The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 111: Rescue plan 1


Zhang Ji glanced back and forth from Gu Ning's third brother's face, as if he was weighing something.

All the supernatural beings who had been talking about it before were all shocked by what the third brother said. They stared at the people of the third company with some doubts, and found that their team members also took it for granted, and no one be opposed to.

They really don't understand, as far as the "strong" strength displayed by the third company, whether it is materials or crystal cores, the rice they traded out every day has already exceeded several thousand catties, and how many crystal cores they exchanged can be imagined . Why did they take such a big risk for the hundreds of catties of rice given by the base

Could it be that there is a secret agreement between the third company and the base that they don't know about

However, the third company is strong. Even the little girl who looks like seven or eight years old is also a psychic supernatural power. It is said that when Zhang Ji's team entered the base a month ago, the two sides had a conflict. Man blocked the supernatural attacks of more than a dozen supernatural beings with his mental power! Of course, these are base rumors and have not been confirmed. However, from the time the other teams entered the base to the present, when they go out to kill zombies, there will be more or less personnel injuries. Even Zhang Ji's team, with more than a dozen supernatural beings, has only been in the base for a month, and now they have died for two months. A superhuman. However, this third company has entered the base for nearly two months, not to mention dead people, not even injured people.

A few people go out every day, that is, a few people come back, talking and laughing along the way back, people who don't know think they are not going to kill zombies, but go for an autumn outing.

But when this team goes out to kill zombies, they often go to areas where zombies are dense and ordinary people avoid. Few people can meet them, so the true strength of the third company is still a mystery.

Then this mission is a great opportunity.

Going out to kill zombies with the people of the third company, on the one hand, you can find out the true strength of the third company, on the other hand, the strength of the third company lies here, and since they dare to take this task, they must be sure.

To be honest, the price of 50 catties of rice per person is relatively high.

For a while, the other teams of supernatural beings in the conference room were a little ready to move again, but they still didn't make a statement immediately. They were still waiting and watching. Naturally, what they were watching was the intention of Zhang Ji's team, which had never made a statement.

Zhang Ji can naturally feel the atmosphere in the meeting room now. Those undisguised eyes cast over him, as if he couldn't see it, and the fingers placed under the table tapped his thighs one by one. Yes, he can naturally think of it. Although it is said that after exchanging a few batches of supplies with Gu Ning, their demand for supplies is not so urgent for the time being, but 50 catties of rice per person is really impressive.

And if he agrees to go, at least half of the supernatural beings in this conference room will go.

Coupled with the strength of the three companies...

He finally made a decision, he smiled, and said: "Director Zhong is right, since we are protected by the base, we must naturally fulfill our obligations. I am also included."

As soon as Zhang Ji's words came out, the conference room was boiling all of a sudden. Just now, the boss was unwilling and just wanted to retreat to the other teams of supernatural beings. Now that the third company and Zhang Ji are all going, then It is equivalent to double-layer insurance, and all of them are active at once.

Gu Ning didn't come out in full force. Shi Shi, Luo Long, Xiang Yi and other people without supernatural powers were all left behind. In order not to expose Gu Ning's healing ability, Gao Yue was also brought along.

So the people who went to the third company were Gu Ning, Xiang Xu, Third Brother, Jia Daochang, Zhang Xiaobai, Cheng Ming, Fa Fang, Zhong Xu, and Huang Mengyao, a total of nine people.

Zhang Ji and his team, as the entire team are all supernatural beings, are naturally dispatched with all their members.

The other teams also signed up one by one.

After all, one more person is fifty catties of rice!

From the beginning to the end, the base chief sat in the main seat without saying a word, and left directly after the meeting was over.

The others also went to prepare one after another, and the third company was at the end. Director Zhong stopped the third brother and the others.

The supplies he provided this time were all donated by Gu Ning last night. Of course, he would not know that Gu Ning and the others must not be for those supplies, and if the third brother was not the first to stand up, then he really would not Knowing what method to use to persuade those people to participate: "Third brother, Gu Ning, thank you so much this time."

The third brother said seriously: "Director Zhong, I am still a soldier, and many people in my team are soldiers." Maybe many things have changed after the end of the world, but the third brother has been a soldier for more than ten years. The sense of honor and mission in my bones has never faded away. Gu Ning is because he understands the feeling of the third brother, and because he thinks of the content of the oath he once swore in the five-star brigade. This trip to muddy water, they are sure.

Gu Ning remembered the hostile look Zhou Yan cast on him when Zhang Ji and his team went out just now, Gu Ning's eyes were slightly sharp, that Zhou Yan held a grudge against him, maybe he would make small moves, you must be careful about that woman , when necessary, you can strike first.

Gu Ning and the others had nothing to prepare for. They just told Gu's father and mother that Gao Yue was not dissatisfied with her decision to travel with her. To deal with emergencies.

Gu Ning's two curly-edged long knives have been replaced by two relatively new knives.

Everyone in the team carries at least three supplementary crystal nuclei with them, just in case.

Then I went downstairs and met up with the others.

Finally, a total of fifty-eight people were determined to set off.

There are nine on Gu Ning's side.

Zhang Ji's team consisted of fourteen people.

There are four other teams.

A team called Nighthawk is the strongest team among the other four teams. It was united by the previous two teams. There are a total of 10 supernatural beings. The captain is Wang Sheng, who is about 30 years old. A tall man with a third-order earth-type ability.

A team called Yuezhou, because the members are all from Yuezhou, seven supernatural powers, the captain is Wei Xin, about 27 or 28 years old, wearing a pair of high myopia glasses, a second-level fire system supernatural power .

A small team is called Survival Squad, with eight supernatural powers. The leader is Yuan Ge, a young man in his twenties and fourteen years old. It can be said that he is very young, but he is also a third-level wood supernatural power. , and most of them are very young.

The last team made Gu Ning look sideways. The name of this team is Qingshu Team, and the captain is Liang Le. She is also the only female captain in several teams. There are ten people in total, seven of them are women, and the youngest is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

Among the fifty-eight people with supernatural powers in total, Jia Daochang was the oldest, followed by the third brother, and the youngest was also in their team, naturally Xiang Xu. And the ratio of female supernatural beings to male supernatural beings is almost 5:1.

In addition to Gu Ning, there is another space-type superpower in the survival team. He is a young man in his twenties. Perhaps because of the danger of the space system, his expression seems to be always on guard, and his eyes are scanning vigilantly anytime, anywhere. around.

In contrast, Gu Ning, who "has a huge amount of money", seems to be much calmer and more casual.

At least a dozen of these supernatural beings have evolved supernatural powers in the past two weeks, and their actual combat experience is limited.

After the assembly, Director Zhong handed over the command of this mission to the third brother as a matter of course, and no one objected. Whether this command can play a role or not is another matter when it arrives at the scene, and no one takes it seriously.

So they got on the bus one after another, and this time they finally got their wish and got on the bus sent by the base.

After getting in the car, the car is full.

Jia Daochang consciously sat in the driver's seat.

Then the gate opened, and the bus slowly left the Zhongnan Base and headed towards Baoxi District.

Without anyone's reminder, Xiang Xu's mental power had spread out around the bus, covering the 500-meter range around the bus. Because of the great role of mental power, the evolutionary crystal nucleus harvested every time is always the first to be supplied to Xiang Xu. In just one month, Xiang Xu even jumped two levels, and has become a fourth-level ability. Or, at the same time, her ability to control mental power is also terrifying. With her strength, she can completely kill fifth-order supernatural beings by leaps and bounds!

The stages of the ability users are divided according to the storage capacity of the ability pool.

Gu Ning really doesn't know how many levels she is. She sadly has the world's largest ability pool that cannot be regenerated.

Apart from the noise of the driving bus, there was no other sound in the car. Although we have dealt with each other more or less, but this is the first time that so many people go out together, especially the third company that has always followed the "cold" route. No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere in the car was somewhat weird.

The zombies near the base were almost cleaned up. The car drove for a long distance without bumping into a single zombie. The stores on both sides of the road were all wide open, and the inside was a mess. The zombies and human corpses on the ground were all gathered together and burned, so this section of the road looks relatively clean.

Finally someone couldn't bear the loneliness and began to speak in a low voice.

Xiang Xu took the map provided by Director Zhong to guide Jia Daochang.

After driving about five miles away from the base, one or two corpses of zombies gradually appeared on the road. After five months in the last days, those zombies that can still maintain a relatively complete face are the zombies that were bitten recently. For those who are more than three months old, the flesh on the face is almost unable to hang on, and it is rotten.

Because he was in a hurry, when Jia Daochang drove into a zombie on the road, he usually ran into it directly. The car body was violently bumped and shaken, and all the people inside were holding on to the front seats tightly to keep their bodies stable.

The car was driven on the road for nearly an hour. On the way, because the abandoned cars blocked the road and got out of the car to clean up those cars, it can be said that the journey was smooth.

But Gu Ning did not relax because of this.

Soon, the car stopped.

"The car can't go any further." Daoist Jia explained with a solemn expression, "The zombie-intensive area is ahead."

After a smooth drive along the way, the people relaxed a lot because of Jia Daochang's words, and their complexions became serious again.

Team Three and Team Zhang Ji got out of the car first, and everyone else got out of the car one after another.

As soon as I got out of the car, I encountered a group of Xiaobo zombies who were attracted by zombies.

The people in the third company hardly needed to command, Zhong Xu shot dozens of water arrows, and the dozens of water arrows were shot crookedly, and they actually shot towards the top of the zombie's head. Just when the supernatural beings who came down from behind secretly laughed at Zhong Xu's aim deviation was too outrageous, the dozens of water arrows had already flew more than ten meters, and they reached the top of the zombie Xiaobo in the blink of an eye. The upper and lower lips touched and spit out a word: "Explosion!"

Those water arrows actually exploded with a bang on the top of Xiaobo Zombie's head!

What? What skill is this? Water ability can still be used like this? !

Huh? But the zombies didn't seem to have suffered any harm other than being drenched...

Just when the group of people didn't react, Zhang Xiaobai had opened his hands slightly, and two thunder dragons rose from his palms instantly, entangled between his arms, and as he raised his hands, the two thunder dragons exploded with lightning. The voice rushed towards the small wave of zombies!

Crackling! —A burst of crackling sounds mixed with the screams of zombies, and then a smell of burning and rancid smell drifted over, but no one slapped them, except for the third company, the other teams They all looked in shock at the seven or eight zombies lying on the ground that had been directly scorched by the electric shock.

Fang Fang dodged forward and rushed over. In less than 30 seconds, the heads of the seven or eight charred zombie corpses on the ground were dug open. Fang Fang put the knife back to his waist, holding a dirty The crystal nucleus was not too dirty, so it was stuffed directly into the pocket hanging on the waist.

Then the third company continued to move forward.

The other supernatural teams, including Zhang Ji's team, hadn't reacted from the scene just now. If it weren't for the corpses of those zombies whose heads had been gouged out, they almost thought they were just hallucinating.

Seven or eight zombies, including an evolutionary zombie, were wiped out in less than ten seconds? !

Yuan Ge, the leader of the survival team, opened his mouth wide, and stared at the eight charred zombie corpses on the ground for a long time and said shit.

Zhang Ji was also full of horror.

What shocked him was not only the combination of water-type abilities and lightning-type abilities into such a tactic, but also the tacit understanding of the third company. They didn't make a sound or even make eye contact during the whole process. The cooperation is so perfect... He thinks that their own team's actual combat experience can be called rich, but they definitely don't have such a tacit understanding.

"Everyone, don't be dazed, we are in a hurry." Seeing that they were all standing there without moving, Daoist Jia could only shout at them.

They just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly followed.

Several teams got together at one time, naturally they all had their own little calculations, the truly powerful characters hadn't come out yet, and they didn't want to consume their abilities in advance, and they thought it would take a lot of intrigue, wits and courage to preserve their strength. The squads found themselves simply overthinking it. The third company seems to have no intention of saving its strength at all, and often a bunch of zombies rush out from nowhere, and before they reach within ten meters, they will be rushed out by the third company first. It was solved.

Along the way, they solved at least ten waves of small zombie groups, but they didn't seem to ask other supernatural teams for help. Although the other abilities teams were happy to maintain their strength and reduce the consumption of abilities, they always felt something was wrong in their hearts.

Then slowly they discovered the problem.

The zombies here are dense, and on average, a few zombies will come out of the alleys on both sides every three minutes, both ordinary zombies and evolved zombies.

The National People's Congress of the third company took all the way to kill and dig the crystal nucleus. They have dug more than ten crystal nucleus, and one of them is an evolutionary crystal nucleus! And with the cooperation of those strange and weird others who never thought that they could still use such tactics, their power consumption was almost negligible!

The supernatural beings who were still huddled in the back to watch the excitement suddenly tasted it, and rushed to the front silently.

The strange thing is that the people from the third company didn't intend to fight with them. They rushed to the front, and they followed behind the team silently. Except for Xiang Xu's occasional guidance, the others changed from the murderous look just now, and suddenly changed It has become as leisurely as going out for an autumn outing.

The other supernatural teams were struggling to kill the zombies in front, and when they took the time to look back, they saw the supernatural beings of the third company who were idle and still pointing out what the attacking superhumans should do. It started to feel a little bit wrong again.