The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller

Chapter 59


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Lu Shenxing was so angry that he laughed, "You want to kill me?"

Ning Que's breathing was rapid, he clenched his teeth, and the black air between his eyebrows was sometimes dark and sometimes light. There was a vague mark of a tripod, which looked like a ghost and looked a bit ferocious.

Lu Shenxing remained motionless, and his heart was in turmoil. Black Yaoding actually recognized Ning Que as his master. He furrowed his brows and looked at his heart. He could tell that Ning Que was wavering.

That voice was still hysterical over and over again. Ning Que's clear eyes gradually became cloudy, dark, and turned scarlet again. It was so noisy.

Lu Shenxing still didn't move. His calmness came from the trust and intuition accumulated over several lifetimes.

Being stared at by that gentle gaze that was almost intimate, it contained so many things that Ning Que suddenly felt like he had seen it somewhere before. Severe pain shot through his head, and his mind was raging uncontrollably. His pupils shrank, He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell forward.

Lu Shenxing supported Ning Que and tightened his arms in his arms. He raised his eyelids and glanced lightly. Liuyang was standing under the shade of a tree not far away, and the expression on his face could not be seen clearly.

"You are not Bai Fengqi."

When Lu Shenxing heard this statement when he passed Liu Yang, he was not surprised. He did not speak and acquiesced to the matter.

Liuyang stayed where he was and tightened his jaw. That was not what he wanted to say just now.

When Jiang Wangchu saw Lu Shenxing coming back with Ning Que in his arms, he hurriedly threw away the food and ran up, asking with concern, "Senior Brother, what's wrong with Junior Brother?"

"You must be tired." Lu Shenxing calmly wiped away a wisp of blood from the corner of Ning Que's mouth.

Jiang Wangchu said "Oh", he was also tired and didn't dare to sleep.

The tranquility of the secret realm is not beautiful when the wind blows, and no one knows what is lurking somewhere, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

After going through all the plot twice, Lu Shenxing pinched his nose impetuously and said, "Open your eyes when you wake up."

Ning Que, who was pretending to be asleep, sat up uncomfortably, his eyes lowered as he said, "Elder brother."

Lu Shenxing made a sound from his nose, "Yeah."

After a moment of silence, Ning Que took out a small black three-legged cauldron the size of a copper coin, "Elder brother, this is for you."

Lu Shenxing nodded and said, "Since it recognizes you as its master, just take care of yourself."

The hand that had stopped in mid-air was awkwardly withdrawn. Ning Que panicked. His senior brother still blamed him. He was very confused, but that voice came out again. He was still chattering endlessly, saying that his senior brother was his doom. It would destroy his immortality, he shouted angrily, "Shut up!"

Ning Que's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he unconsciously tried to defend himself. He hated hearing someone say something bad about his senior brother.

I was stunned for a moment, and the eight-headed demon roared like crazy in the cauldron. I misjudged this person, thinking that this person was innocent and simple, and planned to go out and replace him, and then return to the demon world. In these ten thousand years, he has fantasized about dominating the three realms countless times. In such a situation, I never expected that I would be unable to control this person Xiu.

The beginning was not what he expected. Stupid Renxiu, and that bullshit senior brother, the eight-headed demon wanted to vomit blood, but he just opened his mouth and couldn't even do this.

Ning Que, who couldn't sort out his emotions, sighed with frustration and moved to Jiang Wangchu on the left, "Third senior brother, if there is someone who would rather get hurt himself than hurt another person." He pursed his lips, "Then What does this person think of the other person?"

"Junior brother, you asked the right person." Jiang Wangchu blinked his eyes proudly, "I really know this."

Ning Que raised his heart to his throat, "What is it?"

"You want that person to be your..." Jiang Wangchu said with a smile, "Taoist companion."

Ning Que blurted out, "That's nonsense!" He stood up and left in a hurry.

Jiang Wangchu wiped his face inexplicably. He was just joking. Why was the junior brother really angry? Wasn't the junior brother joking with him

From the moment he walked into the mountains, Lu Shenxing noticed that Youdao's eyes were always on his back. He suddenly turned around and caught Ning Que, who had no time to avoid him.


Ning Que tilted his head and pretended not to know anything.

"Ning Que." Lu Shenxing obviously didn't intend to let him go just like that, so he simply named him.

Carefully hiding his nervousness, Ning Que had clear dimples on his face. He smiled and said, "Senior Brother, did you call me?"

Lu Shenxing rolled his eyes. How long will you continue to be awkward

Liu Yang, who was walking at the end, had his eyes flickering for a moment and lowered his head.

Some people's hearts are like the eighteen bends on the mountain road, such as Liuyang, who never expose their thoughts. There are also people who are straight-faced and can't hide anything and put everything on the surface. Jiang Wangchu is this kind of person. He feels that the elder brother and the younger brother There was something strange between the junior and the younger brother. It was so strange that they couldn't explain it, but they felt close to each other, and no one else could intervene. He looked at it with envy.

When Liuyang heard Jiang Wangchu's voice, he said expressionlessly, "I don't know."

"I think senior brother is right." Jiang Wangchu made up his mind, "I will practice hard with my master when I go back. Second senior brother, please supervise me!"

Surprised, Liuyang raised his chin slightly.

Lu Shenxing, who was walking in front, knew that the progress of the sub-task had reached 50%. He raised his eyebrows. According to this progress, it would be completed soon.

Ning Que had the idea of giving the Black Yao Cauldron to Lu Shenxing for safekeeping. The eight-headed demon in it felt like it was about to be sold. He said pitifully: Don't give it to him. I don't like the smell of him.

The next second, Ning Que gave the cauldron to Lu Shenxing, accompanied by the eight-headed demon's shrill roar.

"Elder brother, I can't suppress this Black Yao Cauldron yet." Ning Que frowned. He was injured when he got the cauldron. After the blood dripped on the cauldron, he sensed that there was still an aura inside.

Lu Shenxing held the tripod in his hand and considered asking Wan Guanqian for a way to suppress the eight-headed demon before the demon recovered.

Not long after, Lu Shenxing suddenly felt something was wrong. He reached out and touched his arms, his face suddenly became horrified, and his egg broke.

"What is this?" Ning Que's eyes lit up, joy covering his eyebrows, "Snake?" He couldn't help but touch it with his fingers.

"Snake? Where is it?" Jiang Wangchu shouted in fright. He saw a small green snake squirming there, and the hairs all over his body stood up. The junior brother is even afraid of mice, why not afraid of this kind of snake? Slippery||greasy||greasy stuff

The little green thing was as long as an index finger and had a fleshy body. Lu Shenxing knew that this thing would soon grow up like a drug with a ||stimulator| Fatty.

So the male protagonist is fat before he takes human form.

"It doesn't seem to be a snake." Ning Que seemed to have an inexplicable liking for the fat lying on Lu Shenxing's hand.

Jiang Wangchu shuddered at the sight. He was most afraid of reptiles.

"Young aphids?" Liuyang lowered his voice.

Lu Shenxing didn't hide anything from him, "Well, the master let me go before departure."

Liuyang frowned, "There is no spiritual energy here."

Lu Shenxing and Liu Yang looked at each other, their foreheads twitching violently. It's a shame. No matter what the situation is, the hero will definitely not be fine. His spiritual power seems to be average. This time it will probably be a tragedy.

The deeper they walked into the forest, the heavier the humidity became, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air. Lu Shenxing turned around and walked to Ning Que very naturally, in a protective posture. Ning Que was stunned and lowered his eyes.

There were scattered pieces of meat and internal organs on the ground. It was unknown what they belonged to, and there was a disgusting smell floating around.

Liuyang clenched his sword tightly and moved forward attentively. For a rare moment of honesty, Jiang Wangchu turned pale and closed his mouth without saying a word.


A wary question came from the lingering mist on the other side, and Lu Shenxing raised his voice and said, "This is Bai Fengqi from Hengyang Sect."

"It turns out that he is a Taoist friend of Hengyang Sect, and his name has been admired for a long time."

The sounds of chaotic footsteps gradually approached, and Lu Shenxing saw a dozen young men and women walking out of the fog, all of them carrying the blood of the killings. They were members of the Qiongxian Sect.

The woman in red is the one who planted the root of love in Liuyang's heart, the daughter of the head of Qiongxian.

Lu Shenxing glanced at Liuyang quickly and almost imperceptibly. He said a few words of farewell to those people. After passing them not far away, he turned and said, "Master told me that there are fragments of artifacts in the purple bamboo forest. Let's go quickly. The secret realm is open." Time is running out.”

Jiang Wangchu looked back and said, "Senior Brother, please keep your voice down, or the Qiongxian Sect group will hear you."

The Qiongxian clan members, who listened to every word, exchanged glances with each other and said with sarcastic smiles, "Then Bai Fengqi is indeed a loser. This time we are lucky."

Next, Lu Shen walked for a while and stopped, slowly, and suddenly turned into a frail look.

Jiang Wangchu stared anxiously, "Senior Brother, why did you stop again? You were taken away by people from Qiongxian Sect when you were late."

"What's the rush? You're not rushing to reincarnate." Lu Shenxing said casually as he checked the moving green ring around his hand.

Ning Que touched his nose. The senior brother must have other ideas.

Liuyang didn't ask much.

The mist that filled the surroundings became vaguely more misty, like flowing slurry, interfering with the five senses, and everything became hazy.

Jiang Wangchu was the first to step out of the fog. He stood there and was alert to his surroundings.

After an unknown amount of time, Liuyang's figure emerged from the mist, holding a woman in red in his hand. The aura of death was thick and she had lost her breath.

"Second Senior Brother, you and her, you..." Jiang Wangchu was joking. He found that there were three scars on the woman's neck, as if she had been scratched by something. The flesh and blood were black, and she was obviously poisoned.

He took a breath. Fortunately, the senior brother was weak and they didn't catch up.

He couldn't help but look at the marks on the woman's face, which seemed to have been caused by a kiss. Jiang Wangchu thought to himself that the second senior brother had mistook the woman for someone, right

What are you thinking about? Jiang Wangchu twitched himself and looked at Wu helplessly, "Why haven't senior brother and junior brother come out yet? Could it be that something happened?"

Liuyang paused in adjusting his clothes, and the shadow between his brows became heavy.

In that mist, Lu Shenxing's mind was half confused and half awake. No matter how much Ning Que kissed him on the face, how much he cried, moaned, and begged him to comfort him, he didn't move until Ning Que called his name. .

The mist in the mountain forest was mixed, some were poisonous, some were psychedelic, and some were normal. Lu Shenxing deliberately brought them here because he wanted to see the scene in front of him.

People in this fog will reveal the side that occupies the most inner emotions, whether they know it, are self-deceiving, or don't even understand it.

If you don't have love, you can easily get out of it. Once you have love, everything you do will follow your heart and you won't give up until you are satisfied.

"Elder brother... I feel uncomfortable..." Ning Que's overflowing voice was broken.

"You'll feel better after a while." Lu Shenxing kissed his hot earlobe.

Lu Shenxing suddenly thought of something when they were being honest. He pressed Ning Que against his chest and snorted coldly, "Close your eyes."

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Fatty, who was lying on his stomach, closed his eyes the size of sesame seeds.

Under the special circumstances, Lu Shenxing did not choose to engage in guerrilla warfare or play hide-and-seek, but directly confronted Ning Que. He stretched out his hand and touched it again, not sparing every inch of the front, rear, left, right, inside and outside.

The door frame was so ordinary that Lu Shenxing's friends couldn't help but shed two tears of excitement, and the tears flowed down into a river.