The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 55: The past of Shenzong


The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

A piece of history that had been sealed in dust for several years was narrated in the mouth of this pure and barefoot woman as if telling a story.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

"Okay... This time, I originally wanted to compete with Bai Rushuang, but I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity. Cousin, after the news is released, please accompany me to Taibai County." He said again: " Bai Rushuang should already be in Taibai County at this time, I still have to go and meet him for a while, the successors of Qingsha Dao and Tianlang Dao should have distinguished themselves long ago."

"More than that, cousin, if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the moonlight is scattered but not gathered, tangible and spiritless. How could it be like this with the strength of the great philosopher back then? What does this mean?" The innocent barefooted woman winked.

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

In the practice room.

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

It's still early.

A piece of history that had been sealed in dust for several years was narrated in the mouth of this pure and barefoot woman as if telling a story.

"Then we will take action immediately and search inside and outside Taibai County. I believe we can definitely find them. As long as we can catch these two remnants of the Shen Sect, we will not only get the rewards from the two Shen Sects, but maybe even the legendary divine object. get… "

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

"Could it be his descendant who took action? Or..." The man with a yin and yang face was shocked and uncertain, and he was said to be worried about gain and loss.

He ran away in a flash.

If this continues, this little guy will go bankrupt, right

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

"I'll go back and take a rest first."

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

He felt his head hurt.

But he quickly shook his head and said: "No, it's still wrong. If it is really the great Zhebie, he does have such archery skills. However, the great Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan finally escaped, so shouldn't they live in seclusion?" , didn’t reveal the slightest trace? Why would he take action here to kill Wu Biao, who had no grievances against him? Once his identity was exposed, the pursuit of the two major divine sects would come in an instant, and they would not have such good luck again. … This is unconscionable.”

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

"I don't know what's going on. I've been feeling hungry very easily lately and want to eat everything I see..." Little Loli felt Li Mu's eyes and wiped the grease stains from her mouth sheepishly.

The innocent barefooted woman smiled and said: "At first, I thought the same thing as you, cousin, but if cousin you carefully observed the arrow holes on the mountain wall, you wouldn't think so."

A piece of history that had been sealed in dust for several years was narrated in the mouth of this pure and barefoot woman as if telling a story.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

He felt his head hurt.

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

"Arrow hole?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, and immediately turned his eyes to look at the arrow marks that looked like huge potholes on the stone wall next to the official road hundreds of meters away.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

"I'll go back and take a rest first."

This is a duel between two major sects, a duel between famous martial arts masters. The destructive power is already amazing, and there are already so many people from the world gathered in the city, all of them are desperadoes. Once real fire is used, how can the battle expand? Do it

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

Half an hour, that's an hour.

After a few breaths.

what to do

The man looked at the Taibai County Guards who were busy like ants at the Han Crossroad below, nodded, and finally agreed to the woman's plan.

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

He ran away in a flash.

Half of it was because of the elopement, and the other half was because of the guilt of the common man carrying the jade.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

The yin-yang-faced man looked excited.

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

There was no way not to laugh.

Half of it was because of the elopement, and the other half was because of the guilt of the common man carrying the jade.

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

Among the more secretive legends, there is a treasure on this fleeing couple, which is something left by a great demon from outside the sky. Even the nine great sects will covet it.

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

In the practice room.

what to do

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

It's a magical experience.

Such influential figures, even Fengqi Caotan and Longyou Qianshui, not just anyone can defeat them.

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

Li Mu was speechless.

Half of it was because of the elopement, and the other half was because of the guilt of the common man carrying the jade.

It's a magical experience.

Li Mu was speechless.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

He could clearly feel that his strength was truly improving, just like a trickling stream flowing into a lake.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

It's still early.

"More than that, cousin, if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the moonlight is scattered but not gathered, tangible and spiritless. How could it be like this with the strength of the great philosopher back then? What does this mean?" The innocent barefooted woman winked.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

If this continues, this little guy will go bankrupt, right

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

Half of it was because of the elopement, and the other half was because of the guilt of the common man carrying the jade.

"Could it be his descendant who took action? Or..." The man with a yin and yang face was shocked and uncertain, and he was said to be worried about gain and loss.

The man looked at the Taibai County Guards who were busy like ants at the Han Crossroad below, nodded, and finally agreed to the woman's plan.

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

"Arrow hole?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, and immediately turned his eyes to look at the arrow marks that looked like huge potholes on the stone wall next to the official road hundreds of meters away.

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

"Could it be his descendant who took action? Or..." The man with a yin and yang face was shocked and uncertain, and he was said to be worried about gain and loss.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

The innocent barefooted woman smiled and said: "At first, I thought the same thing as you, cousin, but if cousin you carefully observed the arrow holes on the mountain wall, you wouldn't think so."

Li Mu turned around and walked towards the back office and entered the practice room.

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

He felt his head hurt.

The barefoot pure woman rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards the back office and entered the practice room.

He could clearly feel that his strength was truly improving, just like a trickling stream flowing into a lake.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

Such influential figures, even Fengqi Caotan and Longyou Qianshui, not just anyone can defeat them.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

This is a duel between two major sects, a duel between famous martial arts masters. The destructive power is already amazing, and there are already so many people from the world gathered in the city, all of them are desperadoes. Once real fire is used, how can the battle expand? Do it

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

"Then we will take action immediately and search inside and outside Taibai County. I believe we can definitely find them. As long as we can catch these two remnants of the Shen Sect, we will not only get the rewards from the two Shen Sects, but maybe even the legendary divine object. get… "

It's a magical experience.

In the practice room.

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

The yin-yang-faced man looked excited.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

Among the more secretive legends, there is a treasure on this fleeing couple, which is something left by a great demon from outside the sky. Even the nine great sects will covet it.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

He ran away in a flash.

But he was in no rush to practice.

The barefoot pure woman rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

"When will the fight between the two sects start?" Li Mu looked at Feng Yuanxing.

Half of it was because of the elopement, and the other half was because of the guilt of the common man carrying the jade.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

Such influential figures, even Fengqi Caotan and Longyou Qianshui, not just anyone can defeat them.

After a few breaths.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

A piece of history that had been sealed in dust for several years was narrated in the mouth of this pure and barefoot woman as if telling a story.

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

"When will the fight between the two sects start?" Li Mu looked at Feng Yuanxing.

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

But he was in no rush to practice.

He is an extremely proud person, but in his heart, he has to admit that the man and woman who caused huge waves in the Chinese mainland were both temporary geniuses and extremely terrifying existences.

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

He felt his head hurt.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

The man looked at the Taibai County Guards who were busy like ants at the Han Crossroad below, nodded, and finally agreed to the woman's plan.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

Such influential figures, even Fengqi Caotan and Longyou Qianshui, not just anyone can defeat them.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

In the practice room.

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

The yin-yang-faced man looked excited.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

The man looked at the Taibai County Guards who were busy like ants at the Han Crossroad below, nodded, and finally agreed to the woman's plan.

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

what to do

But he was in no rush to practice.

"Okay... This time, I originally wanted to compete with Bai Rushuang, but I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity. Cousin, after the news is released, please accompany me to Taibai County." He said again: " Bai Rushuang should already be in Taibai County at this time, I still have to go and meet him for a while, the successors of Qingsha Dao and Tianlang Dao should have distinguished themselves long ago."

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

"Okay, I'll just go with my cousin." The pure and barefooted woman leaned in the man's arms and nodded with a smile.

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

"Arrow hole?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, and immediately turned his eyes to look at the arrow marks that looked like huge potholes on the stone wall next to the official road hundreds of meters away.

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

Li Mu nodded.

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

"Back then, Da Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan were hunted for several years and fought in the north and south. Their injuries were not serious. According to my inference, it must be that he was too seriously injured and his realm fell. He was unable to fully activate the [Moon-Inducing Bow], so he was fighting , leaving such traces. As for why he did not hesitate to expose himself and kill Wu Biao, there may be other reasons that we don’t know, but the only thing that is certain is that the Dazhebie couple must be in and around Taibai County. We The opportunity has come.”

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

There was no way not to laugh.

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

"Oh, I'm so satisfied."

Li Mu was speechless.

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

But he was in no rush to practice.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

But he quickly shook his head and said: "No, it's still wrong. If it is really the great Zhebie, he does have such archery skills. However, the great Zhebie and Liu Zhiyuan finally escaped, so shouldn't they live in seclusion?" , didn’t reveal the slightest trace? Why would he take action here to kill Wu Biao, who had no grievances against him? Once his identity was exposed, the pursuit of the two major divine sects would come in an instant, and they would not have such good luck again. … This is unconscionable.”

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

"I'll go back and take a rest first."

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards the back office and entered the practice room.

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

what to do

He felt his head hurt.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

"I don't know what's going on. I've been feeling hungry very easily lately and want to eat everything I see..." Little Loli felt Li Mu's eyes and wiped the grease stains from her mouth sheepishly.

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

Li Mu was speechless.

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

He ran away in a flash.

But he was in no rush to practice.

The man looked at the Taibai County Guards who were busy like ants at the Han Crossroad below, nodded, and finally agreed to the woman's plan.

It's still early.

what to do

Among the more secretive legends, there is a treasure on this fleeing couple, which is something left by a great demon from outside the sky. Even the nine great sects will covet it.

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

Li Mu was speechless.

The man with a yin and yang face was thoughtful.

"More than that, cousin, if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the moonlight is scattered but not gathered, tangible and spiritless. How could it be like this with the strength of the great philosopher back then? What does this mean?" The innocent barefooted woman winked.

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

"Okay, I'll just go with my cousin." The pure and barefooted woman leaned in the man's arms and nodded with a smile.

what to do

"Oh, I'm so satisfied."

If this continues, this little guy will go bankrupt, right

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

He ran away in a flash.

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

There was no way not to laugh.

what to do

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

He felt his head hurt.

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

It's still early.

"When will the fight between the two sects start?" Li Mu looked at Feng Yuanxing.

Li Mu nodded.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

"Then we will take action immediately and search inside and outside Taibai County. I believe we can definitely find them. As long as we can catch these two remnants of the Shen Sect, we will not only get the rewards from the two Shen Sects, but maybe even the legendary divine object. get… "

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

"When will the fight between the two sects start?" Li Mu looked at Feng Yuanxing.

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

Li Mu nodded.

He was now certain and certain that there must be something wrong with this little girl.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

"Oh, I'm so satisfied."

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

He is an extremely proud person, but in his heart, he has to admit that the man and woman who caused huge waves in the Chinese mainland were both temporary geniuses and extremely terrifying existences.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

Li Mu nodded.

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned on the man tenderly.

Li Mu nodded.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

Half an hour, that's an hour.

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

It's still early.

"Back then, the Great Zhebie of Weiwei Prairie showed amazing talent in martial arts in just twenty years. His divine arrows were invincible. He defeated countless archery masters in the prairie with his [Moon-Inciting Divine Bow]. He was listed among the He became one of the four great marksmen in the mainland of China, named after Han Yu of Guanshan Ranch, and led the 800 wild wolf riders of the [Wolf Temple]. They were invincible among the major tribes in the prairie, and were known as 'the wild geese in front of the bow'. "Luo, Yun is born behind the formation", how majestic and majestic it is. However, later on, this famous great Zhebie actually surrendered and fell in love with the enemy of the prairie, the Saint Liu Zhiyuan of the outer courtyard of [Tao Dao Academy], one of the nine divine sects. They had an affair with secret funds, developed a love affair, got pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a daughter. The two eloped, which brought shame to [Wolf Temple] and [Dao Dao Academy], and they were wanted at the same time. Unfortunately, after a series of hard battles, These two people who were destined to die actually escaped, like fish and dragons entering the sea, and there was no trace of them again.”

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

After saying that, she exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ouch, my stomach hurts... It seems like I've had a bad stomach... I'm slipping away."

He felt his head hurt.

"I'll go back and take a rest first."

Li Mu was speechless.

Why are the natives of this planet so abnormal

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

He felt his head hurt.

"Okay... This time, I originally wanted to compete with Bai Rushuang, but I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity. Cousin, after the news is released, please accompany me to Taibai County." He said again: " Bai Rushuang should already be in Taibai County at this time, I still have to go and meet him for a while, the successors of Qingsha Dao and Tianlang Dao should have distinguished themselves long ago."

There was no way not to laugh.

"Okay, I'll just go with my cousin." The pure and barefooted woman leaned in the man's arms and nodded with a smile.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards the back office and entered the practice room.

But he was still a little reluctant to report such priceless clues to the sect.

When they were hunted down, it was not as simple as it seemed.

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

Feng Yuanxing and the little book boy Qingfeng had sad faces but hesitated to speak.

"There's still half an hour." Feng Yuanxing said.

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

Such influential figures, even Fengqi Caotan and Longyou Qianshui, not just anyone can defeat them.

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

The left side of his face was burnt black, and the right side was white. However, after using some kind of pupil technique, the pupils of the black left face were like a ball of snow, while the pupils of the snow-white right face were like a ball of thick ink, with traces of ghosts. Light shot out from the eyes.

Li Mu went through a big battle last night and consumed a lot of his blood. He was injured while fighting Wu Biao with [One Knife to Cut Off the Soul]. Although the wound healed quickly, it also consumed more energy than the average person. He was hungry this morning. When he couldn't do it, he ran out of the practice room to eat. Even so, he couldn't eat as well as this little loli.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

Hello, sir, could you please serve some snacks

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

"I'll go back and take a rest first."

If this continues, this little guy will go bankrupt, right

But he was in no rush to practice.

This is a duel between two major sects, a duel between famous martial arts masters. The destructive power is already amazing, and there are already so many people from the world gathered in the city, all of them are desperadoes. Once real fire is used, how can the battle expand? Do it

He ran away in a flash.

Li Mu nodded.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

Li Mu was speechless.

In the practice room.

what to do

"Then we will take action immediately and search inside and outside Taibai County. I believe we can definitely find them. As long as we can catch these two remnants of the Shen Sect, we will not only get the rewards from the two Shen Sects, but maybe even the legendary divine object. get… "

He is an extremely proud person, but in his heart, he has to admit that the man and woman who caused huge waves in the Chinese mainland were both temporary geniuses and extremely terrifying existences.

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

He ran away in a flash.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

"What's going on?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I have a cousin with such a smart mind like you? Besides, I have a cousin with you, a 'goddess machine' with exquisite hearts and nine orifices, by my side. , there is no need to think about so many twists and turns..."

"More than that, cousin, if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the moonlight is scattered but not gathered, tangible and spiritless. How could it be like this with the strength of the great philosopher back then? What does this mean?" The innocent barefooted woman winked.

"I don't know what's going on. I've been feeling hungry very easily lately and want to eat everything I see..." Little Loli felt Li Mu's eyes and wiped the grease stains from her mouth sheepishly.

After a few breaths.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

"Could it be his descendant who took action? Or..." The man with a yin and yang face was shocked and uncertain, and he was said to be worried about gain and loss.

The moves and secrets of the sword technique, the method of transporting power, the changes in moves, and the timing of the sword are all firmly remembered in his mind.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

Whose little kid under ten years old can eat so much

He is used to the way the earth measures hours, and is not too sensitive to the way this world measures time. Generally speaking, one hour in this world is equivalent to two hours on earth, and one stick of incense is about fifteen minutes.

But he was in no rush to practice.

He is an extremely proud person, but in his heart, he has to admit that the man and woman who caused huge waves in the Chinese mainland were both temporary geniuses and extremely terrifying existences.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

It's a magical experience.

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

Instead, he chose to perform the three postures of [Zhenwu Fist] back and forth, [Sky Hammer] and [Chaotic Cone].

After a few breaths.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

To explain it with the simplest example, the practice of [Zhenwuquan] is actually a bit like yoga on earth. Of course, the changes in movements, muscle development and other mysteries are much more complicated and profound than yoga. Every time Li Mu After practicing and performing it once, you will feel that a steady stream of new power is generated in your body and integrated into your limbs.

Half an hour, that's an hour.

He could clearly feel that his strength was truly improving, just like a trickling stream flowing into a lake.

After finishing three roasted suckling pigs, two roasted lamb legs and a large basin of fish soup, she patted her swollen belly and finally reluctantly left the dining table and slipped to the bench next to her. It lies down like a mollusk.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.

He ran away in a flash.

Xiao Mingyue's mouth was full of oil and she stretched contentedly.

It's a magical experience.

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

A feeling of hunger ensues.

The yin-yang-faced man looked excited.

Li Mu has read the [Underworld Sword Technique] again.

He could clearly feel that his strength was truly improving, just like a trickling stream flowing into a lake.

The pure woman couldn't tell the man's thoughts, so she smiled and said: "If you are willing to give up, sometimes you will gain. We can't eat what we have the ability to let others eat, but others want to eat comfortably, but they can't." You have to give us some evenness."

Li Mu nodded.

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

"More than that, cousin, if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the moonlight is scattered but not gathered, tangible and spiritless. How could it be like this with the strength of the great philosopher back then? What does this mean?" The innocent barefooted woman winked.

The man was stunned, nodded, and said: "That's right."

"Keke, cousin, if you are half as strong as you, why would you be stuck in the position of Zuo Dharma Protector?" The pure and barefooted woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Dazhe, don't run away. In this world, where will there be any descendants?"

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

The meat eaten into the stomach before will be digested as quickly as possible.

If this continues, this little guy will go bankrupt, right

Li Mu looked at this little loli with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

The innocent woman raised her finger and pointed at the man, and said with a sweet smile: "My silly brother, it's okay to have fat in your mouth, but you have to be able to eat it. This couple is so terrifying. The two great sects have been hunting for them for several years. We can’t kill them all, even if Great Zhe of the Grassland is seriously injured and his strength has declined, but don’t forget that Liu Zhiyuan is also the former genius of the Shenzong and should not be underestimated.”

A feeling of hunger ensues.

But the pure woman shook her head and said: "No, let's inform the sect and let the sect send someone."

The barefoot pure woman rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

"Arrow hole?" The yin-yang-faced man was startled, and immediately turned his eyes to look at the arrow marks that looked like huge potholes on the stone wall next to the official road hundreds of meters away.

The man's pupils returned to their normal state, and he said incredulously: "Deep in the arrow hole, there is the power of the scattered moonlight essence. It is undoubtedly the [Moon-Inducing Divine Bow]. It turns out to be the Great Philosopher of the Prairie... or my cousin." You were careful, I almost missed something big, hahaha."

"Could it be his descendant who took action? Or..." The man with a yin and yang face was shocked and uncertain, and he was said to be worried about gain and loss.

"What? Why should you give the fat to others to eat?" The man with a yin and yang face disagreed.