The Divine Hunter

Chapter 70: Career template


December 5, 1260.

Tanshan ushered in a rare good weather, the warm sunshine broke through the ice and snow, and the haze that shrouded the entire city in recent days was cleared away, and simple and honest dwarves can be seen on the streets.

In the square, several residents of Carbon Mountain were discussing excitedly around the heads of the Squirrel Party and the Deer Shoujing on the high wooden frame.

"I happened to be on guard that night, and I saw with my own eyes that the witcher and his companions dragged the little monster into the valley. The death was really appalling. The whole body was scorched and shot into a hedgehog."

"Mahakan is on top! I've never seen such an ugly, terrifying guy in my life. If it's alive, I'll run away at first sight!"

"How can you be compared with the witcher master? The master is indeed a master. In less than a week, he dealt with the monsters that had plagued Carbon Mountain for months, and the four "rats" in the shadows did not escape! Tonight's banquet Come on, I'm definitely going to toast him!"

"Don't forget that the master's human assistant is only a teenager, equivalent to our 27 or 8-year-old boy, but he also participated in the hunt for the deer's head. He is a little man, and it is indispensable to give him a toast!"

"Our archery champion Regan Dahlberg and his stupid brother also participated in the action, and will accept the award from the elder together tonight." The dwarf's face was full of envy, "From now on, these four bachelors will probably become charcoal. A hot item in the eyes of the mountain girl."

Whether they forgot or did not understand at all, they said nothing about Kelvin.

In the witcher's bedroom.

The dwarf crossbowman with white bandages wrapped around his thighs and forehead was explaining the situation to the boy, occasionally glancing at the witcher who was meditating with his eyes closed on the other bed.

"They only had a slight concussion, and they won't leave any sequelae... Now, they are all sleeping in the medical room, and they are guaranteed to be able to go to the banquet tonight."

"That's good," Roy breathed a sigh of relief, his face thankful, "If they had an accident, I don't know..."

"It's not your fault..." Reagan looked wide open and comforted, "If those idiots fail to survive, it is the will of the holy mountain of Mahakam, and no one can blame others. Died in the battle with the squirrels and monsters. , It is also an honor to be buried in the Mahakam mountains!"

"Think about how many brothers these bastards have harmed. If they fail to stop them, the sabotage will continue, and more happy families in Carbon Mountain will be torn apart. Eliminating them is undoubtedly a great contribution to the entire race and Mahakam. . After death the soul must enter the holy mountain."

Roy's impression of the dwarves was greatly changed. They were greedy and stupid on the surface, but they were actually firm in their beliefs, heroic and loyal.

"Did you notice when the corpses of the deer head and the squirrel party were transported back to Tan Shan? Hiss—" The crossbowman grinned, slapped his thigh with his hands, and accidentally patted the wound. Unabated, "The guards on the road, as well as the group of crossbowmen at the door, have their chins up in the sky on weekdays. They insult our brothers, especially Bernie, every day. They are laughed at every day."

"This time, it's not like looking straight at the eyes, like a fool who can't close his mouth, it's stupid!"

"Everyone in Tan Shan now knows that our four brothers cooperated with the witchers to eradicate the Squirrel Party and the Deer Head Spirit. We are the heroes of Tan Shan! At that time, in front of everyone, the only ones who could stand upright were you and Lesso. Master, me. I can imagine my mighty and majestic figure, it must be extraordinarily charming!" Regan couldn't help laughing, "At that time, several girls' eyes were shining."

"You and Master Leto don't fit their aesthetics, they must be looking at me!"

"You're welcome, Roy, my spring is here! If I didn't go to Brother Pauly, I'd definitely have won one!"

Dwarves are so optimistic!

The boy looked at Reagan, who was talking endlessly, and the heaviness and nausea in his heart slowly disappeared.

In the past two days, he kept thinking of the hatred in the eyes of the Squirrel Party before his death, and the beautiful and false life that Lu Shoujing had described to him. Often distracted.

"Then I'll congratulate you in advance and bring the beauty back soon!" He grinned and said curiously, "However, Boss Regan, are you sure you want to leave Carbon Mountain? Just find a girl to have ten or eight children."

"In another year, when I'm sixty years old, go to Kaedwen to find my big brother!" The dwarf shook his head, his face full of determination, and the battle with the deer-headed squirrel party made him more and more longing for the outside world.

Trapped in the carbon mountain, the wonderful experience that can be seen is really limited.

"Where are the three of them?"

"Follower Bernie will definitely go with him, not necessarily Dulu and Dive." Regan grabbed the beard's hand for a while, and his words were full of regret, "Not all dwarves have big ambitions! They prefer a comfortable and stable life. "

"Maybe I'll see you in Kaldwin in the future!" Roy blurted out with a strong premonition in his heart.

"Haha, then wait for the big driver!"

The dwarf stretched out his furry hand and gave him a firm grip, and bumped his shoulder again.

"By the way, when will you take me to the medical room to visit those three guys?"

"Don't worry. You prepare for tonight's event first. The Great Elder will personally reward you in front of all the people from the Carbon Mountain. This opportunity is a rare opportunity in ten years. Don't miss it!" He took out a palm-sized, gray notebook in his arms, with a line written on the cover—“Given to Roy by Regan Dahlberg.”

"Last time you mentioned that you wanted to learn crossbow shooting skills with me... This is my experience of using crossbows for decades, take a look."

"I'm welcome." Roy took the note with both hands, feeling warm in his heart.

Then watch the dwarf leave the room.

He put the notes into the space, and his mind sank into the template of drastic changes.


Age: 13 years and 11 months

Occupation: commoner, witcher apprentice

Health: 45/55 (minor injury)


Strength: 5

Agility: 5.1

Constitution: 5.5

Perception: 7

Will: 6

Charisma: 5

Spirit: 6.5 points


Slaughter LV3→LV4

(Bloody breath: Hostile creatures that enter the range of one or two days (0.6 meters) around you have a 10→15% chance of being shocked by the killing breath. If the will attribute is lower than yours, you will temporarily lose control over your body at most. 1→2 seconds.

Your damage to hunted creatures is permanently increased by 10→15%.

New active skill - Stun: Actively release the breath of killing to stun a target within two weeks, and perform a forced will check. If the target's will is lower than yours, it will lose control for up to 2 seconds. Cooldown time 5 minutes.

Note: This skill will level up with the type and number of creatures you kill. )

Observation LV2

Meditation LV2

Crossbow Specialization LV1

Personal level LV3 (330/1500).

Storage space: 1 cubic meter.

In the battle a few days ago, killing the squirrel party, the warlock, and the deer head spirit gave him a total of more than 300 experience points. It seems that the magical creatures are special, or it may be that the deer head spirit is too powerful, which directly improves the slaughtering skill by one. level to LV4.

It was this new active shocking skill that allowed him to kill Kelvin Hogg.

But these are not his biggest gains!

The gaze continued to slide down, and after the skill template, a brand new template appeared—

Career template:

You kill five magical creatures: the tomb witch, the water ghost, the hunter ghost, the elf warlock, and the deer head spirit.

You learned meditation with the witcher.

You have learned basic alchemy knowledge and monster knowledge.

You have unlocked a profession - witcher.

(After the mutation of herbal medicine and the trials of green grass, he has a speed, strength, reaction, coordination ability, vitality, and recovery ability far beyond ordinary people. He is a profession that accepts commissions and hunts monsters for people for a living.)

Confirmed employment

Note: The current level can only have one occupation.

Can only have one occupation currently

Roy's heart moved, so he can have other professions in the future

He restrained his swirling thoughts, focused on the present, and had no better choice.

Confirm employment!

Personal level is converted into professional level!

You get a career—

Witcher LV3 (330/1500)

Stage: Apprentice (next stage: pass 1 trial of grass, hunt 5/10 kinds of magical creatures, and will advance to junior witcher)

School: Pit Viper (to be determined, haven't taken the snake green herbal medicine)

Occupational characteristics:

Main Attribute - Set an attribute as the main attribute, once it is determined, it cannot be changed. After leveling up, you do not need to consume attribute points, and the main attribute will automatically increase by 0.5 (apprenticeship stage).

Growth Weapon - This class can bind a steel sword, a silver sword, and a ranged weapon. The bound weapon will grow with you, and the bound weapon will be strengthened at the same time as you level up. No matter how far apart you are, you can feel the location of the bound weapon and recall it instantly.

Full recovery—Upgrade the level, the character status will be instantly restored to full, recover all injuries including stumps, internal organs injuries... Repel negative conditions including hunger, fatigue, poisoning, disease, curse...

Loot Package - Gain 1 additional cube of storage space (apprentice stage), you now have 2 cubes.

To be unlocked…

At this moment, Roy was full of excitement. After being weak for so long, he almost killed the deer head spirit, and finally had a little breakthrough.

Take a look at this job template, it's worth everything just by fully restoring that feature!

All the states were instantly restored, and it was equivalent to giving him a second life in the perilous world of witchers.

In an instant, he had several ways to use it in his mind. He would not upgrade when he accumulated experience points, and he would reserve this life at any time.

Then when the battle was exhausted, suddenly came this way and turned it over directly!

It can even be used in the trial of green grass...

Roy couldn't be more satisfied!

The growth weapon is also a feature tailored for him, and he had planned to eliminate Gabriel, the hand crossbow that he used to do.

But with this ability, as long as it is bound, the hand crossbow will "progress together" with him.

To find the best quality crossbow binding can maximize the benefits; but now that he has a choice, he does not want to easily abandon the things around him.

"Old comrade-in-arms, continue to accompany me!" Roy sat on the bedside, caressing the small Gabriel with his fingers,

Bound hand crossbow Gabriel


Type: Pocket Crossbow

Material: mulberry, tendon, hemp

Features: Weight 5 lbs, bow length 2 lbs, pull 20 lbs. Effective range is 100 late.

Confirm binding!

With the thought together, I suddenly felt that there was an indescribable link, or association, brand between the weapon and the weapon.

Holding the hand crossbow again, there is a kind of intimacy that blends blood, it seems to be an extension of its own limbs, and every structure of it is well understood.

The hand crossbow is a coordinate, clearly suspended in the void and darkness, pointing the way to him no matter how far apart they are.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can easily find the location of the weapon with this feeling.

He mischievously threw the hand crossbow at the witcher who was meditating on the opposite bed, stretched out his hand again, and the hand crossbow disappeared instantly in mid-air, returning to his hand in a miraculous way.

Roy had a hunch that this ability might come in handy in the future.

As for the bound silver sword and steel sword, there is no whereabouts at the moment. He is going to see the weapon that Elder Browal gave to Leto.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth can't help but bend, even if he secretly binds that weapon, Leto can use it, right

Finally, on the choice of the main attribute, he hesitated. Is it to improve the perception of the strongest attribute? It's better to improve your physique and will, and continue to increase your chances of passing the green grass trial.

The perception attribute allows him to see farther, allowing him to observe more specific information about the target, and to use the hand crossbow sneak attack more insidiously.

Physique is the value of life, and its importance is beyond doubt.

And the will attribute is combined with the new active skill to deter, that is, the melee magic skill. As long as the will attribute is lower than him, he will hold the body shape for two days near the body, and life and death will be like that.

Among the remaining attributes, strength, agility, and a great impact on close combat, but not a few practical swordsmanship, how can you be called a witcher

Spirit is not very useful at present, but it is closely related to the magic seal of the witcher's core ability. Equivalent to the big late attribute, it is also difficult to give up.

The only thing that seemed useless to him was the charm attribute.

Roy couldn't help but reached out and touched his young and elastic smooth face, and the strong biceps on his arms. Today, he has changed from a thin and weak chicken to a strong and heroic figure. teenager.

But what's the use of it, let him live a second longer in combat, and let the opponent let him be merciful? maybe

No, even if the charm is raised to a certain level, he can fight, and the charisma of the deer head can convince the beast to work for him, and brainwash strangers into believers.

But he has no interest in being a man who fights by charm.

For a while, he couldn't choose the main attribute, but he was not in a hurry. He was still more than a thousand experience points away from leveling up.