The Divine Hunter

Chapter 633: fierce battle


Sinid Island is like a huge stone pillar pierced from the sea. The main body is covered with exquisite spiritual towers, winding ladders, green gardens, magnificent palaces, towering white towers...

And one of the tallest towers - in front of Thor Lara.

With a wave of the witcher.

A viscous darkness turned into a silent wave, blocking the sunlight from the sky and covering the twenty red knights in front of the clearing.

It's so fast it's like teleportation.

The scene that happened in Eritussa Palace last night reappeared. The red knights had no time to react. They were surrounded by people and horses.

The demon hunters who observed from a distance did not see the slightest relaxation on their faces. The strong unease and the unusual trembling of the pendant prompted them to take out several potions and swallow them. As their vertical pupils turned, their cheeks were covered with thin black lines.

Roy's hands and ten commands interlaced dazzlingly, forming the seal of Kelanpu and summoning the blood-colored double cross.

Ice spirits, mutated beetles, and witcher phantoms followed one after another.

Roar! Roar!

There were several cheerful and high-pitched chirps in the sky, and the Griffin Beast Goerfin, which had not been seen for a long time, flapped its gray-black and shiny wings, fluttered its fluffy tail, and hovered above its owner's head.


Huge earthquake on the mountain.

The ice giant Leviathan landed in front of the crowd, waving an oak stick with one hand, and knocking on a breastplate woven from yellow boards and cables with the other.

Coral, Triss, and Yennefer recited the incantation and joined forces to protect the two girls.

When a blue oval shield rose up.

Anxiety becomes reality!


Thunder and lightning!

Hundreds of millions of silver snakes shredded the sky, forming a dazzling lightning storm that fell vertically into the bat swarm.

In an instant, the entire mountain top was submerged in the waves intertwined with white light.

The destructive thunder lasted only a few seconds, and a large number of bats were scalded by the high temperature and fell to the ground with smoke, transforming into the shape of a jet black in ragged clothes.

They were covered in shocking blood blisters, burns, and bone deep in some places—the majestic heat and purple electric current kept flowing and tearing the wounds.

The injury was too serious, the high-level vampire's amazing self-healing ability failed, and fell into a coma for a while.

Followed by this spell comparable to the forbidden spell.

A dazzling rune sword split the severely shrunk "dark cloud", and a biting arctic storm surged out along the long sword.

The water vapor in the air instantly condenses into crystal clear frost lotus flowers, wrapping the black cloaks, freezing them into ice sculptures and falling straight down.

The King of the Wild Hunt and the four red knights saw the light of day again, standing in embarrassment in mid-air—the armor was full of dents, and the metallic eyes under the skeleton visor shone with monstrous murderous intent.

The original twenty red knights lost a full three-quarters, and they, along with all the war horses, turned into bloody corpses, lying between the charred corpses of high-level vampires and ice sculptures.

In an instant, the high suction was wiped out, and the Wild Hunt lost more than half!

The witchers looked at each other in amazement.

"You, damn it!"

Eredin hissed and roared!

"call out-"

Roy fought back with action!

The bowstring vibrates!

The arrow is broken!

The King of the Wild Hunt stood on his chest like a shield, and the enchantment on the sword blocked the arrows.

The wind blows.

With black blood vessels all over his face, his silver-haired and black-eyed figure jumped out of the void abruptly. The long bone sword raised in both hands whistled and smashed the air, and it was a thunderous slash when aimed at Eredin's face!

Jianmang gallops.

At the same time, jagged scarlet rays of light and flames of Quinn's blood-colored sun lingered around the witcher.

The sucker was angry, and countless tightened arms and legs supported Roy's shoulders, and the blood-colored octopus rushed out like arrows.

The unprecedented sense of great crisis deterred Eredin's soul, and the death, nothingness, and disillusionment contained in the jumping red flame suffocated him.

Even Baishuang didn't make him so afraid.

No more reservations.

A pale frost gushed out of Eredin's great sword and armor, and condensed into a jagged ice cone in mid-air.

Meet the visions of the Most High, the scarlet sword glow and the roaring Arrondette.


Hoarfrost and Red Flame collide!

The ice crystals shattered and the blood flames extinguished.

The King of the Wild Hunt and the Demon Hunter froze at the same time, standing in the air!

The former was "shocked" and fixed, and a vertical slit was opened on the skeleton visor, revealing a half-horrified face.

And Roy's whole body, hair and eyebrows were covered with a layer of ice slag, and the cold that penetrated into his bone marrow made every pore of him shiver.

The movements were as stiff as a rusted machine, and the magic became extremely difficult to operate.

To make matters worse, this cold even affected his soul, and all the related skills were frozen and sealed, and he did not obey.

Everything happens in a second.


The knight in the ring helmet behind Eredin let out a strange cry, shaking the spire-like staff to release a dazzling purple lightning.

Roy reluctantly grabbed the crossbow, but the slow movement made it too late for him to pull the trigger, so he flew ten meters backward as if hit by a battering hammer.

The deadlock was broken.

Eredin pulled the reins and swung the dazzling giant sword, and the navigator Callanhill rushed to Roy closely behind him!

The space ripples.

At the moment of the collision, the three figures disappeared into the air without a trace.


The silver-white blade and the multi-colored seal light formed a sharp spear, stabbing the remaining red knights.

The ice giant took the lead, followed by the old witcher, the sorceress and the two ancient bloods in the center of the layers of protection, and behind the little witcher's hall, the griffin hovered in the sky.

A huge crack opened without warning in midair.

The cone-shaped collision angle drilled straight out, and stabbed the ice giant's chest with precision. Under the action of huge inertia, it broke open the armor, ice-blue flesh and steel bones, and stabbed the ice giant into a cold heart, and even brought it with him. It slid back some distance.

The mountain shook.

The ground broke through two huge ravines, and was filled with blood gushing out like a waterfall.

Leviathan whimpered in pain and violently waved his hands to grab the sides of the hull, a piece of rock-like muscle bursting out, trying to split it in two.

A wild hunter the size of a calf jumped up the hill-like body along the horns, climbed up and down flexibly, showed a mouth full of fangs, and breathed out the breath of frost.

Leviathan, who feeds on cold, failed to digest the hoarfrost this time.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of ice slag covered his body.

The action is like a broken clock hand, visibly slowing down.

It struggled to pull a few hounds from its body and stomped on ice.

Finally, the roar came to an abrupt end, and the ruby-like eyes lost all vigour, and solidified motionlessly as the prow of the Wild Hunt.

Gu rub

A shadow flashed across the sky.

In a piercing scream.

Golfin's sickle-like claws slammed into a hound, and lifted the rough-skinned monster to a height of 100 meters.



The azure-blue beast shattered into pieces, bursting like glass.

But then, the tidal hounds and red knights jumped off the black ship and collided with the witcher team!


Ivar Evil Eye rolled to the ground, avoiding the cone-shaped icy breath spitting out of the Wild Hunt, and went around behind it, then tapped on his toes and leaped as lightly as a roc spread his wings.

The thin body fell into the jagged icicles, shh—

He raised his right hand, and the silver sword fell.

The tip of the sword instantly penetrated the back of the hound's neck.

It fell to the ground with a feeble whimper and shattered into small icebergs!


Ivar didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, a gust of wind gusted behind his head, and he turned his body halfway, dodged a sneak attack, and launched a shot of Alder, which pushed the Wild Hunt soldiers off the ground and fell into a pool of blood.

Ivar drew his sword and jumped, slashing from top to bottom.

The soldier rolled to the ground to dodge, and the moment he got up, his five fingers outlined, and the golden Kunen seal covered the dark armor.

Then he turned the elf-style ornate dagger with both hands and slowly paced around the witcher, but that skillful posture gave the Great Master of the Snake Sect a deep sense of familiarity.

"You are…"

Ivar swept the amber vertical pupils between the gaps in the soldier's helmet, and then swept across his chest - a silver pendant shook violently, and the lifelike poisonous snake seemed to spit out red letters.

Snake faction witcher, compatriots kidnapped by the Wild Hunt!

Leto, Oaks, and Serrit also noticed the abnormality, and quietly stood beside him, stepping on the corpses of hounds.

Three other Wild Hunt soldiers with snake pendants hanging from their chests joined the fray.

"Guys, it's time to pick up these lost kids home!"

The silver sword is broken!

The Snake Sect resolutely rushed to the enemy in their fate, the former comrade-in-arms.

Vesemir spun his sword, feinted, and quickly slashed the soldier's chest with his backhand.

The plate armor that looked like a moving fortress was so strong that a sword strong enough to smash bones left only a shallow scratch on it.

The wild hunter stabbed the old man's neck with the same sword, but he didn't know how flexible the witcher who drank the potion was.

Vesemir was short, stalked through the gap of the blade like a civet cat, turned his wrist, and the tip of the sword slanted up and stabbed the soldier's armpit, penetrating the flesh and blood of the joint of the armor.

Through his neck!

Blood splattered.

With a muffled groan, the Wild Hunt soldier glared angrily and pushed with his left hand with the last of his strength, and a piece of frost covered the old man's back.

A huge sense of crisis urged Vesemir to let go and dodge immediately,

But it was too late.

Frost froze his entire left arm, and half of his body lost consciousness.

A bone-piercing icy steel needle penetrated the steel-like will of the old man, causing him to stagger, gasping for air, his pupils dilated and his consciousness blurred for a moment.


Claws cut through the air.

The three wild hunting dogs took the opportunity to pounce from the side and back, their fangs aimed at the neck and waist of the old man.


The torrent of magic power falls like a meteor.

The tsunami-like impact swept all around, and the hound was knocked away without any strength to backhand.

"Can you hold on, old man?"

Geralt retracted the seal and looked around.

Lambert and Escal danced a gorgeous sword dance and wrapped the three attackers.

"Watch out for the hoarfrost!" Vesemir stood up tenaciously with his long sword in both hands, his teeth and voice chattering uncontrollably.

"This thing is more dangerous than high-level vampires!"

The entire battlefield was in a mess, and the same scene was repeated in countless corners.

The witchers who fought against the Wild Hunt were more or less weakened by the severe cold. Experienced witchers such as Geralt and Vulture were able to use swordsmanship, sigils and potions to defeat the Wild Hunt soldiers one-on-one. kill.

But the young witchers could only warm up with Roy's summons, forming a phalanx at the back of the battlefield.

Carl and Monty are the most skilled, and they circled around a "mobile fortress".

Waving between hands.

Hiddenly and quickly, he touched the armor, and glued two ooze-like alchemy items.

Immediately withdrew and retreated, he pushed out his left hand, and the crimson fire snake drilled out of his palm and set off on the Wild Hunt.


The fire soared into the sky.

The mountain shook, the dust cloud filled the air, and a hole was broken in the ground.

And the Wild Hunt soldiers, even with their armor, were blasted to pieces.

Carl and Monty breathed a sigh of relief, and threw off the remaining flesh and blood on their faces!


A cold wind suddenly blew from the left and right wings, and the hounds spewing frost swooped from the shadows.


Two purple lightning flashes across the air, the air crackles and crackles, and the ground is plowed into two blackened ravines. The two sneak attack hounds were electrocuted and fell to the ground, and they were drowned by a roaring fire dragon in convulsions!

"Guys, cheer up, pay attention to safety, don't rush in!"

Sabina swung a hound over a hound with a gaseous long whip that was burning with raging flames. The flames rushed into the sky with clouds of smoke, and her red hair fluttered freely. She was like a goddess of fire.

"Don't let your teacher, the white-haired person, send the black-haired person!"

Philippa spread her hands apart, her low-cut long skirt swayed with the wind, and an owl with sharp claws and long beaks flew out of it, nimbly moving through space, pecking at the eyes of the Wild Hunt soldiers that were not protected by frost armor.

Tishaya, Radcliffe, Caduin, Kayla Metz... more than 20 warlocks followed behind her, their faces solemnly overturning the overwhelming magic of the Wild Hunt army!

At this time, in the middle of the battlefield, a chilling voice suddenly echoed in the ears of the sorceresses who were protecting Ciri and Enid.

"It turns out that there is more than one blood of the ancients from beginning to end. What a miracle beyond fate... No wonder, no wonder—"

The blond Avarak appeared from the air, suspended in mid-air, sapphire eyes swept over Ciri, and turned to little Elene, who was sucking her pinky finger in her arms.

The air seems to be frozen!