The Divine Hunter

Chapter 97: Farewell for now


After saying goodbye to Kramer, the two walked along the long bluestone street at the city gate. Under the dense buildings along the street, the hawkers were shouting loudly one after another.

"Magic plaster! Ancestral magic plaster! It treats all kinds of spots and scabies. There is no semicolon in this family!"

"Amulet and elixir will make you rejuvenate and rejuvenate, and you will be one year younger every day! The ecstasy potion will make you look like a fairy. As long as you drink it, the dead in the coffin will be able to rejuvenate the second spring!"

"Cat! Rat-catcher cat! Magic civet cat! Ladies and gentlemen passing by, listen to its beautiful meowing. Smoking cats every day will make you feel happy and live longer!"

"Toothache is not a disease. It hurts to death! Tooth extraction, tooth extraction, almost painless! Cheap, very cheap!"

"How cheap is it?" Roy stood in front of the tooth extractor. He was curious how this guy could work with a chair, a bottle of spirits, and a rope

"10 copper coins per hour!" The lean tooth extractor winked at him, showing his yellow and black teeth.

The two escaped from the unreliable long street, and they met with the sea scorpion crowd within a few steps. Then a group of people hired a local guide and found a quiet and affordable "big house" on a remote street. Belly" stayed in the hotel.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, half of the empty seats were occupied by the members of the Sea Scorpion. The boss in front of the wine cabinet was about to smile, while Evelyn, who was the temporary head of the group, stroked her temples with a frown.

"The cost of the big city is outrageous. After deducting everyone's accommodation expenses, the money left by Captain Aaron is almost used up. We can't eat so much anymore! Candy, you will take a few people to investigate later. Go to the local square and crowded places to see if you can use the venue to start a performance."

The female leopard-like Cantila's slender and fit thighs rested on the table without hesitation, "No problem, eldest sister!"

"The rest of the brothers and sisters have a rest today. After running around for more than a week, everyone is tired."

So the members of the sea scorpion dispersed, playing cards, playing cards, drinking and drinking, and seeking pleasure.

"When you arrive in Ellander, what are your plans next? Are you... going to leave with Master Letho?" Evelyn gave Roy a soft look - it didn't seem to contain any impurities, sister doesn't She's gaze.

Roy nodded stiffly.

"My sister has been wandering around the world with the acrobatic troupe for a few years, and finally met a little brother who can talk to each other, but now it's time to separate."

As he said that, the warm catkins wrapped around his arms like two snakes, and the thin red lips exuded a faint fragrance.

"Witchers face dangerous monsters all day long, how terrifying. Otherwise, you can stay with your sister at Sea Scorpion to learn acrobatics. Master Leto, one more apprentice is not much, and one less apprentice is a lot, and you don't account for it. Compared to this one?" She smiled playfully at the witcher.

"Uh..." The soft touch made Roy a little lost, but it could only make him stunned for a second, after all, he was a demon hunter of the Lord's will.

He pretended to be superficial, "Sister Evelyn, I miss you too..." Then he felt that the woman pulled him forward, and his head fell into her arms by accident, "Well... so this is a woman's. Taste, am I daydreaming?"

His head was dizzy, as if he was in a soft and elastic cloud, and his nose was full of fragrant aroma, which was intoxicating.

He clearly felt the warm embrace trembling slightly, but when he looked up, he saw Ai Fulin's pretty face was flushed, as beautiful as flowers.

Lesso on the side watched the farce of the two people, clasped his hands with a half-smile, and expressed his attitude very generously, "Roy, I respect your choice, if you plan to be an acrobat, then I don't either. will force you."

The word compulsion accentuated his tone, and Roy had a premonition that the witcher was chasing down traitors with dozens of long steel swords behind him.

The body trembled involuntarily.

The hero of Wenrou Township, but fortunately he was not old enough to fall into it. He sat upright and lifted his spirits, holding the woman's soft weed, "Thank you for your kindness, but if this guy doesn't have my help, maybe When will I die in the wild and be devoured by wild beasts, so…”

"Ah... Then take care of you in the future." The woman sighed softly, lowered her head and said nothing.

"By the way, those two little guys are still sleeping?" Roy changed the subject embarrassedly. The sea scorpion crowd huddled around Ali and Ade for a few days, but instead completely messed up the biological clocks of the two children. Often, he is still noisy one moment ago, and the next moment he closes his eyes, he starts snoring.

Evelyn regained her composure, but her eyes were still a little unwilling, "We have to find a suitable place for our two children. The acrobatic troupe has no fixed place and has no conditions to take care of the two children. According to Boss Aaron's last words, the city Outer Meritelli Temple is a good place, but I would like to see if there is a more professional institution."

"Maybe we can meet at the temple!"

"Lesso, why do I feel that Sister Evelyn's attitude towards me is a little strange, tell me it's an illusion."

Lesuo rubbed his chin, as if he had discovered something incredible, "Little devil, have you ever wondered? Is it really the season of estrus, when your mind is full of Naikos and ass, and it's not easy to use?"

"Enough! Don't make fun of me all the time!" Roy lowered his right hand at the big man, and slowly closed his fingers in the air, as if to crush something, he gritted his teeth and said, "I just rejected the 'huge' temptation , stand firm on your side!"

"Your feeling is not unreasonable, Ms. Evelyn is indeed courting you." The witcher nodded in satisfaction, "The reproductive capacity of the elves is extremely low, far inferior to that of humans. What's worse, only a certain Only young people of that age can reproduce. And you happen to be a young elf half-blood, and Aveline is an unmarried female elf of the right age."

The elves are elegant and long-lived, but they are actually quite bold.

Roy has heard of it - the elves on the battlefield will do that kind of crazy things with their comrades around them before they die in battle, venting their fear of death.

"Am I not that old yet?"

"As a quarter elf, your growth and development is not much slower than that of a human being, and you will mature in a few years. Then you will live a long time, and your face is just fine, barely in line with the elf's aesthetic." Leto looked at him furiously. , "Speaking of which, Ms. Aveline has a good figure, delicate appearance, and gentle personality. She is an uncompromising beauty. You don't want to be tempted, and you don't want to consider staying?"

Thinking of that big and soft Roy couldn't help his heart rippling. He shook his head at will to dispel the reverie in his mind. After taking the blood of the sun, there was indeed something wrong with his body. This uncontrolled hormone gave him a toothache.

"Forget it, I still prefer to hunt monsters."

"Wipe off your saliva!" The witcher stood up with a cane on his back. "It's time to get rid of the things in your space bag, and then go shopping and replenish the alchemy supplies. Let's go to the temple."