The Divine Hunter

Chapter 86: ideal


That night, Roy and Lesso walked into the tent outside the carriage to rest, and the safe positions inside the carriages in a circle belonged to the female family members of the acrobatic troupe.

Aaron, the leader of the acrobatic troupe, had a unique tent that was set up far away from the carriage.

After satiating, Roy entered the tent and turned his attention to the unfinished business during the day. Occupation—Binding Weapon—


(Originally this is just a simple, old pocket crossbow, but after a strengthening, it is rejuvenated, its power has been improved, and it has become more suitable for the owner's body)

Type: Pocket Crossbow

Material: mulberry, tendon, hemp

Features: 5 pounds in weight, 2 in bow length, 20→30 pounds in tension. Effective range 100→150 late.


Simplified: As long as the arrows are stored in the loot package, it will automatically pull the string and place the arrow without the owner's action, and the time required to load the arrow is shortened to 0.4 seconds.


(This ancient black iron flaming sword, crafted by goblin craftsmen, unlocks new abilities after one enhancement.)

Type: Steel Sword

Material: dark iron, lava, meteorite iron, leather, pine wood, powerful monster organization.

Features: 3.06 pounds, 9.3 inches (0.23 m) shank, 36 inches (0.91 m) body,


Cycling: Each time an enemy is killed, a small amount of stamina is instantly restored to the wielder.

Ignite: Every time you hit an enemy, there is a small chance of igniting the blood in the wound, causing burns.

Roy alternated between the short crossbow and the steel sword in his hand, and his face couldn't hide his joy.

The enhancement of the hand crossbow is beyond imagination. Not only does the power and range increase, but also solves the biggest shortcoming - in the previous battle, facing dozens of enemies who rushed in late, at most one arrow could be fired, and it was too late for the second time. Pull the bow and set the arrow, and the enemy can rush forward to attack.

But with the simplified enchanting ability, the time for pulling the string and placing the arrow is reduced by one-tenth, from 4 seconds to 0.4 seconds, which means that he almost only needs to aim and pull the trigger...

The time saved is enough to shoot three arrows or even four arrows... Even if three enemies attack at the same time, he has the confidence to shoot them all in one step!

And the ancient Wei Xier was originally a rare sword, and the strengthening degree is not as good as that of the hand crossbow, but it is also good to have an additional enchantment skill. The effect of ignition remains to be verified by practice.

Roy's hands were itching unbearably, the short crossbow and steel sword flickered, he got out of the tent and took a look, the night watchman of the acrobatic troupe was patrolling back and forth.

If you are a newcomer, you can't play with crossbows and steel swords under the eyes of others, otherwise you will always give people a feeling of bad intentions.

I can only suppress the turmoil in my heart, put away my weapons, and enter into meditation - the more tired you are, the easier it is to break through the limit.

As time passed, he gradually got better and touched the thin elements around him. Elemental elves are like shy children who meet a stranger, curious about him and with ignorant kindness, walking around him quietly but tacitly.

The subtle affinity grows slowly during the day-to-day meditation. Although it took only a few days to convert to a quarter of the elf bloodline, the improvement was minimal, but he was sure that as long as he persisted day by day, the power of the elements would one day be used by him.

Silent all night.

The next day, when Roy opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, and it was another fine day.

The people in the acrobatic troupe were packing their luggage in an orderly manner under the command of the master Aaron. Although they were rejected by the acrobatic troupe, the villagers of Shire Village also volunteered to help.

There are more than a dozen children reluctantly gathered around the motorcade. As rural children, they may have the opportunity to enjoy the acrobatic troupe's performance at close range once in their lives.

Lesso sat in the carriage, looking at the busy scene in front of him leisurely and contentedly.

Evelyn on the other side smiled, rolled up her sleeves to reveal her wrists, and put a plump turnip into the carriage.

"Loveline," Although the relationship was smooth yesterday, Roy felt a little strange after a sound sleep.

"Um... Are you used to sleeping last night?"

"Very comfortable!"

"Ms. Evelyn don't need to worry." Leto interrupted suddenly, "This kid has been out with me for a long time since the death of his 'foster mother', lying in swamps, bushes, graves, and falling asleep in cesspools. "

"Shut up, Leto!" Roy complained in his eyes, can't we get around the cesspool? He glanced at Evelyn nervously again,

"I'm different from him, the sloppy ghost with lice on his body, I'm very particular about personal hygiene!"

Hearing the words, the witcher suddenly gave him a meaningful look, "Little devil, I clearly remember that there is still some time before spring..."

Roy was stunned for a moment. He was in a strange state facing Evelyn. He seemed to be unable to control his mood and wanted to get close to the other party.

"Is it really the reason why the body has reached puberty? No, it should be the blood of the quarter elves that is at fault."

Aveline next to her looked at the tit-for-tat exchange between the two with envy in her eyes.

"The two of you are really close. Your partner, teacher, and uncle are all talking nonsense. It's like... um... a pair of angry father and son."

"How is that possible?! It's an apprentice!"

"Witchers can't give birth!"

For Evelyn's statement, the two denied it in unison.

"Okay..." Aveline said casually, pulling her hair from her temples behind her ears, "Did you hear that voice last night?"

"I heard a little," Roy focused his attention back on the right path. "The dogs in the village barked for half the night, and there were terrifying barks in the pens. But no one saw the real master. Is there really a dirty thing? 'Knowing that the sea scorpion is about to leave, I started to move around?!"

The old village chief of Shire Village retained him again, but Aaron, who was determined, had no regrets.

The group packed everything up before noon, took the carriage, and waved goodbye to the short transit station of Xiaer Village.

On both sides of the road that stretches straight into the distance, the neat and tidy fields are planted with chrysanthemum, spinach, turnip and other winter vegetables.

Along the road, six carriages drove slowly, leaving a long series of ruts in the soft mud.

Roy sat in a carriage chatting with the witcher, Aveline, and the swordsman girl.

Under the carriage, several young adults walked on foot. They are wanderers who joined the acrobatic troupe along the way, mainly doing chores and doing hard work. The salary is meager, but at least I can make a living and see the scenery along the way.

It is also easier to keep yourself safe by cuddling together for warmth. Among them, the wanderers who have been with the acrobatic troupe the longest have been for more than two years.

These all came from Evelyn's narration, and Roy was taken aback.

In this turbulent age, dynasties, both north and south, have been replaced at an astonishing speed.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, small-scale wars and conflicts continued, deserters hid in many remote areas and landed as bandits, forcing the good people to leave their homes.

No land, no fixed place to live, piles of homeless people came into being. These people in front of them will stay with the acrobatic troupe until they reach the ideal place in their hearts, and then leave the team. But for most of their lives, they will be bumpy and wandering, with nothing to depend on.

He suddenly felt that the idea of Emhyr conquering the north and establishing a unified empire was not without merit.

"By the way, Evelyn, why did you leave the edge of the world..."

"Brother of the same clan, I will not hide it from you." A trace of sadness flashed in Ai Fulin's eyes, her red lips lightly parted,

"The brothers and sisters of Dole Bretaner had settled down for a few years under the leadership of Ms. Field, and had a good time. But the arrival of Ms. Daisy of the Valley led the people back to the original way. I feel that they are in A terrifying conspiracy is brewing, and I don't want to get blood on my hands again."

Roy remembered the origins of the two ladies.

"Ms. Fields" and "Valley Daisies" are two completely different factions in the Ain Shidi tribe in the Valley of Flowers. The former is an obvious peaceful faction, indifferent to the world, and even willing to disguise as a country girl incognito with peaceful coexistence of mankind. She is endowed with a powerful talent for magic, and wherever she goes, everything grows, bringing greenery and vitality.

"Valley Daisy" should be called the main battle faction. She is the free queen of the future Elf of the Valley of Flowers and the head of the Squirrel Party. He rudely attacked the atrocities of human beings, and abandoned the brothers and sisters of the Squirrel Party for the sake of the overall situation of the elves! But that's for later.

"Cantila, why do you want to join the sea scorpion thousands of miles away?"

The swordsman girl looked at the unknown distance with exotic eyebrows, "The people of Zerican are all born warriors. But I want to prove that I am the best among them!"

The corners of her lips were slightly curved, and the hard lines of her face reflected an enigmatic brilliance in the sunlight. Her slender index finger pointed to the tattoo near her cheekbone, "Fighting a beast and getting another honor tattoo is fair! These two honor tattoos were earned by me killing desert spiders and venomous lizards alone. . But I don't want to wait until my hair is gray and I can't hold my weapon steady before I can get honor all over my body from head to toe!"

"I must take a risk and leave my homeland in search of Zerekhan's faith!"

"Uh... If I understand correctly, do you want to find a dragon?" Roy remembered that the totem of the desert country Zerican was a giant dragon, and this kingdom even built a dragon temple specially.


Roy looked at the confident girl in front of him and didn't know what to say.

A real dragon, no matter white dragon, black dragon, red dragon, green dragon, or rock dragon, can easily crush leather-winged scissor-tailed dragons, bird dragons, dragon lizards, and of course, they can also slaughter demon hunters who are fighting alone. .

They are unparalleled in hand-to-hand combat. In addition to fangs and claws, they can also breathe out dragon flame, strong acid, or high-temperature steam. There is also the legendary golden dragon that possesses magical abilities such as transfiguration and is the most powerful.

"Your ideals are very lofty!" Roy said insincerely.

The girl raised her chin proudly, "I know you're mocking me in your heart, laughing at my overreaching. But I have no intention of conquering that great being by force. Believe it or not, the Zerekans and the dragons Born with a spiritual connection, I will impress them with my piety and Taoism!"

"Well, good luck to you!"

"So Aaron, why did Aaron set up the Sea Scorpion Acrobatic Troupe because of his lofty ambitions?"

"No..." Aveline's eyes showed a girl's yearning and longing for romance. "Boss Aaron started to travel around the world in order to find his other half and find his true love. According to him, only by finding the other half and finding a new mother for the two babies, Ali and Ade, can he start from the boundless. Freed from pain!"

"Um... Is Boss Aaron a poet?" Roy remembered correctly, Ali and Ade were an owl and a tea falcon respectively, "It's a strange and romantic statement."

He subconsciously thought it was the elf lady's joke.

Evelyn glanced at him, and continued without waiting for him to ask, "Corinth and Floz are truly in love, but unfortunately they are not nobles. Their love can't be called a disgusting 'elegance affair', and naturally there is no blessing. , replaced by endless stares and discrimination. Only in the sea scorpion can they be open and aboveboard and get along like a couple!"

Yes, the aristocratic mess of relationships is often romanticized, but when it comes to commoners, it's a capital offense.

"Roy, what do you think of them?" The elf lady's bright eyes suddenly came over.

The teenager's heart skipped a beat, "Uh... well... I bless them!"

Not insulting, not advocating, this is his true attitude towards homosexuality.

"As for Amos..."

"Humph!" Cantila said with a fierce look in her eyes, "It's not a good thing!"

Roy wiped his chin, "Master Gwent... He plays Gwent well, right? Are there any rare cards? I think I can communicate with him!"