The Divine Hunter

Chapter 636: The end of the frost


Ciri hugged Elene, who was in her arms, and looked around, only to see devastated.

Thor Lara's battlefield is littered with corpses.

Ain El's soldiers, hounds, knights of the white rose, and sorcerers of the association... The overflowing blood stained the air with a touch of red, and the pungent stench made one want to vomit.

The only thing that is fortunate is that in her sight, the witchers are covered in bruises, and the sorceresses are pale, but there is no obvious downsizing.

But when she looked up at the coastline in the distance, she couldn't help being stunned.

"what is that?"

Overwhelming seagulls and petrels fluttered frantically toward the interior of Sineder Island.

Huge shadows even block the sun in the sky.

Along the way, there was a sound of Ouou screams full of panic and despair.

And behind the flock of fleeing seabirds.

The sky broke through a pitch-black hole, as deep and vast as the void of the universe.

Pieces of hail and snowflakes poured down from it, swirling with the rough sea breeze, forming a terrifyingly huge white tornado, whose height surpassed Gorgon, the highest peak of the Amer Mountains, running through the sky and the sea.

The tornado roars and moves slowly!

The passing sea and the high air were all frozen by the scattered extreme cold and turned into a icy world with icy crystals.

All life and objects along the way are assimilated without resistance—

Dozens of seagulls that escaped slowly were instantly frozen into ice sculptures and rolled into the center.

Several fishing boats sailing on the sea rose from the ground, swayed as the tornado swayed, and after several weeks of rotation in the outer pale frost air, they were torn to shreds.

It is like a giant white bear that is standing on the sea and devours all life.

What's more terrifying is that the rift in the sky is still spewing endless frost, expanding its size.

A strange vision was born in Ciri's mind—

A white skeleton floated in endless darkness and white frost for a long, long time.

"This is no ordinary blizzard."

Coral clenched her fingers in pain, and the waterfall-like fire fluttered in the wind.

She suddenly understood that her lover was going away.

"Then what is it?"

Triss asked in a hoarse and heavy voice.

Francesca caressed her chest, her pretty face was pale and bloodless, and she said a sentence in a cadenced tone,

"The time of hoarfrost and white light is coming, the age of madness and contempt, the age of the end!"

"Islynide's prophecy came true!"

"This is Ted Delary, the Last Era!"

"There is still an hour at most, Sinid Island cannot escape the fate of being frozen!"

At the back of the battlefield, the warlocks of the association stared at the tornado in disbelief and terminated the spells at hand.

They studied ancient texts carefully, and more or less knew about Islini's prophecy.

The nature of the vision was recognized at first sight.

"Why is it now? Just after the turmoil of the association is over, we will start to show our talents! The legendary catastrophe has come?"

Philippa's face was full of unwillingness, her expression was terrified, and she said fiercely,

"It's all Wild Hunt's fault, they brought disaster!"

"No, they are equally afraid of Hoarfrost."

Tishaya shook her head and looked at the Wild Hunt soldiers receding like the tide.

Not too long ago, he was brave and fearless, and he has a huge advantage in this conflict.

Now he suddenly gave up the attack, brought the hounds, fled, and the turtle retreated into the dangling black ship.

Tishaya also noticed.

They inadvertently turned to the tornado's eyes, filled with deep fear, as if they had been deeply hurt by it.

"Everyone, I suggest that all colleagues open the portal immediately and escape from Sinid Island, we can't stay and wait to die!"

Sabina said anxiously, shaking her red hair,

"Where to flee? If the prophecy is true, no one will be spared from this disaster in a world where hoarfrost falls. So everyone—"

Marty Soderbergh wiped the sweat from his face, and the damned romance flooded uncontrollably,

"Why not find the person you love the most and spend the last good time together!"

"Falling away the Wild Hunt, and welcoming the hoarfrost, is this our destiny?"

Escal supported Vesemir, Geralt and Lambert sat back-to-back in a pool of blood, their leather armor covered with ice slag, their faces as pale as hypothermia,

"What did the prophecy say? Everyone, one by one, they were frozen into popsicles. They were really stupid. I should go back to see poor Pacia immediately."

Lambert shook his head disdainfully, his right hand, which was frozen into a lump of ice, took care of his hairline, which had been cut off by a steel sword and looked even more pitiful, and turned his eyes to the back not far away.

"So sentimental when you're in love? Can't you think of something better? You're not as strong as those little bastards!"

The bruised and bruised little witchers supported each other like an iron wall. Their faces were tired, but their pupils shone with excitement.

"The evil Wild Hunt was defeated, and the righteous witcher won the battle! Brothers, let's compare the record. I killed a soldier and two hounds..." Under the action of the high-sucking decoction, Arkham with two tiger teeth appeared in the corners of his mouth. shouting excitedly,

"What is that? I happen to have one more than you!"

Carl carefully rubbed the huge scar that ran across the brow bone and half of his face, the medal of honor, with an excited look,

No one will dare to laugh at him like a woman in the future!

"I have two more!"

Monty, whose left hand was sagging, showed a weak smile,

"So I'm at the bottom again?"

Lloyd grimaced as he wiped the silver sword with a missing corner.

Bang bang bang!

Owl, Cohen, Kayan, and Aiden rewarded one person with a brain crash.

"The ignorant brat is still trying to be competitive when his butt is on fire."

The bone-piercing cold wind whizzed past, and the beast-like vertical pupils seemed to have been injured by the cold and narrowed into a slit.

The teenagers followed their eyes and glanced at the sky, their spirits were no longer high, and their voices were crying.

"Teacher, will everyone die and be swallowed by the tornado?"

No one answered.

"Two hundred years later, the Viper School finally reunited."

Ivar Evil Eye stared intently at the four "Snake Sect Wild Hunters" who were bound together by silver chains and were in a deep coma. A satisfied smile appeared on his dry face.

"It's just a pity that I couldn't get rid of Eredin's bastard with my own hands! This damn white frost is here again!"

"Don't be discouraged, old man, there must be a solution for the kid!"

Lesso touched his shiny bald head, with confidence in his amber pupils,

"He has never let us down."

Serrit and Oaks smiled at each other, turning their eyes to Ciri's direction.

Ciri stared at Roy, who was scorched black and covered in blood like a baby's mouth, and could barely see his human form, tears welling up in his eyes.

"If it wasn't to protect me, everyone wouldn't die, and you wouldn't be hurt so badly!"

"There will be no opening in the sky!"

"It's not your fault! As for this injury, it only takes a week or two for me to recover." Roy patted Galphin's hairy head soothingly, and turned to the worried Coral, Triss , Francesca smiles,

"It's fate's fault!"

Complaining, hatred, unwillingness, helplessness...

In a sigh of mixed emotions,

Avarak emerged from the void, sapphire eyes fixed on the witcher,

"The blood of the ancients, what a noble bloodline!"

"Why does it appear on a descendant that does not belong to Laura Doren!"

"Why are you able to kill Eredin and Calanthir, draw their blood, attract Hoarfrost to advance again, and let the Red Knight's years of hard work go to waste!"

The witchers and sorceresses looked at him indifferently with hatred, without answering questions,

"You killed Cassirer and Grimm, and you still want to force Ciri to breed a 600-year-old guy. How can you talk to me like that?!"

Avarak was silent for a moment, then suddenly took a deep breath and bowed to the crowd.

"Okay, okay. I apologize!"

"I am also forced to do so for the continuation of the race. But don't be nervous, I swear I will never shoot you again. To be precise, it is meaningless to shoot now."

The sorceresses glanced at Roy inquiringly,

"Listen, I'll just give you a minute to state your opinion. Give me a reason not to cut you and the rest of the Wild Hunt down to pieces right away!"

Avalak looked behind the sea-crossing bridge, in the direction of Goth Velen. The residents of the city noticed the terrifying movement and came to the street one after another.

There were screams of despair and horror.

Or frantically turned and ran away, or panicked in circles, or fainted on the spot.

Some people even took advantage of the chaos to start wreaking havoc and looting!

"Look, in front of Baishuang, humans are as small as ants."

"Everyone is no exception. Don't look at it as it is slowing down like a stupid bear, but its size and speed will multiply exponentially. This is after our family has witnessed countless worlds being frozen. Valuable experience!"

"If you don't find a solution immediately, the whole world will be devoured and destroyed in a week at most! Believe me, stay here, there is nowhere to hide, no one can be spared!"

"What are you trying to say?" Yennefer swallowed.

"Since the big mistake has been made! The only solution is to make it wrong!"

Avalak glanced at Roy, Ciri, and little Elene, and invited him warmly,

"Three ancient bloodlines, bring your most cherished people, and come back to Tirnalia with me. You join forces and add the gate of the worlds, which is enough to carry out a super-large group teleportation, and stay away from these two soon-to-be frozen. World, escape to a safer place!"

"Isn't this the meaning of the existence of the blood of the ancients?"

"Escape to another world, hide for hundreds of years, and wait until Bai Shuang chases after him and becomes a bereaved dog again?"

Roy looked straight into Avarak's blue eyes, his tone full of disdain,

"You Ain El family, you have been running away for thousands of years, are you still not tired?"

"It's shameful to run away. But it's better than death, and don't forget you have friends and family."

Avalak clearly saw that the witcher was the leader, and the spit star was almost sprayed on his face.

"You're going to take them with you to die!"

"I won't wait to die..." Roy said solemnly, his eyes swept past Coral's loving blue eyes, Triss, Yennefer... and the witcher brothers who were surrounded not far away.

"I won't run away either!"

"The hoarfrost will freeze world after world, annihilating all life. Only I can stop this catastrophe, I've thought about it. I'm going to fix it once and for all!"

Avarak was stunned for a moment, and the unchanging elegance and indifference disappeared from his face,

"No, no one has ever been able to destroy Hoarfrost, Islinne's prophecy doesn't mention any specific methods. You're doing this in a senseless self-sacrifice, and it's just a gamble with little chance of winning!"

"Your Excellency, will you leave with us Ain El?"

Avalak said in a tone that bordered on pleading,

"This time you won. So I will convince His Majesty Oberon to agree to most of your conditions, even if your Excellency, Ciri, this little lady, or Francesca, become the Ain El family. New ruler!"

"If you have to destroy it, you should think about it in the long run, but does it take time to understand, you must live first!"

Francesca was persuaded, her fingers clasped together, and she hesitated.

Ain Shedi's bloodline must not be lost just like that.

She began to hesitate, how to convince Roy to accept the reality.

"I'm going to cut off the heads of these red knights?"

Ciri suddenly looked at the black ship in the distance and spoke fiercely,

Avarak hesitated, gritted his teeth.

"Forget it, I don't want to run away!"

Ciri retorted loudly,

"Grandma Calanthe, Grandpa Bran, Halma, Keris are all here. I, I can't leave them, leave them to that tornado!"

"Dear lady, as I said, you can bring all your relatives and friends with you!"

"Can the knights of the White Rose, all the warriors of Skellige, and the people of Sintra, who are still loyal to this day, be taken away?"

Avarak stopped talking.

A golden light appeared on Ciri's little face, and she continued naively and firmly,

"All the good people in the north who have never done anything wrong have the right to live!"

"Live! Live!"

Elene didn't know why, and clapped excitedly.

Avarak bowed his head and sighed,

"That's unrealistic. The number of personnel is seriously exceeded, and it is too late to transmit."

"That's it!" Ciri grabbed Roy's scorched arm, "Let's go Roy, let's solve Hoarfrost together!"

"Excuse me to ask, do you have a complete and executable plan!"

Avalak couldn't bear to see the hope of the continuation of the race dashed, so he tried his best to persuade,

"The goddesses Freya and Meritelli told me years ago that I had to get to the end of the hoarfrost and fix it at the source."

Roy said calmly, to Coral, to the worried witchers who were overheard not far away, and to all his companions who cared about him.

Say it to yourself too!

"I didn't have much confidence before, but now, with the 'gift' of Eredin and Calanhill. I can do it alone!"

"Don't even think about it!" Ciri squeezed the big rough hands, her emerald green eyes staring at the silver-gray eyes, "I also have the blood of the ancients, you know, just now, it gave me an omen! If you leave alone this time, then we...we'll lose you forever!"

This sentence landed.

The messy battlefield suddenly became silent.

Roy's nose suddenly became a little sore.

In fact, he is not completely sure. Although the ancient blood in his body is stronger and more active than ever before, Hoarfrost is far more menacing than he remembers—perhaps because the space-time battle with the King of the Wild Hunt destroyed space, maybe because The bloodline of evolution is full of attraction.

Besides, this time he didn't want to lead the disaster like Ciri in memory.

But completely solve the hoarfrost!

"Cough, is there no other way? Why don't we go back to Gao Wen's house first, let's heal the wounds, and brainstorm!"

Lambert winked at Roy,

"For every minute of hesitation, more places will be destroyed by hoarfrost. I don't know how long it will take to destroy it. If it is delayed too long, even if it is solved, the world has turned into an ice age. So it must be done immediately. action."

Roy paused, smiled and looked around at the concerned faces,

"Don't worry, this is not parting from life and death, I have never let you down!"

"Little devil, how many times have I said it, don't always try to be a hero alone, you still have us!"

Lesso rubbed his bald head and persuaded,

"Together, together!"

Little Elene stretched out her fat lotus-like arm around the Witcher's arm, and climbed over his head like a wombat, not in the slightest alienated by the horrific face he now hated.

"Bring Ciri and Elene, Calanthe will definitely fight for me." Roy shook his head and smiled.

"When we get rid of Hoarfrost!" Ciri said stubbornly, "I'll explain it to Grandma! Roy, don't leave us, please!"

Coral wrapped her arms around him tightly, and the fire brushed against his cheeks, but she didn't speak. She always respected his opinion.

Triss, for some reason, could no longer hold back the turbulent emotions in her heart, and uncontrollably stretched out her hand and grabbed the witcher's other arm. Chrysanthemum eyes.

But this time no one teased her again.

The elven sage Avarak dropped all his dignity and pride, and bowed humbly to the witcher,

"Vatt'ghern, zireal, if you can achieve this miracle and return safely. The Ain El family will be your Lord!"

"Am I right? Did the witcher go crazy, or was there something wrong with his brain?"

A wizarding sorcerer shook his head sarcastically,

"Want to bring two little girls to solve the legendary Baishuang?"

"Shut up! Stupid!"

Tishaya roared and slapped him fiercely, making blood from the corner of his mouth. Most of the warlocks in the association stared at him furiously.

"When a person is risking his life to carry the burden for everyone, he is a hero even if this behavior seems self-defeating!"

"You just don't pray for him, and you slander him behind your back! I'm going to turn you into a statue to reflect on for a hundred years!"

Obviously it is the moment that decides the fate of all human beings, but there is not much attention.

Only the witcher and the warlock who stood beside Thor Laura, watched the black-haired and silver-eyed figure healed by the jade of passion, holding Ciri, with little Elene sitting on the back of his neck. The shape shone with dazzling stars and disappeared into the air.

A morning star has lit up in the midst of a devastating tornado at sea.

Hoarfrost is a long undercurrent in the universe.

It's dark, gloomy, and full of endless frost crystals, which constantly extract the heat of everything, causing the bodies and minds of those who live in them to tremble in hypothermia.

But the blood of the ancients seems to have some kind of connection with this strange place, and it has become extremely active since it entered its body.

Can be used without restriction.

Roy, Ciri and Elene, who are connected in spirit, jointly activated their abilities, and kept flashing and shuttling towards the end of Hoarfrost.

The blood of the ancients turned into a sturdy and warm armor, isolated from the cold and the frost crystals that shot from all directions at a high speed like a cannonball.

It started off remarkably well.

Roy almost thought victory was in sight!

But the length of the hoarfrost was beyond their imagination.

Darkness, like a thick quagmire, a bottomless abyss.

They were trapped in it, and it seemed to flicker for a year, and it seemed like a hundred years.

Gradually, the blood of the ancients became numb in the torture of time.

Can no longer stop the danger for them.

Meteor-like ice crystals smashed the Kunn shield until all the witcher's supplies and abilities were exhausted.

Shred his leather armor.

cut through his flesh.

"Roy, are you okay? I'm a little scared?"

"Ciri, take care of Elene, I won't let anything hurt you!"

Roy curled up desperately.

Protect Ciri and Elene in your arms, and turn your limbs and torso into their shields!

Take all the damage in their place.

But the end of flesh and blood cannot withstand the catastrophe of the cosmic level.

Soon, his whole body was worn away by the frost, and he became like a white bone stained with a layer of flesh.

Consciousness begins to fade.

next second.

He moved up the ranks.

The golden light appeared.

The surging vitality poured out from the depths of the bone marrow, and all the injuries were healed as before.

Refreshed, he continued to travel through the vast white storm until he was dying again.

At this moment, a warm force suddenly surged from the Sword of the Lake Girl behind him.

A soft and sweet voice nourished his dry heart like a spring.

Water vapor lingered in her long emerald green hair, petal-like lips, and a face with a smile and a sweet smile appeared in front of her eyes.

"Roy, the knight by Lake Vizima!"

"you'll never Walk Alone!"

The power of the Lady of the Lake allowed him to recover for the second time.

The third deadline came as scheduled.

The jade of lust shone brightly, and the sacred image of the trinity of young girls, pregnant women, and old people pierced through the darkness and cold.

"Roy, the son of the ancient blood."

"You kept your promise and sacrificed your life for it..."

"We will live and die with you."

In the waterfall-like changing aurora, Freya and Meritelli walked side by side, waving a large golden light.

Until their bodies became hazy and transparent.

An indestructible golden shield shields the three ancient bloods firmly.

sailed far and far with them!

But the darkness was stiflingly long.

He was dying again, and this time, no gods came to help.

"Roy, what's wrong with you, don't scare me!"

"Roy... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Uuu...Is there only bones left? Let it go, please, let us protect you!"



A bloody light of fear lit up in the darkness, and a tentacle broke through the darkness and the severe cold engulfed the two girls.

The hoarfrost is endless, pouring in from all directions, wrapping and freezing it.

It is like prey in a pale cobweb.

The movement gradually weakened and returned to its original state.


A sigh suddenly sounded in the desperate darkness.

"Roy, the Demon Hunter of the Viper School, if you sink like this, won't you miss our ten-year appointment?"

"That's not good! You haven't tasted the more wonderful and wonderful game I have prepared for you!"

Dense runes suddenly appeared on the arm above the white bone, outlining the face of the businessman with a lichen head laughing wildly, and the burning white-gold sun in his eyes.

"Let me, Gunter O'Dim, give you this last aid!"

A silver-gray lightning flashed across the deep darkness.

The witcher opened his eyes!

The long sword splits the chaos, slashes to the bright galaxy, the end of the eternal hoarfrost!