The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller

Chapter 32


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In the lobby on the first floor of Shengshi, facing the boy's request, the receptionist politely asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No." There was a bit of anxiety on Luoyang's face under his sunglasses, and his tone was a little harsh, "I know your Mr. Cheng and have a very good relationship with him."

He used it very well and even more deliberately made it heavier.

However, the receptionist just looked at me suspiciously and said I was sorry to say that the company has company policies and they also did their duty and acted according to the rules. They also kindly suggested that you might as well call me.

Luoyang gritted his teeth. Cheng Tianqin had changed his number long ago and he couldn't contact him at all.

Pacing anxiously back and forth in the hall, Luoyang regretted it for the first time and began to realize that Cheng Tianqin might not be losing his temper.

You could pamper him and pamper him again and again, why did you change this time just because of those words

As night falls, the lights begin to turn on, and the bustling city center is filled with lights.

In the underground parking lot, Lu Shen walked out of the elevator, twirling the car key around his finger. He suddenly stopped and said, "Come out."

There was a noise from the corner, and Luoyang called softly, "Brother Tianqin."

Lu Shenxing raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be busy dealing with the media with your agent?"

Luoyang's face turned pale. He shouldn't take chances and thought that this man had not seen those photos. His voice was filled with tears, "I just lost my head for a moment. Brother Tianqin, you have to believe me. This time I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Lu Shenxing lowered his head, and a coldness flashed in the corner of his eyes. If the original Cheng Tianqin was still standing here, he would definitely choose to forgive, pretend that nothing happened, go deal with his troubles, and propose to live a good life.

Unfortunately not.

When Luoyang saw that the man in front of him was silent, he felt happy. He raised his head and brought his lips together, kissing him randomly, "Brother Tianqin..."

With drool all over his face and chin, Lu Shenxing lifted up Luoyang's collar in disgust and pulled him away from his arms, "Why do you think that I, Cheng Tianqin, would want something dirty by others?"

Disappointment, anger, humiliation, panic, and helplessness swept through his heart. Luoyang shouted sullenly, "Cheng Tianqin, don't force me!"

Lu Shenxing looked at him calmly.

"I've been with you for two years and you're so heartless, so don't blame me." Luoyang chuckled, "If people knew that the boss of Shengshi sexually assaulted a minor, do you think you could stay out of it?"

Lu Shenxing's eyes were filled with sarcasm. There was indeed such a part in the original plot. The original owner Cheng Tianqin didn't know it until his death. What happened that night never happened. Luoyang thought Cheng Tianqin was old and ugly, so he just used medicine to make him hallucinate. Just take off your clothes and lie down together.

The last glimmer of hope became smaller and smaller as time passed, and Luoyang felt cold. He was just bluffing, trying to stop this man from compromising for his own reputation. Unexpectedly, what was waiting for him was " Just do it, I don’t care.”

Lu Shenxing drove away. He asked his secretary to handle the video, not wanting to cause any further complications.

The dampness lingered, and Luoyang stayed in despair for a while before going to Jack to discuss it. Even if he had nothing, he still had Jack.

More than forty minutes later, Luoyang stood at the door and rang the doorbell. There was no movement inside. He took out his mobile phone to make a call, but the busy signal kept prompting. Just when he didn't know whether to leave or continue to wait, the door opened from the inside, and a man wrapped in a long The man in a black down jacket came out and grabbed his fluffy hair and cursed, "What the hell? Who the hell is done?"

Luoyang saw a stranger coming out of Jack's house with an ugly expression on his face, "Who are you? Where is Jack?" He said and looked in the door, "Jack?"

"Jack?" The man's mouth was filled with the stench of a hangover. "There is no one named Jack here."

"Impossible, he is a mixed race, has a pair of blue eyes, and is very tall." Luoyang was emotional and even a little incoherent.

"Oh, you're talking about Ari, right?" the man said, "He already left with his luggage last night."

Ari? Luoyang grabbed the man's arm in desperation, "Where has he gone?"

The man shook him off, "How do I know?"

"Then why are you at his house?" Luoyang obviously didn't believe it. "Jack said he was writing a script and it was impossible to travel far away."

"Are you mistaken? He is just a MB. Why should he write a script?" The man said impatiently, "Also, this house does not belong to him, it belongs to me. It's just that he helped me build it while I was abroad. It’s just reasonable.”

It felt like a basin of water was pouring down from above his head, and Luoyang felt cold all over. "Impossible!" He shouted inside, "Jack, get the hell out of here!"

"Crazy!" The man pushed Luoyang away and slammed the door.

Luoyang wiped his face, his hands were shaking violently, and the expression on his face was distorted. This was a conspiracy from beginning to end. Someone must have instigated it to destroy him and ruin his reputation.

New Year's Day has passed and a new year has arrived.

Some people start crying, some start with a smile, and some end. Years ago, life was fickle, and nine out of ten were unsatisfactory.

The photos on the Internet gradually disappeared, but the terrible download volume in major forums was an unchangeable fact. Luoyang came forward to face the media. That day, he appeared in front of the camera with a face that could directly play the role of vampire Bai Wuchang or Zombie, wearing An overly loose coat makes you look extremely thin.

Five stars on the sympathy index.

His acting career is still going on, and within a few days, he surpassed some of his predecessors and made entertainment headlines for the second time. The headlines are about things in the entertainment industry. Below are a few photos. The largest one is of him being intimate with a fat rich man. Entering and leaving a high-end club.

Lu Shenxing closed the newspaper in his hand. Luoyang was the leading actor in this world. All the plots revolved around him, and his actions affected the whole body. He hoped that the changed situation would not have any unknown consequences.

"Mr. Cheng, the opening ceremony of Jinxiu Garden is almost ready. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?"

Lu Shenxing took over the speech and scanned it from beginning to end, then looked at the names and positions of the invited people, stopped at the line "City Mayor | Tianxuan", and then moved away.

"So be it."

The secretary went out with the documents. Lu Shen walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and overlooked this prosperous city. Real estate was a piece of fat. He was fat in his early years. Cheng Tianqin got the best opportunities and luck.

He established a foundation in the name of Cheng Tianqin, did charity, and became famous. His image of a wealthy family changed little by little, and he successfully separated Luoyang from the world of the original owner.

Having done this, the mission should be completed, right? Lu Shenxing asked in his heart.

"Ding, Mr. Lu, please keep working hard."

Lu Shenxing's eyelids twitched, "In the wrong direction?"

"Ding, it's hard to say."

Lu Shenxing looked at the sky above his feet, feeling the urge to jump down. He asked with a dark face, "How far is the mission progress?"

"Ding, forty-five."

Not even half of it, Lu Shenxing fell into deep depression. The tragedy was not that the task was difficult, but that he had no idea what the task was. He felt that there was nothing left to do.

The opening ceremony was scheduled for January 11th, and the planning department was exhausted. The results were ideal. The media reporters present at the reception all had professional ethics and were prepared with questions given in advance. No one had any other intentions.

Lu Shenxing stood on the stage, wearing a well-tailored silver-gray suit, tall and straight, calm and calm.

"Dear guests, leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good evening to everyone."

Lu Shenxing took a breath, curled his lips and said with a smile, "Welcome everyone to come and attend the capping and opening ceremony of the first and second phases of the park's first phase project "Jinxiu Garden"..."

In the crowd, Cheng Tianyuan looked at the person who had attracted a lot of attention. The eldest brother was right, Lao Qi was really different.

He walked out, blowing in the wind, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Lu Shenxing put one hand in the pocket of his suit trousers and held a wine glass in the other. His eyes met with Cheng Tianyuan's and he approached with slow and unhurried steps.

"You came."

Cheng Tianyuan looked at Lu Shenxing and said, "I'm here."

Lu Shenxing raised his eyebrows, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"This is the first time I have been invited by you." What Cheng Tianyuan said was unclear. At that time, he had not yet secured his position and was stared at by many pairs of eyes. It happened that this person encountered difficulties at that time and he did not approve the documents for the other party.

People tend to be more vulnerable when they are at their lowest point. From then on, Lao Qi started to hold grudges. The cracks between their brothers became deeper and deeper. Gradually, even if they were sitting at the same table to eat in their hometown, they would feel like strangers. .

"This moment is the same as that moment." Lu Shenxing raised his glass, "Don't mention the past anymore. You will always be my sixth brother."

The sound of "Sixth Brother" in his ears was particularly clear in the melodious and undulating music. Cheng Tianyuan's body trembled, the wine glass in his hand swayed slightly, and the knot in his heart that had been knotted for so many years was finally opened.

He stepped forward, shortened the original two-step distance to zero, stretched out his free arm to hug his younger brother, who was a head taller than him, and tightened his arms.

In response, Lu Shenxing patted Cheng Tianyuan on the shoulder. When Lu Shenxing heard that the task was 10% completed, he was stunned and seemed to understand something.

Everything that happened that night was reported, and the outside world officially looked at the boss of Shengshi Real Estate with admiration.

On the first day of the new year, Lu Shenxing received a call from Cheng Tiandao. The two made an appointment to have tea in a teahouse. When he heard what the other party said, he was surprised and said, "Study abroad?"

Cheng Tiandao nodded, "Yes, he proposed it himself."

Blowing the tea leaves floating on it, Lu Shenxing took a sip of tea and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm surprised too." Cheng Tiandao sighed, "Xiao Zi said that he had already contacted his friends over there about the flight on the sixth day of the lunar month."

Lu Shenxing frowned, "Brother, are you going to talk about this when you ask me out?"

"Xiao Zi has been easily distracted recently." Cheng Tiandao said, "Your sister-in-law and I thought he was in love at first."

Lu Shenxing looked at him, what next

Cheng Tiandao shook his head, no more.

After a while, Cheng Tiandao coughed and said, "Lao Qi, let me tell you the truth. Can you help persuade Xiaozi? It's too far abroad and I'm not worried about someone who's not familiar with the place."

Lu Shenxing looked weird, "If you can't persuade me, it's even less possible for me."

"Brother, please tell the truth." Cheng Tiandao looked at Lu Shenxing with an even weirder look, "You can tell me for sure."

In Starbucks, Cheng Zi sat in the corner, propping his chin up and looking out the window at the busy street. Opposite him, Wei Ni complained that the boss of the company was harsh. He didn't even have a double salary, and he couldn't bear to give him a red envelope of more than 100 yuan.

"Cheng Zi?"

Wei Ni followed the young man's gaze and saw a couple sitting shoulder to shoulder on a bench, with a chubby old cat next to them.

The couple were two men. The older man held the hand of the person next to him and put it into his coat pocket. He lowered his head slightly and looked over. In the warm sunshine of winter, his eyes were filled with tenderness that could make people move.

"It's so enviable." Wei Ni couldn't help but sigh, not knowing when her fate would appear.

"There's a big age difference." Cheng Zi said calmly. He couldn't see clearly what was under his eyes. Although the older one took good care of himself, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were still visible.

"This is not important." Wei Ni pouted, "Why are you still so pedantic?"

"One has grown up, and the other is old." Cheng Zi looked away and lowered his eyes, "One is destined to watch the other grow old."

Wei Ni's mouth twitched, "Don't be so pessimistic, love is beautiful at any time."

What if the two parties are each other's relatives? Before Cheng Zi asked, his cell phone rang, and on the other end was Fang Wen's panicked voice and the cry of a child.

"Xiaozi, your brother-in-law had an accident, and your dad is on his way to the hospital..."

The next moment, Wei Ni saw Cheng Zi spilling the coffee in her hand. She was frightened by the expression on the other person's face and slowed down her breathing.

"Cheng Zi, what happened?"

Cheng Zi got up in a hurry and ran out. Wei Ni had never seen him so panicked before and was a little startled.

The hospital is filled with odor all year round. It is a smell that combines life, old age, illness and death, which can make people fear and resist. Cheng Zi ran to the nurse's station with an anxious look on his face, "Did you send in a patient named Cheng Tianqin just now?"

"Yes." As soon as the nurse finished speaking, there was no one in front of her. She said to herself, "I haven't said what day it is..."

The door of the emergency room was pushed open from the inside, and Cheng Zi's eyes widened as he watched a bed being pushed out. The person on it was covered with a white cloth.

"Please have my condolences and be patient." The doctor passing by said.

Cheng Zi's Adam's apple twitched. He slowly reached out and grabbed a corner of the white cloth and squeezed it tightly. His knuckles turned white and his eyes were red.

"I have never dared to say that I like you."

Doctors and nurses have seen too many late and regretful misses caused by worries, cowardice, misunderstandings and other factors, so they are not surprised. But when the next two words popped out, the solemn atmosphere at the scene changed completely. Looks like.

Uncle? The doctors and nurses suddenly looked dumbfounded, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

A woman with tears streaming down her face suddenly rushed up to Cheng Zi and shouted, "Why are you touching my son? Go away!"

The white cloth was pulled away by the woman's movement, revealing the face of a strange young man. Cheng Zi was stunned. He retracted his hand in embarrassment and took two steps back, with a look of happiness that could not be concealed on his face.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something. The moment he turned around, he saw Lu Shenxing standing not far away with his arm bandaged, and... a shocked Cheng Tiandao.