The Divine Hunter

Chapter 83: The road to Ellander


In the vast plains, a breeze blew through the smoke-smoothing villages in the distance to the edge of a cheerful waterfall creek that fell on a low mountain ridge.

The golden sunlight illuminated a bare ass.

The owner of the buttocks, a young man who was not fully clothed, was holding his belly, his face was pale, and he was spitting at the stream.

While vomiting, he glared fiercely at the bald-headed man with his hands on the back of his neck and his eyes closed on the grass. The big man was also cool, with two breezes and a physique like a winter bear, so that he didn't care about the cold wind blowing.

"I haven't vomited enough... Tsk tsk... I can really drink... Dwarves who are good at drinking will bow down to you when they see you..."

Roy rolled his eyes when he listened to the sarcastic remarks, "Ugh... It's not your fault... Ug... "

"You can't wrong me, obviously I saved you..."

The pool in the mine was deep and long, and Roy almost didn't lose his breath. Fortunately, the witcher who caught up later led him to dive out with his sharp one-leg swimming skills.

He threw another sentence over, "Let's even out, right?"

Afterwards, the two raised a bonfire to bake their wet bodies. By the way, they found a wooden board nearby, fixed the witcher's injured leg again, and made a simple crutch.

Then the teenager sat by the bonfire, sinking into the template.


Age: 13 years and 11 months

Occupation: commoner, witcher apprentice

Health: 55


Strength: 5

Agility: 5.1→6.1

Constitution: 5.5

Perception: 7

Will: 6→6.5

Charisma: 5→6

Spirit: 6.5 points


Slaughter LV4

Observation LV2

Meditation LV2

Crossbow Specialization LV1

Elegance of the Wind (Passive Curing)


Witcher LV4 (600/2000)

Stage: Apprentice (next stage: pass 1 trial of grass, hunt 7/10 kinds of magical creatures, and will advance to junior witcher)

School: Pit Viper (to be determined, haven't taken the snake green herbal medicine)

Occupational characteristics:

Primary Attribute: Locked to Will. Each time you increase the level, without consuming attribute points, the will will increase by 0.5 (apprentice stage)

Binding Weapons: You have bound hand crossbow - Gabriel (upgraded), steel sword - Guvisher (upgraded), silver sword - none

full recovery...

Loot Package: 2 cu.

Remaining: 1 attribute point, 1 skill point.

This trip to the Smirk Mine Road, the harvest is beyond imagination.

First, he acquired the thin Ain El bloodline, turned into a quarter elf, and the racial talent provided a bonus of 1 Agility and 1 Charisma. The ability to sense magic during meditation has also improved.

Secondly, when the witcher level lv3→lv4, the main attribute will is automatically increased by 0.5.

In fact, he did not intend to make will as the main attribute, but at the moment when he was seriously injured and dying and his level was raised, he subconsciously made a choice.

Among all the attributes of Witcher Leto, except for Charisma, Willpower is the second-to-last with only 10 points, which in disguise shows how difficult it is to improve this attribute.

What's more, will affects the power of the melee skill "Shock and Stun". As long as he continues to hunt monsters and raise the slaughter level, the use of will will become more and more extensive, and it will definitely not only be a means of shock and deterrence. The attribute description also clearly remembers that it can interfere with reality to a certain extent, and he is looking forward to it.

In addition, to survive the trial of green grass, a firm will to survive is also very important. Therefore, although this main attribute surprised him, he did not regret it.

Roy thought for a long time and still planned to allocate all resources to his physique and will before the green grass trial. After all, the witcher had promised that if his body reached the standard, his herbal medicine would be able to use the mutants of high-level monsters such as the ancient deer head essence, and he wanted to fight for it.

The choice of the remaining 1 attribute point and 1 skill point is very simple - add physical fitness and meditation skills, because improving the meditation skills can increase the physical fitness and spirit by 0.5, so it will increase the constitution and spirit by 1.5 in total.

But this trip to the mine has increased the attributes by more than two points. He plans to get used to it after a while and add it.

Roy was about to turn his attention to the bound weapon, and admired how the weapon changed after the upgrade.

Suddenly his ears perked up, he immediately put out the bonfire, and helped the witcher to get into the shriveled alfalfa bushes nearby.

After a while, two rustic farmers with pitchforks walked over to this side.

One of them said with a smile,

"Did you go to the show last night? I told you that the dancing woman's waist is thinner than the willow branches in my backyard, and her face is whiter than snowflakes, just like a fairy in the sky. I can't believe that such an outstanding beauty can be born in a lowly elves! By the way, what is the name of that acrobatic troupe called Sea Lion?"

"It's a sea scorpion! An ignorant hillbilly." Another farmer spat, "I'm not the same as you" proudly, "And it's not called dancing, it's called high-altitude rope dance, by the balance master Evelyn Acting with love has always been a noble art that only the gentlemen in the city are qualified to appreciate, you know the egg!"

"I don't understand, anyway, I watched it for free last night! If there is another performance tonight, I will go and enjoy it!" The farmer rubbed his hands with a mean smile on his face,

"Idiot, are you not afraid that the tigress will starve you for two days?!"

"If the old ladies dare, I will make her unable to get out of bed for three days..."

The farmer came to the alfalfa bushes, eased his trousers belt, took out a soft bird, "Look at this, it's longer than the donkey of the old German's house, just like a moan passing by our village. As the poet described, I am 'hidden treasures and secluded in the countryside', but unfortunately I have been ruined by ugly women, only the outstanding beauty of the sea scorpion can make it rejuvenated!"

As he said that, he aimed at the clover bushes, hummed a little tune, closed his eyes, and then only felt the darkness in front of him, and he lost consciousness with a muffled sound.

When he woke up, he found that his companion was lying beside him, and the wind was blowing, gently stroking their bare black-haired thighs and well-developed chest hair.

They were all naked except for a pair of trousers, each holding a windfall of two crowns in the palm of their hand.

"Have we been robbed?" But the money was enough to buy a few sets of clothes.

The two suddenly looked at each other, and fell into a daze, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but bend.

Roy was wearing a loose linen trousers that was obviously a size larger, with a wry smile on his face,

"Why did I hide just now?"

"I'm used to hiding from evil spirits in the mine." The witcher said calmly.

"Does attacking civilians for no reason be considered a violation of the witcher's code?"

"Little devil, aren't you talking nonsense?" The limping witcher was wearing a "bodysuit" that was obviously a size smaller, and his well-developed chest muscles were about to burst out.

He curled his lips and said righteously, "Just now, that was called a legitimate counterattack, understand? Do you want to taste their urine? Or dangling naked in front of the eyes of the people?"

"Also... let's forget it... "

Hopefully those few crowns will make up for their wounded hearts.

After leaving the high-altitude Mahakam and saying goodbye to the freezing winter, the climate here is not so cold after all.

The two walked towards the distant village, intending to see if they could find a carriage or something.

The terrain slowly descended, leading to patches of flat and tidy farmland planted with various grains, like a mosaic floor. The fields are surrounded by tall alder bushes, which outline the direction of the country trails.

The road took them straight to the lake, along the berm, past ponds hidden among alder groves, crammed with raucous mallards, hoof-browed ducks, herons, and waterfowl.

Among the reeds by the lake, the humble pier and canoes moored nearby are clearly visible, and there are fishing nets and crab pots in the deep waters of the lake.

Roy stared at the flocks of wild ducks and couldn't help licking his lips, "I ate stiff and hard dry food for a week and rested in the village for a night. I have to bake some wild animals tonight."

He had never imagined that the other end of Mahakan had so rich in property resources.

"After all, we have already stepped into Temeria's territory?"

The witcher said, "Accurately, the land under our feet belongs to the princely kingdom of Temeria, Elland."

He paused, "After taking two pre-drugs during this period, your body will begin to adapt to the toxicity. After entering the city of Ellander for a short rest... Then find the Temple of Meritelli, and prepare to start the next stage of the drug. trial."

Roy's heart shuddered when he heard the words. He had been looking forward to it for a long time, and he was a little scared.

He hesitated and asked hesitantly, "Lesso... I've always wanted to ask, is your bald head a mutation?"

The two had been walking together for several months, but apart from the unshaven beard, the witcher had no hair growing on the top of his bare head. Unlike him, the hair behind his head could be tied into a short ponytail.

"What's the matter?" Leto raised his eyebrows, his eyes fierce, "You're going to back off when you lose a few hairs?"

"Don't dare!" Roy hurriedly expressed his loyalty, "I'm just... um... curious."

"Mutations are extremely uncertain. They don't necessarily make you bald, you can lose your chest hair, you can lose your skin pigment. Of course, these side effects are all negligible."

Maybe Geralt lost his hair pigment because of the mutation, so he had gray hair and looked like an albino.

Roy thought, "Is there any way to avoid it?"

With a loud "snap", the big man slapped him on the shoulder, "If a spellcaster assists you during the grass trial, you can guide your body in the direction of mutation to a certain extent and avoid most of the sequelae."

"Is there a spellcaster in the Temple of Meritelli?"

The witcher didn't answer any further, and they entered a small village, a gathering place for human activities.

In the villages at the foot of the mountain, there are rows of shabby huts. During the period, the roosters and dogs barked. The villagers and peasant women carrying hoes cast curious glances at them, and the snotty children chasing the hens in the yard bit their thumbs. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the two of them without blinking, as if he had seen some kind of strange monster.

But Roy's eyes were locked on the innermost part of the village, where several carriages formed a circle.

More than a dozen men and women dressed in plain clothes from the villagers were leaning back against the carriage, chatting enthusiastically.

"Sea Scorpion Acrobatic Troupe?" Roy rubbed his eyebrows and walked over with the witcher.