The Divine Hunter

Chapter 81: hotbed


After swallowing the blood of the sun, Roy and the witcher walked in the mine for an unknown time. Because the food and drinking water were almost exhausted, they speculated that four days had passed, and they had walked in the mine for nearly a week.

The witcher's broken leg was held together by two short swords and a piece of canvas, and Guversil was used as a crutch, barely able to walk.

Fortunately, the road was calm, and probably the food in the middle of the mine was so scarce that even monsters could not survive.

The air and breeze that had been silent for a long time in the cave began to surge, and they realized that they were not far from the exit, and they were about to break out of this deep darkness and see the sun again.


The two had just emerged from a narrow and cramped tunnel into the spacious cave buffered between the tunnels, when the witcher made a sudden gesture of silence and extinguished the torch.

Roy followed his fingers and looked forward. At the entrance of the tunnel, a ghost warrior with two claws came into sight.

Maybe it is well nourished on weekdays, and its size is obviously larger and more burly than the evil ghost in the front of Smile.

In the blink of an eye, it was a burly man with an ugly face, prostrate slightly, a pair of pale and huge eyeballs glowing in the dark with a terrifying cold light, and his nose cocked like a hound.

It smelled an unfamiliar smell and slowly approached the witcher master and apprentice.

"Whoosh—" A silver arrow slashed through the air, pierced through its head instantly, and fell to the ground without a word.

"Kill the evil ghost warrior, experience value +30."

Roy retracted his crossbow, habitually intending to harvest the spoils, but was suddenly held on the shoulder by the witcher.

Two more ordinary evil spirits poured out of the tunnel.

The next scene was extremely bloody.

They failed to find the witcher master and apprentice hiding in the dark corridor opposite, but were completely attracted by the corpses of the same kind.

One after another, he sniffed the corpse for a while, but he jumped up and started to bite, one on the neck and the other on the thigh.

The razor-sharp teeth easily tear apart the skin of the same kind, pull down the oval blood vessels and muscles, pick it up like a dog, gasp for two bites, and then tilt his head, the flesh on his neck wriggles and swallows it into his stomach. inside.

Finally, he stretched out his lizard-like scarlet tongue, greedily licked the blood and minced meat from his mouth, and continued to eat.

In the dark cave, the sound of swallowing and biting was very clear, blood was flying, and the scene was terrible.

This cruel eating lasted for thirty seconds. The corpse was gnawed to reveal pale bones in many places, and nearly one-fifth of the flesh was lost. They suddenly stopped and dragged the corpse back into the tunnel behind them. .

"These two beasts seem to be starving!" Roy took a breath, feeling shivering. "Why don't you finish eating?"

"Evil ghosts are a distinct race...cough..." the witcher explained, "similar to lions and wolves, after the hunt is completed, the superiors will give priority to the prey, such as evil ghost warriors and chiefs."

"When they are full, they will distribute the corresponding amount of meat to the mother nest, and finally it will be the bottom of the evil spirits to fill their stomachs. Those two beasts dare not eat too much, for fear of angering the superior." The witcher gasped. Taking a breath, he pondered and said, "Besides, they devoured the corpses of evil ghost warriors for the sake of evolution... For this kind of creature, swallowing higher-level flesh and blood is conducive to the evolution of life forms."

"They're more hungry for evolution than mere appetite."

The boy nodded, and his face became gloomy again, "The superior? I hope it's not the evil ghost chief!" The evil ghost chief is more advanced than the evil ghost warrior, and it is difficult to deal with, which can make the original group of loose sand become cunning and cooperate with each other.

The witchers were still unable to fight, and they absolutely couldn't come into a head-to-head conflict with dozens of hordes of evil spirits. If there is also the evil spirit chief who is in charge of the command, even escaping is a problem.

After waiting for about half an hour, the two approached the eating area just now. After the corpse was dragged away, a lot of blood and minced meat remained on the ground. They skillfully smeared the remaining blood on the skin with their hands, and finally pulled it out on their faces. Five red slashes.

Then he crouched on the ground and followed in imitating the evil spirit's posture.

After turning a few corners and drilling a long tunnel, his pupils caught a piece of white light—the color of sunlight, emerging at the far end of the tunnel.

The exit is just after the tunnel opposite.

But when their eyes chased the sunlight, their faces turned blue in an instant.

Thirty late.

In the spacious cave in front of the tunnel, the sparse light penetrating in the distance illuminated a group of evil spirits scattered on the ground... Their limbs were intertwined, and their bodies kept squirming in the purring sound, like a group of pythons in heat.

There were at least ninety, larger than any evil ghost tribe they had encountered, completely blocking the way to the exit.

The corpse of the evil ghost warrior was placed behind the pile of sleeping evil ghosts, revealing half of the honeycomb-shaped nest on the ground. Most of them were gnawed and licked clean, with a row of pale ribs standing between the chest and abdomen.

It is reminiscent of the beef and sheep that have been sliced up for display at the meat stall.

And sitting next to the lair was a strong evil ghost with blue skin and muscles like armor. He was propping the flesh of his chin with his claws, his eyes were closed, he was like a "contemplator", and he was snoring like thunder.

His chest swelled and contracted, and two unique fangs at the corners of his mouth were revealed from time to time.

Ordinary evil spirits are only 5 inches and 4 inches (1.6 meters) tall, but this guy has grown to 6 inches (1.8 meters), and his size is larger than all the monsters present. temperament.

Evil Chieftain

Age: 20

Life: 100


Strength: 8 (greedy strength +2)

Agility: 6 (+1 for herds)

Constitution: 10 (greedy strength +3)

Perception: 5

Will: 5 (Group +1)

Charisma: 2

Spirit: 3


Jump attack LV8: The evil ghost's calf is like two springs, separated by ten chi, it can jump to the target and launch bite and claw attacks, the strength of the jump attack is +2, which lasts for 30 seconds.

Corpse Poison LV8: There are a lot of corpses and rotten meat in the environment where evil spirits live. The claws and teeth are stained with special venom. After hurting the target, it can make the target bleed and fall into a state of weakness, fever and severe pain. .

Greedy and Strong (Passive Curing): Chief-level evil spirits devoured a lot of flesh and blood. After two evolutions, they gained abundant vitality and strength far exceeding that of ordinary evil spirits, with physique +3 and strength +2.

Group (passive solidification): When evil spirits are dispatched in groups, Agility +1, Will +1.

Leader (passive curing): The chief is the ruler of the evil spirit tribe, and any evil spirit below its rank cannot resist its orders.

"Slot!" Roy scolded secretly in his heart. In the current situation, all bombs, potions, and sword oil were used up, and the witcher lost his combat effectiveness and was inconvenient to move.

They have almost reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. How can they fight against such a group of evil spirits led by the chief

He pondered for a moment, trying to escape from the cave, there was only one last way in front of him—

Go through this pile of wriggling "pythons" without disturbing any of them, otherwise you will be swarmed by the evil spirits and have no reason to survive.

Roy squinted and searched the evil spirits with all his might, trying to find a passage, even if it was a road made up of narrow gaps.

The witcher suddenly grabbed his hand and motioned back into the tunnel with his eyes.

"Little brat, listen to me," said the witcher in a commanding tone, with amber pupils looking into his eyes, "you'll leave first by yourself... with your nimbleness, you won't be able to pass through quietly. Problem. Hurry up, the evil ghost doesn't sleep long, miss this opportunity... "

"But what do you do?" Roy interrupted him, glanced at the witcher's fractured right leg, and said expectantly, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Yes! It's better for you to escape first than both of you are trapped in the cave." The witcher paused for two seconds before nodding, "When the time comes, I'll ask someone for help. Based on my experience, hide for a while. It's easy for a while."

"Come on...Lesso, don't bluff me, you can't even walk, how can you avoid those beasts?" The young man shook his head and firmly refused, "Now is not the time to be a hero... I'll carry you on my back later. Let's go out together, that's the decision!"

The witcher's lips moved, and he wanted to say a few more words.

"Do you want me to abandon my comrades and be a deserter and a coward?" Roy described such a scene, "Even if a person escapes, my conscience will never be disturbed... Isn't it another Sevier Hogg. The shadows keep me from living in peace, and the trial of green grass will surely be my grave!"

The witcher took a deep breath, his words hitting his soft spot.

"Okay, let's fight side by side again."

The two of them tiptoed to the front of the pile of evil spirits and carefully observed it for a long time.

Most of the evil spirits' limbs are intertwined, tightly and tightly, without the slightest gap. But occasionally, between the arms and thighs, there is a small space between the two bodies that is enough for the feet, and the two of them look forward all the way, barely finding a feasible path.

Roy nodded at the witcher, and the action began.

The bald man's weight was almost twice his weight, and it was like a hill was pressed down on his back. The boy was immediately bent over, his face flushed, and veins and blood vessels appeared on his neck and temples instantly.

His body and the gasping between his nose became extremely heavy, but he kept his mouth shut, his cheeks bulged, his teeth were clenched, and he tried his best to suppress all sounds.

The left foot stepped into the open space between the chests and abdomens of the two evil spirits, and an extremely rich, carrion-like stench came to my face.

With his face down, he could clearly see every detail of the evil spirit: the pimple-filled, abnormally rough and disgusting skin, the yellow and tattered canvas between the crotch, the blue bloated flesh on the neck, the slender and long bloody mouth. The sharp teeth and the rotting minced meat between the teeth are vividly visible.

This is an unprecedented and novel experience, observing the living evil spirits at a distance within reach, but his heart hangs, and he can't help worrying that these guys will suddenly open their eyes and pounce!

But only imaginary.

Roy stabilized his body, rested for ten seconds, took the second step, stepped between the arms of the two evil spirits, but just put his feet down, a drop of sweat dripped along his forehead on a evil spirit, half a half. In Zhang Banhe's bloody mouth.


It smacked its mouth, and its cheeks wriggled.

The boy held his breath for a moment, and stuck in place like a stick of wood.

The witcher's arms went over his shoulders, palms stretched, ready for an Axifa mark.

But five seconds later, the evil ghost turned around, hugged the thigh of his companion on the other side, and snored again.

Such a dangerous situation has been experienced several times.

This is a long and tormenting process. It is like walking across a single-plank bridge between the cliffs with your head tied to your trousers belt. If you take a wrong step and accidentally step on the body of the evil spirit, they will die without a place to be buried.

But the agility of 6 is enough to keep his body balance and control his limbs just right, the spirit of 6.5 allows him to maintain concentration for a long time, and the will of 6 makes him not hesitate at the sight of the hordes of demons dancing under him.

For a long time, a voice seemed to sound in Roy's ear, "You passed the triple check, and you successfully crossed the 'Ghost Bed'."

Just twenty late (6 meters), it took a full five minutes.

After he let go of the witcher, he seemed to be in prostration, bending over to support his knees, his chest heaving violently... The dripping sweat slid down his tight waistband to his ankles, and every cell was hot and sore.

But looking back at the group of evil spirits behind me, a great sense of accomplishment rose up in my heart, and I finally stepped over without leaving my comrades behind!

Before they could relax, the two quickly crossed the evil spirit chief beside the lair. The guy seemed to be unaware, and still kept his face down and his eyes closed, maintaining a "thinker" shape.

Arrived at the tunnel leading to the exit, and drilled in. Because only one person could pass through, the witcher walked in front, but just after he took a few steps in the back, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart, and he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. turn around—

At the entrance of the tunnel, the strongest evil spirit tilted his head to look at him. This guy bent his body slightly, one pale slender paw dropped to the ground, the other wrist was hanging on his chest, and his eyes the size of light bulbs flashed cunningly. and cruel. The corners of his mouth cracked to the base of his ears, and he suddenly smiled.

His whole body was still smeared with alien blood, but the camouflage that was effective against ordinary evil spirits could not hide the cunning chief.


A huge scream burst out suddenly!

As if a drop of water was poured into the hot oil pan, the sleeping ghosts instantly woke up and boiled! The tide generally came out from behind the chief and poured into the tunnel.


Roy sighed, and instantly dismissed the thought, even if he could escape, the witcher couldn't escape, there was only one battle!