The Divine Hunter

Chapter 629: mutation


Philippa hid behind the red curtain in the corner, looking through the gap to observe the dimly lit corridor - the witcher and the elf lady who were talking in secret drew two long silhouettes on the wall.

"Maybe the Witcher Organization has joined forces with the Squirrel Bitch, we should do it now!"

"You're too sensitive. Witchers have always been neutral and never intervene in politics." Sigismund Dirkoscher, the secret agent of Vizmir II, patted his bare head, with a glowing white skin, and a huge body of more than two hundred pounds, like a pig that has just taken a bath,

"Don't forget, they used to kill the Squirrel Party in Norwich Grey, and the rift between the two is very deep. There is very little chance of cooperation."

"But they talked for too long, and they opened the barrier of secrecy. It's impossible, the witcher apologizes inside?"

"It's not a decent thing to talk about behind your back."

Yennefer stepped silently from behind the saffron curtain, violet eyes calmly looking at the two favored servants of King Vizmir.

She heard it!

Philippa's face turned pale, a lot of thoughts passed through her mind, and she took a closer look at the other party's expression.

No, she already knew about tonight's hidden show!

Dijkstra took a deep breath, the fat on his chest almost broke the buttons of his shirt, and his left hand quietly reached his waist, but when he noticed the white-haired man who followed the sorceress, his face relaxed again. To open your hands and show off your weapons in front of a combat expert is tantamount to suicide.

"Don't be nervous, you two. Although I'm a quarter elf, I'm not going to help the Squirrel Party against my colleagues in the north." Yennefer's violet eyes shone sarcastically, "Ms. Philippa, please. Release your pinky finger and dispel the magic. Don't let ill-timed spells ruin a friendly exchange."

Philippa sighed and exchanged glances with the fat man beside her,

"Who leaked the secret, the big mouth of Keira Metz, or Triss?"

"It's not important... The important thing is - Sinid Island is a temple of magic, and there should be no bloodshed because of differences in political positions!"

With a raven-like black hair thrown behind his head, Yennefer said solemnly,

"But your reckless plan to please the kings of the north is creating a war... Countless colleagues will be injured, and even when we are in Arethusa, the monument of magic that has stood for thousands of years, it will be implicated and turned into ruins. ."

"You're teaching me to do things, Ye Na?"

Philippa glared at her,

"You've always been a smart person, why can't you see the current situation..." Philippa's eyes passed through the gap in the curtain and swept across the bustling crowd in the dance hall, "More than half of them are my loyal allies, defenders of the north, Including your old lover Desmore."

"Once activated, all traitors can be reduced to prisoners in an instant... And you only have, tsk, three warlocks, three witchers. The contrast between strengths and weaknesses is so stark, what qualifications do you have to talk to me like this?"

She giggled and reached out to brush the dust off the chest of Yennefer's black silk dress, like a queen who cares about her courtiers,

"There are only two ways in front of you, join our action! Or you can capture it immediately, and when the matter is resolved, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence in front of all your northern colleagues."

Yennefer raised his chin slightly and made a silent statement. Geralt took a step back, twisted his waist, and clenched his right hand into a fist the size of a sandbag.

"Hey, buddy, I know your skills are very good, but how fast can you have magic?" A warning smile appeared on the fat face of the secret probe, and his small eyes were overwhelmed by the flesh, "Dare to do it, be careful this is used to please women. His handsome face was burned into a briquettes."

"One more word, believe it or not, I kicked a leg off you?!"

Dirkescher's mouth twitched.

Yennefer patted Geralt on the shoulder reassuringly.

"As I said, we do not support the South. But I must advise you that your actions should be in moderation."

Philippa's face sank,

"You like to criticize others on the moral high ground so much, why don't you persuade the traitors in the hall to surrender?"

"I'm going to do that. But the process may not be very friendly - if you don't want to suffer, just stay by my side and follow my instructions."

"Ye Na, you have long since given up your qualifications for the council and no longer serve as a royal advisor. You have neither status nor power. What gave you the confidence to speak out in front of me."

Philippa sneered and shook her head disdainfully,

"I've always wanted to tell you, arrogant Lady Redania Royal Advisor, you don't think you're the only one with allies, do you?"

A strong sense of revenge surged in Yennefer's heart, and he turned his head to look out the window, where a few dark figures that were difficult to discern with the naked eye ghostly streaked across the night sky.

The footsteps in the hall continued, the air rippled, the silk fabrics of the dresses rustled, and the warlocks who smelled of wine were rubbing shoulders, some biting their ears and whispering, and some laughing.

Elle's Gerhardt wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his cheeks were as blue as suffocation, his breathing was heavy, and he stroked his violently heaving chest with one hand.

Humans are not long-lived elves after all. Even with the support of magical transformation, the five-hundred-year-old has already reached the limit, but he was exhausted after a few hours of dinner.

Tishaya patted his back lightly and looked apologetically at Rita Ned and Triss who came together, "I'm sorry, Lord Gerhardt has a bad heart, so I can't chat with you for too long. "

"It's okay, we're just here to offer a suggestion."

Triss's eyes slowly swept across Margarita, Tishaya, and Gerhardt of Elle, the neutral warlocks with the highest status in the three associations.

"Wait a minute, in order to prevent Your Excellency Gerhardt from having a heart attack, please call Ms. Mattie Sodergren, who is proficient in medicine, and be ready to rescue at any time."

Tishaya thought for a while and followed her words,

"Coral, Triss, thank you for your concern. But why did you bring this up all of a sudden, do you know something?" Arethusa's principal asked in a low voice, "Someone wants to break the rules and do something on the island?"

No, not people.

Coral and Triss said something in their hearts.

"Wait, what is that, seagull?" Gerhardt suddenly looked at the night sky outside the window, "Tishaya, Arethusa's protective circle can not isolate all bats, insects, and birds, how can a few seagulls Near the palace?"

"No, I can feel it, everything is normal, and there is no problem with the operation of the magic circle... Are you dazzled?"

Headmaster Arethusa looked out the window, his voice stopped abruptly, and his expression fell into deep confusion.

"I have an ominous hunch—our plan has been leaked!" Alto Terranova turned his head uneasily, circling in place, with a squat body, as if he was probing his head on the grassland, magnifying a hundred times groundhog.

"Would you like to call Francesca and do it right away?"

"It's too risky to do it now. It's better to wait until tomorrow when everyone enters the Gastang Palace... The anti-magic barrier takes effect, and our Squirrel Party allies can show their skills." Temeria's royal advisor Feikat looked around alertly, nervously like dynamite on fire,

"The risk is high, and it's better than being caught. Think about it, a senior wizard of the Wizarding Society, a consultant to King Fu, has become a spy for Emhyr. What will happen if the plan fails? Waiting for us will be Trito. Grid's gallows."

"Be quiet! Under the pillar on the left, the mutant with three-color pupils is secretly watching us. What is he trying to do?"


"Don't worry about that guy, what outrageous things can he do in front of everyone's eyes? Wait, this is... what sound, did you hear it?"



There was a strange crashing sound and a sharp cry from the outside of the hall.

The two traitors looked out the window.

At the same time, among the warlocks who were drinking, playing Quint, chatting, kissing... in the banquet hall, there were a few people who noticed this voice.

"Something is flying outside!"

A man in a loose robe as thin as a bamboo pole leaned against the window and burped wine, then was startled, and a strange thing flew into his eyes - black fluff, membrane-like wings, scarlet eyes, And the fangs in the bloody mouth.

"It's a bat!" Doregare, a naturalist from Sidaris, put down his red wine glass and exclaimed, "How come I didn't find out a few years ago that this rare species that I have never seen before is still hidden in Sinid Island. !"

Linus Pitt helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with fiery eyes, "How about you use a spell to help me catch a few and bring them back to the Cow Castle to raise?!"

"The two of you have unique hobbies, hiccup... This bat is bigger than a human head. Maybe the fangs are poisoned." The thin mage by the window shook his head, and his face suddenly became strange.

"Damn, why are there more and more, this is not normal! Be careful, everyone be careful!"

A series of bewitching red lights flew out of the night, and dense shadows pulsated in the darkness.

The sea roared, and the waves crashed against the walls of Sinid Island.

And the brightly lit Arethusa Palace suddenly became dark and unclear.

Thousands of bats swarmed in the night, blocking the bright moonlight cast in the sky, covering the glittering stained glass windows on the palace wall, as if covering the disc-shaped Eritu Palace with a thick curtain. Black scarf.

They came so quietly, and they didn't reveal a single bit of magic power fluctuations, and the warlocks didn't notice it until they were close at hand.

But it's too late!


Ultrasound slammed into the night sky.

The screams exploded from all directions, the destructive magic of hell and abyss surged out, and the exquisite flower windows crackled and shattered.

Earthquake-like waves traveled to the hall from the statues of Saturn and Nymphs at the entrance of the palace.

The crystal chandelier on the ceiling shook violently, and the flames on the magic candlestick flickered, reflecting pale and painful faces.

The warlock, who was too late to prepare, was hit in an instant, and fell to the ground as if he was drunk.

"Marty, save Gerhardt, he's having a heart attack, he's dying!" Tishaya shouted hoarsely amid the chaos.

Godsend opportunity!

Feikat and Aalto wandered around their dizzy heads, and saw that no one was paying attention, their hands danced, and suffocating chaotic energy emerged from their palms!


The Griffin, who had been staring at the two traitors, sent Cohen to throw a shot of Alder, which shattered the brewing magic, and then jumped forward like a cheetah thrown out of the grass, hitting Alder with an uppercut. Holding his chin, the dwarf's head jerked back, and flew out two meters weakly and fell onto a colleague's thigh, blood spurting from his nose and mouth.

"The witcher has killed!"

Feikat yelled and threw a fireball. The scorching flames roared and dazzled, but he flew into the air and flew five meters to ignite a tapestry embroidered with sailboats on the palace wall. He didn't have time for the second magic. A fist is getting bigger and bigger in the pupil.


Feikat's eyes flashed with stars, and he lost consciousness in a fog.

The next second, the dark bat swarm flew into the hall.

A few quick-responding mages reluctantly made a counterattack, throwing colorful rays and energy balls at them, but they seemed to hit the air, and as soon as they passed through, they quickly faded and annihilated into nothingness.

In a hurry, the wizards did not have time to release large-scale spells, and they were even more afraid of affecting their colleagues around them.

Therefore, the spread of the bat swarm is unstoppable, and the blink of an eye shrouded everyone's heads - the majestic black cloud fell head-on.

A few dazzling flames flashed in the hall, and the sound lingered in the exclaimed abyss, the magical aura was disillusioned, the heavy impact, the fearful screams of the wizards, and the painful groaning one after another.

Tables and chairs are flying, and the floor is full of drinks.

The whole hall was in chaos.

But only five seconds.

The riots ended, and the air was quiet enough to hear the drop of a needle.

The entire Arethusa Palace was plunged into a thick and cold darkness, making it difficult to see.

But soon the wriggling darkness formed into lanky figures—all black cloaks, morbidly pale cheeks, scarlet lips, slender statures, shadows plastered silently behind every attendee.

Not long ago, the warlock who was joking and laughing, the most elite mage in the north, was taken out of the pot without any resistance, turned into a prisoner, and stood motionless.

It was difficult to move a finger, and the frightened eyes could only be stared in vain—

This scene is more absurd than a nightmare, and even the most brutal battle of Sodden could not let the Association suffer such a heavy blow.

blah blah blah!

The unhurried footsteps suddenly sounded, and each step seemed to be stepping on the apex of the wizards' hearts.

All eyes turned away.

Roy the witcher came out of the remote corridor, with his hands behind his waist, his face was calm and his expression was calm.

It's like taking a walk in your own yard.

The group of mysterious and powerful men in black saluted him sideways one after another, with a respectful and humble attitude, and took the initiative to make way for a passage that went straight into the center of the hall.

Franceska dragged her dark green dress, followed closely, her pretty face was still calm, but her messy footsteps and rapid breathing showed her strange mood.

"I like to speak with strength."

She suddenly understood what the witcher meant.