The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 102


It can be said that Zhang Ji opened the door to a new world for Gu Ning. They didn't realize that someone was willing to exchange crystal nuclei for supplies, but according to the third brother and the others, although their current supplies are as large as a large supermarket, they are still limited after all, and they go out to hunt zombies every day , is not bad for the crystal nucleus. However, for Gu Ning, as long as you have money, you can buy materials, but you have to risk your life to obtain crystal nuclei.

Especially the evolutionary crystal nucleus. They have found that the evolutionary crystal nucleus will expand the ability pool in the body to a certain extent when it is eaten for the second time, which means that more abilities can be stored, which is a very big advantage in the battle.

Gu Ning gave Xiang Xu the crystal nucleus dug out from the brain of the tentacle-mutated zombie, and Xiang Xu's ability pool expanded by nearly a quarter, which is the increased ability by a quarter. Let her resist for a minute in more than ten kinds of supernatural attacks.

The other six mutated crystal nuclei were distributed to the three mutated abilities and third brother Zhong Xu's method. There are also a few evolutionary crystal nuclei that are distributed to the supernatural beings in the team except her. In the end, the remaining three evolutionary crystal nuclei were kept by Gu Ning for backup.

Their supplementary crystal nuclei have accumulated a relatively large number after going out to hunt zombies every day, almost hundreds of them.

On the bulletin board in the management office the next day, there was a large piece of cardboard that took up most of the bulletin board, and a black pen was used to write crystal core exchange materials on it. Below it is written in a line of slightly smaller characters, one supplementary crystal nucleus can be exchanged for five catties of supplies, and one evolutionary crystal nucleus can be exchanged for fifty catties of supplies.

This is a figure far above the market price. Gu Ning not only wants to obtain the crystal nucleus, but she also hopes to use this opportunity to release a batch of materials. On the one hand, her space has been exposed. She believes that many people have already set their sights on her space. If the strength of the third company is so strong, if it still can't deter those people, then it must be extremely short of supplies. If this is the case, how about She directly offered a very favorable deal. Putting a large amount of supplies out, as long as those people's urgent needs are solved, naturally they won't frantically call her attention again.

Another reason is that Gu Ning has softened his heart. She has never been a hard-hearted person, and her cold-bloodedness is only aimed at those who are hostile to her. She watched the people in the base become thinner and thinner. I did my best. If this development continues, in a few years, there will be fewer and fewer people in this world.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to have evolutionary crystal nuclei in their hands, but if they are lucky enough to supplement the crystal nuclei, they may have one or two in their hands. If you save five catties of supplies, one person can eat them for half a month. With the buffer time of half a month, they can hunt more crystal nuclei.

It has to be said that the supplies have already been looted once in the early days of the apocalypse, and it has been more than four months since the apocalypse. Unless you venture to a place where zombies are dense, in the relatively remote areas around, the supplies have almost been looted. In contrast, crystal nuclei are easier to obtain.

As soon as this piece of cardboard was posted, it immediately attracted many people who had crystal nuclei in their hands but lacked supplies.

In the afternoon, they exchanged materials for a large shed at the management office. Jia Daochang took several soldiers and carried bags of supplies from the third floor into the shed. Every soldier is equipped with a gun, plus Jia Daochang, a supernatural being sitting in the town, above is their base camp, no one will be so blind to grab things.

Around two meters outside the shed, the third brother built a one-meter-high earth wall, leaving only a small door with a width of one meter for those who need to trade.

Bags of rice, noodles, shredded rice, various biscuits, and ham sausages are piled up in the shed, and on the other side are piles of various types of winter clothes and quilts, all of which Gu Ning bought from the world over there last time, but they are I don't know, I thought it was picked up by Gu Ning at the supermarket last time.

Within a few minutes, it was full of people, all standing outside the wall and drooling at the generations of rice and various supplies inside.

Seeing that there were more people, Daoist Jia cleared his throat and began to introduce the trading rules. They not only collect crystal cores, but also all kinds of goldware and diamonds can be exchanged for supplies. There are few people with crystal nuclei, but there are many people who are reluctant to throw away valuables such as gold necklaces and rings. When they heard this, they all turned back to their tents to find things that could be sold. Don't even think about it in the last days, what's the use of gold for them. Daoist Jia and the others didn't understand either, but they still had to meet Gu Ning's request.

The first customer to come to the door was the team of supernatural beings who lived in the same building.

Both sides are acquainted. I exchanged a bag of rice with an evolutionary crystal nucleus, and exchanged several winter clothes, a few quilts, and some scraps of bread and biscuits with a few supplementary crystal nuclei, and carried them away happily.

What surprised Daoist Jia was that many ordinary people also took out supplementary crystal cores. Daoist Jia was kind-hearted, and he would not give more than one or two when trading with supernatural beings. If ordinary people came to trade, He also secretly gave a piece of bread.

There were quite a few children lying on the wall and staring eagerly at the piles of supplies. The children were all hungry. Although Jia Daochang felt a little uncomfortable, he also knew that if there is one, there will be two. Good deeds are not so easy to do. Before, the third brother proposed to set up a porridge shed for children and the elderly at the base, but Sister Hong firmly rejected it. Except for a few enthusiastic little soldiers, everyone else was against it. There are now more than 100,000 people in this base, and there are at least several thousand old people and children. If we really set up a porridge shed, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

Zhang Ji really didn't expect Gu Ning to come out like that. At the same time, she vaguely guessed Gu Ning's intentions, but she didn't know whether the idea was Gu Ning's own or her team member's.

In the two meetings with Gu Ning after the end of the world, Zhang Ji was keenly aware that Gu Ning seemed to be the core figure in this team. Generally speaking, a space-type superpower is just a mobile warehouse in the team. What's more, Gu Ning is still a girl... Thinking that most of the team he saw that day were men, Zhang Ji inevitably had some other thoughts, and what Gu Ning said had nothing to do with Lu Jiazi. , and the big change in temperament made Zhang Ji more and more sure of his thoughts.

After all, such a model is the most common in the last days.

The point is, is it possible for me to win Gu Ning over? He was very thoughtful about Gu Ning's space before, but after all, the friendship between the two before, if he directly killed Gu Ning and took the things inside, he wouldn't be able to make much of it. It is tantamount to killing the chicken and picking the egg. But now Zhang Ji suddenly found that he seemed to be able to bring the chicken directly.

However, how to get it specifically still needs to be discussed in the long run.

Zhang Ji fell into deep thought.