The Divine Hunter

Chapter 73: The evil spirits are attacking


"Whoa... Whoa... Whoa..."

Amidst the groaning screams, a terrifying shadow emerged from the cave.

It has the most basic human shape, with sharp feline-like nails growing on its toes and fingers, and its wrinkled chicken skin is rough and dull, and blocks of abnormally thick muscle texture can be seen. A tattered burlap was hanging from his crotch.

Going up, the two eyes on the face seem to have cataracts without pupils, staring like copper bells, and a mouth of long and thin yellow teeth crawling with dirt splits the corners of the mouth. A ring of bloated flesh around the neck and chin hangs down to the chest, looking unusually greasy and disgusting.

evil spirit

Age: 5

Life: 60


Strength: 5

Agility: 5 (+1 for herds)

Constitution: 6

Perception: 4

Will: 4 (Group +1)

Charisma: 2

Spirit: 3


Carrion poison LV1: There are a lot of corpses and rotten meat in the environment where evil spirits live, and their claws and teeth are stained with special venom. After hurting the target, there is a certain probability that they will become weak and hot.

Group (passive solidification): When evil spirits are dispatched in groups, Agility +1, Will +1.

Evolution (passive solidification): After the evil ghost has accumulated enough flesh and blood, it will evolve into a more powerful evil ghost warrior.

After it rushed out of the cave, it yelled at the two of them, then hunched its back, bent its knees, and jumped down from the top of the high platform in an instant!

The witcher raised his sword abruptly and charged forward, the muscles of his arms wriggling, and Guversil drew a silver line in mid-air against the shadow.

"Wow—" The flesh collided with the steel, and the incomparably sharp blade swept past the evil spirit's waist.


A blood line bloomed from the waist, and the upper and lower body seemed to overlap with tofu.

It was cut in half to make two sections.

A drop of blood fell to the ground along the tip of the sword, and the sword was refracted, almost spotless.

"As expected of a goblin product!"

Roy, who was holding the crossbow, complimented his heart, and suddenly he aimed at the shadows that were coming from above in a tempered posture, and pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh—" The arrow broke away from the crossbow, but left a thin line in his perception, and he suddenly could clearly feel the arrow's firing rate, direction, and flight time.

The moment you pull the trigger, you know instantly if you hit your target.

In the strange scream, the arrow pierced the head of the other attacker.

"Kill the evil ghost, experience value +20."

Royola put her arrow on the string and glanced at the witcher in front of her. The ancient Wisher sword kept buzzing and quivering with the wave of the witcher's arm.

A warlike soul hissed.

The witcher stepped forward and kicked the third evil spirit over, then raised his sword and slashed down, and the hair-broken blade easily chopped off its head.

In just a few short breaths, the three evil spirits were killed without any effort to fight back, but the battle was far from over.

"One evil ghost is easy, five evil ghosts are dangerous, ten evil ghosts are fatal - we have entered the evil ghost's lair!"

As soon as Roy raised his head, in the blink of an eye, three or four evil spirits emerged from the tunnels ahead, surrounded by screaming like owls.

Their running posture is extremely comical, with their hunched backs, sharp claws on their arms, and splayed legs, which are inexplicably similar to ducks.

However, Roy couldn't laugh, his scalp was numb, and the ghosts were faster than ordinary humans, and they kept emerging one after another!

The witcher's expression tightened when he saw this,

"Take care of yourself, I won't have time to take care of you next!"

"You too be careful!"

Roy climbed up the rear slope and took the commanding heights.

Actively activated crossbow specialization plus slaughter, the damage bonus is a quarter, as long as it hits the chest, neck, and head of the evil spirits, one arrow is enough to end their evil deeds!

The Demon Hunter stood below with a calm expression, facing the evil spirits that rushed towards him. First, the five fingers outline, and a magic seal is released flexibly, so that the yellow Kunen hair shield covers the whole body; then squat down and press the ground, the huge purple Arden magic circle rises up, and the evil ghost who is rushing towards it. For a moment, the action is very slow!

The witcher turned his wrists, got up and took a forward lunge, while the ancient Weihir sword changed from a horizontal blade to a vertical blade, and with a stroke, he cut the evil spirit in front of him vertically.

The corpse was split in half and blood spurted.

He nimbly stepped back and kept his body in the Arden circle. The blade that had been raised above his left shoulder slashed diagonally, slashing open the chest and abdomen of the two evil spirits, and rolled out a steaming pile of steam. viscera...

In the spacious mine, the surging evil spirits are like ocean waves, and the witcher is a dam in the turbulent waves, standing still, defending the line of defense behind him.

Three evil spirits rushed at the same time.

He suddenly took a deep breath, his face turned solemn.

The left hand holds the hilt head of the sword hilt, and the right hand holds the upper end of the sword hilt and begins to turn the wrist rapidly, while stepping forward with the right foot, Guvihir's bright silver sword body draws a complete circle clockwise along the inclined plane. The reckless evil spirit cut away.

When the spinning sword stopped, the witcher stepped back again, and Guvisher drew a circle counterclockwise, opening a huge gap between the chest and abdomen of the remaining two evil spirits.

In this way, the blade that slashed iron like mud turned into a whirring 'windmill', weaving a pure white sword net in front of him, reaping life without stopping.

Any monster that approached him was cut in half.

In just a short while, the evil spirit's offensive was actually slowed down, and a "vacuum zone" appeared in front of the demon hunter.


He let out a long sigh, loosened and clenched the hilt of the sword, moved his sour elbow, then turned his neck, and the bones made a crunch.

In just a short time, his leather armor was covered with blood, and his physical energy was consumed by half.

Because the arm injury has not healed, the pain occasionally flares up between swinging the sword, and he is hit by the evil ghost, and the yellow light of Kun's shield can be seen dimmed. Outline with five fingers and re-fill a Kunn magic shield!

More evil spirits rushed over desperately!

A lucky guy was only cut in the waist by the blade of the sword, escaped, and rushed to the shoulder of the witcher, only to be shot through the head by an arrow.

Roy squatted on the slope, constantly placing cold arrows, harvesting fish that slipped through the net, and the arrows never failed.

The experience value in the template increases at a perverted speed, increasing by 100 points in just two minutes (Witcher lv3 (430/1500).

His heart was beating so fast that he was about to jump out of his chest, blood all over his body rushed into his brain, he was so excited that he entered a state of concentration that he had never seen before.

Pulling the string and setting the arrow, the hands and feet almost danced into afterimages, and the trigger was pulled again.

In an instant, the powerful kinetic energy accumulated in the crossbow arms and bowstrings poured into the arrows, along with his whole body and mind.

His thoughts followed the arrows, ripping through the air, flying and shuttling.

The arrows are too fast, and the noise and boiling below are too slow. A wicked ghost who was baring his teeth and lashing out his claws recklessly had no time to react, and the arrow hit its forehead.

The hard skull hindered slightly, and then the arrow drank the hot blood and the stench of the pale brain.

"Whoosh—" The arrow pierced through the evil ghost's head, unabated and pierced through the other evil ghost's chest, bursting its heart.

Along with it, there are nearly 40 experience points!

Roy suddenly felt a strong dizziness.

When he came back to his senses, a wicked ghost had slipped not far in front of him, his stinky mouth exhaled a disgusting breath on his face, and his flickering fingernails were drawn towards his chest.

Once you get hit, your intestines are bound to rot.

However, his face did not change, and a flash of blood suddenly flashed in his black pupils—


The evil ghost seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and lost control as soon as his body stiffened.

He easily dodged the attack by dodging to the side, and thrust the arrow into its ear.

"Kill the evil ghost, experience value +20."

Roy held up his crossbow mockingly, "I'm finally no longer a complete melee scrap."

Inside the mine, Lesso and Roy had a melee fight, and Roy had a long-range fight. One was in front of him, waving Guvihir wide and wide, and the other was hiding on the rock with cold arrows.

The number of evil spirits below decreased rapidly. Five minutes later, there was no more evil spirits standing in the huge cave. Their bodies were lying on the ground in pieces, each lacking arms and legs, or being cut in half. , or was pierced through the head and chest, and died in a variety of strange ways.

And the blood-stained witcher sat back to back with the gasping Roy among the corpses.

"Guvihir lives up to its name as a sword, and can cut through the body and bones of evil spirits without any effort. Every time a monster is killed, a strange cool air can be felt into the body, replenishing physical strength. Otherwise I can't stand it at all! But kid, your performance impresses me!" The witcher took out the wine bag, and the clear drink slid down his chin and neck, "It seems that hunting the deer head has made you grow up. few."

After drinking, he threw the wine bag back to the boy.

The latter did not refuse, and took a sip of scorching dwarf spirits, his exhausted, pale face suddenly turned bloody, and a warm and heroic aura suddenly rose in his chest!

"We should cooperate more in the future and fight side by side!"

The witcher's stiff face thawed with a hint of commendation.

"Take a good rest and recover your strength. The more exciting battle has not yet begun. I am sure that behind these tunnels, the ghost warriors are waiting for their lair."

"Don't take it lightly."

Roy's mind became alive again after hearing this. In the attack just now, he shot and killed 10 evil ghosts, bringing 200 experience points, and the witcher's experience value became LV3 (530/1500).

Crisis, more powerful evil spirits, also means more abundant experience rewards.

Suddenly, he began to realize that Brovar Hogg was a great man, and tailored this mine road for him, allowing him to quickly level up and master the characteristics of a witcher.

"Looks like we're going to have to spend some time in Smilekri."