The Divine Hunter

Chapter 67: bloody battle




The ground beneath Buzz shook like a pulsating heart, the snow piled on the branches rustled and fell, and the tree trunk in front of him seemed to greet the master's servant, bending down to both sides to reveal a dark path of sheep's intestines. .

In the dwarf's trembling, two crumpled bark-like palms pressed against the crooked trunkā€”not so much a palm as a strip of intertwined gigantic vines.

With his hands back, a huge creature kept its knees in a half-squat position, and emerged from the road behind the tree trunk.

"This... deer... deer?"

The head is almost the same size as a human body, with huge antlers intertwined on the top of the head, and the face is as long as a deer and a horse, but there is only a pale skeleton frame. Seeing people shudder.

Under the head, the limbs and torso are woven from tree trunks and vines, and the surface is covered with a layer of emerald moss and ferns.

Taking a step forward, its pale cheeks came closer, and Shichi's huge body (3 meters) completely blocked all the light in the dwarf's sight. The figure completely dissolves in the darkness, as if it is emitting some invisible fluctuations around it, conveying shadows, fear, and death.

Booz's scalp was numb, his lips were trembling as if his throat was strangled by an invisible hand, and he made a sound with extreme difficulty.

"You... what the hell are you?"

The bony mouth of the monster made a raspy, raspy sound like a rasp, but before the dwarf could say a word, the huge palm covered its head like a hill!


The dwarf sighed and closed his eyes, and then a strong wind blew behind him, and the sound of defeat broke out in his ears.

Between the lightning and flint, accompanied by a strange and dull pain, the monster's huge palm shrank back, and another figure appeared beside the dwarf.

Compared with the deer-headed spirit, this figure is extremely "petite", but it gives the dwarf a rock-like indestructible feeling.

"Master Leto!"

Booz exclaimed in ecstasy, tears streaming down his nose for a moment, this kind of near-death experience should not be too exciting.

"keep quiet!"

The witcher, it was Letho, stood firmly in front of the dwarf.

His face was covered with ferocious blood vessels induced by the potion, his hands crossed the dagger smeared with pale yellow sword oil on his chest, and the spine of the sword was stained with bright red blood.

That's from the previous female squirrel party.

The distance between the deer head and the witcher was less than twenty minutes, and he could even smell the smell of soil and grass on the other side, as well as the faint but lingering smell of blood.

The badge on the witcher's chest hummed suddenly, while the ground beneath his feet wriggled violently as if alive.

They seem to be on the lips and tongues of animals!


A python-like vine suddenly broke through the snow-covered ground and jumped up, bringing a gust of wind over it, the dwarf shouted, and the dagger in the witcher's hand drew a beautiful straight line.

The vine was cut in two!

In the spray of emerald green juice, two vines fell to the ground, and then rolled tenaciously on the ground like cut off earthworms.

"Stupid! Don't just yell, take it!"

Booth hurriedly picked up the throwing knife dropped by the witcher, then smiled wryly.

"You let me, a cripple, use a slap-sized flying knife to fight those terrifying things?!"

But he didn't have any more chance to complain. The second, the third, in the strange call of the deer head, dozens of vines rolled towards the two of them, and the curtain like sea water suddenly fell.

The witcher grabbed the dwarf and rolled to the side, and the vines continued to pounce like maggots of the tarsus.

Wrap the two in it.

On the ground, a huge round cocoon suddenly appeared.

Deer Shoujing sighed, took a step forward and approached the giant cocoon, then stretched out his sharp, thin, wrinkled palms.

Close up, hold tight!

The giant cocoon, or a sphere formed by countless vine snakes, began to wriggle violently with the movements of the deer head, the tighter and tighter the entanglement, shrinking inward...

"This, this," came a tingling sound of rubbing from within the ball.

"Ka-" A crisp sound like a broken egg shell sounded, and Lushoujing's huge body involuntarily took a step back.

If it still has fresh cheeks, it must be able to see the expression of horror.

"Ka-ka-" A series of strange sounds followed, until at a certain moment, the giant cocoon stopped shrinking abruptly, the vines on the surface trembled violently and trembled, and a low murmur resounded through the long night.

Just like snakes, worms, rats and ants seeing natural enemies, they shivered in fear, unable to control themselves!

Under the deep gaze of Deer Shoujing, a ray of light shot out from the giant cocoon, and along with it, strips of vines seemed to be peeled off from the surface of the giant cocoon by an invisible hand, and fell to the ground slumped, without any vitality.

You can also see that the vines are roasted, and the steam is blowing out.

Lushoujing's arms were open, and the front end turned into two sharp wooden thorns in mid-air, stabbing at the ball, but what greeted them was a raging flame - the dazzling fire flashed away in the cold and silent night, The Deer Shoujing retreated with a strange cry while holding two arms that were covered with sparks.

And the witcher knelt down on one knee, with the dagger propped up on his body, panting, blood red all over his body.

Although he broke free from the strangulation, he was equally uncomfortable. There were bloodstains on his face that looked terrifying like centipedes, and blood was seeping from the holes in the leather armor.

The dwarf Buzz was lying directly on the ground, with his dying breath holding his eyes.

"Hong Da, Morata..."

While the witcher was breathing, the deer head spirit began to chant the spell again, and from a distance, a long wolf howl came to meet the spell.

The witcher first drew a seal in mid-air, and a green light rushed into the pupil of the deer head, making it startled for a moment, and interrupted the casting.

Immediately afterwards, the witcher took the opportunity to drop an alchemical bomb at its feet.

In the crisp sound of glass shattering, white smoke mixed with black fragments enveloped the body of Lushoujing, and the magical power in the body was immediately sealed, and the connection with the earth and forest was cut off.

The deer headjing exclaimed suddenly and hurriedly exited the smoke.

The two-handed daggers crossed in mid-air, making a cross with sparkling sparks, and the witcher suddenly rushed towards the opponent.

Buzz, who was lying on the ground like a maim, never expected that he would be able to witness a peak duel between a witcher and a monster at close range.

After the anti-magic metal bomb was detonated, the deer head spirit's spellcasting ability was completely sealed, and he could only choose to fight the witcher in close quarters.

The difference in size between the two sides of the confrontation is equivalent to that of a giant and a dwarf, which is really funny, but also dangerous.

The former is extremely powerful and invulnerable, and every attack on the arms and thighs can leave a deep hole in the ground, but without magical power, the mountain forest that originally trapped the two became its cage.

It's like a giant wearing a small leotard. The narrow space completely restricts the performance of the deer head spirit. When he is waving his fists and feet, he accidentally hits a snow-covered pine tree, wasting his strength in vain, and his hands and feet are particularly sluggish.

On the other hand, in the eyes of the dwarves, the large witcher has a speed that is completely inconsistent with his body shape.

If the deer-headed spirit tried to pass the witcher and attack the dwarves, it was burned away by a mark of Igni.

The witcher is extremely cunning, not greedy for attack, and retreats every time the dagger touches it, never giving it any opportunity. This is how snakes hunt. The two short swords are like the fangs of a pit viper. Every time the deer head is attacked, it bites like lightning, injects venom, and then withdraws and hides behind the bushes.

Snakes are deadly poisonous, and the witcher's poison is the residual sword oil and special poison smeared on the short sword.

The monster has a hard skin and iron bones, and the stab of the dagger can't cause much damage to it, but as long as the skin is scratched and stained with green blood, the sword oil and poison will immediately penetrate into the body of the deer head spirit, crazily corroding and destroying, Accumulate toxicity.

From a distance, a giant was roaring in the woods, and a ghostly figure was dodging and dodging around it.

After two minutes of intense hand-to-hand combat.

The surface of Lushoujing's body is already riddled with holes, covered with dense wounds, and the body is stained with green blood.

The witcher was also hit twice, the corners of his mouth were flushed red, his right arm was twisted into a deformed limp and hung on the side, his eyes were still calm and calm, and the last Igni seal slammed into the huge monster,

Then he took a deep breath and lowered the dagger in his hand.

Immediately, "Pooh... Pooh", a stream of green blood sputtered out of the deer head essence like a fountain, like a leaky ship sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Opposite the two, Lushoujing's huge body slowly slumped to the ground, his limbs spread out on his back, his chest rose and fell, and his dark eyes lost their luster.

"Boom..." The witcher bit open a bottle of emerald green "Swallow" and drank it. After a while, the shocking wound on the body stopped the blood.

He was still staring at the monster vigilantly, and at the same time, his left hand gently groped and moved on his right arm. With a crunching sound that made his gums sore, his right arm barely returned to its normal shape, and the witcher helped the seriously injured dwarf. , fed a bottle of calendula potion, and the bitter herbal smell in his mouth made the dwarf frown and wake up.

"Master... monster... dead? Are we alive?"

In the dwarf's field of vision, the deer-headed spirit stepped into the coffin with half of his feet, but there was still no one to give him a fatal blow.

"Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, it was born in the forest and died in the forest, this is the destination it deserves. But it has to live a little longer." Suddenly, it turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated in the air.