The Divine Hunter

Chapter 88: Please close your eyes when it's dark 1


On the moving carriage, Roy and the witcher were talking in a low voice.

"To kill Qi Qimo who attacked the villagers, is the murderer protecting the villagers of Xia'er Village?"

Roy himself can't believe this guess. According to his judgment, the murderer should be some kind of powerful monster, and there are almost no guys who will take the initiative to help humans.

"After you checked, can you confirm the true identity of the murderer?"

"I'm 70% sure, except for the lack of urine declaring territorial rights at the scene, the other traces match." The witcher's face was not quite sure, "But until I see that thing officially, it's hard to say."

"How to explain its behavior? Is it protecting the villagers?" Roy asked curiously.

The witcher said solemnly, "Maybe it's just a coincidence. It may have just migrated to the vicinity-because the territorial awareness is extremely strong, it will kill this group of Qiqimo. Once the sea scorpion convoy is far away, it is out of its hunting range, Naturally, they won't be attacked." The witcher comforted himself, "Don't worry too much, don't tell the sea scorpion people for the time being."

The two were whispering on this side, and behind the carriage on the other side, several members of Sea Scorpion were also paying close attention to them.

"Bei Er, you have had a good chat with them during this time. You should have some understanding of the people of these two people."

Aaron put his hands around his chest, with a deep question between his thick and colorful eyebrows,

"Although the Viper School is rarely heard in the north, and it's not some crazy guy, but I always think they have other plans?"

Aveline bit her red lips, "I can be sure that my fellow Roy is not malicious, he is trustworthy, but—" she changed her tone, "I can't see through Master Leto. He said less. Quiet and calm, his icy eyes make people numb, and he seems to be observing something all the time. But the injury on his body doesn't seem to be disguised."

"It is said that witchers have emotional defects compared to ordinary people, and it seems that it is not completely fabricated."

On the other side, Corinthian patted his well-developed pectoral muscles covered with black hair carelessly, "Don't worry, boss, I will keep an eye on these two guys. The lame witcher and a little fart with no full hair. Boy, you're so shabby that you don't even have a decent weapon, so forgive them and they won't be able to make waves."

"Pay attention to your attitude." Aaron reminded, "In any case, they are the guests of the sea scorpion, try not to offend them, maybe we still have things to rely on in the future."

His face turned to the woman, "The task of supervising is mainly Belle Lay. It is best to stabilize them and keep them in our field of vision. Didn't you mention that your brethren's card skills against Amos Interested? Then let him get his wish, call Amos over to accompany them to 'seriously communicate', and earn some extra money for Sea Scorpion by the way."

"As for Corinthian, the 'big chested and brainless' guy, let me jail them tonight, don't let them run around in the camp!"

"Follow your orders, boss!"

After the explanation, Ms. Elf changed the carriage and returned to Roy.

And Aaron leaned on the edge of the carriage, put the curled little finger of his right hand into his mouth and blew a sharp whistle. In an instant, the tea falcon Ade turned into a black lightning and rushed out of the carriage, flapping its wings and falling to him on the arm.

Ader's pointed beak contained a strange grey and white feather.

Seeing this, Aaron sank his face suddenly, patted the bird's head and said reproachfully, "Naughty boy, attacked Ali while he was sleeping? Remember, it's your sister, you should protect it instead of bullying it!"

"Yake, Yake..." Ade's pitch-black eyeballs spun around twice, he lowered his bird's head like a child who did something wrong, and his short sharp beak gently pecked at Aaron's Thick hair.

"Well, Dad will forgive you this time, if you make another mistake..."

Ade suddenly curled his wings, his small body shivered, and nodded quickly.

"That's right." Aaron calmed down for a moment, "My dearest child, do you think that this time, Dad can find a mother for you in Elland?"


"Good boy, do you think so too, it seems that my hunch is correct!"

Aaron stroked the bird, his eyes full of love and sadness as deep as the ocean.

The witcher was meditating in the carriage, taking the time to recover from his injuries, while Roy sat beside the carriage and looked at the road in front of him, dazed and worried.

The monster that can destroy a group of Qiqimo is no weaker than the ancient deer head of Mahakan.

Although it does not have the talent for rebirth, but according to the analysis of the corpse and the situation on the scene, the strength, speed, and bite force shown by that guy all surpassed that of the deer head.

And now he doesn't feel that he can compete with that thing head-on. The witcher's injuries are not healed, and the alchemy potions and bombs are all used up. If it comes to the door, the situation of the entire team is very dangerous.

On the other hand, Roy has observed the information of all the members of the sea scorpion, and most of them are only a little bit higher in attributes than ordinary people, a little more flexible, or a little stronger, with one or two more basic combat skills, they can be called an ordinary soldier. But no matter how well a dozen soldiers cooperated, they couldn't compare to that monster.

"Something's wrong. The team's strength doesn't look outstanding. So why Aaron doesn't care about bandits and gangsters in his words... It's too confident."

However, in the conversation with Evelyn, Roy learned that the sea scorpion has traveled through countless countries and regions, but he has never encountered any major crisis.

The young man didn't figure it out for a long time, he had nothing to do, and poured his mind into the attribute template.

"1 attribute point, 1 skill point."

Focusing on the faint "+" after his physique, a warm current emerged from his body. He seemed to be soaking in a hot spring, and countless small, hard-working hands around him gently revitalized his muscles, bones, and muscles...

Constitution 5.5→6.5

Health: 55→65

Compared with the violent behavior that once increased his attributes by two points at a time, this one point of physique was extremely comfortable, and he felt so comfortable that he wanted to fall asleep.

But always uninvited guests disturb the dream.

He suddenly felt a strong wind blow, and his body instinctively ducked to the side.

Wei Wei looked up and stared angrily, a boxy, light and thin object Ruyan made a bend in her field of vision and returned to the hands of the visitor.

He was dressed in a white robe that was drawn in the wind, with a white cloth wrapped around his head, a deep nose and wide eyes, a pale yellow beard on both cheeks, a slender body and a rather large skeleton.

At this moment, a slight surprise flashed across the face of the Quint performer, apparently not expecting the other party to escape. The thing in his hand that was used as a hidden weapon was a standard Gwent card.

"As expected of Master Lesuo's friend, he is indeed very skilled."

Roy restrained his anger, looked at the man known as Quint's performer and said, "Really? Mr. Armos' way of greeting is really unique, it's the first time I meet someone who cuts my hair. Behavior, is this the custom of your hometown?"

Amos jumped on the spot, his white robe fluttered, and he jumped straight onto the carriage.

"I just said hello in a friendly way, aren't you all right?"

Amos leaned against the carriage with a stern expression on his face.

Roy lowered his head and made a certain decision in his heart, "Okay, what's your reason for asking me?"

Amos raised his head slightly, with a hint of provocation on his face, "I heard Belle say that although you are not young, you have quite a lot of experience in the field of Gwent. It just so happens that the greatest hobby in my life, It's just playing the Gwent card, I don't know if I can learn from you and Roy."

"Why not..." Roy rubbed his hands together, showing a harmless smile, "but how about we bring some bling?"

"As you wish..." Amos laughed like a chrysanthemum.