The Divine Hunter

Chapter 631: Wild Hunt shows up


The wind blows from the ocean to the land.

In front of a small cottage on the east side of Little Skellige Island, as if woven from morning mist.

The open-air gardens are in full bloom.

Cassirer squatted behind a dense sloe, and quietly looked at the petite figure bathed in the golden morning light not far away.

The little princess of Sintra replaced the gorgeous long dress with a flexible blue hunting suit, and the silver-gray ponytail was tossed behind her head, jokingly chasing a little girl wearing a floral-embellished cotton coat with red lips and white teeth.

From time to time, Ciri rushed forward and hugged her waist and scratched the back of her neck, and sometimes moved her five fingers and used magic to lift her into the air... Hearing her giggling.

After a long time, the strange combination of the little aunt and the eldest niece swayed side by side on a swing made of ivy, four mischievous calves swayed through a cluster of purple myrtle, and the warm morning sun formed two figures, one big and one small. Coated with a layer of soft golden light, it is as beautiful and warm as an oil painting.

And Cassirer, who was watching secretly, gleamed in his eyes.

He worked as a groom, servant, and doorman for three years on Little Skelliger Island. With the recommendation of Master Roy, he finally gained the trust of the Skelliger royal family and Calanser, entrusted him with an important task, and began to quietly protect Xi The safety of Li and Elena.

The main job is to supervise their play, training in magic and swordsmanship.

Cassirer has witnessed the transformation of Ciri from a skinny little girl to a slim and beautiful girl... The mission of the Nilfgaard Empire's intelligence agency, the order of Emperor Emhyr, and the high hopes of the Duflin family have nothing to do with him anymore.

He is only willing to guard Ciri so quietly forever, until one day in the future, when the time is right, he will appear in front of her in an upright manner, become her knight, and spend the rest of his life for her!

"Oh, isn't it enough for me to play with you?" The girl sitting on the swing sighed at the little girl, "Grandma Calanser is busy with a meeting, so she can accompany you at night."

"Roy, Roy..." Elena blinked her emerald eyes and babbled at the strand of hair in front of Ciri's forehead.

"Don't be naughty! He's having a meeting with Geralt and Yennefer at Sinid Island."

"You ask me where is Sineder Island?"

"Anyway, don't go, or your poor niece will be thrown into Aretuza for a few years of confinement."

Ciri hugged Elena on her knees, and raised her chubby arm like a doll, pressing her forehead to her forehead affectionately, and said seriously,

"We have to train hard and grow up to help them, understand, my dear little aunt?"


A gratified smile appeared on the corner of Cassirer's mouth, and the willful and naughty little princess finally became sensible.

The smile on his face suddenly solidified.

The weather changed suddenly.

The sun shyly hid behind the dark clouds, the bone-piercing cold wind blew up, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant, as if from summer to winter, he shivered all over.

The girl also realized that something was wrong, and tucked little Elene into her jacket, leaving her with a pair of curious green eyes.

"Didn't Uncle Mossack say it will be sunny today, why suddenly—"


The loud noise shook the world.

The roar of the storm came from afar, and silver lightning ripped apart the sky, illuminating the jagged coastline and shaking people into panic.

Immediately afterwards, the pattering raindrops fell, and a misty mist appeared between the sky and the earth.

The wind was blowing, and the flowers in the garden were uprooted and drifted into the distance.

Ciri quickly put on her hood, jumped off the swing, and ran to the castle not far away.

As the fingers moved flexibly, a piece of water-blue magic power shot out to form a shield that wrapped around the petite body and bounced off the cold rain.

Cassirer hangs slowly behind, clasping the canvas jacket with one hand, wondering if she should bravely rush forward to shield the little princess from the wind and rain.

A huge shadow suddenly passed the end of his line of sight, and an indescribable suffocation blocked his chest. He stopped vigilantly and looked at the coastline.

"what is that?!"

The wind is faster, the rain is pouring, the clouds are rolling in the sky, and the waves are raging in the angry sea.

A dazzling lightning connected the dark sky and the manic sea, interwoven into a mysterious silver ribbon.

The sound of hoofs and the chants of ancient ghosts was accompanied by the roar of thunder.

A few blurred shadows galloped through the violent storm. In just a few moments, they crossed a distance of several miles, and only slowly slowed down when they came to a place a hundred meters away.

When the girl reacted, the horse neighed in her ears, and the heavy horse coat reflected a dazzling metal cold light.


The riders on the tall horses faced Ciri and called out loudly.

The intonation is cadenced, as if reciting an old poem.

Bright red cloaks fluttered behind them, horned helmets and tattered feather crests, eyes burning like flames, chins pointed, cheekbones protruding, faces angular, grinning mouths with no human canine teeth in sight. .

What are they, Wild Hunt? But isn't Wild Hunt skeletons, ghosts, and dead people

The person in front of him is clearly a body of flesh and blood!

As his thoughts turned, so did Ciri's eyes.

Immediately, as if possessed, he stared at the knight in the center of the team, who was dressed in dark armor shaped like a rib, with a ring helmet and a terrifying skull mask.

A strange feeling of blood connection came to my mind.

Familiar and kind.

Like facing Roy.

He, also has some of the same bloodline? !


The blood of the ancients throbbed uncontrollably, and pieces of incomparably splendid star light quickly poured out of the girl's petite body, penetrating the dense rain curtain.

The dazzling light is like the stars in the dark night, lighting up the bodies of the three ancient bloodlines.

At the forefront of the team, the most burly commander pulled the reins, and there was a terrifying and wild laughter from under the skeleton mask.

"Aha! It seems that you like our navigator, yes, he has the same bloodline, just not as pure!"

glutinous rice

Boom! Lightning split the sky, illuminating a pair of ghastly skeleton masks that were close at hand.

Ciri shuddered and finally recovered from her absence, but she heard him recite this set of ancient sayings,

"What are you waiting for?! Zireael, the daughter of the ancient blood, the reborn Swift!"

"Come, join our team, come, run to the end of the world, the feast of plunder, come, and restore the glory of Ain El!"

"Don't resist in vain, you can't escape!"


Get off!

She gritted her teeth and pushed forward with both hands, and the dense water vapor in the air suddenly condensed crystal ice cones, piercing the air, and instantly hit the sturdy armor of the King of Wild Hunt!


The ice crystals burst, and a piece of ice slag blocked the vision of the riders.

They were unscathed, but the horses beneath them neighed in fright and shook their heads.

Ciri took the opportunity to turn around and run.

Roy, Roy must be found!

She was screaming frantically.

Come on, Ciri, you can do it, Elene, give me a hand!

Blood of the Ancients, teleport! Take us to Sinid Island!

Between the two girls, dazzling star spots formed a piece, gradually wrapping the body running in the mud like a layer of gauze.


Lightning pierces the sky!

Horseshoe like thunder.

Several red knights suddenly rushed out of the team, the raised silver gauntlets fell heavily and grabbed the back of the girl who was close at hand.


No one expected.

A figure suddenly jumped out from the bushes next to it, as fast as a storm.

Riding at the forefront, the wild hunter knight who was caught off guard was instantly knocked off his horse by a huge force and carried into the wet mud.

Cassirer was blushing and roaring like a madman. Under the surge of adrenal glands, he actually burst out with the most powerful fighting force in his life. He rode on the waist of the Wild Hunt Knight, his fists intertwined into afterimages, and beat him fiercely. On top of the ugly horn helmet.

The front of the boxer was smashed into blood by the shock, and the stubble got out of the skin, but his heart was filled with unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Ciri, run away!

I, Cassir Mowa Diflin Aip Chirac, will keep you safe.

Even if you risk your life.

Just thought.

A silver gloved hand pressed against his chest.

Frost overflowing.

An indescribable coldness came over, spreading and freezing his body and soul.

Cassirer pushed the hand away, shook his body a few times, and then knelt down on one knee. Pale white cold air rushed out of his thin coat, and a layer of crystal clear quickly spread between the weeds and the ground under his feet. of ice.

Like a frozen lake.

With the last of his strength, he turned his frost-covered face and glanced back.

Amidst the shouts and siege of the Wild Hunt knights, the petite figure looked back, and there was a glimmer of sparkle in the emerald green eyes.

She suddenly merged into the bright starlight, completely disappeared into the air, and fled.

I kept my promise.

A smile appeared on the corner of the wide-eyed man in the ice sculpture.

Bye, Ciri!

But don't be sad for me.

The cold and weak abyss devoured the man's consciousness.

"Stubborn Swift, needless resistance will only cause more sacrifices." King Eredin of the Wild Hunt waved his hand.

The navigator of the ring helmet immediately stirred the staff, and a huge spherical door appeared in the sky during the gust of wind.

The horses neighed, the wind howled, and the red knights flew in.

At the same time, the space not far behind them squirmed irregularly, causing layers of ripples.

A brig as dark as night was revealed, and the conical angle of the bow pierced into the sky, making it look like a huge swordfish soaring in the sea of the abyss.

The blond Avarak stood on the bow of the ship with a solemn face, the red knight in full armor, and the calf-sized wild hunting hound covered with blue and rugged ice ridges stood on the belly of the ship.

"Swift has mastered the instant shuttle, which is really a huge surprise."

High winds ruffled his blond hair.

The sailboat sailed into the huge space door.

The violent storm suddenly subsided, and the angry sea returned to calm.

A scorching sun re-suspended in the washed-out blue sky.

Only outside the garden, the human-shaped ice sculpture knelt on one knee and glared angrily, recounting everything that happened before.