The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller

Chapter 93


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Wu Dongqiang's death did not slow down the pace of life.

Autumn passed by winter, and after winter came another year. Year after year, it was ordinary and nothing changed.

Wu Yuan's career was going smoothly, and Lu Shenxing was teaching in a middle school near the hospital where he worked, four or five traffic lights away.

"Teacher, all the dishes for dinner are prepared for you." Wu Yuan was used to calling this man this way.

Lu Shenxing was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and said vaguely, "Do you work overtime?"

Wu Yuan closed the refrigerator door, "Yeah."

He was worried and wrote down what he wanted to explain on a sticky note.

Wu Yuan likes to plan everything, have complete control, and implement it in an orderly manner.

Lu Shenxing does as he pleases and enjoys life's surprises.

They are two different people, completely different from each other, but they sleep together in the same bed, enjoying comfort and happiness.

Lu Shenxing came out after washing his face. All the clothes and pants he needed to wear were placed on the bedside, including the socks. Of course, there were people waiting there.

"There will be a heavy rain today. Remember to bring back the potted flowers on the balcony of your office." Wu Yuan smoothed out the wrinkles on his coat and put it on Lu Shenxing. He buttoned it for him with a lowered brow and concentrated attentively.

Lu Shenxing touched Wu Yuan's neck and rubbed it slowly, "Aren't you ever bored?" It was like this every day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It would be impossible to replace him.

Wu Yuan chuckled, his brows and eyes gentle, "Teacher, I like that you rely on me."

Lu Shenxing lowered his head slightly. He looked at this man who was about the same height as himself. From a young boy to a confident and steady young man, his transformation was dazzling.

He is proud.

The temperature was a bit cold in the morning. Lu Shenxing got into the car and Wu Yuan turned on the air conditioner.

After a while, Lu Shenxing fell asleep in the passenger seat.

At the intersection, while waiting for the red light, Wu Yuan held Lu Shenxing's hand and woke him up, "I asked you to go to bed early last night, so you have to watch the TV episode."

Hearing Wu Yuan's helpless tone, Lu Shenxing yawned, "Didn't you ask me to watch it?" He usually didn't like watching TV at all, so Wu Yuan recommended one, Urban Love, and the plot didn't feel novel.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

A suspicious blush appeared on Wu Yuan's ears, "Then what did you watch last night?"

Lu Shenxing yawned again, "The hero proposed to the heroine, and what else... I can't remember."

The next moment, Lu Shenxing suddenly turned to look at the young man beside him. A smile burst out of his eyes. It turned out that this was what he was looking at.


The car stopped on the side of the road. Lu Shenxing leaned over to kiss Wu Yuan's face, opened the door and got out, pretending not to see Wu Yuan's disappointment.

As soon as the car left, Lu Shenxing turned around and went to buy a ring.

When he was choosing a ring, Wu Yuan was preparing to enter the operating room.

Ward rounds

Most of the surgeons are men, and the topics are politics, football, and sex.

Pornographic jokes during surgery

Intestinal necrosis and massive bleeding,

removal of intestines

intestines, abdomen

Chief surgeon, routine surgery, anesthetist, assistant, hand-washing nurse, circulating nurse


All parts of the body are stiff, only the wrists and fingers can move

under microscope

A posture lasts for a long time,


high tension

tell a joke

Wu Yuan was unlike anyone else in the hospital. He exuded the smell of abstinence from head to toe.

sewing work