The Divine Hunter

Chapter 630: The dust has settled


Most wizards' impression of witchers is still a century ago. In their eyes, these so-called mutants are just a backward experimental material that should have been eliminated long ago.

Demon hunters have always been ignored by humans and mage groups, bearing contempt and infamy. No matter what country they are in, they belong to a marginal group of low status.

Although they are highly skilled, frequently beheading powerful monsters all over the world, all they have is reckless force, not worthy of comparison with the graceful and noble spellcaster who masters the chaotic energy.

The Witcher Brotherhood's efforts over the past few years have only digged the tip of the mountain of these prejudices.

But now, at this moment, hundreds of mages in Arethusa Palace are watching the black-haired and silver-eyed witcher in the center.

The stubborn impression in my heart was shattered!

The arrogance and dignity of the caster, who were once despised, stepped into the soil.

A crushing defeat!

If it weren't for the invisible magic power, some of the arrogant people would have killed themselves because of anger and shame!

Roy ignored all the strange attention and snapped his fingers.

After a few gasps, the Scholar of Niubao beside the vase on the east side of the hall, Princess Yada and Grimm under the tapestry on the west side, Philippa and Dirkscher in front of the saffron curtain on the south side, and Dixie by the golden column on the north side. Shaya, Margarita and several neutrals were instantly freed from their bondage and regained their freedom.

But they didn't act rashly or yell.

"Master Roy... What the hell is going on, how can a bat become a human?"

Linus swallowed his saliva and looked back at the expressionless black cloaks timidly.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you the answer right away!"

Roy tiptoed, jumped lightly onto the dining table full of candlesticks and fine wine in the center of the hall, turned around condescendingly, made sure everyone could see him clearly, and then raised his voice,

"The warlocks of the association, as well as the adults from all over the country, I'm sorry to interrupt your banquet suddenly and take up your precious time... But I promise by the reputation of the witcher brotherhood, we have no ill will towards you, wait until Tonight's events come to an end, and most of you will be safe and sound, not a single hair will be missing!"

"I've only heard of the five major schools. What kind of organization is the Witcher Brotherhood? What do you guys want?" He stomped the floor, but his tone was inexplicably weak, "United with the mages in the south to kidnap and coerce all the warlocks in the north?"

"You're playing for Emhyr Enris?"

"The Witcher Brotherhood is just a group of no-name people who gather together to seek survival and development." Roy's eyes met Geralt and Cohen in the crowd, and his loud voice spread throughout the hall.

"But we don't work for any country, all our actions are only to help our brothers and sisters in the club!"

Roy's voice fell, and there was a sudden burst of footsteps at the gate of the palace.

In the night, a pair of ghostly pupils floated to the front.

A group of demon hunters with two swords on their backs filed in.

Vesemir and Ivar Evil Eye, who were the oldest and had dyed hair and beard, walked at the forefront, and a dozen teenagers headed by Karl were behind.

They passed through the crowd and silently came to Roy.

The beast-like vertical pupils slowly turned, looking at the group of noble "captives" around them

Being swept by sharp eyes, the wizards suddenly fell into an ice cave and felt cold all over.

Such large-scale mutants are actually hidden under their noses, aren't they dying, when did so many new blood be born!

Roy nodded to his companions and continued,

"Furthermore, our Brotherhood is not just about mages and witchers. You are as knowledgeable as you are. Do you know the true identity of these guys behind you?"

"High-level vampire?"

Margarita's astonished answer made all eyes in the hall stagnate, and her panting increased.

Advanced vampire.

One of the most mysterious and powerful creatures in the world, a predator at the top of the food chain.

There are sporadic records of them in the Society, and their rarity is no less than that of dragons.

Every time it appears in front of the world, it is accompanied by a large number of deaths like a natural disaster.

Many warlocks have never seen one in their entire life.

And today, they've seen hundreds of them all at once - at the mercy of witchers.


The figure standing on the wine table became more and more majestic in the eyes of the wizards.

"Is this an honor? We should thank you for your grace of not killing?" Tishaya clasped her fingers on her chest and asked with trembling lips, "Witcher, looking at Coral and Ye Na's face, I just Make an exception to allow you to join this party and enjoy the food and wine. You just reciprocate and arrest all the members of the association in a humiliating way?!"

She glanced worriedly at Gerhardt who was lying beside her,

"Your rude behavior has caused the greatest warlock in the north to suffer a heart attack... Marty, go on rescuing!"

The red-haired sorceress who was kneeling on the ground gritted her teeth and pressed her hands wrapped in purple electricity on the thin chest of the old mage.


Gerhardt's chest fell together, and then his eyes widened with a "uh". His breathing was still weak, but he saved his life.

There was a series of relieved sounds in the hall. If Gerhardt died, the association would be severely damaged.

"Sorry again, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, and I asked Coral and Triss to remind them in advance." Roy said, "But I still have to say that a quick and short riot is better than countless casualties. , the great melee that destroyed the entire Sinid Island and tore apart the Northern Association!"

"What do you mean?" Philippa's eyelids jumped.

"Everyone, don't pretend to be confused. Tonight's banquet, on the surface, the atmosphere is harmonious, the guests and hosts are happy..." Roy said meaningfully, stretching his fingers and letting the air flow across them, "but in fact , the difference of political opinions has brewed a fatal danger. Madam Tishaya, only naive neutrals like you know nothing about it."

"This is the Magic Association, not the royal court, don't talk to me about disgusting politics!" Tishaya's face became as ugly as eating flies.

"Teacher, you have to accept the reality."

Triss flicked her reddish-brown hair, passed behind the woman, and glanced at Roy, who nodded at her,

"Before this, no one can explain the situation candidly, so I will put everything on the table! After listening to me, you will naturally understand the position and intention of the Witcher Brotherhood."

"All the members of the Warlock Association present are divided into three factions!"

Triss's face was like a peach, and her voice was soft and touching, but she exuded an undeniable majesty, which made people listen unconsciously.

"First of all the royal advisors to the four major nations of the North - Philippa of Redania, Kayla and I of Temeria, Radcliffe of Aden, Sabina of Caldwin... We are firm To support the North, and oppose all the malice from the South!"

"Ms. Philippa is even ready to launch a raid in the early hours of this morning to capture all the traitors!"

In the shadows, the faces of several wizards who were pregnant with ghosts turned snow-white.

"Is this true?" Margarita looked at Redania's advisors and the secret agents beside her in disbelief. "Are you planning to secretly stage a coup today and handcuff the fellows of the Association?"

"Triss, which side are you on? How dare you expose our plans in front of everyone. Your actions will make us fall short!" Philippa's face flushed with anger, and magic filled her body. The wave made the pendant between the witcher's neck vibrate.

But then, a pair of scarlet eyes that were devoured by both people looked over, as if they were going to cut her with a thousand swords.

Philippa shuddered and swallowed the rest of her words in humiliation.

"I have never betrayed the association, please listen to me." Triss looked around and continued without changing her face, "The second faction after the northern faction is the neutral faction that is not involved in politics and is devoted to the study of magic. —Tishaya-sensei, Lord Gerhardt, Sister Margarita, Physician Marty, Doregare of Cidaris, Caduin of Kevir…”

The person she pointed to couldn't help nodding slightly, acquiescing to his status as a neutral.

"The third faction is the traitor hidden in our Northern Association—"

She first gave the squat man a vicious look,

"Alto Tranova, one of the five lords of the Wizarding Society..."

"You persecuted, nonsense slut!" Terra Nova shouted at her, shaking the anti-magic shackles on her hands.


Cohen slammed his fist into his garlic nose, the bridge of his nose was broken, blood spattered, the fat man fell to the ground and howled, his bloated body curled up like a boiled prawn.

"Witcher, I implore you, don't torture my innocent colleagues!" Tishaya's delicate face flashed a trace of pain and grimness, her tone sank, "Otherwise, even if I risk this life, I will make you pay for it. cost!"

As the de facto steward of Arethusa, she wields a variety of powerful spells capable of destroying all intruders.

But under the current situation, once the spell is activated, the controlled companions will also be buried together.

"Who says he's innocent?!" Philippa yelled for help, she suddenly felt the witcher was on her side, "Redania's spies have found evidence of Terra Nova's collusion with the South—hidden in his room With the traitor list!"

The fat man Dijkstra bowed to Tishaya by the candlestick in the distance,

"If the lady wants to see it, how about I go and find the evidence and give it to me?"

Tishaa pursed her lips and turned her head, while the blood on Terra Nova's face faded, and all her strength quickly disappeared.

Triss continued to state,

"The second traitor, Foltest's former royal advisor, Warlock Fikat!"

The black-haired man with anti-magic handcuffs beside the fat man trembled, and the suspicious eyes of his colleagues around him pierced his skin like needles, making him feel ashamed and angry,

"Go to hell, you shameless whore! Never try to throw dirty water on me!"

"Shut up! His Majesty Foltest and I have long known about your shameless actions!"

In the distance, the princess of Temeria shook her white hair and stared at a cold light.

"When you accepted Emhyr's gold against your conscience, you should have thought of today!"

"Grimm, shut their mouths, I don't want to hear the disgusting voices of these traitors!"

"As you order, Your Highness!"

"The third traitor, who is also a member of the Wizarding Society, the dead Wingford..."

"Impossible!" Tishaya shouted, "Vigo led the battle of Sodden against Nilfgaard! He can never collude with the South!"

"You're right!" Philippa spoke again, and the more the neutral wizards lost their temper, the happier she was. "Emhyr still remembers the battle of Sodden, so he decided to wipe the wizards off the board first. Be the first to contact them. The great hero of the time, Wygofortes, and bought him with the bait of power and glory. When the south conquers the north, our great hero will take charge of the newly established Nefers with the help of Feikat and Terra Nova. Gad's 'province'!"

"Vigo's assistant Lydia has joined the Witcher Brotherhood and is staying at the Silver Heron Inn in Goth Velen. I can invite her to testify at any time!"

Rita Need added.

Tishaya stopped talking at all.

Gu Chuan

The eyes of the immobilized wizards have changed when they look at her. There are actually two southern spies hiding in the five-member wizarding society. Could it be...

"Triss! Go on!" Philippa's cheeks flushed with excitement, and a high court-like pleasure poured out of her body - openly slapped the face of hypocritical neutrals and southerners in front of so many warlocks!


The witcher, what a lovely witcher!

"The fourth traitor... Francesca."

Triss turned her eyes to the witcher, an elegant and noble elf lady with dark blonde long hair in a bundle.

"Emperor Emhyr promised to give the elves freedom and their own Valley of Flowers. So she betrayed the North!"

"So why don't you control her?" Philippa wasn't sure about the witcher's attitude towards elf women, so she didn't dare to be too arrogant.

"I don't believe she is a traitor!"

Tishaya looked at the elf lady with expectant eyes, praying that she would immediately deny the accusation.

And Margarita, the dying archmage Gerhardt, and all the warlocks who had a good impression of the elves turned their attention and held their breath.

Francesca looked at the witcher standing on the long table.

Four eyes facing each other.

A wry smile appeared on her lips.

Since joining the feast with the witcher.

You, the Ain Shidi family, have come to the edge of the cliff, and there is no way out.

A few strands of dark blonde hair brushed across her cheeks, and the most beautiful woman in the world, Francesca Findabey, "Daisy of the Valley", sang in a calm and cadenced voice, as the witcher had previously requested,

"My fellow blood, the squirrels, are hiding in the cellar, ready to attack tomorrow in the Anti-Magic Barrier of the Palace of Gasten, killing all the Northern Warlocks. Va vort a me, Dh'oine. &e a di. "(Otherwise, I have nothing to say to humans.)

Her voice is melodious and sweet, but the content is chilling.

For a split second, Tishaya lowered her head, her heart dazed.

Gerhardt rubbed his chest and coughed violently, with deep disappointment on his face.

These words broke the hearts of all the wizards who were close to the ancient race.

"Haha! What a great irony... You have gone to great lengths to initiate this Sinid Island meeting to convince the royal advisors in the north to put pressure on the king to stop oppressing the inhuman races. But this elf woman is ruthless. I stabbed my benefactor in the back!"

Philippa turned to Roy and his companions with a bright smile,

"Hunters, I sincerely thank you. If it weren't for your high-level vampire allies suddenly taking action, it would be uncertain who would win or lose in the end."

Philippa's words were like a sharp needle, instantly piercing the fog in front of all the wizards present, making them wake up—

In the banquet hall, there are not only advisors and spies from the four northern countries, but also a large number of squirrels and traitors who have turned to the south with their swords gleaming!

Both sides are ready to act at any time.

Only stupid neutrals know nothing about it.

If the witchers did not suddenly jump out and control all the members in one fell swoop, there is no doubt that a fierce battle would be inevitable, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

Realizing this cruel truth, the wizards suddenly felt that being kidnapped by a witcher wasn't such a bad thing.

"So, Lord Roy, this is the purpose of your Brotherhood, to stop the unrest in Sinid Island?"

Gerhardt propped up his body with Marty's support, and asked with a strange expression, he had never seen such an alternative "help" in his long life of hundreds of years.

No denial—ones hated and embarrassed and had to be “grateful.”

"It's just a hands-on effort."

Roy nodded,

"Everyone should thank Triss, Coral, and Yennefer...if it wasn't for their unwillingness to see their compatriots kill each other, and Arethusa to be turned into ruins. The Witcher Brotherhood is not interested in such a big fanfare. act."

"Don't you think this method is too cruel, so you can't be gentle?" Margarita patted her towering breasts, and this stormy mutation almost made her breathless, "You can't tell us the hidden dangers in private. , let's prepare in advance."

She took the arm of the little witcher's concubine and her own best friend Coral, and said boldly,

"You are deliberately showing your strength and demonstrating against the wizards who were high in the past!"

Roy smiled noncommittally.

The blood pressure of the disgraced warlocks began to rise, but they could only blushed in embarrassment.

"Haha. Dear Madam Dean, I think you are too addicted to magic and have burned your head - a proud spellcaster who has always respected only those who are knowledgeable, prominent, or powerful. Obviously, the witcher We must show our strength in front of us to control the mess!"

Philippa laughed happily, looking at Roy with admiration and enthusiasm,

"I like your approach, direct, straightforward, and decisive, nip all variables and hidden dangers in the bud, and let things run according to your ideas."

"This is very sensible." Tishaya agreed half-against her intentions, "You have succeeded, and I also understand how complicated and dangerous the situation before Sinid Island was, and appreciate your 'good intentions'. Now, take advantage of the situation. Since there are no casualties yet, can you untie everyone's shackles? I swear by the honor of Principal Arethusa, no one dares to retaliate, and I will not allow them to retaliate!"

"Before they start, they will weigh and measure..." Gerhardt stroked the beard on his chin, smiled openly, and added, "Can you escape a hair from your more than 100 high-level vampire allies!"

"And today's encounter is not an interesting and unique experience, tsk tsk... More than a hundred high-level vampires accompany us to stand..."

Roy didn't say a word and fell into deep thought.

The wizards dared not breathe, for fear that he would suddenly shake his head.

"Don't be in a hurry to release it! You still missed a group of people!" Philippa hurriedly interrupted, "Cuff Franceska, the squirrel party hiding in the cellar, and the rest of the traitors, me and Sabine. Na, Radcliffe, Kayla, Triss will greet them well! No trouble!"


Feikat and Ratnova's faces changed drastically, and they were taken away by the royal advisors of the four northern countries. How could they survive

"What do you want to do? Tie the members of the association to the stake?" Tishaya retorted her, arguing, "They can only be tried within the association, and the affairs of the magic circle should not involve political positions!"

"These traitors broke my heart, but they didn't lead to irreparable consequences. Don't die." Margarita shrugged and looked at her good best friend beside her pleadingly, but Coral shook regretfully. Shaking his head.

She didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for the fraternity.

Gerhardt, who has always preferred elves, did not speak out, he was tired of tedious struggles.

"Let it be handled by the association, shut it up for decades, and make them think about it?" Philippa laughed angrily, "Then because of an inconspicuous negligence, this group of prisoners escaped and fell into the embrace of the South again, and they will come to us in the future. Seek revenge and destroy Arethusa?"

"That's enough, don't use speculations made out of nothing to destroy the unity of the association!" Tishaya slammed a fist on the pillar, her flowing black hair covered half of her face, "Tishaya, Triss, don't forget, you are in They worked for the king of the north, and Feikat and Aalto were also serving the king, but they were fascinated by power for a while, so they fell to the south! But for the magic circle, the south and the north are not both disgusting politics, and What's the essential difference?"

"After all, they are their own people, and they should have a chance to reform themselves."

The wizards had different expressions, and they fell into deep thought for Principal Arethusa's remarks.

"Everyone, there is one sentence I agree with very much. Magic has no national borders, no distinction between north and south."

Sigismund Dirkoscher of Redania suddenly bowed to the wizards, his small eyes flashed with a dignified light, and then spoke impassively with a long-planned remark,

"But don't forget, mages have national boundaries!"

"You belong to the Brotherhood of Warlocks in the North!"

"Every decision you make should be considered for the northern country and the people who are about to suffer the baptism of war!"

"Traitors, must pay a heavy price! Otherwise, how can they be worthy of the warriors who sacrificed their heads and shed their blood to protect their families and the country!"

The almost roaring question echoed in everyone's ears.

Dirkescher paused and sighed worriedly, "And as you all know, I received the latest information early this morning that a large number of Nilfgaardian Black Armor troops have begun to assemble at the border of Leiria and Livia."

"Now that I think about it, they must be waiting for the coup d'etat in this group of Sinid Island, and then take advantage of the situation to launch the second northern war! What a sinister intention."

"Everyone, are you still going to continue to discuss how to circumvent such a group of traitors?"

The dimly lit ballroom fell into an excruciating silence.

Feikat and Aalto bowed their heads grimly.

While the neutral Tishaya was completely silent, Gerhardt sighed tiredly, and refocused his attention on the only group of people present who could make a decision.

"We agree to hand over most of the traitors to Aedirn, Redania, Kaldwin, Temeria."

When Roy saw that the fire was coming, he broke the silence,

"But not Francesca and the Squirrel Party in the cellar. Because starting today, the Ain Shedi family will be allies of our Brotherhood of Witchers! They will be protected by the Brotherhood of Witchers. "

At this moment, all the high-level vampires, witchers, and sorceresses of the Brotherhood looked at everyone in the banquet hall with warning.

"Any initiative to attack Ain Shedi will be regarded as a provocation, and will be mercilessly attacked by us and all our allies!"

Philippa and Dijkstra were dumbfounded.

This is not to let the tiger return to the mountain, let the squirrel party continue to harm the north? Why didn't the discussion go well at first, why did the witcher suddenly change his mind

The rest of the wizards were stunned by this unexpected change and fell into deep confusion.

"Comrades, starting today." Francesca suddenly echoed Roy's voice, gently but decisively explaining his decision, "My tribe and I, the fighters of the Squirrel Party, will withdraw from the Nilfgaard's agreement. No more involvement in any war between the North and the South."

Sorry, there is no way to save children who have died, but I will not let other children die.

It's time for Ain Sheidi to return to another home.

She said in her heart, her pretty face regained her grace and calmness,

"From today, the Squirrel Party will completely withdraw from the mainland stage!"

A sonorous voice echoed in the hall.

"The grudges and grievances in the past have nothing to do with us anymore."

The twists and turns of the announcement, like a sudden fate, brought an end to the shocking change in the Arethusa Palace.

The sound of the sea roared, and the white waves crashed against the reefs.

The palaces among the cliffs were once again brightly lit, and the fires dispelled the mists of the night until dawn broke.