The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 44: Draw your sword and chop


However, Li Mu is now very satisfied with the effect of this incarnation.

Li Mu stopped practicing his sword.

After thinking about it, he brought a long-handled plain knife, and kept some of the wire hook locks, phosphorus bombs and other things that he had collected from the noble master Li Bing, just in case. Li Mu had prepared all these, and started from the practice room. Walk out of the secret door.

It's late at night.

Li Mu sat there for a full two hours, suddenly stood up, and then in a flash, he took off the long-handled plain knife from the weapon rack and assumed a standing posture with the knife put away.

This is a bit of his bad taste.

In other words, Li Mu's understanding of martial arts in this world has improved qualitatively.

After making the move [Drawing Sword and Cutting], Li Mu stopped again, thinking carefully, reflecting, speculating, and deducing.

Li Mu's figure flashed, and the second form of [Zhenwu Fist], [Chaotic Cone], activated his body lightening technique. Like a wisp of smoke, he instantly disappeared into the dense forest outside the backyard of the county government office.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank that noble young man Li Bing. He is the youngest son of the magistrate of Chang'an Prefecture. Hahaha, he is so aware of being an NPC little boss. He took the initiative to send him all the way to Taibai County to show off and be slapped in the face. , offering equipment skills and experience points, haha, it’s like a timely rain from an alien planet!”

The former old county magistrate put a lot of effort into building the houya. The weapons and the eighteen kinds of weapons are all made of the finest stainless steel, which are considered treasures. Even the training room is equipped with a secret door. This is what Li Mu is doing these days. What I discovered was that I walked out of the secret door of the practice room and arrived outside the backyard of the county government office.

These gains, similar to insights, must be digested and integrated as soon as possible before they can truly be transformed into one's own combat power.

The only flaw in [Muscle-Replacing-Bone Transformation Technique], or the flaw caused by Li Mu's current control over his own muscles and bones, is that the time he can transform into another person can only last about eight hours. , over time, muscles stiffen and bones shift, and they will return to their original appearance.

Li Mu was secretly amazed.

Before, what he understood was theory.

The movie "Lord of Destruction" starring Stephen Chow is also one of Li Mu's favorite movies. He is a true star fan, and the arrogant Japanese karate master in this movie is also very popular. A unique character, cold-blooded and serious, with funny expressions. Li Mu simply named his incarnation Duan Shui Shui.

Li Mu returned to his original appearance, sat cross-legged on the futon in the practice room, closed his eyes, and began to recall in his mind the process of fighting against many martial arts masters today.

Facts have proven that actual combat is always one of the best ways for a warrior to improve himself.

On earth, among the Japanese swordsmanship, there is a very terrifying swordsmanship called [Iai Slash]. It is about when the sword is not unsheathed, the sword and man become one, ready to attack, just like a reservoir storing water from a mountain torrent. At this time, the swordsman and swordsman are in a state where there is no flaw in the whole body, and the enemy cannot attack. When the essence, energy and spirit are united, the momentum reaches its peak. At that moment, it is like a mountain torrent breaking through the reservoir dam and erupting. The power, concentrated in one sword and one point, can destroy almost all opponents.

But that's enough.

Li Mu sat quietly, constantly rehearsing today's battle in his mind.

Today, what he understands is actual combat.

He came to the mirror in the practice room again and performed the [Muscle Transfer and Bone Transformation Technique], constantly changing his facial muscles and bones. This process was like squeezing a rubber man, bit by bit. He changed drastically and eventually became a completely different person.

The water is majestic and majestic, as if the eye of the sea is erupting. The sound of the falling water is like rolling thunder, which is extremely shocking.

"Haha, I am simply a genius. I can have endless incarnations. I can incarnate into different people. With one person's power, I can support the entire mystical master sect and scare these natives of the Chinese mainland to death. Hahaha Ha ha!"

Jumping off this cliff is the fastest way to the bottom of the mountain.

I want to add a chicken drumstick to Li Bing in prison.

The knife is out of its sheath.

It is really hard to imagine how such a spring could erupt in this rocky mountain wall.

Taibai County is built on the mountains. The sunny slopes are gentle, while the shady slopes are extremely steep.

With the [Zhenwu Fist] Light Body Technique, Li Mu was almost like a feather, floating down slowly at a very slow speed. Occasionally he would grab the vines and rest on the cliff, or directly insert his palms into the mountain wall. In the middle, he hung up to rest. He went back and forth several times and dropped nearly three to four hundred meters.

Then he struck again.

The emergence of [Muscle Replacement and Bone Transformation Method] is really timely.

Li Mu winked at the mirror.

Li Mu smiled.

As for the remaining four swords among the [Feng Yun Six Swordsmen], Li Mu simply gave up the plan to deduce them completely for the time being, because he found that with his current martial arts attainments, he might not be able to do this. ] and [Lightning Slash] have exhausted his understanding of martial arts. If he forcibly deduces the remaining four swords, he will probably deduce sword techniques that cannot match the first two swords.

The power of this sword is not inferior to [Lightning Slash].

I think it's because the waterfall is too far away from the top of the cliff, so when I was at the county government house in the past, I didn't hear the thunderous sound of the waterfall falling.

This time, the image created by Li Mu was that of a tall and tall old man with a powerful expression.

Li Mu almost didn't hesitate at all, and jumped towards the bottom of the cliff.

He turned around and put on another set of black warrior robes that he had secretly prepared in advance. He put a headband and a black square scarf on his head, and black matte soft armor. Then he took out the silver bow that he had secretly collected, and dyed the bow body with ink. Turning black, he put all the twenty large wolf-toothed arrows that matched the large bow into the quiver, wrapped them in black cloth and tied them behind his back.

"This is the image, hehe, the little elder of the sect."

Otherwise, as time goes by, no matter how profound the understanding is, it will be forgotten.

[Iai Slash] is one of the top secrets in Japanese swordsmanship and kendo.

"This world is full of spiritual energy. The landscape and geography cannot be measured by the physical dimensions of the earth. I don't know what kind of underground rivers and water are contained in this mountain wall. When I have time in the future, I can get close to this waterfall and observe it carefully. Maybe, just like what is said in Journey to the West, there is a water curtain cave hidden behind this waterfall."

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Mu's incarnation of Senior Brother Duan Shui Shui almost killed the wealthy gangsters one by one. There seemed to be no difference in all the processes, but in fact, for Li Mu himself, facing different situations A martial arts master, facing martial arts masters of different realms, his feelings and gains from using the sword are completely different.

The roar of the waterfall became clearer in my ears.

He was trying to control the expression of his mask muscles.

This was Li Mu's favorite saying when he was on Earth.

Countless great men on earth have told us that when theory and practice are combined, it will be the most terrifying time.

[Lightning Slash].

During the last retreat, Li Mu integrated many secret strategies of ninth-level martial arts and created his own [Six Swords of Wind and Cloud], among which [Drawing Sword Slash] and [Lightning Slash] were the most skillful and successful. In today's battle, from beginning to end, he It is a move [Lightning Slash], and the understanding of this move has simply reached an unprecedented level.

For the next full hour, Li Mu practiced these two moves.

The county government office is located on the top of the highest mountain in Taibai County, overlooking the whole city. Outside the back wall of the county government office's backyard is a dense forest overgrown with weeds. Walk along the dense forest for about a kilometer deep, and you will reach a shady slope. There is a cliff abyss shrouded in fog all day long. In the middle of the cliff, a spring of earthly river gushes out and roars down the cliff, forming nine waterfalls, which is a wonder.

Beyond the dense forest, the cliff and abyss are in front of you.

In the sky, two moons hung high, their light was cool, and it was a bright moonlit night.

This is a piece of information narrated by the little devil Qingfeng at the dinner table when he was cramming all kinds of astronomy, geography and personnel knowledge into Li Mu. Li Mu still remembers it so vividly that no matter how vivid the description is, it will not be as good as Seeing the Kowloon Falls with your own eyes is a clear and shocking picture.

It's time to prepare.

I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that everyone who is doing this is rubbish.

Li Mule's mouth almost twisted.

The next moment, a dreamlike sword light flashed through the void.

Of course he is not committing suicide, but is taking a shortcut down the mountain to intercept the possible attack from Qingfeng Village and completely eliminate the disaster before it hits Taibai County. The reason why he takes the shortcut is because he is going out as an avatar. , naturally cannot be known by others.

[Draw the sword and chop]!

Moreover, this change can only change the general body shape and some facial features, but cannot change some details, such as hair, skin characteristics, birthmarks, etc. If some careful people observe carefully, they will still find flaws. .

He is gathering momentum.

Li Mu's Drawing Sword was born out of [Thirty-six Gale Swords], and was nourished by the secret strategies of other ninth-level swordsmanship swordsmanship. It has the same effect as [Iihe Slash]. Of course, in Li Mu's hands, [ Drawing Sword The power of [Slash] is much more powerful than those Japanese swordsmen on earth.

Li Mu's heart moved. He had obviously reached the location of the legendary Jiulong Mountain Spring and Waterfall.

Now everyone in the martial arts community in Taibai County has learned a piece of conclusive news, that is, the county magistrate is not fighting alone. He also has a senior brother who is extremely skilled in swordsmanship. The information that has been revealed continuously behind this , that is, Li Mu is not actually a casual cultivator, but has the backing of a sect. A sect that can cultivate outstanding young people like Li Mu and Duan Shuiliu is definitely not an ordinary person. Those who want to take action against Li Mu, It’s time to weigh yourself carefully.