The Divine Hunter

Chapter 93: Please close your eyes when it gets dark


The werewolf's dark pupils stared at the looming moon through the gap in the forest, and his low and hoarse voice catered to the pattering rain, "My name is Aaron, I was born in a farmer's family in the Rivendell Valley, and accompanies me by my side. Most of them are farmers' children, but Sheena is an exception."

"She is the daughter of a clerk in the town. Not only can she read and write, but she is also gentle and kind. She has purple hair as beautiful as an iris flower, and she is cuter than a pure deer when she smiles."

"If there is no accident, a beauty with such an outstanding background and appearance will never have an intersection with me, a mud-legged person. She will marry the mayor's son, or go further, marry a small nobleman, and live a prosperous and wealthy life. lady."

"But maybe it was fate. When she was seventeen years old, she went out for a walk and fell into the Nevi River, and I jumped into the turbulent river desperately to save her... When we stared at each other for the first time, we fell into Love River, and start a tryst soon."

The large and deep green eyes of the werewolf were bent, deposited in a quiet and happy fantasy, and every sharp tooth in the bloody mouth seemed to have turned into a white diamond, full of sweetness and romance. . The two birds standing on his left and right shoulders also felt this happiness, swaying their chubby body from side to side like a pendulum.

"It's unimaginable that a humble mud-legged man walks with the town clerk's daughter, but this is fate! One year after the tryst, Hina became pregnant with the crystallization of our love - Ali and Ade."

"Wait!" Roy interrupted it suddenly, and asked in the werewolf's slightly surprised and blamed eyes, "You mean Hina was eighteen... er... I'm curious how old was your Excellency at that time?"

"I was twenty-eight at the time, and I was still a big bachelor..." The werewolf suddenly lowered his head and pulled back the corners of his mouth from the corner of his ear, unexpectedly shy and embarrassed.

"Eighteen... Twenty-eight... Muddy legs... Bai Fumei... How can there be a common language?"

Roy's mind turned around, his face changed strangely, his lips opened and he stopped talking, and finally he swallowed the words back.

"Well, the guy who is favored by the goddess of luck, I kind of believe in your fate!"

"Yes, I am lucky to be favored by Sheena. After she became pregnant with my child, she became more and more pregnant. In order to escape the censure of her family and the eyes of the townspeople, I eloped with her, and one night in the dark Secretly left Riverdale and fled into the vast forest."

Speaking of this, the werewolf suddenly clenched his claws and lowered his head, "It's a shame that I'm an incompetent person. The preparations before the elopement were not adequate. We got lost in the forest, and the food and drinking water were quickly exhausted..."

"And then you met that person?" Roy interjected.

The werewolf nodded heavily, "Rachel, the priestess in the forest, saved our family, took us to the ruined temple, and took good care of my wife until she gave birth."

"I want to make sure..." The witcher frowned and turned serious. "Before taking care of you, she didn't ask for any special requests, such as remuneration?"

"No!" The werewolf replied stubbornly, but the two clearly felt that its voice had weakened.

"It wasn't until after my wife gave birth, that Rachel teased with young Allie for a while before she made the cruel request to us."

The werewolf's voice became hoarse, his expression grim and he wanted to beat his chest and feet, "That guy actually asked us to leave Ali to her as a reward for saving lives! A newborn child will be robbed before he can drink a sip of his mother's milk/water. Go! How cruel is this?"

"Can you imagine it?!" The werewolf growled frantically at the two of them, and Roy took a step back unconsciously and raised his crossbow towards it.

"Leave your newborn child in that dark, damp, stinky shabby house, inherit the mantle of the old witch as a lonely, painful, ridiculous god stick, and serve that disgusting big spider for a lifetime! Even if she Ask me to be his servant for life. But she wants my child—"

"As a father, I rejected her unreasonable request!" The werewolf's pupils flashed a violent red light, and his voice became like a cold knife.

The werewolf stared blankly at the void, as if he was roaring at something that didn't exist, "We rested in the temple for a while, and waited until Hina was better. I wanted to secretly take the children away, but I was so vicious. The bitch found out! Her hands were moving, I thought of the rumored witchcraft of the old witch, she must be casting a spell on us, I was scared... In panic, I grabbed the sacrificial knife of the temple and stabbed her hard stomach."

Its muscles were tense, and the continuous rain could not cover up his puffing, puffing, and beating heart.

After a long period of time, the werewolf fell silent as if it had fallen from the climax to the bottom.

"We hid outside the temple and waited for Rachel to bleed to death, and then we saw strange symbols drawn in blood in that place."

"The next day, the nightmare started!"

The werewolf let out a long sigh,

"The curse is not without benefits. At least after I incarnated as a werewolf, I became invulnerable and tireless, and I also developed a spiritual connection with the children and Xina, and I can communicate unimpeded. It is easier to hunt all kinds of Prey, take care of them. I also started doing acrobatics… taking them around the world.”

"But Xina really can't stand frogs. What she hated most when she was alive was that slippery and disgusting little animal! Her soul has been suffering, and she still left us in depression after two years."

"At that time, there was only me in the acrobatic troupe, so I thought it would be disbanded. But when I saw my two children who were tormented in the bodies of birds, I could only cheer up and continue to run around the world, looking for various The way to lift the curse."

"Until I found out the truth of those fairy tales, like the Frog Prince...and consulted a lot of professionals. As you both know, I told the members that the search for true love is not a matter of nonsense, but to lift the curse, maybe I will The kiss of true love from a beautiful woman. I have been running around for a few years now, but unfortunately I can't get past the level in my heart, and I still can't focus on other women, so no one is willing to give me true love. , the children have been cursed and tortured for five years."

"Then do you still love your wife?"

the witcher asked,

"Love! I can't wait to go with her. But—" the werewolf looked around his two "children" with nostalgic eyes, "I can't let go of my two children, and I can't bear to let them face the world alone."

"You really should love her. Sheena not only gave birth to children for you, but also shared the curse for you. Rachel's curse is only for you. It's a pity that you and your family are closely linked by blood and fate, and they don't know. Unconsciously, you shared your curse. Therefore, although you are a werewolf, you can retain human sanity."

"One more point..." The witcher raised his eyebrows. "You lied to us just now. Although the God of Bad Omen is an evil god, her priests still abide by ancient treaties."

"A priestess wants a child to be the successor to the temple, and a prerequisite is that the child in your womb will have an entanglement of fate with her. Priests usually use the law of accident to achieve this."

"And according to your circumstances, the law of accident is only valid if the child is not born."

The law of accident is a conventional law as old as human history. The one who saves others may, in accordance with the law of accident, ask the rescued for the first thing the rescued sees when he returns home, or something the rescued does not know but already has. s things.

Many witchers also rely on the law of accident to find their apprentices.

"So I guess the condition that Rachel proposed at the time was: if Sheena's child is a girl, stay in the Temple of Omen; if it is a boy, let you take it away. Only with this uncertainty can the law of accident be concluded."

The witcher looked at the werewolf's expression, took a step closer to it, and said in a firm tone, "Your husband and wife agreed to this condition before the birth of the child, it's not what you said, Rachel was in the delivery room only after Ali was born. Temporary threat! This kind of persecution is meaningless, cannot create a bond of destiny, and has no magic power."

"You were the first to break the contract, right!" The witcher's eyes flashed a stern look, and he further questioned, "How dare you say that your hands have never been stained with innocent blood?"

Roy glanced at Leto in surprise, then turned his eyes. The werewolf did not refute the question, but fell into silence.

When the two of them were about to lose their patience, it took a step forward, its hunched body trembled, and its green pupils were full of pleading.

"You're right. I made a mistake and violated the contract. I'm sorry to the priestess. So the curse is my punishment. But it's only me who is wrong!" The werewolf hugged his head in pain.

"This body is full of vitality and can live for a long time. Ade can live for decades as a tea falcon, but Ali has spent five years as an owl, and now there is only one or two years of life left... In any case , the children are innocent, Master Letho, please save them!"

The witcher stared straight at the werewolf with his hands clasped around his chest, and the latter stared at him without flinching.

"'re right, it's only you who's wrong. Children shouldn't be implicated." The witcher sighed, his tone loosened, "I have to make sure first, do you really love them more than your own life? It's important to answer honestly."

"They are the only family I have left, the only motivation for me to live."

"Understood." Leto nodded and said word by word, "I can't save them, but you can."

"What's the meaning?"

"True love can lift the curse. This is not pure fiction. Many poignant stories and records in history prove it. You are in the right direction, but it is a pity that you are far away. Obviously, Ali can't wait for you to find true love. But remember, you They are the person who loves them the most in the world, and family affection is also the most precious kind of 'love', so why bother finding someone else?"

"What do you mean?" The werewolf looked puzzled. "I love them as if they were life, and they are always inseparable, but they are still tormented by the curse."

"There is always a little bit of reality in every fairy tale, love and blood, with amazing power."

Roy inserted a sentence next to him. He remembered the story that belonged to Geralt the witcher, a story that was very similar to the werewolf encounter, and suddenly had the answer in his heart, "You and the two children are full of blood relatives. Love, one step closer to solving the curse - blood."

"Blood mixed with true love is an elixir that will end all misfortunes!"

"Be specific! What should I do?" the werewolf demanded eagerly.

The teenager glanced at Ali and Ade inexplicably, and made an exaggerated mouth shape, but made no sound.

"The two of them are only five-year-olds, so stay away for the time being." The witcher said, glancing at the boy secretly, wondering why he knew the key steps to get rid of the curse.

There was a sense of unease in the werewolf's heart, but they drove Ali and Ade to the treetops not far away as required.

"Actually, with their minds, they can't understand overly complicated conversations..."

The werewolf wanted to dispel the nervousness, and his arms and claws trembled slightly as he brushed off the hair on his body. It saw the witcher open his mouth and then his mind went blank.

"You are the carrier of the curse. If you are not there, the curse will dissipate most of it. And the blood that carries your last vitality, the blood before your death is enough to eliminate the other half of the curse."

"This is the solution. Ali and Ade will escape the curse and be born again." The witcher's voice was slow and heavy. "Use blood and life to prove your love for them, will you?"

The werewolf lowered his head, thought for a long time, and spoke unexpectedly, with a firm tone.

"Two masters, if you are telling the truth, then I will pray for you devoutly, otherwise, I will follow the priests of the Temple of Omen and use my dying life to issue vicious curses..."

"I, Leto, swear in the name of the demon hunter of the Viper School. I have not said a single word to you before... Otherwise, I will never see the day when the school is revived in my life." Pendant on chest.

"I, Roy, swear by the name of the Viper School witcher..." The boy followed closely.

The werewolf stared deeply at the cheeks of the two of them. After a long time, he exhaled a long breath, "I have an unkind request at the end... the two... can you give me a ride?"

"I can't do it myself, even if I take out my heart, I can't die. I have to cut off my head. This kind of work should not be given to acquaintances, it is too cruel for them."

"Captain Aaron, have you really thought about it?" The boy stared at the other's hideous wolf face, his voice trembling, "Are you willing to give up your life?"

"Yes..." He raised his head, there was a trace of relief on the wolf's face that should have been hideous, tilted his head, opened his long wolf kiss, and smiled 'warmly', "I said, I love them more than life, and I can't wait to be with Sheena..."

"Don't say goodbye to Sea Scorpion's brothers and sisters first? They have been with you for several years and have the right to know the truth," the witcher reminded. "Are you planning to leave without saying goodbye?"

"No need, other people don't know, at least Aveline guessed that there is something wrong with my identity. But I have to trouble you two to help me with a few words, and hand over the position of the head of the regiment... and the two about me. The poor child also please... My corpse is according to the custom of my hometown... "

"I have been suffering from inner torment. Every time I see two children trapped in the bodies of birds, and I think of the picture of the priestess' tragic death on the night and the death of his wife, my breath hurts... It's also time, let me The children are freed from the curse, and I repent and apologize to the priest with my life, and I am eligible to be reunited with my Sheena."

In the woods, the rain finally stopped.

The dark clouds dissipated, and the moon seemed to have been washed once, and it was brighter and brighter than ever before.

The boy held up Guvihir high and stared not far away—

A ferocious figure knelt down on one knee and whispered to the two cute little guys, with big lantern-like eyes full of reluctance and nostalgia, "Ali, Ade, I still remember when Dad played with you guys. game?"

"Please close your eyes when it's dark! Turn around and count down in your heart, from ten to one, and then come to me, whoever finds it first... Then Dad will tell the story tonight!"

"Remember... Ade, don't peek..."

"Don't peek..."

"Don't peek..."

The long voice echoed in the forest, until there was no more sound.