The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 84: A kind spirit?


In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

The situation seems to be reversed.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Is this a demon spirit

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

This is Mingyue in ordinary days, no longer a timid and confused little girl, but a heartless and funny loli.

In the void, the unique coercive aura of the giant dragon began to gradually dissipate.

Why does this happen.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

Li Mu shook his head.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

Li Mu was anxious.

Soon, Li Mu's vision began to become blurry.

"Damn it!"

Li Mu shouted, his mind almost blank.

In the void, the unique coercive aura of the giant dragon began to gradually dissipate.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

Wei Chong immediately became furious.

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

After this continued for about a stick of incense, Li Mu was surprised to feel a strange power flowing through his body.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

He had never been so angry and uncontrollable as he was today.

"You damn girl... what on earth are you doing?"

The huge opportunity available to him was completely evaporated in just one punch from Li Mu.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

If you can't beat him, run away.

His avoidance became easier and easier.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.


It is even more difficult to catch the giant dragon.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

Fist Gang is domineering.


"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

[Innate Skill] gives Li Mu extremely keen sense of the five senses, and even a kind of martial arts intuition that is close to prediction. After adapting to Wei Chong's combat skills and strength, many times, he can predict Wei Chong's attack rhythm and route, and Li Mu will It became less strenuous.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

Aren't demons supposed to be evil and insidious things

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

He looked at Li Mu and almost broke his teeth.

In a flash of lightning, Li Mu incredibly recognized that the young figure standing in front of him was none other than the little book boy Mingyue.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

The ancient sword is as fast as a white lightning.

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.

The cross scar on his forehead was twisted, and the anger and murderous intent in Wei Chong's eyes almost solidified.

If you can't beat him, run away.

The inner energy is moving crazily.

How does she have such speed

"So fast!"

The hammer roared.

His arms shook.

Li Mu didn't speak, but raised his fingers mockingly.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

How does she have such speed


In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

Wei Chong immediately became furious.

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

Li Mu took this opportunity to retreat and once again raised his middle finger to taunt.

But the situation is getting worse.

what happened

The inner energy is moving crazily.

As a result, figures flashed around.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.

Fist Gang is domineering.

"I will smash you to pieces and crush your bones into ashes."

"I will smash you to pieces and crush your bones into ashes."

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

Soon, Li Mu's vision began to become blurry.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous


Amidst the crisp sound of bones breaking, Li Mu flew backwards.

Li Mu shouted, his mind almost blank.

In the void, the unique coercive aura of the giant dragon began to gradually dissipate.

He borders on madness.

"Now, we're in trouble."

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

The old beggar ran over with a guilty look on his face and explained awkwardly: "Listen to my explanation first... It's not my fault. Her speed was too fast. The dragon returned to the lake, its realm dispersed, and its aura became thinner. The spirit has taken over her body again. This demon spirit... is a bit scary, I can't handle it... "

His arms shook.

He looked at Li Mu and almost broke his teeth.

"So fast!"

he is very angry.

Li Mu was anxious.

Wei Chong was like a furious lion, attacking and approaching quickly.

"Shut up."

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

"Now, we're in trouble."

Li Mu stared at the giant hammer, his heart trembling.

How can this be

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

Concern leads to chaos.

The burning sensation brought by the dragon blood suddenly became extremely fierce and overbearing, as if it had begun to burn through the skin and bones, and began to burn the soul. The severe pain made Li Mu almost faint in an instant, and he was almost hit by a giant hammer. middle.

"Death Lotus Vortex!"

Is this the strength of a super-first-class Grandmaster Realm master



Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

At the same time, Li Mu's powerful physical healing ability caused scars to form on Li Mu's body, and he no longer lost blood.

In a hurry, Li Mu could only press it with one palm and received the blow forcefully!

That was the energy of the previous giant dragon's blood.

He used the light body technique to avoid the blow.

Wei Chong was startled, but he didn't expect Li Mu to throw the stone sword.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

How can this be

How can this be

But as soon as he exerted his strength, Li Mu felt a pain in his waist, his knees and legs were sore, and his vision went dark due to excessive blood loss. It was impossible to exert his strength in a hurry, and he couldn't dodge, so he secretly screamed.

Li Mu was anxious.

Wei Chong's giant hammer became increasingly difficult to threaten Li Mu, who was as dexterous as a butterfly walking through flowers.

Li Mu was startled.

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

In a hurry, Li Mu could only press it with one palm and received the blow forcefully!

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.


Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

Li Mu was anxious.


If you can't beat him, run away.

Demon spirit

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

The hammer roared.

Amidst the crisp sound of bones breaking, Li Mu flew backwards.

He used the light body technique to avoid the blow.

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

Then why, when the demon spirit reoccupied the body, Mingyue's reaction was not to run away or to fight back, but to rush over to save herself regardless of safety... and all the memories of the previous county government, Mingyue in the demon spirit state, Never did anything evil.

After all, what is a demon spirit

Li Mu was startled.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

Amidst the roar of the hammer, Li Mu avoided the bombardment of the giant hammer several times without missing a beat.

Demon spirit

Aren't demons supposed to be evil and insidious things

Wei Chong immediately became furious.

Fist Gang is domineering.

The situation seems to be reversed.

But the more dangerous and urgent it is, the clearer his thinking becomes.

In a flash of lightning, Li Mu incredibly recognized that the young figure standing in front of him was none other than the little book boy Mingyue.

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

When the old beggar saw Jiao Xue, his eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will use my true strength this time to keep this little girl safe for you." As he said that, he couldn't wait to take the Jiao Xue, and then He took Mingyue, picked her up, turned around and ran away.

Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

The strongest man under two bullshit two moons and two suns can't even look down on a girl.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

Li Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

he is very angry.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

Wei Chong was like a furious lion, attacking and approaching quickly.


The situation seems to be reversed.

Wei Chong was startled, but he didn't expect Li Mu to throw the stone sword.

How does she have such speed

But as soon as he exerted his strength, Li Mu felt a pain in his waist, his knees and legs were sore, and his vision went dark due to excessive blood loss. It was impossible to exert his strength in a hurry, and he couldn't dodge, so he secretly screamed.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

Li Mu was startled.

what happened

Wei Chong's eyes were red.

Aren't demons supposed to be evil and insidious things

Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.


After this continued for about a stick of incense, Li Mu was surprised to feel a strange power flowing through his body.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.

"Go away."

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

"Go away."

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

Wei Chong immediately became furious.

"Old thing."

The ancient sword is as fast as a white lightning.

No matter what today, he wants Li Mu to die.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

His avoidance became easier and easier.

[Innate Skill] gives Li Mu extremely keen sense of the five senses, and even a kind of martial arts intuition that is close to prediction. After adapting to Wei Chong's combat skills and strength, many times, he can predict Wei Chong's attack rhythm and route, and Li Mu will It became less strenuous.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.

"Now, we're in trouble."

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

At this moment, the old beggar suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

Aren't demons supposed to be evil and insidious things

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

"Go away."

The old master's teachings immediately came to mind.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

No matter what today, he wants Li Mu to die.

"Go away."

Fist Gang is domineering.

he is very angry.

Li Mu took a sip of blood, raised his hand, and threw the ancient stone sword.

The hammer roared.

The hammer roared.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.


Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

But the situation is getting worse.

A chill rose up Wei Chong's back.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

The huge opportunity available to him was completely evaporated in just one punch from Li Mu.

It's a miracle.

Fist Gang is domineering.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

As a result, figures flashed around.

No matter what today, he wants Li Mu to die.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.


And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

Li Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

Li Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

Li Mu was startled.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

But as soon as he exerted his strength, Li Mu felt a pain in his waist, his knees and legs were sore, and his vision went dark due to excessive blood loss. It was impossible to exert his strength in a hurry, and he couldn't dodge, so he secretly screamed.

In a flash of lightning, Li Mu incredibly recognized that the young figure standing in front of him was none other than the little book boy Mingyue.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

Li Mu took a sip of blood, raised his hand, and threw the ancient stone sword.

How can this be

Li Mu stared at the giant hammer, his heart trembling.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

The situation seems to be reversed.

"Damn you retarded... Everyone I know, haha, I know you too, so are you going to let yourself die in front of me?"

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

How does she have such speed

"Old thing."

Wei Chong's eyes were red.

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

Li Mu took this opportunity to retreat and once again raised his middle finger to taunt.

The huge opportunity available to him was completely evaporated in just one punch from Li Mu.

"Damn it!"

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

he is very angry.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

The giant hammer hit Mingyue's body.

[Innate Skill] gives Li Mu extremely keen sense of the five senses, and even a kind of martial arts intuition that is close to prediction. After adapting to Wei Chong's combat skills and strength, many times, he can predict Wei Chong's attack rhythm and route, and Li Mu will It became less strenuous.

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

How does she have such speed

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

Demon spirit

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.


Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

At the critical moment, the advantages of light body technique compared to light gong in escaping are fully demonstrated.

Blood spurted out from Mingyue's mouth and nose.

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

Demon spirit

The young body bumped over and bumped into Li Mu's arms.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

"Damn it!"

"Old thing."

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

No matter what today, he wants Li Mu to die.

So much so that Li Mu didn't even notice that the giant hammer, which contained a huge amount of power, bounced back in an extremely weird way.

Then why, when the demon spirit reoccupied the body, Mingyue's reaction was not to run away or to fight back, but to rush over to save herself regardless of safety... and all the memories of the previous county government, Mingyue in the demon spirit state, Never did anything evil.

Why does this happen.

At this moment, the old beggar suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

"Take her away and leave here." Li Mu handed the bright moon to the old beggar. At the same time, he handed over a piece of solidified dragon blood in his palm very secretly and said: "The first love under two suns and two moons." Come on, be more reliable and don’t let yourself be embarrassed this time.”

It is even more difficult to catch the giant dragon.

"Now, we're in trouble."


Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

It is even more difficult to catch the giant dragon.

So much so that Li Mu didn't even notice that the giant hammer, which contained a huge amount of power, bounced back in an extremely weird way.

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

"Now, we're in trouble."

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

How can this be

After all, what is a demon spirit

"You damn girl... what on earth are you doing?"


Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

"None of you can leave."

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

Amidst the crisp sound of bones breaking, Li Mu flew backwards.

He angrily ordered other strong men of Qingshu Dao to intercept Li Mu.

Li Mu was anxious.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

After all, what is a demon spirit

Li Mu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

But as soon as he exerted his strength, Li Mu felt a pain in his waist, his knees and legs were sore, and his vision went dark due to excessive blood loss. It was impossible to exert his strength in a hurry, and he couldn't dodge, so he secretly screamed.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

"Shut up."

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

Blood spurted out from Mingyue's mouth and nose.

The hammer roared.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Li Mu didn't speak, but raised his fingers mockingly.

Li Mu shouted, his mind almost blank.


"Take her away and leave here." Li Mu handed the bright moon to the old beggar. At the same time, he handed over a piece of solidified dragon blood in his palm very secretly and said: "The first love under two suns and two moons." Come on, be more reliable and don’t let yourself be embarrassed this time.”

The burning sensation brought by the dragon blood suddenly became extremely fierce and overbearing, as if it had begun to burn through the skin and bones, and began to burn the soul. The severe pain made Li Mu almost faint in an instant, and he was almost hit by a giant hammer. middle.

The old beggar ran over with a guilty look on his face and explained awkwardly: "Listen to my explanation first... It's not my fault. Her speed was too fast. The dragon returned to the lake, its realm dispersed, and its aura became thinner. The spirit has taken over her body again. This demon spirit... is a bit scary, I can't handle it... "

The timid appearance is the true face of Mingyue.

It's a miracle.

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

[Innate Skill] gives Li Mu extremely keen sense of the five senses, and even a kind of martial arts intuition that is close to prediction. After adapting to Wei Chong's combat skills and strength, many times, he can predict Wei Chong's attack rhythm and route, and Li Mu will It became less strenuous.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

The strongest man under two bullshit two moons and two suns can't even look down on a girl.

The old beggar ran over with a guilty look on his face and explained awkwardly: "Listen to my explanation first... It's not my fault. Her speed was too fast. The dragon returned to the lake, its realm dispersed, and its aura became thinner. The spirit has taken over her body again. This demon spirit... is a bit scary, I can't handle it... "

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

Concern leads to chaos.

Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

Fist Gang is domineering.

This is Mingyue in ordinary days, no longer a timid and confused little girl, but a heartless and funny loli.

Why does this happen.

When the old beggar saw Jiao Xue, his eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will use my true strength this time to keep this little girl safe for you." As he said that, he couldn't wait to take the Jiao Xue, and then He took Mingyue, picked her up, turned around and ran away.

Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

Li Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

Li Mu shouted, his mind almost blank.

Concern leads to chaos.

"Come on, come on...stop him."

How does she have such speed

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

The strongest man under two bullshit two moons and two suns can't even look down on a girl.

It's a miracle.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

Is this a demon spirit

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

Is this the strength of a super-first-class Grandmaster Realm master

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

"Now, we're in trouble."

Why is this happening

Concern leads to chaos.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

Li Mu punched.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

The strongest man under two bullshit two moons and two suns can't even look down on a girl.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

Li Mu was startled.

The inner energy is moving crazily.

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

It's a miracle.

This is Mingyue in ordinary days, no longer a timid and confused little girl, but a heartless and funny loli.

Amidst the roar of the hammer, Li Mu avoided the bombardment of the giant hammer several times without missing a beat.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

"None of you can leave."

Li Mu was startled.

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

Why is this happening

"So fast!"

When the old beggar saw Jiao Xue, his eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will use my true strength this time to keep this little girl safe for you." As he said that, he couldn't wait to take the Jiao Xue, and then He took Mingyue, picked her up, turned around and ran away.

"Old thing."

Li Mu took a sip of blood, raised his hand, and threw the ancient stone sword.

At this moment, the old beggar suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

"Damn it!"

In a flash of lightning, Li Mu incredibly recognized that the young figure standing in front of him was none other than the little book boy Mingyue.

"Shut up."

If you can't beat him, run away.

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

Is this the strength of a super-first-class Grandmaster Realm master


Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

"Old thing."

he is very angry.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

But the more dangerous and urgent it is, the clearer his thinking becomes.

Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

But the situation is getting worse.

Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

Li Mu was startled.

The strongest man under two bullshit two moons and two suns can't even look down on a girl.

In a hurry, Li Mu could only press it with one palm and received the blow forcefully!

How does she have such speed

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

The old beggar ran over with a guilty look on his face and explained awkwardly: "Listen to my explanation first... It's not my fault. Her speed was too fast. The dragon returned to the lake, its realm dispersed, and its aura became thinner. The spirit has taken over her body again. This demon spirit... is a bit scary, I can't handle it... "

The cross scar on his forehead was twisted, and the anger and murderous intent in Wei Chong's eyes almost solidified.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

"Damn it!"

"So fast!"

Demon spirit

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.

"Go away."

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

Concern leads to chaos.

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

Is this a demon spirit

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

At the critical moment, the advantages of light body technique compared to light gong in escaping are fully demonstrated.

"Come on, come on...stop him."

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

Amidst the crisp sound of bones breaking, Li Mu flew backwards.

He had never been so angry and uncontrollable as he was today.

And this naturally silly character is actually a demon spirit

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

The timid appearance is the true face of Mingyue.

When the old beggar saw Jiao Xue, his eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will use my true strength this time to keep this little girl safe for you." As he said that, he couldn't wait to take the Jiao Xue, and then He took Mingyue, picked her up, turned around and ran away.


And this naturally silly character is actually a demon spirit

At this moment, the old beggar suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

The hammer roared.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

Why is this happening

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.


Li Mu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Li Mu took this opportunity to retreat and once again raised his middle finger to taunt.

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

But the situation is getting worse.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

If you can't beat him, run away.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

Aren't demons supposed to be evil and insidious things

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.

Using the light body technique and dodging continuously, Li Mu gritted his teeth and held on.

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

He angrily ordered other strong men of Qingshu Dao to intercept Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't speak, but raised his fingers mockingly.

Then why, when the demon spirit reoccupied the body, Mingyue's reaction was not to run away or to fight back, but to rush over to save herself regardless of safety... and all the memories of the previous county government, Mingyue in the demon spirit state, Never did anything evil.

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

The inner energy is moving crazily.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

"You damn girl... what on earth are you doing?"

If you can't beat him, run away.

After all, what is a demon spirit

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

Li Mu punched.

Li Mu shook his head.

"Now, we're in trouble."

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

what happened

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Li Mu was anxious.

"Take her away and leave here." Li Mu handed the bright moon to the old beggar. At the same time, he handed over a piece of solidified dragon blood in his palm very secretly and said: "The first love under two suns and two moons." Come on, be more reliable and don’t let yourself be embarrassed this time.”

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

But the more dangerous and urgent it is, the clearer his thinking becomes.

When the old beggar saw Jiao Xue, his eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I will use my true strength this time to keep this little girl safe for you." As he said that, he couldn't wait to take the Jiao Xue, and then He took Mingyue, picked her up, turned around and ran away.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

"Shut up."

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

Why is this happening

Concern leads to chaos.

"None of you can leave."

Li Mu was extremely panicked.


Wei Chong's eyes were red.

Wei Chong was like a furious lion, attacking and approaching quickly.

"Come on, come on...stop him."

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

The old beggar ran over with a guilty look on his face and explained awkwardly: "Listen to my explanation first... It's not my fault. Her speed was too fast. The dragon returned to the lake, its realm dispersed, and its aura became thinner. The spirit has taken over her body again. This demon spirit... is a bit scary, I can't handle it... "

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

His arms shook.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

Wei Chong immediately became furious.

As a result, figures flashed around.

"You little bastard, you ruined my big job... I want you to see with your own eyes that everyone you know dies in front of you." The elder of Qingshu Dao, who was about to be blown away by the wind, activated the chain wrapped around his arm. , roared angrily.

The hammer roared.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

"Take her away and leave here." Li Mu handed the bright moon to the old beggar. At the same time, he handed over a piece of solidified dragon blood in his palm very secretly and said: "The first love under two suns and two moons." Come on, be more reliable and don’t let yourself be embarrassed this time.”

Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

"Damn you retarded... Everyone I know, haha, I know you too, so are you going to let yourself die in front of me?"

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

His avoidance became easier and easier.

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

Li Mu took a sip of blood, raised his hand, and threw the ancient stone sword.

At the same time, Li Mu's powerful physical healing ability caused scars to form on Li Mu's body, and he no longer lost blood.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

The ancient sword is as fast as a white lightning.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

The young body bumped over and bumped into Li Mu's arms.

Wei Chong's giant hammer became increasingly difficult to threaten Li Mu, who was as dexterous as a butterfly walking through flowers.

Fist Gang is domineering.

Wei Chong was startled, but he didn't expect Li Mu to throw the stone sword.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

His arms shook.


Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

So much so that Li Mu didn't even notice that the giant hammer, which contained a huge amount of power, bounced back in an extremely weird way.

"Death Lotus Vortex!"

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

"Shut up."

The burning sensation brought by the dragon blood suddenly became extremely fierce and overbearing, as if it had begun to burn through the skin and bones, and began to burn the soul. The severe pain made Li Mu almost faint in an instant, and he was almost hit by a giant hammer. middle.

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

Fist Gang is domineering.

Amidst the roar of the hammer, Li Mu avoided the bombardment of the giant hammer several times without missing a beat.

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.


His arms shook.

Wei Chong was startled, but he didn't expect Li Mu to throw the stone sword.

It is even more difficult to catch the giant dragon.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

The timid appearance is the true face of Mingyue.

Why does this happen.

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

"You damn girl... what on earth are you doing?"

The inner energy is moving crazily.

"You damn girl... what on earth are you doing?"

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

Concern leads to chaos.

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

How does she have such speed

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

But the more dangerous and urgent it is, the clearer his thinking becomes.

"Old thing."

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.


Li Mu was anxious.

A chill rose up Wei Chong's back.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

A chill rose up Wei Chong's back.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

Li Mu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

Concern leads to chaos.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

"I will smash you to pieces and crush your bones into ashes."

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

very dangerous.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

The hammer roared.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

Li Mu took this opportunity to retreat and once again raised his middle finger to taunt.


The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.


Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Wei Chong's brain was congested and he was simply going crazy.

Li Mu punched.

The inner energy is moving crazily.

Soon, Li Mu's vision began to become blurry.

In a flash of lightning, Li Mu incredibly recognized that the young figure standing in front of him was none other than the little book boy Mingyue.

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Everyone felt like their eyes were blurred.

He had never been so angry and uncontrollable as he was today.

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

Li Mu didn't speak, but raised his fingers mockingly.

Using the light body technique and dodging continuously, Li Mu gritted his teeth and held on.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

His avoidance became easier and easier.

It's a miracle.

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

The huge opportunity available to him was completely evaporated in just one punch from Li Mu.

The cross scar on his forehead was twisted, and the anger and murderous intent in Wei Chong's eyes almost solidified.

At the critical moment, the advantages of light body technique compared to light gong in escaping are fully demonstrated.

The huge mountain-like figure disappeared.

Then why, when the demon spirit reoccupied the body, Mingyue's reaction was not to run away or to fight back, but to rush over to save herself regardless of safety... and all the memories of the previous county government, Mingyue in the demon spirit state, Never did anything evil.

If you can't beat him, run away.

Wei Chong was like a furious lion, attacking and approaching quickly.

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

Amidst the roar of the hammer, Li Mu avoided the bombardment of the giant hammer several times without missing a beat.


Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

Amidst the roar of the hammer, Li Mu avoided the bombardment of the giant hammer several times without missing a beat.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

He could even taunt Wei Chong by the way, constantly stimulating and teasing Wei Chong with his gestures.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

Blood spurted out from Mingyue's mouth and nose.

As a result, figures flashed around.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous


Gradually, Li Mu mastered Wei Chong's attack rhythm.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

The burning sensation brought by the dragon blood suddenly became extremely fierce and overbearing, as if it had begun to burn through the skin and bones, and began to burn the soul. The severe pain made Li Mu almost faint in an instant, and he was almost hit by a giant hammer. middle.

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.



[Innate Skill] gives Li Mu extremely keen sense of the five senses, and even a kind of martial arts intuition that is close to prediction. After adapting to Wei Chong's combat skills and strength, many times, he can predict Wei Chong's attack rhythm and route, and Li Mu will It became less strenuous.

The timid appearance is the true face of Mingyue.

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

Li Mu was startled.

After this continued for about a stick of incense, Li Mu was surprised to feel a strange power flowing through his body.

In the void, the unique coercive aura of the giant dragon began to gradually dissipate.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

Just look at a young and stubborn figure standing in front of Li Mu.

"Shut up."

The young body bumped over and bumped into Li Mu's arms.

But the situation is getting worse.

At the same time, Li Mu's powerful physical healing ability caused scars to form on Li Mu's body, and he no longer lost blood.

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

A huge transparent fist seal appeared from his fist.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

Why does this happen.

After this continued for about a stick of incense, Li Mu was surprised to feel a strange power flowing through his body.

Is this a demon spirit

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

A chill rose up Wei Chong's back.

That was the energy of the previous giant dragon's blood.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

At the critical moment, the advantages of light body technique compared to light gong in escaping are fully demonstrated.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

The inner energy is moving crazily.


"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

He looked at Li Mu and almost broke his teeth.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

Li Mu was drenched in the dragon's blood and accidentally swallowed a few mouthfuls of the dragon's blood.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

This kind of speaking tone... seems... back to the original state

Why is this happening

The giant hammer hit Mingyue's body.

Concern leads to chaos.

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

How does she have such speed

"Young Master, I... feel a little hurt... help me... beat that bastard to death." Mingyue lay in Li Mu's arms, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth and her breath weak.

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

But soon, he was surprised to find that there were no serious injuries on Mingyue's body, not even a few broken bones, just some superficial skin injuries. As for the spurting of blood, it was probably because the internal organs were slightly shaken.

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

How does she have such speed

He used the light body technique to avoid the blow.

The old master's teachings immediately came to mind.

"This old boy is not weak in strength."

Just look at the cold iron chains wrapped around his arms, twisting, like layers of whirlpools, spiraling, twisting towards the ancient stone sword.

And amidst this burning, Li Mu felt that the power in his body was recovering.

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

The giant hammer hit Mingyue's body.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

His avoidance became easier and easier.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.


So much so that Li Mu didn't even notice that the giant hammer, which contained a huge amount of power, bounced back in an extremely weird way.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

"Take her away and leave here." Li Mu handed the bright moon to the old beggar. At the same time, he handed over a piece of solidified dragon blood in his palm very secretly and said: "The first love under two suns and two moons." Come on, be more reliable and don’t let yourself be embarrassed this time.”

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.


Wei Chong's giant hammer became increasingly difficult to threaten Li Mu, who was as dexterous as a butterfly walking through flowers.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Wei Chong was like a furious lion, attacking and approaching quickly.

His palm was bruised and bloody, his left arm was in severe pain, and his arm bone was broken.

At the same time, Li Mu's powerful physical healing ability caused scars to form on Li Mu's body, and he no longer lost blood.

"Come on, come on...stop him."

The giant hammer hit Mingyue's body.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

It is even more difficult to catch the giant dragon.

Wei Chong's eyes were red.

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

He angrily ordered other strong men of Qingshu Dao to intercept Li Mu.

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

As a result, figures flashed around.

Even if it were him, his limbs would be shattered after receiving such a beating.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

"Go away."

A little further and it might have penetrated his head.

He angrily ordered other strong men of Qingshu Dao to intercept Li Mu.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

Li Mu punched.

Li Mu turned around and shouted.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

Demon spirit

Soon, Li Mu's vision began to become blurry.

So much so that Li Mu didn't even notice that the giant hammer, which contained a huge amount of power, bounced back in an extremely weird way.

Is this the strength of a super-first-class Grandmaster Realm master

Using the light body technique and dodging continuously, Li Mu gritted his teeth and held on.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

A huge transparent fist seal appeared from his fist.

No matter what today, he wants Li Mu to die.

Li Mu was anxious.

And this naturally silly character is actually a demon spirit

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

The chain shook like a ferocious venomous python.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

His condition at this time was much better than before. Although he still couldn't defeat a super-first-class master-level master like Wei Chong head-on, he had an absolute advantage against the first-class master of Heyijing.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

Fist Gang is domineering.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

The ancient sword is as fast as a white lightning.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

Li Mu's mind went blank.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

Li Mu felt that some of the inherent concepts in his mind were suddenly overturned at this moment.

A spray of blood spurted out from behind Wei Chong's ear.

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

Li Mu shouted, his mind almost blank.

Including Li Mu in mid-air.

The situation seems to be reversed.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

Wei Chong's burly body jumped up, the iron rope wrapped around his arm shook, and he regained control of the giant hammer. The huge black hammer made an arc in mid-air, and hit Li Mu with earth-shattering momentum.


"Damn you retarded... Everyone I know, haha, I know you too, so are you going to let yourself die in front of me?"

Although it doesn't have the oppressive feeling of a giant dragon, its combat skills are more lethal.

He moved his giant hammer and chased wildly.

"Huh? This is... what does it feel like... it hurts..."

A huge transparent fist seal appeared from his fist.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

At this time, Li Mu regained some strength, gasped for air, then used the light body technique, and kept moving back.

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

The night was cut like a sharp blade.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

His figure fell from the air like a broken paper kite.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

Wei Chong's giant hammer became increasingly difficult to threaten Li Mu, who was as dexterous as a butterfly walking through flowers.

The burning sensation brought by the dragon blood suddenly became extremely fierce and overbearing, as if it had begun to burn through the skin and bones, and began to burn the soul. The severe pain made Li Mu almost faint in an instant, and he was almost hit by a giant hammer. middle.

He can even operate the [Xiantian Kung Fu] in secret, and by controlling his breathing, he can absorb the energy between heaven and earth and restore his physical strength.

But the situation is getting worse.

"Sir, I'm fine... Take action quickly and kill that bastard." Mingyue twisted her body.

"None of you can leave."

what happened

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

He borders on madness.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

"So fast!"

Wei Chong's brain was congested and he was simply going crazy.

He looked at Li Mu and almost broke his teeth.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

Seeing Li Mu in mid-air, he couldn't avoid it. In an instant, he was about to be smashed to pieces.

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

He had never been so angry and uncontrollable as he was today.

In the void, the unique coercive aura of the giant dragon began to gradually dissipate.

Using the light body technique and dodging continuously, Li Mu gritted his teeth and held on.

very dangerous.


This is Mingyue in ordinary days, no longer a timid and confused little girl, but a heartless and funny loli.

Being slapped in the face, provoked and ridiculed by an unknown junior over and over again, he completely lost his mind.

Could it be that this dragon blood... is poisonous

"So fast!"

But the situation is getting worse.

The young body bumped over and bumped into Li Mu's arms.

But at this time, I don't know if it was due to [Innate Skill], this heat flow reappeared and became clear, like a burning flame.

Li Mu was startled.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.


Wei Chong followed him like a shadow, shaking the chain, and the giant hammer seemed to have eyes, and continued to sweep towards Li Mu who had lost his balance in mid-air.

The poison of dragon blood seems to be spreading.

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.

But the more dangerous and urgent it is, the clearer his thinking becomes.

Wei Chong wanted to use this method to cut off the ancient sword.

"Damn it, damn it ten thousand times... Humiliate me and let the giant dragon go... Little bastard, I want your life to be worse than death."

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

How does she have such speed

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

The old master's teachings immediately came to mind.

Soon, Li Mu's vision began to become blurry.

But the situation is getting worse.

he is very angry.

The old master's teachings immediately came to mind.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.

He seemed to be drunk, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes with his hands, but gradually, no matter what he looked at, a double image appeared.

The cross scar on his forehead was twisted, and the anger and murderous intent in Wei Chong's eyes almost solidified.

The inner energy is moving crazily.

There was an explosion of air caused by high-speed movement.

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he hugged Mingyue and moved laterally out of Bai Duomi, pulling out of the attack range of Wei Chong's chain hammer and hurriedly observing Mingyue's injuries.

"Now, we're in trouble."

In the next moment, the dragon completely dived into the water.

Is this a demon spirit

Wei Chong was so angry that his lungs almost burst.

Li Mu took this opportunity to retreat and once again raised his middle finger to taunt.

Li Mu felt groggy and realized something was wrong.

very dangerous.

Li Mu was extremely panicked.

The old master's teachings immediately came to mind.

"Now, we're in trouble."

The other strong men of Qingshu Dao retreated like frightened rabbits.

If you can't beat him, run away.

Li Mu shook his head.

"Shut up."

Li Mu roughly judged Wei Chong's combat power.

A strong man at the peak of Heyi Realm of Qingshu Dao was directly beaten to pieces.

But as soon as he exerted his strength, Li Mu felt a pain in his waist, his knees and legs were sore, and his vision went dark due to excessive blood loss. It was impossible to exert his strength in a hurry, and he couldn't dodge, so he secretly screamed.


The giant hammer hit Mingyue's body.

At that time, he just felt that the surface of his body was burning, and the dragon blood was sweet and hot. The heat dissipated quickly, and there were no other abnormalities, so Li Mu didn't pay too much attention.

His body was like lightning, and he fled deeper into the abyss.


Who knew that the sharp sound of metal friction, the sharpness of the white ancient sword and the power contained in it were far beyond Wei Chong's estimation. Almost instantly, it pierced through the layers of whirlpools of Han Body's chains, rubbing against Wei Chong. It shot past Mitsuru's neck.

The inner energy is moving crazily.