The Divine Hunter

Chapter 94: Aftermath


"click, click, click"

Two figures got out of the woods one after the other, holding a naked, five- or six-year-old child in their arms.

The tender skin of these two children was covered with blood, and their small faces carved with jade were pale. At this moment, the small body is curled up like a baby, as if in a nightmare, and the closed eyelids are shaking like electric shock from time to time.

Aaron's blood splattered on his back, and the two children fell unconscious in an instant, without seeing the scene of their father's tragic death.

It's a small consolation.

"There is obviously a blood of the sun. If we know how to refine the universal antidote, Aaron doesn't have to die."

"There are not so many ifs. This is Aaron's fate. He broke his promise to the priestess. Death is the punishment he deserves."

Roy agreed with him, but staring at the newly added record, his eyes and nose were twisted into a ball, and there was a strong sadness, "Kill the cursed - Aaron the werewolf, experience +200, witcher lv4 (800/ 2000)”.

This is the most tangled time for him to gain experience, not the body, but the mind.

There is no doubt that the werewolf is not an innocent person, he has broken his oath, and it can even be said that he will avenge his revenge! But his love for children is sincere and sincere, representing the good side.

"Little devil, why are you sad? This man chose to redeem himself." The witcher sighed suddenly, "And you didn't see it? He was determined to live and die."

Most of the people in the acrobatic troupe who went out to search for Aaron have returned, and they are covered with light blood, especially the Zerekan girl Cantila lazily stroking the sharp scimitar, her eyes flashing, like a head full of hunting after a meal. A meal of female beasts.

When Roy and the witcher came back, the two strange children in their arms immediately attracted everyone's attention. The women cleaned their bodies maternally, found two more blankets to wrap them in, and used a campfire to dry and warm their cold bodies.

"We got rid of a few water ghosts in the swamp, but unfortunately we haven't found the mark left by the boss. Master Leto, what is the situation with you, where did you find the two children?"

The witcher and Roy exchanged glances, and they had discussed it many times on the way, but finally decided to tell the truth as Aaron asked, although it might get burned.

"The real situation is like this, everyone should be mentally prepared..."

After a long talk.

The expressions of the sea scorpions were different. Some people thought that the witcher and Roy joined forces to kill Aaron, but they could not explain the origin of the child; Trapped in an unknown panic; some people were shocked and slowly accepted their words.

Fortunately, the main members of the sea scorpions are believers, and they have more or less discovered some of Aaron's suspicious behaviors, but they have not exposed them.

"I always feel that Ade, Ali and the boss are too intimate and tacit understanding. It turned out to be his own flesh and blood... No, now they are orphans. The boss is a competent father... But after so many years of friendship, I'm afraid we don't understand him , why don't you tell us the truth directly?" Aveline's eyes were red, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she wiped the crystals at the corners of her eyes sadly.

"Probably don't want us to be sad. The boss is always like this, thinking of others... He takes Ali out to hunt food every night, and is actually protecting everyone secretly." Cantila gritted her silver teeth and sighed, "What about monsters, The Zerekans make friends whether he is a human or a ghost!"

Amos, who had been listening quietly, suddenly said, "The boss is weird, but he has never done anything that would harm the interests of the sea scorpions. He deserves this leader! But I don't believe in witchers!"

He suddenly turned his head and stared at Roy and asked them fiercely, "As far as I know, witchers are cold-blooded and ruthless, and will never let any inhuman creature go. I don't believe you are willing to help a werewolf! You lied to the boss, And killed him?!"

"We killed people to satisfy his wishes." The witcher glanced at Amos indifferently, "He is willing to use his life to atone for his sins and give his two children a new life."

"When I was discussing the Gwent cards with Your Excellency, I found out that Your Excellency is afraid that there is something wrong here." Roy pointed to his head and interjected, "You think we deceived him, and then run back stupidly and make up a ridiculous story. ? Then I ask you, is it possible that the children of Ali and Ade were conjured out of thin air?"

"Uh..." Amos' eyes froze for a moment, he wanted to say something, but Aveline glared fiercely and swallowed the words back in his stomach.

"I believe them," Aveline sighed. "With the character of the boss, he can indeed do such a thing... Now the top priority is to deal with the funeral of the boss, and he must not be left exposed like this."

"His body is still over there," Aaron returned to his human appearance after Roy beheaded him, "I'll show you guys later."

"But according to Aaron's last words, I hope you can burn the body on the spot and take his ashes with him. If you have the opportunity to return to the vicinity of the Rivendell Valley in the future, you will sprinkle it into the Nevi... His wife Sheena is also buried there. in the river."

The people of the sea scorpion were moved when they heard the words,

"The boss won't tell others about this kind of thing at will." Aveline concluded, "There is nothing to doubt now."

"Just understand," the boy sighed. "Actually, Aaron's body has been tortured by the curse, and he has long wanted to reunite with his wife in another world."

The acrobatic troupe stayed in place for two days, retrieved Aaron's body, burned it with the flame of the wood and the Igni Sign of the witcher for a long time, barely burned into a pile of broken bones, and collected it.

The entire wagon team was gloomy and gloomy, and they all mourned for the former boss for a quarter of an hour, and many people's eyes were red.

"Okay, the deceased is gone, the boss will definitely be able to reunite with his wife in the goddess' kingdom... The most urgent task, we should discuss, how to arrange Ali and Ade?"

"Of course, stay in the group and take care of everyone together!" Cantila patted her plump chest and blurted out.

"Also, Sea Scorpion must choose a new leader as soon as possible! He must be dignified and convincing!" Amos couldn't help but stand up. For a moment, everyone glared at him, and his neck shrank back.

"Aaron explained it before he died, and the position of the head of the group was handed over to Evelyn to succeed him."

After Roy said this, everyone present had different expressions, and most of them accepted it readily, but Amos was a little unwilling.

But it was useless for him to oppose it alone, and the matter was settled.

The Joker took the Fire Eater's arm and took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and stammered pleadingly, "As you all know, Corinthian and I have been in love for many years, but unfortunately we can't have the crystallization of love. We both have always regretted, Very helpless."

Floz's tone became excited, and his ugly face flushed with excitement, "The boss has always taken care of us and treated us like family. We are grateful to him, and we have no chance to repay, but today ... If you don't object, Colin and I want to adopt Ali and Ade, and repay the kindness of Aaron's boss, which can be regarded as a fulfillment of our wishes. We will definitely treat them as our own and take care of them in every possible way!"

"Yes, yes!" said the rough voice of the clown's partner, Corinthian, in a panic.

"Please help us!" Two figures, one tall and one short, held hands and bowed heavily to the crowd. Their heads were about to drop to the ground, and they didn't get up for a long time.

"Forehead… "

Everyone present was caught off guard. Although they did not discriminate against the same-sex couple, they subconsciously felt that the two were different from normal couples.

How could they rashly adopt a pair of Aaron's children.

Everyone was very tangled, Ai Fulin and Amos hesitated, wanting to refuse but worrying about hurting them both.

Roy observed for a while and took the initiative to relieve them. "Ade and Ali are in complicated situations and are not suitable for adoption by any ordinary person. They have been living in the form of tea falcons and owls for five years. Personalities are quite different from ordinary people. For example, owls rest during the day and noisy at night, feeding on voles, other small animals, and insects. And the tea falcon likes the feeling of rushing down from the sky... Can you understand it?"

"And Aaron's original intention was for you to send the two children to the Elland Meritelli Temple... It's a good place, with many kind and gentle people."