The Divine Hunter

Chapter 82: reach the end


Lucky among misfortunes.

The entire tunnel can only accommodate one person through.

Roy only has to face a single enemy at a time.

The crossbow in his hand flashed with silver light, and the evil ghost who charged at the front was instantly headshot and fell to the ground.

Almost seamlessly, the second evil spirit immediately jumped over the corpse and rushed towards him on all fours like a beast.

Before he could pull the strings and set the arrows, the young man used his toes as the center of gravity and used the crossbow as a shield to draw a semi-circle from right to left. The crossbow slammed into the evil ghost's chin, smashing its mouth full of needle-like teeth, and it fell down screaming in pain.

"Little devil, change your position, you go to the back!" The witcher behind him shouted in a weak and hoarse voice. At the same time, the five fingers of his right hand changed, summoning the purple Arden circle, covering the narrow tunnel and weakening the speed of the evil ghost. . "My leg is hurt, but my sword-wielding hand is fine!"

"Shut up, Letho." Roy retracted his hand crossbow, then grabbed his right hand in the void, and grabbed the Ancient Wisher sword. "I can't hide behind a wounded man and be a coward. This time it's my turn to protect you."

Both hands clenched the hilt of the sword and sent it forward, and the sharp blade penetrated the evil spirit's chest without any hindrance.

He stomped on the corpse's chest again, took advantage of the situation to pull out the blade, and let the sprayed blood stain his face and his eyes were also red.

Guvihir slashed from left to right, breaking open a piece of his chest again.

The narrow tunnel has this advantage, and there is absolutely no room for dodging. Chopping and slashing, no need to pay attention to the rules and techniques of swordsmanship, and a random sword will definitely hit the target.

However, his strength and sword skills are far inferior to those of the witcher, not enough to cut the evil spirits in two with one sword, and unable to defeat the enemy with one move.

This gave the opponent a chance, and the evil spirit with a rotten gut and struggling to the death still had enough strength to swipe at his left arm, instantly breaking the leather armor, and grabbing a row of bloody openings.

Roy twitched his cheeks in pain.

The wicked ghosts smelled the fresh blood and became even more crazy. The guy behind him tried his best to push the seriously injured guy in front of him, not allowing him to retreat, and used it as a shield to hit the boy.

This time, the long sword completely sank into the chest and abdomen of the "shield", but Roy couldn't even pull out the hilt, so he was pushed back by an overwhelming force in front of him.

The strength of an individual is still too weak compared to a group of evil spirits.

The witcher's sturdy arms suddenly supported him from behind, pushing against the creaky bones that were about to break, pulling away the muscles that were so tired that they were about to crack, and a broad mountain of back rose from the ground behind him.

At the same time, his muscular right hand crossed his shoulder, his five fingers outlined a blue triangle in mid-air, and he pushed forward sharply—


A strong and short burst of air reverberated in the tunnel, and the impact of the Alpha Seal instantly knocked the wave-like evil spirit backwards, clearing a large open space again.

"Since you don't want to retreat, then attack from the front, and I will use the seal to assist!"


The witcher master and apprentice began a hasty and wonderful cooperation in the narrow tunnel.

Roy, who has been hiding in the back and letting cold arrows on weekdays, stands in front of the main attack-alternating short crossbows and steel swords in his hands, constantly switching between long-range and melee combat, sometimes using arrows to penetrate the head, sometimes using the steel sword blade to open the stomach...

The blood accumulated more and more on the body, and the wounds became more and more.

But the young face was as hard as steel, and he would not give in an inch.

The witcher who was used to charging ahead obediently stayed behind this time, using his rich practical experience to flexibly cast the magic seal, the Arden magic circle under his feet was maintained continuously, slowing down the movement speed of the evil ghost.

If a single evil spirit attacks, use Axifa to confuse his mind and create a chance for Roy to kill.

If a group of them rushes to the front, they will be sent flying with the Alpha Seal.

The cooperation between master and apprentice in the tunnel changed from jerky to tacit understanding, and quickly became smooth. In just two minutes, more than fifteen evil spirits were killed.

But if the corpse stays for no more than five seconds, it will be pulled out of the tunnel by the surging evil spirits.


Once again, Roy's trembling hands held Guvisher and pierced the evil spirit's eyeball at a tricky angle, penetrating his brain.

The sword was drawn, filthy blood dripped from the tip of the sword, and a stream of bright red blood came out from the boy's sleeve and dripped down his wrist.

He panted as heavy as a broken bellows, and his body became shaky.

During the short and fierce battle, the skin on the chest, shoulders, and arms were all ripped apart, and the evil spirit's venom began to attack at this time, fever, stinging, weakness... even the vision began to blur.

To make matters worse, the witcher behind him was also running out of mana.

At this time, the young man vaguely saw a big man emerge from the wave of evil spirits, with a furious roar, pounce on him.

His whole body was full of muscles, like a charging carriage.

He instinctively shot an arrow at the opponent, and the arrow accurately penetrated his eyeball, but it was rarely fatal - the big man screamed in pain, holding an arrow in his left eye, and threw himself in front of him.


The witcher used the last magic seal to confuse its mind, leaving it stunned on the spot.

The young man took the opportunity to send Guvihir into its lower abdomen, and with all his remaining strength, from bottom to top, dragged the sharp blade vertically and cut open its internal organs.

Blood spurted out.

In exchange for ordinary evil spirits, he has lost the strength to attack in the severe pain and bleeding.

And the big man's vitality is extremely tenacious.

After being hit so badly, he still had the strength to fight back at the end of his life—the mourning bursts, the eyes of the dead fish shot out incomparable resentment and cruelty, and the claws of the sickle-like flickering cold light slammed in front of him, as if the blade slashed through the tofu, and slashed in an instant. The young man's neck was cut open, and most of his chest was cut open.

In an instant, the broken blood vessels, the chopped meat, the red and rolled skin, and the pale stubble were all exposed to the air.

Coquettish blood splattered all over its face.

Roy felt a sharp pain, even worse than the first time he took the pro-drug.

The pain was so extreme that he fainted almost instantly.

This process was too short to react in time, his vitality was lost, his pupils dilated and spread, his dark pupils lost their lustre, boundless weakness and emptiness gushed out, the deep darkness enveloped him, and his soul seemed to Fall in the dark night sky.



To eternal silence.

"Little devil!"

The hoarse, familiar voice sounded, and it was a light coordinate in the darkness—

He regained his sobriety in just one thousandth of a second and then his mind moved.



A faint golden light flashed.

An indescribable relief poured out from every cell, and the dilated pupils of the dying boy instantly condensed and flashed a red light.


The evil ghost chief was frozen, and the pale one eye reflected a figure with a long sword - the last scene in his life was the extremely brilliant sword light.

Guversil swept across the air, drawing a beautiful arc.

The hideous head swirled backwards, and the blood-spraying remnant fell heavily to the ground!

"Kill the evil ghost chief, experience +100... Demon Hunter LV4 (600/2000)!"

The teenager who responded to the heyday had no time to pay attention to the information in the template, and he was waiting with a crossbow and a steel sword in the other.

But they didn't expect that Wuyangyang's army of evil spirits would no longer pay attention to them at all, dragged the corpse of the evil spirit chief and exited the tunnel.

They all seemed to have gone mad, scuffled with their companions, and began to kill each other fiercely, fighting for the corpse!

Obviously the flesh and blood of the chief is more attractive than the flesh and blood of humans!

"Come on, kid!" The witcher called his attention back, his amber pupils swept across the intact skin on the boy's chest and neck, deeply shocked!

But he suppressed his intense curiosity. "Don't wait for them to compete to create a new chief!"

The two walked through the tunnel for half a minute, but the evil spirits who were fighting for the chief's body did not chase after them.

The sun is getting more and more abundant, and there are more traces of life activities around.

Malu and Spider-land roamed between the crevices of the rock. The star-nosed mole with a long snout and a nose that bloomed like a chrysanthemum stuck its head out of the cracked wall, and squeaked and looked at the strange figure in front of him with curiosity.

Roy buried his head, like a stubborn ox, he had been waiting for the witcher to ask.

However, the other party seemed to be unaware of his miraculous changes - even he himself felt incredible, the moment of upgrade, the full recovery not only repaired his fatal injury, but also the old wound caused by the deer head essence was completely healed, and the skin at the wound was completely healed. It seems to be reborn, white, smooth, and lustrous, and there is no sign of being injured at all.

His entire body was healed from the inside out, not only the physical injuries, hunger, fatigue, poisoning, disease, but also the haze in his heart and all the discomfort caused by fighting in the mine for a long time were all dispelled...

The condition is unparalleled perfection.

The effect of full recovery was beyond his imagination.

There is still a lot of new information emerging in the template, but he is ready to leave the mine and sort it out.


"Little devil, I don't want to know your secret now, even if you are the goddess' illegitimate child." The witcher seemed to see the entanglement in his heart, and the blood-covered, rigid face showed an unprecedented smile, "Wait for you in the future. I really think about it clearly, and I am willing to say it from the bottom of my heart, and then explain it to me."

The atmosphere finally returned to harmony.

After the two broke through three pure white cobwebs in a row, Goddess Meritelli showed a kind smile.

A patio-like hole appeared not far away, with some withered plant vines and broken hemp ropes hanging from the hole, and a broken ladder with one missing leg placed next to it.

The climate was getting warmer far away from the hinterland of Mahakam. Even if he was naked, Roy didn't feel too cold, but a strange yellow light bloomed in front of him. After placing the witcher in place, he reached down to the patio to block his sight.

After groping in the dark cave for nearly a week, the outside sunlight seemed too dazzling. He had to raise his head and close his eyes tightly. After a long time of moving his eyelids, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Gods are above! Do you think I can fly?"

God seems to have made a joke for him again. The exit above is actually more than 30 feet high from the ground. Even if the mutated witcher's physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, it is impossible to jump that high!

Through the entrance of the hole, he could see the blue sky, the dazzling sunlight, and a few dry weeds.

"Which bastard cut the rope at the entrance of the cave!" It was like seeing an oasis in the desert from a distance, but it was a mirage when you got closer.

Reluctantly he studied the broken ladder upside down,

"You son of a bitch! Even if Leto somehow mastered his acrobatics and could stand on a ladder and push me up, he wouldn't be able to reach the hole. Besides, he couldn't climb up because of his physical condition."

The two of them reluctantly gave up on this "patio" and continued to walk forward for a certain distance, and soon they made a new discovery - his hand touched the two crossed dwarf casting hammer symbols on the wall.

"Hehe... This is called the road to heaven!"

There was a solid wall at the end of the Smile's mouth mine, and there seemed to be no way to go. However, the ground a few steps ahead of the wall suddenly dented downwards. Roy walked over, pouted his butt, and lowered his head to observe - it was revealed in the darkness. A sparkling deep pool.

The sporadic light was not enough to see the whole picture of the water pool, and there were vaguely conical stalactites emerging from the water pool, like the jagged teeth of a monster.

However, in such a wonderful pool, there are piles and piles of foul-smelling excrement floating on the ground near it and on the water surface... This is a cesspool created by a group of evil spirits.

Come to think of it, this should be one of the evil spirits' toilets.

Well, the water in the pool is flowing slowly, and the bottom of it must also lead to the outside world, otherwise it can't explain where the ghost's food comes from.

Just why there is a cesspool at the end of the tunnel, is this a joke played by fate on him? Roy felt a deep malice, and at the same time a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"No! I have to figure out a way to climb up through that hole! Tie the Guvisher sword to a hemp rope and throw it up... so..."

"Little devil, help me put it away..." The witcher suddenly dismantled the short sword used to fix the injured leg and handed it over.

"Well," Roy put away the dagger, leaned over to observe the pool, and asked curiously, "What are you doing to untie it?"

"Time is running out, and I don't have time to think about it. How's your swimming skills?" the witcher asked back.

"Not bad, the child who grew up by the river..." This refers to the previous world.

Realizing that something was wrong, he ran to the patio, but how could he be faster than the witcher? With a thick pull and a push, the boy was pushed into the pool by an overwhelming force.

His eyes widened in horror, his cheeks fluttered like a big head fish, and he desperately waved his hands to scratch in the air, but it was all in vain. splash.

"Congratulations, starting today, you've taken a big step toward the witcher..."

Leto squatted down like a toad, took a deep breath, and jumped in with a thud.

I am the witcher