The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller

Chapter 108


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Lu Shenxing's drama caused a sensation in all cities in the country. He even used his connections to get involved abroad and tried his best to take the world by storm.

Chen Fang was a little frightened, "Lao Lu, is there any sequelae when my son holds a reception to tell stories?" The more she spoke, the more anxious she became, "What did I say? Look, what should we do now?"

The home landline and their cellphones were nearly bursting with calls, so they simply turned them off.

"Why are you panicking?" Lu Guomao, who was sitting there, knocked on the armrest of his chair and said calmly, "Be quiet."

"The story is very exciting, clear and logical, which shows that he is normal."

Chen Fang rolled her eyes. Such a big news attracted all major media, just to tell stories. Is this normal

There are various speculations at home, and there are also many opinions outside. Some of them are lamenting that they are rich and willful, and they really know how to play. Some are immersed in the story, and they are entangled because they have not heard the ending.

The reporters dispersed one by one, but Lu Shenxing still stood there. He tugged on the collar of his shirt, feeling a little irritated.

The assistant stepped forward and said cautiously, "Mr. Lu, everyone has left."

His voice was very low, and he realized that the man in front of him was particularly fragile now. He was probably tired of telling stories, or maybe he was stimulated by the miscellaneous questions from the media.

Lu Shenxing gave a cold look, "I'm not blind."

The assistant swallowed a breath and backed away silently.

Lu Shenxing sighed deeply, put his raised foot back when he heard the footsteps at the door, and turned his head reflexively.

He saw a strange man.

Across the void, two eyes met. After that glance, Lu Shenxing's heartbeat quickened, and surprise almost overflowed from his eyes.

The man with a firm and clear temperament spoke with a pleasant voice, but what he said made Lu Shenxing feel very bad.

"Who are you?"

Lu Shenxing walked towards him step by step, "Lu Shenxing."

The man's flat brows frowned slightly, not recognizing him, "Your story is a bit familiar to me."

Lu Shenxing's expression changed. He had never heard of his name. It was normal for him to be unfamiliar with his appearance. Why didn't he even remember the past

Now that he has returned to the real world, this person should also be out of the system.

Lu Shenxing stared at the person in front of him with firm eyes, fearing that he would suddenly disappear.

"Ding, Mr. Lu, I have reminded you before that the other party is an independent individual."

Fuck, Lu Shenxing cursed.

The man's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly. He must have not slept well last night, so he accidentally drove over the street for more than thirty minutes and heard that the person in front of him was rude.

Lu Shenxing pulled his hair vigorously, "Name." He tilted his head, his eyebrows were sharp, and he said with a gritted teeth, "Your name!"

The man doesn't want to stay for a moment. His time is precious and a lot has been wasted.


A hand was pressing his shoulder, and there was an angry roar behind him. The man was stunned and said unconsciously, "Tan Yi."

Tan Yi... Lu Shenxing chewed it several times, slid the hand on his shoulder, and squeezed his hand directly, "You don't want to go anywhere."

The palm covering the back of his hand was wet and hot. Tan Yi struggled to break free, with anger and repulsion. His movements were fast, ruthless, and without hesitation.

Lu Shenxing watched helplessly as the person walked away in front of him.

He was angry and wanted to laugh at the same time, being so naughty.

But the person was found.

Lu Shenxing found Tan Yi's information without much effort. He was the criminal investigation captain, 26 years old, a local, and he was in charge of the area he was in. It was a coincidence.

He squinted his eyes and smoked. It seemed that Tan Yi was merciful.

Lu Shenxing's cell phone rang, it was home. Chen Fang asked on the other end, "Son, when will you be back?"

"Go back now." Lu Shenxing hung up the phone with a brisk tone.

Chen Fang on the other end was suspicious, and her son seemed to be suddenly happy.

She shouted to Lu Guomao, "Lao Lu, your son will be home soon. Please talk to him."

Lu Guomao was playing chess with black and white pieces, "I know." He thought to himself, if there is anything interesting to talk about, it is all adults who can take charge of themselves.

In the evening, before Lu Guomao could open his mouth, Lu Shenxing took the initiative and said, "Dad, call mom here too. I have something to tell you."

In the back hall, a family of three sat around the table, speechless for a while.

The finale of the TV series Chen Fang was worried about was about to air, "Son, what's going on?"

Lu Shenxing turned the lighter, "Dad, Mom, I like someone." His voice paused, "Same as me."

Lu Guomao's expression changed immediately.

"Same as you?" Chen Fang responded slowly and didn't understand, "What does that mean?"

Lu Guomao slapped the table, "He likes a man!"

Chen Fang's expression also changed.

"Not entirely." Lu Shenxing sat back, leaning on the back of the chair, and said simply, "Just one person."

Lu Guomao was very angry. What was the difference between one and the other

"No, you have just been discharged from the hospital a few days ago, son, why did you suddenly..."

Chen Fang couldn't say it anymore. It didn't sound good. She liked men. Isn't this the same as her problem at that time

"Mom, I'm very conscious." Lu Shenxing said, "That's it, I'll bring you back in a few days." After saying that, he stood up and went upstairs.

Lu Guomao and Chen Fang sat on the chairs, not knowing whether to be happy or sad. They were sure that their son was normal and unwavering in what they believed in. He had always been like this.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Destiny is something unpredictable and unpredictable. A murder occurred in Lu Shenxing's company. The deceased was a female colleague from the finance department. Tan Yi received the news and led a team to investigate, and they met again.

"Where were you at nine o'clock last night?"


"Is there any witness?"

"My parents, servants, and housekeeper." Lu Shenxing placed his hands on the table with his hands folded, his posture relaxed and calm, "And haha."

Tan Yi stopped writing in his hand, "Haha, who is it?"

Lu Shenxing said, "I raise a dog."

Tan Yi looked directly at him, "Are you kidding me?"

Lu Shenxing asked, "Is there any?"

The next moment, Lu Shenxing suddenly stood up and his chair fell backwards. He suddenly grabbed Tan Yi's collar amidst the harsh friction, forced his lips together, and rubbed them fiercely.

As expected, Tan Yi was stunned.

Then came the punch.

He saw Lu Shenxing's bleeding mouth, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face without realizing it.

There was a loud banging on the door outside, as if they were worried about the situation here, "Team Tan, what's wrong?"

Tan Yi took a deep breath, "It's nothing."

Mr. Lu, who was beaten, raised his hand to wipe his mouth, pulled up his chair and sat back without caring, crossed his legs, "Let's continue."

Looking at the person in front of him, Tan Yi felt strange emotions for the first time, and it was also the first time he took action in the interrogation room.

According to his information, Lu Shen behaves casually, has a prolific and chaotic private life, and is somewhat cynical. However, at work, he is the complete opposite. He is serious and conscientious. He has not made any mistakes that have touched the law. He had an accident two years ago and was discharged from the hospital recently. , had no contact with the deceased.

But from the sudden meeting yesterday to the few minutes just now, what he saw was completely different from the one in the information.

Because the other person looked at him with a look that showed his bones, and he was gay.

But the people in the profile are all women.

"You can hire a lawyer."

His attitude is formulaic and he takes responsibility for his mistakes.

"Why do you need to hire a lawyer?" Lu Shenxing licked his lips and smiled meaningfully, "We just had a great time, didn't we?"

Tan Yi left the table in vain.

After a while, a young man came in and took Lu Shenxing away. Unlike Tan Yi's coldness, he was respectful.

"I want to see your captain."

The young man changed his face slightly when he heard this, "Mr. Lu, our Captain Tan is usually a very principled person with a good temper. You sir have a lot of trouble, I'm sorry."

Lu Shenxing looked to the left. Tan Yi was walking towards him. The leather jacket on his body had a few dust spots, and he didn't know where it was scratched.

Very naturally, Lu Shenxing reached out and patted his leather jacket, "You are so old, but you are still like a child."

Such intimate words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly become strange, and the young man felt inexplicably redundant.

A vein popped out on Tan Yi's forehead. After spending so many lives together, Lu Shenxing knew him so well that he knew what was going to happen next just by looking at his pursed lips.

"It's rare to come to your bureau. Why don't you take me to your office to sit for a while?"

Seeing their captain and Prince Lu walking into the office together, the door slammed shut, and everyone around them was dumbfounded, always feeling that something was going to happen.

The office furnishings were simple. Lu Shenxing turned the globe around casually and then played with the soldier toy next to it.

Tan Yi felt that he must be crazy.

"Let me guess what you are thinking about now..." Lu Shenxing smiled casually, "Do you think you are crazy?"

If someone can easily guess what you are thinking, that is a very scary phenomenon.

Tan Yi's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the aura around his body was cold, as if he would pull out the gun behind his waist at any time.

"Don't be nervous." Lu Shenxing touched his pocket with one hand and emptied it, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

After a long silence, Tan Yi picked up the cigarette case and took out one.

Lu Shenxing didn't pick it up. He lowered his head and took it in his mouth. The meaning was clear.

"Serve the people." Lu Shenxing smiled.

Tan Yi had no idea what the expression on his face was. He pressed the lighter, and a cluster of flames popped out, passing over the cigarette from Lu Shenxing's mouth.

Lu Shenxing held the cigarette in his mouth, took two puffs, raised his eyes and scanned, "Do you feel it?"

He asked abruptly, but Tan Yi understood, "Disgusting."

Being kissed on the mouth by a man for no apparent reason, other than disgust, what other reaction could there be? Even less likely.

Out of self-protection, Tan Yi's thinking hinted to himself.

Lu Shenxing's eyes narrowed, and his voice was gloomy, "Disgusting?"

The other party's eyes were too complicated, including anger, sadness, disappointment, and helplessness. The one that finally settled there was Chongdong. Tan Yi's protruding Adam's apple slid and he was stunned in place.

Why does it feel familiar

He frowned and unconsciously turned his head to look into the void. There were many things in his heart that he had never felt before.

What happened

Lu Shen walked two steps, and his arm was strangled. A smile burst out of his eyes. When he turned his head, he stopped, pretending to be surprised and asked, "Captain Tan, why are you holding me back?"

Tan Yi pursed his lips tightly and tightened his fingers with clear joints, but he didn't know.

But he was sure that he couldn't let it go.