The Divine Hunter

Chapter 74: Poisons and Mutants


The witcher's health suddenly deteriorated.

The toxicity of the potion in his body was still in the fading stage, the injuries caused by the deer head essence had not recovered well, and the previous high-intensity battle had greatly overdrawn his energy.

With the poison of evil spirits and minions, all kinds of negative effects superimposed, his face became extremely ugly, his demeanor was sluggish, leaning on the wall of the mine, he sat on the ground tiredly, and he could barely stand up.

Roy felt guilty when he saw this. If he could share more pressure for the other party, the witcher's situation wouldn't be so bad.

"With my current state, I won't be able to fight for a while." Lesso sighed. He hadn't been so weak in many years, not to mention that in front of the apprentice, his stiff face rarely showed a trace of negative emotions.

"You just rest well and don't be stubborn. We just fought off a large wave of evil spirits, and they also need time to recover. I don't think they will attack again in the short term." Roy comforted and took some from his personal space. Dry food and drinking water, in the messy flesh and blood, filled the stomach with the witcher.

He was then cleaned with spirits and a potion of calendula.

The witcher watched his movements quietly, with immense relief.

Roy felt that his progress was slow, but he thought the exact opposite.

In just over a few months, the ignorant country boy in front of him had already met several kinds of monsters. He fought head-on without showing weakness, and even the ancient deer head spirit died in his hands.

Although there is a lot of luck and cleverness, the record is still quite good.

His speed is unprecedented for Leto, even the best apprentice who was at the same time as Leto a few decades ago is not as good as this kid.

Thinking of this, the witcher suddenly felt a little more hope of revitalizing Viper's academy.

"The evil spirits didn't come to harass, but precautions must be taken. Look around to see if you can find long ruber grass, aggregate grass, aconite, these kinds of herbs that can also grow in caves."

"Although there is currently no alchemy equipment at hand, it is impossible to configure potions, decoctions, and bombs. It is no problem to make some simple poisons... It is just right to deal with this group of 'beasts'."

"What poison?" Roy looked at the bald man with novel eyes, "You never mentioned to me that you are good at making poisons."

"Our school takes the name of the pit viper, and naturally has the knowledge of poisons." The witcher shook his head and laughed at himself, "But many monsters are immune to poison, and there is little difference between learning and not learning, you can just focus on alchemy. ."

There are obvious reservations in his words, and it seems that he does not want the teenager to touch this content.

Roy nodded, apparently agreeing with what he said, but he had a strange thought. Poison is not effective against monsters, but it is almost inexhaustible when used against humans.

It's not bad to learn a few hands, maybe you can use it later.

It was rare for him to make a few turns in the dark corner of the mine. The Smirk mine not only stored various mineral resources, but also had a rich variety of herbs. After an hour, he found all the three plants that the witcher requested. Also found a variety of rare cave plants outside the mine: blood moss, mole potato...

Pick up some and put them in the space for later use.

"Paralyzing poison is effective for this kind of corpse-eating monster. You will now crush the aggregate grass, squeeze out the juice from the long ruber grass, aconitum..."

In the mines, under the fire as bright as day.

The witcher led, and Roy assisted, and the two of them worked together to prepare a kind of snake poison—paralyzing poison.

After swallowing it into the body or entering the blood with the wound, it can paralyze the limbs and nerves of the monsters, causing them to be paralyzed. The effect is stronger than the butcher's anesthetic powder.

The two cooperated tacitly, quickly processed various herbs, put them into the sand bowl taken out from the space, and then mixed and stirred according to a certain proportion.

Leto kept pointing at all kinds of essentials.

A refreshing and satisfying feeling different from killing gradually filled Roy's heart.

After a long time, they got a sand bowl of dark green, pungent, sticky paste.

"The conditions are limited, the alchemy equipment is seriously missing, and each step is very rough, but it still retains some medicinal properties." The witcher checked the liquid in the sand bowl and put it next to him, "Only the last step is left, let it stand still. Six hours."

Don't waste time waiting.

"Can your space bag still hold it?"

"You are the boss. If you say a space bag, then it's called a space bag." Roy stopped correcting the other party's statement. "Don't worry, there are so many places!"

After taking up the job as a witcher, the storage space has doubled in size, instead of the situation that it was always full of before, and still more than half of it is empty.

"Very good, although this pile of corpses is not good-looking, it is definitely not waste and garbage." The witcher looked around at the bloody corpses of evil spirits, and handed Guvihir to the young man, and asked him to cut his head over. .

Then calmly used the short sword to break open the evil ghost's skull, reached out and slowly groped for a while in the brain of the head, seeing Roy's scalp numb for a while.

This is the most advanced brain massage - brain tremors

The witcher took out a thumb-sized, oval, green body covered with soft fur.

"Good luck!" He looked at the sphere, his amber pupils faintly glowing, "The first corpse will be able to harvest the mutant inducer."

"This is... a green mutant?" Roy was slightly surprised by the familiar shape and green color.

"A weak green mutation inducer, as an indispensable component of the herbal reagent, can slightly increase the vitality of the witcher and the resistance to the poison of the potion. Ordinary evil spirits have less than one tenth of the body. The probability of a mutation inducer will be born!" The witcher began to popularize science,

"By the way, mutation inducers are roughly divided into three categories according to their efficacy: green, blue, and red; each category is further divided into three qualities: weak, normal, and strong. The stronger the monster, the more likely it is to be born. Quality mutants."

"Green mutants in herbal remedies that increase vitality and resistance to potion toxicity."

"Blue enhances magic and makes the seal more powerful."

"Red enhances strength and allows for greater flexibility."

"The higher the quality of mutants used, the greater the increase."

The young man immediately understood that the mutants of these three colors increased physique, spirit, strength and agility respectively.

He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then asked, "How many mutants are used in the herbal medicine of the Viper School?"

"All three are needed, but in different proportions," explained the witcher. "Red and green are equal, and blue is the last."

This shows that after the snake sect grass trial, the main attributes that are increased are strength, agility, physique, and resistance to potion poison, and the three increase are roughly equal. The second is spirit, and the growth rate of the remaining attributes is much smaller.

In short, the fighting style of the Serpent Witcher is biased towards melee combat and the use of alchemical items.

This is in line with the information he has observed from Leto - Strength, Agility, Constitution are all over 20, so it is impossible to observe.

In an instant, he remembered another school of witchers on the opposite side - the cat school, known for its ghostly skills and superb swordsmanship.

The green herbal medicine formula of the cat school probably doesn't need to add green and blue mutants, only a single red mutant, all of which increase strength and agility, go to extreme melee flow, crispy juggernaut

"What are you going to do with the mutant inducer of the ancient deer head essence?"

He remembered that the witcher had taken a blue ball out of the charred body of the ancient deer's head, and had not had time to ask.

"Either make it into ancient deer's head decoction," the witcher saw his thoughts at a glance, "or convert it into a powerful blue mutation inducer, and then use it to prepare a green herbal medicine to nourish the magic power of the tester. ."

"If your physique and will is up to standard before taking the herbal medicine... it's left to you!"

When Roy heard the words, he was relieved,

"By the way, according to what you said, even apprentices of the same school will have a gap in strength after passing the green grass trial? Because the quality of the mutants used is different?"

"You guessed it right." Seeing his expression, the witcher immediately said in a deep voice, "But you must understand that power and risk are directly proportional. To gain stronger power, the trial of grass will be more painful. and lethal. Don't let greed blind you."

Roy thought of the feature of "Comprehensive Reply" in the job template, and wondered if he could...

"Let's stop the topic of green herbal medicines," the witcher pointed to the corpses on the ground. "Treat them all and see how many green mutagens you can find. It doesn't matter if you have weak effects, you can find opportunities to synthesize them in the future. Mutants of , left for your use."

For the trial, Roy returned to his old business and picked up the dagger, imitating the movements and steps of the witcher, and prying open the evil spirits' heads one by one.

Bai Huahua's brain, bloody blood vessels, and minced meat caused him to tumble slightly between his chest and abdomen. The smell of monster fluids was much more foul and disgusting than that of poultry and livestock.

But the willpower at 6 o'clock still played a role, he still did not change his face in this sea of corpses and blood, and his movements were quick and quick.

After the heads of the thirty or so corpses were processed, a total of three weak mutants were obtained.

Roy was all in the space, and before he had time to take a breath, he started a new round of dissection under the command of the witcher.

"The ghost is full of treasures. The heart can't be wasted. Cut it off and let it dry first. Grinding it into powder is a necessary ingredient for many potions."

"Monster tissues such as lungs, spleen, liver, and kidneys are not just alchemy. Forging some high-quality weapons and equipment also requires these special materials and tissues to provide additional attributes. Of course, the powerful monster tissues in the ghost chief's body are of better quality."

"Eyes, ears, tongues, conventional consumables for warlock experiments, you might as well collect more, they can sell for a lot of money."

"There are also claws and teeth! The evil spirits' nails are peeled off and collected, and when we leave Smile, we will find a skilled blacksmith to make arrows for you, and the penetrating power is stronger than ordinary crossbow arrows."

"Don't forget their skins..."

Roy, who was working on the corpse, suddenly turned around and stared at the witcher with a bloody face, until the latter's back was chilled.

"The space bag is full? Well, let's forget the skin..."