The Divine Hunter

Chapter 68: sneak attack


Pushing forward the time, outside the entrance of the fifth mining area.

Five figures crawl behind the big tree in the snow and ice, staring at the trail in front of them without blinking. Two people carry crossbows on their backs, and three people carry two-handed weapons.

"Roy, we all waited for half an hour, are you sure Kelvin will come out?"

Regan stroked the ice-covered beard with a helpless expression on his face, and the other three dwarves also pricked up their ears.

Roy breathed a warm breath into the palm of his hand after hearing the words, relieving the coldness of his body a little,

"Brothers, be patient, I have reliable news!" Roy's deep voice revealed fear, "Just in time, review the plan again!"

"Kill the Squirrel Party!" Du Lu said solemnly,

"Catch... open... Kelvin." Bernie clenched his fists and said excitedly,

"Uh..." Diff's tone was stagnant, and he touched the back of his head, not knowing what to say.

"Safety first! If there is a huge difference in strength, let's run away!" Roy's knuckles turned white nervously, and he felt uneasy, "Boss Reagan arranges everyone's tasks according to the situation! If the deer head is resurrected in the battle, remember, Fight it with fire!"

Although the witcher said that there are only four squirrels, and the enemy is in the open, they are in the dark and have the advantage. But who knows if something unexpected will happen

"Don't worry, we all remembered it!" Reagan's face turned red, "Damn, I've long seen that the relationship family is not pleasing to the eye, she exploded their eggs/eggs!,"

Suddenly, several people held their breath, and a figure entered his line of sight—white hair and white beard, carrying a warhammer, and carrying a kerosene lamp out of the gate of the mining area.

"Come on!" They were shocked.

Under the night, the white-haired dwarf walked along the road full of ruts for ten minutes, then turned suddenly and burrowed into the woods beside the road.

Roy and the four dwarves had strange expressions on their faces, and quickly followed in...

A full moon hangs in the sky, and the flawless moonlight illuminates the footprints of different shades on the snow-covered ground.

In the dark, cold, and frighteningly quiet cedar forest, the five of them walked all the way. Every time they walked a distance, Roy would paint the symbol of the Snake School on the nearby pine trees.

After half an hour, they came to a faint cave.

In sight, the white-haired dwarf suddenly held the index fingers of both hands and blew a sharp whistle. In response, after a minute, two figures with torches came out of the cave.

The dim light of the fire faintly reflected their appearance, pointy ears, chin, slender body, and just looking at them gave people a feeling of extreme flexibility.

The elf male on the left is wearing a dark green canvas coat with a light leather armor, and old deerskin boots under his feet. Behind him is a short bow, a quiver, and a sword on his waist.

The female elf on the right has delicate facial features and fair skin. No obvious weapons can be seen all over her body. She wears a prismatic amulet around her neck, and her figure is also more slender and slender.

They planted torches in the wall outside the cave and began talking to Kelvin Hogg in low voices, too far apart to muffle his voice.

The four dwarves who were peeking from the tree trunks and bushes in the distance were all excited, and Bernie even covered his open mouth, trembling with excitement.

Two sprites? Why less than half, stay in the cave

Even if Kelvin is added, if there is no accident, I can handle it on my own side!

Roy breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the two elves.


Age: 70

Sex: Male

Occupation: Member of the Squirrel Party

Health: 60 (parasitic)


Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Constitution: 6

Perception: 7

Will: 5

Glamour: 6 points

Spirit: 5 points


Bow Specialization LV5

One-Handed Sword Specialization LV5

The elegance of the wind (passive curing): The elves have elegant appearance and posture, and their movements are as keen as a cheetah, Charisma +1, Agility +1.



Age: 60

Gender: Female

Occupation: Member of the Squirrel Party, Warlock

Health: 50

Mana: 150


Strength: 4

Agility: 6

Constitution: 5

Perception: 5

Will: 6

Glamour: 7 points

Spirit: 15 points


Dharma source (passive curing): Self-awakening, chaotic energy is a sensitive person of magic power, favored by the elements of earth, fire, water, and air, and the body spontaneously absorbs magic power all the time. After professional and systematic training, they can manipulate magic power, release magic, and achieve challenges that are difficult for ordinary people to complete.

Magic Tricks LV5: This is the gentlest and most skillful use of the magic element. It only needs to consume superficial magic power to deal with daily chores through a series of spells, including: cleansing, cleaning, transcription, lighting, makeup...

Fire Ball LV3: Primary fire element magic, without casting materials, through gestures and spells, summon a fire element ball to strike, the power is affected by the skill level and spiritual attributes.

Electric Shock LV4: The primary air element magic, without casting materials, through gestures and spells, releases a bolt of lightning to strike the target. Powerful by…

Portal LV3…

Bodyguard LV4…

Elegance of the Wind (Passive Curing)


Is there an elf sorceress

Roy took a breath, an unexpectedly powerful enemy.

This warlock is far more powerful than Toya, a girl who was tortured into a deformity by magic.

Take a look at the spells in the skill list. If she was prepared in advance and squatted behind a meat shield and turned into a human-shaped fort, how could she survive? Fortunately, I found her first... An unsuspecting sorceress, her survivability is not as good as that of ordinary people.

As for the other elf, parasitic

The young man's heart moved, and he suddenly realized that this elf man was the primary target he was looking for, the "resurrection bottle" of the deer head.

"Don't be soft-hearted, shoot him when you meet him!"

The witcher's warning sounded in his mind, and he pointed to the male elf on the left, pointing to his chest.

Then click on the elf sorceress on the right, and point to Regan who is holding "Blood Brothers".

Compare three fingers.

The two quickly pulled the strings and placed arrows, and both aimed at the key point of the target in a kneeling position. Roy activated the crossbow specialization in an instant, aiming at the heart, while Regan aimed at the neck.

The dwarf watching couldn't help holding his breath, and the air only heard the faint countdown, "Three, two, one!"

"Whoosh—" Two silver lights flashed across the night sky almost simultaneously.

The male elf who was talking to the dwarf in the distance seemed to have been hit in the chest by a heavy hammer, his face was distorted and he fell to the ground, and the arrow passed directly through his chest with a smear of blood!

However, the young man's face was ashen. He clearly saw that the guy moved a little bit to the side at the last moment of the arrow. The arrow failed to penetrate the heart and immediately took his life.

The female elf side is even worse!

The moment the crossbow arrow approached, the white light on her body flashed away, and the attack actually bounced off.

"gar'ean! gar'ean!" The elf woman screamed in horror, and rushed into the dark cave without a word, and began to chant the incantation under the cover of the walls and shadows!

The strange and erratic sound of incantation, like a sharp sword hanging above the head, was overwhelming.

Kelvin Hogg turned to the place where the five were hiding, swung the warhammer round, and the strong wind blew his white hair to the roots!

"Dru, Dive, you deal with him!" Regan Dahlberg shouted orders while pulling the strings and setting up the arrows, "Roy will make up for the Squirrel Party, Bernie and I will take care of the elf warlock!"

The young man heard the crossbow in one hand and took out the bomb that the witcher gave him from the space in the other.

"If it's too late, deal with the sorceress first, and the parasite is just a knife away!"

The situation in the battle changes rapidly, within three seconds.

The two dwarves greeted the white-haired dwarf with the warhammer and the two-handed axe. Kelvin swung the warhammer in front of him, barely parrying the swung weapon, trembled, turned and fled to the woods.

Behind, Roy, who was running, immediately threw the anti-magic bomb into the cave from a distance!

"Kaz—", the sorceress was covered in white smoke mixed with black particles. She suddenly screamed and screamed, the magical flames in her palms suddenly extinguished, and the white light around her slender body shattered like porcelain, her eyes, ears, mouth and nose were broken. Even more blood oozes!

Magic backlash!


Roy pulled the trigger without hesitation, and an arrow shot into her eye socket. Arrows stained with flesh, bones and brains pierced through the back of the head.

The sorceress fell on her back and lost her breath, so pitiful that she didn't cast a single magic.

"Kill Tilia, EXP +100...lv3(110/1500)"

The experience value of the warlock is actually several times higher than the 20 points of ordinary people!

He couldn't bear to think too much, and suddenly there was a scream in the cave, and the third squirrel party appeared with a huge two-handed sword.

The pointed ears revealed his elf bloodline, but his figure was not as slender as a female elf, as if malnourished, and his dark gray chainmail was propped up by his well-developed muscles. A small part of the neck and left shoulder can be clearly seen with fresh green leaves, branches and vine tattoos.

His face was twisted and filled with grief and anger. After seeing the death of the warlock, he rushed out of the shadow like a hurricane, and the sharp blade slashed sharply towards the boy's chest!

The strong wind hit his face, Roy suffocated his breath, and rolled to the side in embarrassment. He took a step slower.

But another dark warhammer barely held the longsword for him.

"Move... my brother, pass me first!"

Jaba Bernie's face was burning with blood, his eyes glared, and he kicked the elf in the chest, kicking him into the shadows, and the war hammer smashed his head.

"I'm going to help! There may be people inside!"

Reagan Dahlberg, carrying "Blood Brothers", also chased into the cave.

Outside the cave, in just ten seconds from the start of the battle, Roy was left alone, and the parasite, the elf male, who was shot through the chest and lay half-dead on the ground at the beginning.

"Uh... uh..."

Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, his face was distorted in pain, and his green eyes were full of deep hatred.

"Feel sorry… "

Roy couldn't understand the Squirrel Party's hatred of human beings, and similarly, he would not pity this group of people. With five fingers, he grabbed a crossbow arrow out of thin air.

Don't wait for him to move further, mutants are born!