The Divine Hunter

Chapter 632: collision


Thor Lara, Tower of the Seagulls.

The highest building on Sineder Island, the ruins left by the elves many years ago.

After the meeting, the witchers gathered in the open space in front of the building, around a pair of telescopic mirrors that flickered blue.

"Enid, I can understand your eagerness to keep your children away from war and death, but betraying Emhyr is enough. You shouldn't promise to help these lords deal with Ain El."

Opposite the clairvoyant, a red-haired sorceress in an elegantly and delicately decorated cave shook her head, and the amber and pearl necklace on her chest swayed with dazzling white light.

"Ida Emin, Ian Savini of the Blue Mountains, I have always respected your opinion. Be more specific."

Francesca asked,

"More than 100 high-level vampires and more than 20 witchers have joined forces to shake the whole world. As long as you want, it is not a problem to protect Ain Shidi from the angry Nilfgaard Emperor, or even occupy the Valley of Flowers. ." Ida Emin stroked the cat on her knees, and looked around the faces of beasts with vertical pupils on the opposite side of the telescopic mirror, "But trying to deal with Wild Hunt is a fool's dream."


The black cat flicked its slender tail and gave a soft cry, applauding the owner's statement.

"You are alarmist."

Ivar Evil Eye shook his head with his hands around his chest and said,

"In the past hundreds of years, the Viper School has fought against Wild Hunt many times... I understand their combat effectiveness, and the individual strength is comparable to ours... They don't have an advantage in numbers."

"And our Witcher Brotherhood is not what it used to be. We have weapons, equipment, and alchemy items far beyond the past."

"The Wild Hunt you have seen is just a ghost and a projection that are barely teleported to this world." Ada Emin said calmly, "Compared to the main body, its real strength is less than half, and this time, you have to meet It's the Wild Hunt at its peak."

"And you know that. Wild Hunt mastered magic thousands of years earlier than humans in this world, and this technique of manipulating chaotic energy has been developed to the extreme by them."

"In terms of the power of magic, the members of the Warlock Society are like immature children."

"But it's not the scariest—"

Ida Emin crouched down, let the cat go, and looked at the bats flying in the sky behind the witcher,

"They hold a forbidden power that cannot be tolerated in the world. Once they are fully exerted, no one can escape from it! Including your high-level vampire allies and even giant dragons!"

"You mean Baishuang?" Roy raised his eyebrows and asked,

"Since Your Excellency knows this ultimate disaster, you should understand that it is invincible." The elf sage straightened the hair between his neck and said, "Instead of giving you spatial coordinates and letting you die in vain. It is better for me to act as a middleman. Contact Ian Savini Avalak of Wild Hunt for a peaceful and friendly exchange."

"Enid and I will do everything in our power to resolve grievances and differences for you."

The Elf Queen looked at Roy inquiringly, the latter shook his head and smiled, looking deeply at Ada Emin,

"Can you persuade Wild Hunt to give up the Blood of the Ancients?"

"Absolutely impossible!" The other party shouted sharply, as if he had been pricked by a needle, "Unless the ambitious Wild Hunt general Eredin dies, they will do their best to restore their ancient glory. individual request?"

"Can you make Wild Hunt kowtow to our Viper School to apologize?"

A slender figure with a narrow face approached the telescopic mirror, Ivar's pupils shrunk to a slit, and his tone was full of hatred.

"These crow-like bastards must pay the price for all the Viper School witchers who have taken and brainwashed them in the past, and the fear and catastrophe they have spread in this world for the people who have been kidnapped in this world in the past."

"In order to teach them personally, I bid farewell to a few old friends forever, and even gave up the opportunity to go to the perfect world!"

Leto, Oaks, and Serrit stood silently behind the Grandmaster.

"Defeat the Wild Hunt is our lifelong long-cherished wish!"

Ada Emin sighed, a hint of helplessness flashed in her deep eyes.

"Sorry Enid, sorry everyone. I hate trouble, it's not a problem I can get involved in, I can only wish you luck."

"One last word for you... The blood of the ancients..."


The water-blue light curtain suddenly flickered erratically, Ada Emin's voice stopped abruptly, and the figure disappeared into the air.


The chaotic energy fluctuated violently, and the pendants between the witchers' necks trembled.


The sharp blade of lightning split the clear sky.

A gust of wind roared past, and the calm sea rumbled.

There was a flower in front of everyone, and a slender figure suddenly fell from the sky, fell straight into Roy's arms, raised his head, a delicate little face with pear flowers and rain.

And in the chest of her blue hunting suit, another small face with baby fat suddenly appeared, and her hair was wet by the rain like a dirty little cat.

Smirked at Roy.

"Ciri, Elene, what happened, why did you come here suddenly?"

"Roy, Geralt, Yennefer... woohoo, here they come, they killed my poor guard!"

"Speak slowly, don't worry, child!" With her violet hair fluttering, Yennefer wiped the tears from Ciri's eyes, rescued the babbling little Elene from her clothes, and handed it to Luo Yi, "Everyone is here, no one can hurt you!"

"But here they are, Skeleton Knights!"

"You mean Wild Hunt? They killed Cassirer?"

Roy's heart sank, that venerable knight still couldn't escape the fate of death

"Yes, the Wild Hunt is here!"

"Everyone, I believe Sage Ada, Wild Hunt is invincible!" Francesca clasped her hands in front of her belly and said sincerely, "We should rush back to the Blue Mountains immediately to make a long-term plan!"

"Blood and blood!" Ivar looked at the sky, "Besides, it's too late to leave now, they're here!"


Lightning flashed through the air.

Thor Laura on the top of the mountain is illuminated with the Gastang Palace next to it.

The weary wizards in the palace could not help but be attracted by the vision—

A winding ribbon appeared in the area between the sky and the sea, and it was squirming like a snake.

Fear and unease filled the air, the bat swarm rested restlessly behind the witcher, and there was a faint sound of eerie singing in the wind.

Tani Tsuki

A series of ghost fires floated out from it.

It was the hoof of the horse that was burning with flames, and the horse rider was dressed in dark and heavy armor, and the image was ferocious like a ghost.

"It's Wild Hunt!" Gerhardt quietly spit out these words in Gastang Palace, "Everyone, be careful!"

"These guys have never visited Aretuza before, what are they for this time?" Philippa involuntarily fought a cold war, "It's just dawn, they won't spread nightmares at this time!"

"This is an ominous omen, foretelling that the upcoming Second Northern War will be a terrible disaster." Dikoscher said uncomfortably.

"No, look at this general orientation, the Wild Hunt's target is the witcher near Thor Lara!" Yada suddenly turned around and ordered the blond knight in a deep voice, "The witcher helps Temeri. Ya caught the traitor, you shouldn't fight alone, go and help!"

"Your Majesty!" Grim took a deep breath, his face twitching with excitement.

The Wild Hunt, a mythical being that spreads catastrophe and unjust wars.

Definitely the best sharpening stone for the sword of justice!

"The witcher has so many high-ranking vampire allies! We little people who don't matter can just sit and watch the show."

There was irony and schadenfreude among wizards who had been terrified of their personal liberty for a night.

Although they did not dare to retaliate, they were happy to stand by.

"The witcher trampled on our dignity. Although it is hateful, it has helped us get rid of the fate of disbanding the association." Tishaya's face was stern and she gritted her teeth, "And the Wild Hunt is undoubtedly the most evil in this world. The existence of , must not be allowed to destroy our magical holy land, volunteers come with me!"

Lightning bolts followed one after another.

The team of about 20 riders stepped on the void and fell steadily to the top of the mountain, facing the demon hunter on the opposite side.

The mutated vertical pupils are opposite to the cold eyes under the skull visor.

The wind howled, and a tense atmosphere permeated.

"Boom" twice.

Ivar opened the cork one after another and poured three kinds of potions into his mouth in one breath, and a large piece of black blood vessels appeared on his narrow face.

Leto and Oaks followed suit.

But the rest of the eyes, including Francesca, who was slightly dazed, looked at the young witcher.

Roy frowned, and the Wild Hunt, who had not appeared for a long time, came without notice, completely disrupting his arrangements and plans.

He raised his hand.

The black bat group rose to the top of everyone's heads, lingering, screaming piercingly, like a dark cloud cruising with scarlet lightning.

as a response.

After a whistle and a shout.

The Red Knight slowly approached the witcher's team.

The leader is a little giant with a horn helmet and a skull mask, riding a dark brown stallion that looks like a ground dragon. The black iron horse coat is embroidered with golden scale patterns and rib-like metal bars. Under the heavy armor made of buckles, there is a layer of dark scale armor.

A circle of jagged steel cones on the shoulder armor pierced into the sky.

The two-handed long sword, which was as beautiful as a work of art around his waist, almost fell to the ground.

Eredin Brick Glass

Age: 427

Status: Commander of the Red Knight, son of the ancient blood.

Health: 300

Mana: 200


Strength: 33

Agility: 33

Constitution: 35

Perception: 15

Will: 13

Charisma: 10

Spirit: 20


Greatsword Specialization lv10 (He is a master of the pinnacle of swordsmanship.)

Blood of the Ancients (pseudo): In the process of co-researching the Gate of the Realms with Avarak, he used the experimental results to steal part of the blood of the ancients, which could be teleported on a small scale for a short period of time.

Red Knight's Honor (Passive): When he fights alongside his Wild Hunt soldiers, all attributes will be increased by up to 30%.

The power of hoarfrost (passive): In the long-term struggle with hoarfrost, Eredin's body has been subtly changed, and he can use hoarfrost to hit the enemy to a certain extent. Within a certain range of his body, he will be eroded by the power of severe cold, and the speed and reaction will gradually slow down until it is completely frozen. He can also actively stimulate the power of hoarfrost and directly freeze the target into an ice sculpture.

Annihilate life, freeze soul.

Other slightly

"vatt'ghern, Glaeddyvan vort! (Witcher, put down your weapon)" He raised his glistening gauntlets and took off the skeleton mask under his helmet, revealing a pale and angular elf-like face, and turned to Yennefavi. The girl who glared at him angrily,

"que zireael! (hand over the swallows, spare you from dying.)"

The condescending, commanding tone, like a spark, completely ignited the anger in the witchers' chests!

Kill Cassirer.

Want to start a teacher and take away Ciri

A pair of vertical pupils shoot out icy killing intent!

Come on then! You die and I live!

Roy waved his hand.

The overwhelming bat turned into a black storm and rolled over.