and exciting.

Therefore, some elves have feelings for human beings belonging to alien races, and are attracted, coaxed, and abducted by them.

The successor of the ancient blood, Laura Dolan, is the most famous representative among them, and she is also the culprit in letting the ancient blood flow from the Ain El tribe to another world.

Ciri's ancestors.

Avarak let out a long sigh,

"Swift has matured... and in addition to dealing with Hoarfrost in recent years, I have never relaxed my search for her."

"I ripped through the massive historical documents and finally found her whereabouts."

The elf sage once again created a light curtain, in which stood a pyramid-shaped tree of bloodlines, and at the top was written—

Laura Doren Ep Hildahar, and Craignan of Lord.

Passing through several generations from top to bottom, including the sixth generation of the Sintra lioness, Calanthe, and her husband, Prince Abbing, Rogner;

The seventh-generation Sintra princess Pavetta, and the hedgehog-headed Dhoni (Emhyr Enris);

Eventually, condensed into one name at the bottom, Cintra's Cubs—

Cerella Fiona Ellen Leanlon

The gorgeous room fell silent in an instant.

The man who holds the power of the Wild Hunt, the sage who knows the blood of the ancients best, stared at this name, relatively speechless.

Trapped in long memories.

"I found out that after the Battle of Sintra... Calanthe and her granddaughter, Princess Ciri, who was in pure ancient blood, disappeared completely."

"There were even rumors in that world that she was dead...but the opposite is true - Calanhill has detected fluctuations in the Old Blood many times, the most intense one being in Norweigray, Maribor, Skellige A few months ago, in Vikvaro to the south."

Avalak paused, stood up suddenly, his eyes flashed terrifyingly,

"So strong, no less than the fluctuation of the ancient bloodline's sons who sent the Red Knights to other worlds hundreds of years ago."

"This is enough to prove that the blood of the ancestors survived and recovered completely."

Avalak looked at Oberon,

"In the past few years, I have cooperated with Eredin to guide Bai Shuang with all my strength and have no time to withdraw."

"But now, Your Majesty, the crisis is temporarily lifted. I implore you to send your most elite troops to join me in the world of Ain Shedi and bring back the long-lost ancient blood of the tribe."

"This move must go all out. It may not be enough to send out the gate of the world to transform the ghost knight (Wild Hunt). There are strong people in the human race who understand the preciousness of the blood of the ancients and oppose us."

Arawak said earnestly,

"I hope that Eredin and the most powerful navigator, Callan Hill, will take action and let the Red Knights physically teleport over and search them one by one."

In the tens of thousands of years of history of the Ain El family, the Red Knights are the pioneers of the frontier and the most powerful warriors.

Not only masters outstanding martial arts and spells (human magic learns from elves).

In the process of constantly dodging cosmic catastrophe, a few members even learn to harness the power of hoarfrost.

The cold is pouring down, and everything is dead.

Oberon quietly squeezed the gold collar around his neck—a symbol of rulership, called "torc'h" in the Ancients.

After a moment of contemplation, he seemed to have been hit by a pain point, and his face flushed abnormally.

"Wait for the Red Knight to bring Swift back, and then what? Avalak, wouldn't you have the same idea as Eredin, let me reproduce with a half-blooded female and create a new generation of ancient blood?"

Ciri was his great-granddaughter of unknown generations.

Avarak shook his head,

"Unfortunately, White Frost is imminent, and it is not realistic for her to conceive your child in a hurry."

Oberon breathed a sigh of relief.

"The biggest possibility at present is to let Swift and Calanhill join forces to assist us Ain El through the 'Gate of All Realms' and move away from this world and Ain Shidi's world. Avoid the imminent The coming ice age."

Oberon let out a sigh of relief. From his memory, the entire tribe was afraid of the hoarfrost, and he was tired of it.

"As long as Swift is in our hands," Avalak saw his thoughts and said firmly, "Sooner or later, our family will find a way to completely solve the hoarfrost!"

"Then go, Avarak," Oberon turned, facing the blue lake again, looking up at the dazzling sun in the sky, "let the honor return to Ain El, let her return to the fate of On track!"