The Divine Hunter

Chapter 8: Arrows in the dark night


The densely packed ghosts roamed, which were batches of wolves with mottled fur and lean body.

Under the threat of firelight, they surrounded the five people not far or near, grinning and roaring at them with white teeth, ready to attack at any time.

At a glance, there are about twenty heads, and the calf-like figure makes people look cold.

Everyone subconsciously formed a circle and pulled out the steel sword around their waists.

Roy was spontaneously protected by the four big men. The place on the opposite side was the wolves less than 30 minutes apart. He could smell the musty and spoiled blood of the wolves.

His pupils were occupied by a pair of cruel eyes full of desire for flesh and blood.

No matter where you have seen this group of predators in the wilderness, it is far less than the shock of personal contact!

Uncontrollably, he felt his body begin to tremble slightly. The wolves were definitely not the animals that had been anesthetized and tied up in the slaughterhouse. The fangs and claws of this group of predators can easily tear apart human skin.

"Everyone, be careful, beasts are cunning!" One-eyed Jack slowly waved the torch to drive away the wolves. The old sailor had obviously experienced a lot of battles when he was young, and there was no fear on his face, and he looked extraordinarily calm.

The butcher and the night watchman were all people who had seen blood, and they held the steel sword firmly in their hands.

The blacksmith stared at the brown eyes and looked around the wolves defiantly with a fierce look in his eyes. He held the steel sword in both hands on his right waist, and the blade was slanted upward like a plow.

The spine is straight, the figure is relaxed, the body is slightly bowed, the left foot is pointing at the wolves on the front toes, and the right foot is kept at a 45-degree angle behind the back. The posture, the movement of swinging the sword, is rigorous and smooth.

In the entire team, only Roy performed the worst, with a pale face and cold sweat on his forehead.

"Follow me, guys, and walk forward slowly. Don't panic, don't run." With Jack's steady voice, the crowd moved slowly towards the cemetery, like a small fortress.

Unexpectedly, just two or three steps away, the wolves were provoked, and with a few high-pitched howls, the wolves standing at the front rushed over like a gust of wind.

"Get out!" Jack roared and kicked the wolf head in the face, while the bright white steel sword in his right hand drew an arc in the night sky and slashed the wolf's thigh.

The guy who rushed over let out a groan and limped back.

"Bastard, do you think I'm useless when I'm old?" One-eyed Jack didn't want to let it go so easily, but the wolf companions replaced his sword in a timely manner, not only one, but two, grinning at him. , This time they learned to behave well, instead of rushing up directly, they ran around Old Jack, as if observing the weakness.

Old Jack frantically danced the torch in his left hand and the steel sword in his right hand to make threats, but after all, he was old, and he couldn't hold on for long. Soon the sweat fell from his forehead, and the movements became more and more difficult.

At this time, the butcher, the blacksmith, and the night watchman were facing two or three wolves each, and they were also too busy to support him for the time being.

Outside the nearby fighting area, there are several wolves hiding in the shadows, pacing their claws like a play, ready to support at any time.

Stay for a long time and lose!

In fact, in just five minutes, the eldest old Jack scratched his waist with his claws, and a bloody wound appeared on his body. It came to him again, and he lost his balance and fell to the side.

The ghostly wolf shadow instantly pressed onto his body and opened his bloody mouth.

"I didn't expect that I would die under the mouth of a group of beasts." The thought turned in Old Jack's mind, and a sharp piercing sound suddenly sounded in his ear, followed by the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

He got up and took a dazzling look, and saw an arrow stuck in his waist just now, and he lost his life limply.

"Old Jack, get out of the way..." The half-eldest man behind him was kneeling on one knee, holding "Gabriel" in one hand and pulling the trigger in the other. The intense tension and fear made him sweat profusely, and even his lips were shaking .

At the beginning of the battle, Roy took out the hand crossbow in the space, but the wolves moved too fast, and the night light was dim, and he didn't find his first chance until just now.

Fortunately, the arrow hit the target.

The moment the arrow hit the wolf's waist, Roy clearly saw a flash of purple light. "This is... Slaughter?"

He can probably guess that the light is the additional damage of the skill.

Wolves, no doubt in the hunting range of "Slaughter"!

Thinking of this, there was an inexplicable sense of confidence in his heart, and the trembling of his body disappeared... He drew the bow, and shot at the other guy who was entangled with Old Jack.


The sharp and subtle sound of breaking through the air sounded again, like a sickle wielded by the god of death. With the second arrow, another wolf howled and fell to the ground.

Roy's perception at 6 o'clock was brought to the extreme.

He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest, and the right hand that was wound was limp, and his experience value had risen by a full 20 points to 23/500, which meant that a wolf represented 10 experience points.

These two arrows boosted the morale of the Night's Watch, while the wolves were negatively affected and their offensive slowed down.

Taking advantage of this gap, Roy shot another arrow into the thigh of the guy who was struggling with the blacksmith. Seeing this, the blacksmith looked like an angry lion, his arms with knotted muscles raised his steel sword and slashed down, slashing it into two pieces with one sword.

Kicking away the bloody wreckage, the blacksmith slapped his chest and roared with a blood-like expression.

At this time, the encirclement of the wild wolf had been broken. The blacksmith stood at the front with the steel sword in both hands. The few people behind him gave up the attack and turned to complete defense. Roy, on the other hand, was in the protection circle, as the main output, and kept releasing cold arrows until 20 arrows were shot, and there were 5 more wolf corpses on the ground, and the wolf pack was severely reduced, and the rest finally realized that hard bones were hard to chew. , gave up the attack, and fled back into the deep night with his tail between his fingers.

Almost at the same time, the five of them collapsed on the grass with a sigh of relief, and they all exhausted their strength after just ten minutes of fighting. Except for Roy, who has more or less painted on his body, but all of them are minor injuries. After returning to the village and dressing up, there is no serious problem in training for a period of time.

Roy rested for a while, and then calmed down. Looking at the bloody, embarrassed man, he felt a sense of pride in his heart.

"We survived."

"Haha, it seems that after tonight, Old Jack has another story to brag about." Old Jack grinned in pain, and slapped Roy on the shoulder, "You are very good! I thought you were a kid. It's going to freak out and drag the team down. I didn't expect it to be thanks to you tonight. I don't care if you lied to me for so many crowns!"

Several men felt the same way, and found it unbelievable. There were a total of fifteen wolf corpses on the ground, and nearly half of them were shot or killed by this half-year-old teenager. When they were thirteen years old, most of them were naughty children. Even Skellige's Pusig had never produced such a brilliant record in one night.

The blacksmith couldn't help but sigh, "Fortunately, I sold the crossbow to you last time, otherwise no one will be able to go back today. Roy, tell the truth to the uncle, you were adopted by the old Moore couple, right? Your ancestors must have elf or dwarf blood. . Human shooters don't have this caliber!"

Roy smiled and seized the time to retrieve the arrow from the wolf corpse.

He can't always tell others his secrets. And he had to admit that there was a lot of luck involved in this battle. After all, it was the first time he had used a crossbow in a serious battle. The wolf was moving very fast, and his dynamic vision was extremely difficult to follow.

Next time, he can hit a third of the target is not a big deal!

He casually joked, "I said that I was favored by the goddess of luck, and even if I aimed at the air, I could hit the target." Then he glanced at the experience value (73/500), and sure enough, the wild is the most suitable place to gain experience. . But like tonight, being protected by four machos, there are very few opportunities to let loose arrows without pressure.

Night Watchman Thomp glanced at the pocket crossbow on his wristband and exhorted, "This is a 'Gabriel', semi-automatic, one-handed operation, very suitable for your self-defense weapon, keep it well, don't lose it And don't show off in front of the soldiers."

Roy nodded.

"How do you feel?" Fletcher interrupted the conversation of several people. He had a wound with rolled flesh on his left forearm, and his anxiety never dissipated on his face, "Can we continue on our way? I'm afraid... Brandon can't wait. "

"Of course we must continue!" Pusig wiped off the blood on the steel sword with his sleeve and put the sword back into its sheath. "Victory is at hand, give up that child, and Goddess Meritelli will punish him!"

Everyone stood up silently and headed towards the cemetery again. The rest of the road was calm, and they were no longer in danger.

"Brandon, come out quickly, Daddy is here to pick you up!"

The butcher was still some distance away from the cemetery, so he couldn't help shouting into the cemetery.

Several people's hearts lifted, and they prayed to hear a response.

"I feel something is wrong." When everyone entered the gravel-filled cemetery wall, Roy suddenly spoke.

Vaguely, he had the feeling he had when encountering wolves again.

After the perception is beyond ordinary people, it is really very practical.

It was too quiet. Among the dilapidated wooden fences, there were hundreds of corpses buried in the huge cemetery.

And right in the center of the cemetery, a low house was built, which was where the old tomb guard Gongger lived.

"Something's wrong, be quiet, Fletcher!" The night watchman waved his hand to signal a few people to stop.

The crowd lowered their voices.

"You shouted so loudly, even if the child wasn't in the cemetery, old Gongor should have heard it."

"No, the child is in the house! Gungor must have taken him in, they are fast asleep now, yes, I'm going in!"

"What is that?!" Roy suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention. Following the direction of his fingers, everyone saw a strange pothole in the grass outside the cemetery.

"This is the new grave, the tomb of the villagers who were buried last month."

"I remember burying that good guy Chris."

A few people took a closer look, but saw that the lonely stone tablet was pushed aside, and the place where the body was originally buried was empty.

Where does the body go? And what has dug up the grave

"This… "

Roy turned his face, and there was more than one pothole nearby, and several graves were dug up.

"That wicked bastard dares to desecrate the dead and steal the dead's property?" Pusig frowned and muttered. "Do the tomb guards eat rice?"

Roy shook his head. He noticed that Old Jack's face became more serious and ugly than ever, and he began to back away quietly.

"I don't feel like it's a human thing?"

A piercing chill came over him.