The Divine Hunter

Chapter 634: Knight Charge


"Thousands of years have passed, and Ain El is still on the wrong path, plundering as he pleases?!"

"Avalak, leave, don't make mistakes again and again!"

The elf lady stopped the sorceress who was brewing magic around her, and her blue eyes turned to Ian Savini of the Wild Hunt,

but saw him shaking his head,

"My poor fellow oppressed by humans. I'm sorry, but it's my lifelong pursuit to bring the blood of the ancients back to Tyrnalia. What's more, you don't know, both worlds are at stake. Only by doing this can we find a silver lining. vitality."

"Now if you cooperate obediently and hand over Ciri and that child, I will immediately persuade Eredin to stop. You and the rest of the witchers will survive, and it is not impossible for us to escape that disaster!"

"Go away, liar, murderer!"

Ciri hugged the little aunt in her arms with hatred in her eyes,

"Take all your disgusting skeleton knights away! You are not welcome here!"

"It's really stubborn and stupid in the same line. Your mother Laura Dolan also betrayed me and my race back then, and threw herself into the arms of humans. As a result, she was deceived and played with, and she ended up with no bones."

"What's wrong? I don't know any Laura Dolan, and my mother's name is Pavetta!"

Avarak showed a friendly smile to the girl,

"The answer is very complicated, and I will explain it to you later. But there is an old saying in human beings that mistakes made will become valuable experience, and I will not let this mistake repeat!"

His tone became cold and became like an order,

"Come here, Swift!"

"Go to hell, son of a bitch!"

An ice-blue energy ball flew through the air and hit the suspended Avalak, but it only ruffled the bangs in front of his forehead, and it faded like a mud cow entering the sea.

Plop plop!

The spells of the four sorceresses followed one after another, and the dazzling fire snake, the howling wind, and the invisible hand of energy hit Avarak hard.

The majestic chaotic energy exploded in mid-air, like a splendid firework, but it only shattered an illusion like a reflection in the water.

There was a helpless sigh in the air,

"Stupid choice, but I will do it for you!"

hoo hoo hoo!

A space door split open in mid-air, and a group of wild hunting dogs jumped out, hissing and roaring, and pounced on the sorceresses like sharp arrows.

Coral and Triss looked at each other, the magic amulet on the chest reflected colorful light, and a huge blue energy shield spread around them with them as the center, covering all the companions.

Francesca's hand suddenly pointed forward, and a bluish-blue flame immediately erupted around the rushing hound, and gravel and soil splashed everywhere.

The hound whimpered and was ignited by the flames.

Yennefer shouted a spell, the air trembled, and a blue lightning bolt fell, and then a hound rushing to the left turned into a toad covered in abscesses, cooing comically, Then he was trampled into a muddy flesh by the companions rushing behind him!

But the sorcerers' spellcasting ends there.

The howling hound rushed in front of them, opened its bloody mouth, and the frost breath violently eroded the energy shield. In just an instant, the shield fell apart!

The cold air invaded, making the sorceresses pale as paper.

"Ciri, remember the usual training, lend me your magic power!"


Elena also giggled and nodded.

Yennefer held Ciri's little hand, feeling the magic power from the blood of the ancients, biting her lip, and extending her hand again, the roar of the three-headed hound suddenly turned into a crisp chirping.

The three colorful kingfishers fluttered their wings and were burned to ashes by Francesca's fireball!


The shield is broken!

Coral and Triss trembled their shoulders, and a trace of blood spilled from their mouths and noses. They quickly rubbed the rings and amulets. An invisible resistance field was like an ocean wave, washing away the surrounding area and knocking the hounds flying.

But a fish that slipped through the net rushed in front of them with a mouth full of jagged fangs.

It's too late to respond!


A dark golden light shattered the air!

Grim Sigurd roared, and the dark-gold greatsword raised above his head slashed violently, and the hound split in two along his waist.

"Ladies, don't worry!" Toussaint's champion knight stood in front of the women and children, lifted the "y"-shaped visor, revealing sharp eyes, with high fighting spirit, and a group of white rose knights behind him quickly Surrounded by the sorceresses, "I swear by the honor of a knight, I will keep you safe!"

He paused and turned to Ciri,

"By the way, little lady, is Cassirer okay?"

The girl suddenly froze, and suddenly realized that Cassirer was the knight Roy said to protect her

"He… woohoo… he was killed by the Wild Hunt."

There was a hint of crying in her tone, her expression was painful and self-blaming,

"Did he die honorably?"

Grimm asked in a low voice.

"He died heroically as a true knight!"

Yennefer answered for her, violet eyes twinkling with admiration and gratitude.

Grim closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

As he turned to the hounds and soldiers that leaped out of the portal like a tidal wave.

The sturdy body suddenly jumped up, jumped into the barking dogs, and fell to the ground like a windmill, spinning the sword of justice, the wings of the bird of prey on the helmet fluttered in the wind, and the broad blade like a door was issued in motion. With a whistling sound of breaking through the air, the incomparably sharp ancestral soul artifact instantly shattered pieces of frozen flesh and blood.

In an instant, more than three hounds were separated.

Kill the legendary thing.

Grim reached the first half of his life with unattainable splendid achievements.

But brilliance is often only for a moment!

He put himself in danger!

He attracted most of the attention in the center of the battlefield.

The cold breath in all directions stained his thick full-body armor with hoarfrost.

His sword-wielding movement suddenly slowed down, and his fighting intent also cooled down with the low temperature.

Out of the corner of his eyes are pictures of cruel and desperate.

The team of White Rose Knights guarding the sorceress fell in a pool of blood, covered in frost, a moment after the fight. Gu Yu

The hounds stepped on their bodies, biting and howling.

The body of a mortal is as fragile as glass, and after all, it can't match the legend.

Do not!

When Grim bit the tip of his tongue, the fishy sweetness and sharp tingling slightly awakened his spirit, and then his pupils shrank.

A burly, Wild Hunt soldier with a height of more than two meters, shaking a horn helmet, waving a war hammer with both hands, hit him straight on the top of his head.

Where the hammer is directed, the air makes a terrifying whirring sound, which can undoubtedly break through all armor and defenses, and smash flesh and blood into flesh.

It's not over yet.

The heir to the Sigurd family must not die in such a woeful manner!

A knight's life should be as bright as a flame!

Grim held up the sword of justice.

The dark gold blade shone brightly in the sun, and there were faintly majestic and quaint faces flowing over the sword.

A high-pitched battle song began to echo in his mind.

Ancestral spirits in the Horcrux, bless me!

Your descendants will also practice that path.

Let it burn!

The sword of justice!

A raging flame spread upward along the hilt of the great sword, and instantly scorched the champion knight's body. His eyes turned into liquid flames, and he was covered with a red flame battle suit.

Among the limbs and bones, a powerful force surged up, and it also temporarily dispelled the chill of Baishuang!

Slash forward!


Hammer sword fight.

Jumping Mars outlines a dazzling waterfall in mid-air.

The Wild Hunt soldiers who were the first strikers were shaken by the huge force and took a few steps back involuntarily.

And Grim's whole person is like a god descending from the earth, and he uses several swords in a row, slashes diagonally, and slashes vertically. He steps forward and sings forward. The center of the battlefield is filled with the light of flames jumping, roars and wailing, violent sword shadows.

The Wild Hunt soldier is like a big tree torn by the storm, constantly blocking and struggling to maintain balance.

Several hounds were engulfed in flames and turned to ashes.

a moment.

Grim raised the sword above his head to hit the soldier a few meters away again, and suddenly changed his posture, holding the middle of the blade with his right hand, holding the hilt under his arm, and pointing the tip of the sword to the middle of the rib-like breastplate of the Wild Hunt.

A solemn and solemn aura pervaded.

The Sword of Justice was transformed into a knight's spear with a length of more than two meters in his hand.

He jumped forward with his spear in his hands, and a red flame warhorse solidified under him.

A blur of flames lingered behind him, and at the same time, he raised his spear and let out a battle cry.

Crimson cloaks and flags rattled in the roaring wind.

Justice and courage!

Grim Sigurd, who abides by the way of knighthood all his life, finally cried out in his heart, and the memory picture of the past life quickly flashed in his mind,

In the end, it all turned into a belief.

Better than thousands of troops!

Horseshoe like thunder.

Charge with the flaming golden knight!

Keep going!

The spear of courage shot the warhammer and penetrated Wild Hunt's chest, letting him bend his limbs on the spear, sing a sad song, and lead him across the battlefield!


A hound was reduced to ashes in flames.


The Wild Hunt soldiers who attacked Owl and Aiden from the back were pierced with spears.


Hoarfrost that hit Cohen's back was blocked.


The hounds that overwhelmed Vesemir were turned into minced meat.


The armor, hair, flesh, and bones of the golden knight turned into fuel, and burned with the flames, quickly becoming illusory and transparent.

He galloped through the battlefield crisscrossed by magic roars, sword lights and hoarfrost.

The raised horse's hooves left a path of flames, one by one Wild Hunt drinking hatred under the spear.

The knight's crimson pupils reflected faces with gratifying smiles, and the heroic spirits of the Sigurd family opened their arms to him.

Cassirer, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, reached out to him.

In the end, Grimm rode his horse to the side of the witcher with fluttering white hair, looked back at him, and his face with fluttering blond hair showed a hearty smile that he was happy to return home.

"Ravix of the Four Corners, you defeated me in the battle of Sintra, and the treasure of the Sigurd family is left to you."

The voice fell.

The smile on his face solidified.

The whole person was completely burnt out, like a stone sculpture that had been weathered for thousands of years, scattered into wisps of dust, and disappeared with the fierce wind in the battlefield.


The flickering dark golden light great sword fell from the air and sank deeply into the ground.

"Who is this Your Excellency? He saved the old man's life!"

Escal lifted Vesemir, who was pale, and asked White Wolf with a trembling voice.

"A true knight."

Geralt wiped off the ice slag on his blue-veined face, and pulled out the sword of justice.

The figure of the blond knight on the sword disappeared in a flash.

He once again rushed to the battlefield where blood, fire and hoarfrost were intertwined!