The Divine Hunter

Chapter 626: First look at Sinid Island


The meeting on the island was bigger and more complicated than Roy had expected.

The first day from Gos Wellen to Sinid Island through the sea-crossing bridge, after making arrangements, they spent their time at the Rorschach Palace at the bottom of the island, located at the foot of the southeast mountain.

Representatives from all over the north gathered here, not only the warlocks, but also some powerful figures, such as the nobles of Temeria, the government officials of Redania, and the entourages of the warlocks.

In the meantime, Roy vaguely saw a few familiar faces - Linus Peet, the master tutor of environmental biology at Niubao, knights of the Knights of the White Rose of Temeria... But he didn't have time to say hello, he, Geralt, And Cohen, who was dragged by the three sorceresses to choose clothes, get a haircut, and learn about the rules of the dinner party.

Even knowing that the meeting was doomed to go to war, the sorceresses did not allow their accompanying witchers to humiliate them in any way, and instead demanded to show enough splendor and decency in the first part of the meeting. Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The three of them endured the torture for a long time like a machine, and they escaped from the Rorschach Palace until the twilight of the four corners. Together with a group of dressed men and women, they walked up the stairs to enter the higher-level Arethusa Palace.

The hall in the center of the entire palace has a fan-shaped structure, enough to accommodate more than 300 people, which is unusually gorgeous and elegant.

The candelabra with fixed lighting magic illuminates every corner of the banquet hall.

What's even better is that these special lights make the women's carefully decorated faces, the earrings, rings, necklaces, and the large areas of skin outside the dresses sparkle and attract attention, as if they were going on a unique scene. Beauty pageant.

Roy just took a few casual glances and found that five or six unremarkable women were dressed very coolly, as if every piece of opaque silk on their bodies was an insult to their figure and beauty.

A glance at this "beautiful view" is enough to make ordinary men flush and breathe harder.

Of course, Roy was no ordinary man. He kept his composure and walked across the hall with Coral's hand to the dining table.

He kept observing, but was disappointed to find that among the hundreds of warlocks in the entire hall, none of them had the strength to reach the level of Wygoforts. .

He is already very low-key, but with a strong, tall and slender figure, refreshing short black hair, a handsome face, young and sophisticated, and mysterious temperament unique to a witcher, he is like a man in the dark night among all the male participants. torch.

A bloated man pointed at him jealously.

There were also a large number of sorceresses who paid attention, most of them looked politely and fleetingly, and there were those who were daring to greet him with dizzy cheeks, or read his heart, if it weren't for the sorceress Li beside him. Tah Ned is not easy to mess with, they will probably come directly to issue an invitation.

Roy looked at them one by one with admiration.

"Is it good-looking, so fascinated by it?" Coral interjected jealously, her blue eyes looked at him deeply, Soft Cat quietly exerted her strength, and her pointed fingernails sank into his arm flesh.

"No matter how beautiful they are, what does it have to do with me?" Roy pulled the neckline that tightened his neck and was about to make him breathless - it came from the most popular tunic, which can make people feel The bones are broken,

His silver-gray eyes swept across the sorceress's watery eyes and petal-soft lips,

"The most beautiful and elegant lady in the party is by my side... I just want to see you more!"

According to the experience taught by Master Dandelion, he fondly stroked the hot hair beside Coral's shoulder.

The sorceress immediately turned her anger into joy, and thoughtfully put spoonfuls of caviar dipped in lemon juice into his mouth.

She had already learned from Yennefer what kind of elm head Geralt was, and it was both hypocritical and tangled.

In contrast, Roy, who is young and strong, has strong learning ability, and is caring, is perfect!

"Well... oysters, crabs, lobsters... The food on the table is not as rich as Gawain's House, and there is no chair to rest." Roy felt the fermented sea salt in his mouth, and looked at the tall and thin flower windows around him. Various figures and heights reach the oval dome of the palace.

The windows were not closed, and the icy night wind blew straight in, and the tapestries, garlands, and flags in the alcove swayed.

"This banquet hall is leaking air, don't they feel cold when they wear so little?"

"The main purpose of the party is to socialize. Without a chair, you will keep walking around, looking for someone to say hello and chat a few words, and you will naturally not be cold when you walk."

"Anyway, it's here, my dear, relax, come and have a good time with me, Francesca is staying with the bigwigs of the wizarding society, and I won't see you for the time being."

Roy and Coral chatted along the outside of the hall, looking for familiar faces.

Not far away, Triss chatted with Seale and Margarita, arm in arm and ear to ear, while Yennefer unexpectedly dragged Geralt to the center of the banquet hall and looked around with her chest raised up.

Under the eyes of the public, the legendary witcher White Wolf was quite uncomfortable, his expression was so embarrassed that his toes could pierce the floor.

"Yennefer is guilty of such exaggeration?"

"What's wrong with declaring sovereignty?" Shan Shan smiled with a smile, "Geralt has a good temperament, and if you take it seriously, you will be a mature and high-quality man. Some colleagues like this. Of course, there are also many people who are against Ye Nai. I am interested in the identity of the French partner, maybe I want to take a risk and try it out, prying the corner...

"The proud and grumpy Ye has made many enemies in the association. And those stinky men can't fasten their belts."

Roy was silent, he noticed a sorceress wearing a black thin silk shirt, a dark red skirt that slits all the way to the hips, and a raised figure, smiling tenderly, rushed towards Yennefer, hugged her warmly, and kissed her on the ear. side air.

The smiles were like flowers, and the gestures were affectionate like sisters, but there was a tit-for-tat hostility between the two women.

"Look, there are provocateurs coming." Coral smiled disdainfully, "Kaldwin's Sabina, a shameless slut!"

Sabina was clearly talking to Yennefer, but she kept scratching her head at Geralt, teasing Yennefer's lover face to face, and her face was red with shyness, as if finding a table would immediately return to her original state.

Roy and Coral ate the melon so quietly. In order to hear more clearly, Coral even cast a small spell to eliminate noise interference.

The results were unbelievable for both of them.

Gu Dian

"Geralt's performance is perfect!"

Except for a kiss at the beginning, he watched Yennefer with the same affection as a loyal dog all the time, and Sabina had to leave because she was bored.

Some young warlocks who were watching the excitement in the hall clapped a few times.

"There's no doubt that Ye has called Geralt a good tune during this time. I bet a cheeky mind reader can only read a piece of love from him!" Coral said meaningfully, clutching A pinch of red hair patted Roy's cheek,

The latter's heart skipped a beat.

Don't try to make any messy tunes with me!

Suddenly, a greeting interrupted his thoughts.

"Master Roy, long time no see, how are you doing?" Linus Pitt walked over from the other side of the table with a glass of vodka, he was still wearing a black jacket with another round brass brooch, another He lifted the thick glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, and a sincere smile appeared on his thin cheeks.

"It's too good to be true, yes," the witcher clasped the withered palms of his old friend. "Linus...this is Rita girlfriend, a warlock."

The scholar smiled casually at Shan Shan, his deep myopia and obsession with academics made him ignore the amazing beauty in front of him.

Roy continued on seeing this,

"I haven't had a chance to tell you, thank you for your help to that group of kids. Without you, a group of orphans wouldn't be able to get into Oxenfurt College."

"It's all due to their own diligence and hard work, and at best I'm the icing on the cake." Linus shook his head humbly, "And among them, Asia, Europe and Orfi are very talented. I arbitrarily proposed to hire them to the rare zoo, you Do you mind just taking up their days off?"

"Thank you very much, that's their creation!" Roy said with relief, and then asked, "Speaking of which, today is not the Northern Warlock Summit. How did you, a Niubao scholar, come to join in the fun?"

Linus turned to look at the distance, a gentle male warlock in a purple tight-fitting shirt,

"I'm here with Your Excellency Dorigaray." Linus Pitt narrowed his highly short-sighted eyes and cleared his throat, "This conference is the most solemn conference of warlocks in the north in recent years, how can it lack the protection of endangered animals? By."

His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he stretched out five fingers,

"Tomorrow, we will put forward five measures for animal protection in front of all the warlocks. I believe that those who master the energy of chaos are people of insight, and they will definitely understand our good intentions!"

Roy froze for a moment,

And Rita chuckled lightly, a row of shell teeth exposed between her coral-colored red lips,

"Respected Lord Linus, I admire your noble sentiments and your desire to contribute to the balance of nature, but your idea is fundamentally wrong - I am 100% sure that most warlocks have nothing to do with animal protection. interest…"

Coral raised her chin proudly, stretched out her index finger and pointed at Sabina and a red-haired sorceress in a white dress who was peeking at her man not far away.

"Have you seen the high heels of those two bitches? One pair is iguana skin, one pair is pearl fish skin... For them, rare animals are just a resource for status and beauty."

Linus Pitt glared at the two hateful women, but when he looked down and saw the horned dragon leather heels under Coral's feet, he trembled and was speechless.

The two women noticed the movement here and whispered,

"Look, that old woman is choreographing us again." Sabina licked her lips, "in front of her little concubine. Such a young, handsome, healthy man, more attractive than Geralt, is the most attractive. Most importantly, dating Rita. Marty, I've never been so emotional."

"That shameless, old-fashioned Rita," said the red-haired sorceress next to her, "must have cast a spell on the little witcher to make him fascinated, to be so intimate, obedience."

"Witchers won't be fooled by magic." Sabina shook her head.

"Is it possible that he has a soft spot for sorceresses?" The red-haired woman raised her strong chest and said in a low voice, "Do you think we have a chance?"

"You're so brave, you still want to take away Rita Ned's man, and you're not afraid of being frozen into a popsicle by her?"

"What if he took the initiative to send an invitation to the door?" The red-haired sorceress cast a wink at Roy covertly,

"In this case, I will agree without hesitation." Sabina's dark eyes flashed with the aggressive light of a hungry lioness. "Even in the woods, I am willing."

"It's me," the red-haired sorceress longed passionately. "It doesn't matter if you lie in the fire."

The sorceresses of the association are so unrestrained and enthusiastic, with no taboos

Roy, who was not far away, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and forcibly turned his attention back to the Niubao scholar.

"As you can see, Mr. Linus, sorceresses have little interest in animal protection ideas... You and Lord Doregare are doomed."

"How do you know if you don't try?" The scholar didn't flinch.

"Okay," Roy suddenly wrapped his arms around the scholar mysteriously and whispered, "don't run around in a while, pay attention to safety..."

This conference is going to be extremely dangerous, and Roy doesn't want to see any accidents happen to the good guys.

On the other side, a woman with white hair and noble temperament noticed the acquaintance, her eyes lit up, and she quickly leaned over.