The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 4: Impersonate yourself as the county magistrate


"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

Seeing Li Mu's gaze, the couple showed a kind smile on their faces.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

The kindness of the two apricots made Li Mu have a good impression of alien planets.

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

The people on the alien planet are really friendly and honest.

There was a young couple nearby.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

About two hours later.

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

Because of a guilty conscience.

County government lobby.

Of course, it would be nice to be a county magistrate as soon as you travel through time.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

Are you going to step down

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

As soon as the little book boy Qingfeng came up to show his identity, the leader, Du Tou, covered his nose and glanced at the three of them, "Damn, where did these three beggars come from? They are dirty and smelly. They are so unlucky. Get out of here... We have arrived in the city." Don't do anything wrong here, or I'll break your dog legs..." Then he ordered people to drive Li Mu and three people directly into the city.

Seeing Li Mu's gaze, the couple showed a kind smile on their faces.

what's the situation

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

The scenery is beautiful, and it's easy to get lost while wandering around.

what's the situation

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

The little book boy Qingfeng Mingyue on the side covered her face in shame.

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

"My Yaya."

Of course, it would be nice to be a county magistrate as soon as you travel through time.

Then a burst of laughter soon came from outside.

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

Because of a guilty conscience.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

The people on the alien planet are really friendly and honest.

The new county magistrate has taken office. Don't you know the current situation of the county government

He came to this planet to practice martial arts. Everything that happened before proved that what the old magic stick said was true. Xiantian Kung Fu and Zhenwu Fist are very likely to have the power of an immortal, and it is also possible on this planet. It can be practiced.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

Li Mu sighed with tears in his eyes.

County government lobby.

The couple's two animal skins and half a frame of mountain apricot were taken away. They were angry and dared not speak out, so they took their children and went into the city.

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

The kindness of the two apricots made Li Mu have a good impression of alien planets.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

Moreover, one can see the whole picture at a glance, which shows that the administration of the Western Qin Empire did not look very good.

"See the magistrate."

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

He came to this planet to practice martial arts. Everything that happened before proved that what the old magic stick said was true. Xiantian Kung Fu and Zhenwu Fist are very likely to have the power of an immortal, and it is also possible on this planet. It can be practiced.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

About two hours later.

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

Soon the young couple and Yaya arrived at the city gate.

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

Half an hour later.

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

Li Mu sat on the official chair with an expressionless face.

Li Mu crossed his legs on the official chair with a nonchalant look on his face, and even smiled.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

The scenery is beautiful, and it's easy to get lost while wandering around.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

The couple's two animal skins and half a frame of mountain apricot were taken away. They were angry and dared not speak out, so they took their children and went into the city.

As soon as the little book boy Qingfeng came up to show his identity, the leader, Du Tou, covered his nose and glanced at the three of them, "Damn, where did these three beggars come from? They are dirty and smelly. They are so unlucky. Get out of here... We have arrived in the city." Don't do anything wrong here, or I'll break your dog legs..." Then he ordered people to drive Li Mu and three people directly into the city.

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.


The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

Half an hour later.

Finally arrived in front of Li Mu and the others.

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

Soon the young couple and Yaya arrived at the city gate.

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.


Because of a guilty conscience.

"not see."

"Xiaoguan Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of this county." The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

As soon as the little book boy Qingfeng came up to show his identity, the leader, Du Tou, covered his nose and glanced at the three of them, "Damn, where did these three beggars come from? They are dirty and smelly. They are so unlucky. Get out of here... We have arrived in the city." Don't do anything wrong here, or I'll break your dog legs..." Then he ordered people to drive Li Mu and three people directly into the city.

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

Taibai County is a mountain city.

Because of a guilty conscience.

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

County government lobby.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

There was a young couple nearby.

County government lobby.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

Li Mu nodded calmly and said, "I am very tired after a long journey. Let's talk about government affairs later... You guys leave first."

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

Moreover, one can see the whole picture at a glance, which shows that the administration of the Western Qin Empire did not look very good.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

There are three more capitals under the envoy, namely, the Yamenweidutou is responsible for the defense of the county government, the Bingweidutou is responsible for arresting and pursuing criminals, and the Minweidutou is in charge of the Minzhuang militia. The division of labor on earth is roughly equivalent to The same is true for the armed police, criminal police and militia.

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

Are you going to step down

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

After all, Li Mu pretended to be a literary scholar who had passed the imperial scientific examination. He was definitely a knowledgeable master who was familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. However, as a time traveler, Li Mu was familiar with most official common sense in this world. Nothing.

Half an hour later.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

Otherwise, too much words will lead to mistakes.

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

Qingfeng Mingyue's little face on the side was filled with speechlessness.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

"See the magistrate."

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

He didn't want to worry about these people's attitudes.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

Are you going to step down

Then a burst of laughter soon came from outside.

The scenery is beautiful, and it's easy to get lost while wandering around.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

About two hours later.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

what's the situation

Moreover, one can see the whole picture at a glance, which shows that the administration of the Western Qin Empire did not look very good.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

Finally arrived in front of Li Mu and the others.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

The people on the alien planet are really friendly and honest.

The kindness of the two apricots made Li Mu have a good impression of alien planets.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

"My Yaya."

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

Because of a guilty conscience.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

As long as the two great magical skills can be practiced - no, even if they are just a little beginner, their power can sweep across this low-level martial arts planet. Even the emperors of the three empires and the heads of the nine divine sects will tremble under Li Mu's feet. , What is a small county magistrate? By that time, wouldn’t money, beautiful women, high officials, and generous salaries be readily available

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

There are three reasons.

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

The people on the alien planet are really friendly and honest.

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

There are three more capitals under the envoy, namely, the Yamenweidutou is responsible for the defense of the county government, the Bingweidutou is responsible for arresting and pursuing criminals, and the Minweidutou is in charge of the Minzhuang militia. The division of labor on earth is roughly equivalent to The same is true for the armed police, criminal police and militia.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."


Seeing Li Mu's gaze, the couple showed a kind smile on their faces.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

Of course, it would be nice to be a county magistrate as soon as you travel through time.

Of course, it would be nice to be a county magistrate as soon as you travel through time.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

He didn't want to worry about these people's attitudes.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

There are three reasons.

After all, Li Mu pretended to be a literary scholar who had passed the imperial scientific examination. He was definitely a knowledgeable master who was familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. However, as a time traveler, Li Mu was familiar with most official common sense in this world. Nothing.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

The little book boy Qingfeng Mingyue on the side covered her face in shame.

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

He didn't want to worry about these people's attitudes.

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

There are three reasons.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

As soon as the little book boy Qingfeng came up to show his identity, the leader, Du Tou, covered his nose and glanced at the three of them, "Damn, where did these three beggars come from? They are dirty and smelly. They are so unlucky. Get out of here... We have arrived in the city." Don't do anything wrong here, or I'll break your dog legs..." Then he ordered people to drive Li Mu and three people directly into the city.

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

"See the magistrate."

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

"Hey, wait a minute, what about Zhou..." Li Mu suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the county magistrate Zhou Wu.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

Half an hour later.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

"See the magistrate."

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

Taibai County is a mountain city.

After all, he is an alien.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

County government lobby.

There are three reasons.

There was a young couple nearby.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.


After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

Li Mu sat on the official chair with an expressionless face.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.


"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

"Sir, since the former county magistrate Mr. Lu resigned a year ago to seek justice, Taibai County has been without a county magistrate for a year, and there are a mountain of unapproved documents and files in the county government..." A man who looked slightly fat and looked like a member of the Communist Party of China The middle-aged man, who looked like a foreigner, bowed and smiled, and said: "Xiaoguan has prepared various records of events, documents, official documents, and cases that have happened in the county in the past year. Your Excellency, you can take a look at it now." Review…”

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

After all, Li Mu pretended to be a literary scholar who had passed the imperial scientific examination. He was definitely a knowledgeable master who was familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. However, as a time traveler, Li Mu was familiar with most official common sense in this world. Nothing.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

Finally arrived in front of Li Mu and the others.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

Li Mu sat on the official chair with an expressionless face.

He didn't want to worry about these people's attitudes.

County government lobby.

Li Mu sighed with tears in his eyes.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

After all, he is an alien.

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

Otherwise, too much words will lead to mistakes.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

Because of a guilty conscience.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

Qingfeng Mingyue's little face on the side was filled with speechlessness.

Moreover, one can see the whole picture at a glance, which shows that the administration of the Western Qin Empire did not look very good.

The people on the alien planet are really friendly and honest.

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

After all, Li Mu pretended to be a literary scholar who had passed the imperial scientific examination. He was definitely a knowledgeable master who was familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. However, as a time traveler, Li Mu was familiar with most official common sense in this world. Nothing.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

"My Yaya."

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

There are three more capitals under the envoy, namely, the Yamenweidutou is responsible for the defense of the county government, the Bingweidutou is responsible for arresting and pursuing criminals, and the Minweidutou is in charge of the Minzhuang militia. The division of labor on earth is roughly equivalent to The same is true for the armed police, criminal police and militia.

Half an hour later.


The kindness of the two apricots made Li Mu have a good impression of alien planets.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

The couple's two animal skins and half a frame of mountain apricot were taken away. They were angry and dared not speak out, so they took their children and went into the city.

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

Li Mu crossed his legs on the official chair with a nonchalant look on his face, and even smiled.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

There are three reasons.

what's the situation

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

Are you going to step down

"Sir, since the former county magistrate Mr. Lu resigned a year ago to seek justice, Taibai County has been without a county magistrate for a year, and there are a mountain of unapproved documents and files in the county government..." A man who looked slightly fat and looked like a member of the Communist Party of China The middle-aged man, who looked like a foreigner, bowed and smiled, and said: "Xiaoguan has prepared various records of events, documents, official documents, and cases that have happened in the county in the past year. Your Excellency, you can take a look at it now." Review…”

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

Although I successfully entered the county seat, the feeling of being despised is really unpleasant.

The new county magistrate has taken office. Don't you know the current situation of the county government

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

Then a burst of laughter soon came from outside.

Li Mu crossed his legs on the official chair with a nonchalant look on his face, and even smiled.

"Sir, since the former county magistrate Mr. Lu resigned a year ago to seek justice, Taibai County has been without a county magistrate for a year, and there are a mountain of unapproved documents and files in the county government..." A man who looked slightly fat and looked like a member of the Communist Party of China The middle-aged man, who looked like a foreigner, bowed and smiled, and said: "Xiaoguan has prepared various records of events, documents, official documents, and cases that have happened in the county in the past year. Your Excellency, you can take a look at it now." Review…”

Are you going to step down


Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

"Sir, since the former county magistrate Mr. Lu resigned a year ago to seek justice, Taibai County has been without a county magistrate for a year, and there are a mountain of unapproved documents and files in the county government..." A man who looked slightly fat and looked like a member of the Communist Party of China The middle-aged man, who looked like a foreigner, bowed and smiled, and said: "Xiaoguan has prepared various records of events, documents, official documents, and cases that have happened in the county in the past year. Your Excellency, you can take a look at it now." Review…”

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

He didn't want to worry about these people's attitudes.

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

Seeing Li Mu's gaze, the couple showed a kind smile on their faces.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

"Xiaoguan Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of this county." The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

The new county magistrate has taken office. Don't you know the current situation of the county government

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

There are three reasons.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

There were two bamboo baskets at her feet.

The scenery is beautiful, and it's easy to get lost while wandering around.

Half an hour later.

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

Li Mu nodded calmly and said, "I am very tired after a long journey. Let's talk about government affairs later... You guys leave first."

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

"Xiaoguan Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of this county." The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

Otherwise, too much words will lead to mistakes.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

Qingfeng Mingyue's little face on the side was filled with speechlessness.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

County government lobby.

About two hours later.

"not see."

"Hey, wait a minute, what about Zhou..." Li Mu suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the county magistrate Zhou Wu.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

The couple's two animal skins and half a frame of mountain apricot were taken away. They were angry and dared not speak out, so they took their children and went into the city.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

The new county magistrate has taken office. Don't you know the current situation of the county government

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

"My Yaya."

Half an hour later.

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

After all, he is an alien.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

These two golden mountain apricots were big and sweet, and could barely satisfy their hunger. Li Mu ate one himself, and the two little book boys Qingfeng Mingyue shared one.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

"See the magistrate."

Because of a guilty conscience.

Then a burst of laughter soon came from outside.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

Are you going to step down

Are you going to step down

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

The little book boy Qingfeng Mingyue on the side covered her face in shame.

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

Are you going to step down

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

"See the magistrate."

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

"Sir, since the former county magistrate Mr. Lu resigned a year ago to seek justice, Taibai County has been without a county magistrate for a year, and there are a mountain of unapproved documents and files in the county government..." A man who looked slightly fat and looked like a member of the Communist Party of China The middle-aged man, who looked like a foreigner, bowed and smiled, and said: "Xiaoguan has prepared various records of events, documents, official documents, and cases that have happened in the county in the past year. Your Excellency, you can take a look at it now." Review…”

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

There was a young couple nearby.

Li Mu crossed his legs on the official chair with a nonchalant look on his face, and even smiled.

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

Of course, it would be nice to be a county magistrate as soon as you travel through time.

There was a young couple nearby.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

After all, Li Mu pretended to be a literary scholar who had passed the imperial scientific examination. He was definitely a knowledgeable master who was familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. However, as a time traveler, Li Mu was familiar with most official common sense in this world. Nothing.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

After all, he is an alien.

Li Mu nodded calmly and said, "I am very tired after a long journey. Let's talk about government affairs later... You guys leave first."

County government lobby.

After all, he is an alien.

He came to this planet to practice martial arts. Everything that happened before proved that what the old magic stick said was true. Xiantian Kung Fu and Zhenwu Fist are very likely to have the power of an immortal, and it is also possible on this planet. It can be practiced.

"not see."

Li Mu crossed his legs on the official chair with a nonchalant look on his face, and even smiled.

As long as the two great magical skills can be practiced - no, even if they are just a little beginner, their power can sweep across this low-level martial arts planet. Even the emperors of the three empires and the heads of the nine divine sects will tremble under Li Mu's feet. , What is a small county magistrate? By that time, wouldn’t money, beautiful women, high officials, and generous salaries be readily available

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

As long as the two great magical skills can be practiced - no, even if they are just a little beginner, their power can sweep across this low-level martial arts planet. Even the emperors of the three empires and the heads of the nine divine sects will tremble under Li Mu's feet. , What is a small county magistrate? By that time, wouldn’t money, beautiful women, high officials, and generous salaries be readily available

The city is dotted with ancient trees, whose crowns are like canopies, often hundreds of years old.

"Xiaoguan Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of this county." The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

County government lobby.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

County government lobby.

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

Only by entering it can you feel the charm of this ancient city even more.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

Finally arrived in front of Li Mu and the others.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

Oh, County Magistrate, that’s the Deputy County Magistrate.

About two hours later.

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

"No need to be polite, please step aside..."

Qingfeng Mingyue's little face on the side was filled with speechlessness.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

As soon as the three people came to the door, a government servant came over cursingly: "Three stinky beggars, in the county government's land, idle people should leave. If you don't want to die, get away..." He looked very fierce and bad.

There are three more capitals under the envoy, namely, the Yamenweidutou is responsible for the defense of the county government, the Bingweidutou is responsible for arresting and pursuing criminals, and the Minweidutou is in charge of the Minzhuang militia. The division of labor on earth is roughly equivalent to The same is true for the armed police, criminal police and militia.

Classmate Li Mu, who was imagining a bright future, couldn't help but laugh wildly while sitting in his official chair.

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

"Um, I... I'm a little hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some food and bring it to the back office." Li Mu tried his best to act as matter-of-factly as he said, "I want some wine and meat."

Soon the young couple and Yaya arrived at the city gate.

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

"Xiaoguan Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of this county." The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

Seeing Li Mu's gaze, the couple showed a kind smile on their faces.

Otherwise, too much words will lead to mistakes.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

Half an hour later.

Several main roads are paved with Taibai Mountain's specialty bluestone, which is smooth and flat, comparable to asphalt roads on earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or curves, twisting and turning, shuttling between mountains and rivers, like a landscape garden. , several rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from high to low, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not large and crystal clear.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, classmate Li Mu decided to go with the flow and temporarily pretend to be the magistrate of Taibai County.

"My Yaya."

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

There was a young couple nearby.

A group of civil servants were a little confused.

Li Mu and the two little bookboys couldn't control themselves at all, so they started eating in the lobby of the county government office. They ate as much as Juan Canyun, and their stomachs almost burst. They were like reincarnations of starving ghosts, and they ate the food next to them. Several government officials were dumbfounded.

Then a group of officials walked out of the county government hall.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

"not see."

Moreover, one can see the whole picture at a glance, which shows that the administration of the Western Qin Empire did not look very good.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to talk too much with these guys.

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.

Half an hour later.

Finally arrived in front of Li Mu and the others.

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

One is because he has offended that Blood Moon Gang and will definitely be hunted down. Now he has no ability to protect himself. The other is that through communication with the book boy Qingfeng, he learned that in the Western Qin Empire, black households without household registration will be punished by the government. The third reason for becoming a slave is even simpler. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on earth and has no survival skills. If he wanders around, he will starve to death in a few days.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

The interrogating soldiers looked like veterans, with loose armor and a greedy look on their faces. They were blatantly asking for money. Anyone who entered the city would be deprived of something. It was like plucking the hair of a goose.

Li Mu entered the city, looking back three times at the city gate, dumbfounded.

The envoy is equivalent to the chief of public security on earth.

The little book boy Qingfeng Mingyue on the side covered her face in shame.

But I heard from him that the former county magistrate actually resigned to seek enlightenment? What the hell is this

There are three more capitals under the envoy, namely, the Yamenweidutou is responsible for the defense of the county government, the Bingweidutou is responsible for arresting and pursuing criminals, and the Minweidutou is in charge of the Minzhuang militia. The division of labor on earth is roughly equivalent to The same is true for the armed police, criminal police and militia.

The man is in his early thirties, with a burly build, a bearded face, and a resolute and rugged expression. He is carrying a three-prong hunting steel fork, and is carrying several freshly peeled mountain animal skins with blood stains on his back. He is dressed like a hunter, and The woman is younger, about 23 or 24 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is holding an unweaned baby in her arms. Although this woman is wearing a Jingchai cloth skirt and is poor, she can't hide her elegant temperament. , at first glance, it gives people a sense of surprise, not like a poor family, but like a lady.

About half an hour later, Zhouxian Cheng sent someone to deliver a table of delicious food. As expected, there was wine, meat, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and rivers.

"Oh." The look of surprise on County Cheng Zhou Wu's face faded, and an imperceptible look of disdain flashed from the depths of his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "Mom asked me to send it here." She said and pointed to the side.

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

"You stupid people, how dare you scold my young master? Believe it or not, my young master will punch you to death..." The violent and stupid book girl put her hands on her hips, and Mingyue scolded her back without any sign of weakness: "You are so contemptuous of others. Damn, my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you bastards, why don’t you hurry up and greet the magistrate!"

what's the situation

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

There are three reasons.

Li Mu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Who are you?"

Li Mu took two book boys and asked for directions while climbing the mountain. It took him half a day to reach the county government gate located at the highest point of the county.

Li Mu sighed with tears in his eyes.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that exude a subtle fruity fragrance. They must be wild fruits picked from the mountains and brought to the city to be sold in the market for money.

what's the situation

The scenery is beautiful, and it's easy to get lost while wandering around.

After hearing this, all the officials, big and small, looked up at Li Mu with different expressions. Some were disappointed, some were happy, some were contemptuous, and some were silent. They saluted again and walked out in order.

"not see."

Li Mu sighed with tears in his eyes.

The division of labor among county-level administrative units in the Western Qin Empire was very simple and clear. Under the county magistrate, there were three deputy county-level bureaucrats, namely the county magistrate in charge of county administration, the chief bookkeeper in charge of money, grain and taxation, and the magistrate in charge of military equipment. make.

Li Mu sat on the official chair with an expressionless face.

Li Mu nodded calmly and said, "I am very tired after a long journey. Let's talk about government affairs later... You guys leave first."

The head of the Yamen Guards, Ma Junwu, is responsible for the defense layout of the county government. As usual, he must ask the county magistrate for instructions.

"My Yaya."

Qingfeng Mingyue's little face on the side was filled with speechlessness.

Li Mu refused to ask for a meeting without hesitation and asked the little book boy Qingfeng to deal with it.

County government lobby.

Obviously, the young master's behavior just now while sitting on the official chair has become a joke among his colleagues, and will soon spread among the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really a sign that the three fires of the new official's appointment have not yet started. , just lose your ugliness first.

"Thank you." Li Mu imitated the ancients and cupped his hands, then took the mountain apricot from the little girl's hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, little sister, what's your name?"

The latter's heart trembled, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Li Mu.

The new county magistrate has taken office. Don't you know the current situation of the county government

When this county magistrate just wants to survive, he doesn't care at all about so-called rights.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

After dinner, Ma Junwu, the head of the county government's defense department, came to see him, saying that he wanted to ask for instructions on the county government's defense arrangements.

He himself immediately hid in the back office.

Although he was just a rookie, he could tell that the members of the county government didn't have much respect or fear for him as the new county magistrate. However, the previous government officials who had been silent were a little frightened. , now kneeling on the outermost edge and shivering.

At the gate of the county government office, there were two teams of government officials guarding it.

The little book boy Qingfeng Mingyue on the side covered her face in shame.

The young master is so hopeless that he is actually going crazy with joy.

After verifying the appointment letter and official seal, a group of civil servants and military attachés with different expressions bowed their heads and paid homage to the new magistrate in unison.

The teams entering the city advance in order.

There are three reasons.

The kindness of the two apricots made Li Mu have a good impression of alien planets.