The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 13: Go alone


"Gu Ning. What are you doing?" As soon as Method returned to the car, he saw that Gu Ning was dumping all the supplies in the backpack on the seat and piled it up into a hill. This backpack doesn't look particularly big, but it has capacity amazing.

She picked some food at random, left the medicine Zhuang Chen needed, and put everything else in, and then said to Fang Fang and Zhuang Chen: "I'm going back the same way now, and I'll leave these supplies to you. "

"What do you mean? Are you going to go alone?" Fang asked in surprise.

Zhuang Chen leaned on the car with his chest folded and didn't speak.

"Yes." Gu Ning nodded.

Method said: "I promised you to find your parents together with you."

"I don't know how long I'll be looking, maybe a month, two months? I'll keep looking until I find it. If you're alone right now, I'd love for you to stay with me, but you still have your parents at home Waiting for you." Gu Ning turned to Zhuang Chen and said, "The method is trustworthy, which means that he will never stab you in the back. You have a long way to go to the capital, and a trustworthy companion is very important."

Zhuang Chen glanced at the method, nodded, and then said: "I promised you to look for it for three days before, and today is only the first day. I will wait for you in Times City in Nanning for two days. If you don't come after two days, we Won't wait any longer."

Gu Ning smiled and said, "Thank you."

"You also said that a trustworthy companion is very important. And compared to this policeman, I think you are more worthy of my trust." Zhuang Chen shrugged and said.

The method is a little speechless on the side.

Gu Ning said sincerely: "I hope to have the opportunity to go with you."

Zhuang Chen nodded, and then said: "Bon voyage." Although she had been with Gu Ning for less than a day, and had not spoken more than a hundred words, and she didn't know her background, she subconsciously felt that Gu Ning was a good person. Trustworthy people.

"Be careful all the way, pay attention to safety." Method said. Although he really wanted to go with Gu Ning, but Gu Ning was right, he still had his parents waiting for him at home.

Gu Ning put on her backpack, carried a knife, waved to them, and then strode towards the direction she came from. Her pace was very fast, and she quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Zhuang Chen and Fa Fang watched Gu Ning walk into the darkness, and they could no longer see her figure before returning to the car. Looking at the pile of considerable supplies, they were relatively speechless.

Gu Ning walked very fast, bumping in the car for a day, but she didn't feel tired at all, just hungry, although she had only eaten a big bowl of noodles less than half an hour ago, she tore open a piece of bread Packing bags, eating while walking, I have eaten four of them before I feel a little full.

But Gu Ning faintly felt her desire for meat food, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried. If this is the sequelae of zombie bites, then if this continues, will one day she also become like zombies biting living things?

Gu Ning felt a little shudder just thinking about it.

But there is no solution, and Gu Ning has no choice but to suppress this terrible idea for the time being and consider the real problem.

They said that Gu's father and Gu's mother went to find her, so they must have returned by the same route, and Gu's father's foot injury would also delay a lot of time. This journey is not safe, and Gu Ning can't imagine it at all. No matter how mother left with her injured father, they must have left with the desire to die with her... Gu Ning didn't dare to think about it any further, took a deep breath, and quickened his pace again.

At 6:30 in the morning, a ray of light appeared in the sky. Even if it was the end of the world, the sun still rose from the east without changing.

At this time, if it is a peaceful age, probably most people in this world are still immersed in sleep.

But this is the end of the world, and the screams one after another broke the tranquility of the morning.

"Run, run, run! I'm catching up!" With one scream after another, a large group of people who were completely unorganized ran wildly in the cold morning wind, and hundreds of zombies could be seen following them. Behind them, what was even more frightening was that out of the hundreds of zombies, there seemed to be a dozen or so that were extremely fast, not walking step by step, but running! The running zombies run at a slightly slower speed than humans, but the scary thing is that they never tire, there is nothing scarier than this!

The number of the hundreds of people fleeing in a hurry was several times that of the zombies, but no one stopped to try to fight the zombies. Everyone was running forward desperately. They only had one belief in their hearts, run! run! run! Just run to a safe place and they'll be safe! From time to time, people who were left behind in the line were caught and thrown down by zombies. Several zombies would stop to eat together, and let out a scream that was more miserable than one! The screams traveled far along the night wind, making people creepy!

"Ah!!!! Cheng Ming! Help me!" He only heard a shrill female voice from behind the team. When Cheng Ming heard his name, he subconsciously looked back and saw Huang Mengyao being killed by a small zombie. Grabbing her very soft and beautiful long hair, he couldn't break free for a while, and could only struggle desperately to prevent the zombie from biting her. People kept running past her, but no one reached out to help.

Cheng Ming only hesitated for a moment, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was about to turn around to save someone, but he was grabbed by someone running beside him after only two steps, and Jia Daochang roared in a low voice, "You don't want to die!" , you are going to die with her now!"

"Cheng Ming!!! Help!!!" Huang Mengyao was still screaming, but more zombies surrounded her. She looked at Cheng Ming being held by Daoist Jia , probably because he felt that Cheng Ming would not save her, and besides the deep fear, there was deep despair in the tearful eyes.

And at this time, even if Cheng Ming went there, there was nothing he could do.

Just when Huang Mengyao's hand was completely exhausted and the zombie's mouth touched her flesh, suddenly! The zombie who opened its mouth wide and prepared to eat a meal let out a shrill roar! Then the whole body was taken away by a huge force from the stick that seemed to fall from the sky and directly penetrated its chest!

Huang Mengyao was still in a trance and didn't know what happened, so she was pulled up from the ground by a strong hand, and an indifferent voice sounded beside her ears: "If you don't want to die, kill them."

She subconsciously grabbed the knife that was stuffed into her hand, and turned her head suddenly, only to see a thin girl with blond hair in the morning sun holding the knife and casually passing the quilt stick through her chest, but still The zombie who was trying to get up from the ground chopped off his neck with a knife, and then rushed towards the surrounding zombies——

For some reason, seeing that slender and weakened figure rushing towards those terrifying zombies, an inexplicable courage suddenly surged in her heart. This courage prompted her to lift the knife in her hand, closed her eyes and screamed The knife was raised high and slashed at the head of the nearest zombie!

Puff - a sound.

The foul-smelling mucus sprayed out, Huang Mengyao opened her eyes tremblingly, and saw that half of the head of the zombie whose whole face had begun to rot was cut off in front of her, and there was obviously no life in those gray-blue eyes. At this moment, she seemed to see the astonishment in those eyes, and only heard a bang, and the zombie fell backwards, fell heavily to the ground, and never moved again.

Cheng Ming's forward footsteps stopped abruptly two meters away from Huang Mengyao, and he watched in astonishment that the zombie whose head had been split in half fell to the ground with a bang.

Huang Mengyao held the knife and looked at the zombie she killed on the ground, standing there stiffly and motionless, her eyes were completely blank and empty, as if she hadn't realized what she had done.

Until a vicious voice sounded beside him: "Don't run away! Do you want to die?!"

Only then did she suddenly come to her senses, subconsciously clenched the knife in her hand and followed the girl with the blonde hair in front.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Run this way!" A hundred meters away, Jia Daochang was waving desperately at them.

The few who were alone here all ran over there.

Over there is a bungalow, a path that can only accommodate three people at a time, and an iron gate blocking the way.

"Gu Ning?!" When Daoist Jia saw Gu Ning, his jaw almost dropped: "Where did you get out again?!"

When the last person rushed in, Jia Daochang quickly put down the lock, and within three seconds, a running zombie rushed over and slammed into the iron gate with great force.

Daoist Jia was so frightened that he took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly said to several people, "Run, run!"

Gu Ning suddenly turned around and turned back. Under the astonished eyes of several people, the knife in his hand ruthlessly stabbed the face of the zombie that kept hitting the iron gate! He directly stabbed the zombie's head in half without blinking his eyes. She used the same method to deal with the several zombies that came over one after another.

The eyes of those people changed from astonishment to shock, Cheng Ming was the worst.

Gu Ning pulled the knife out of the zombie's head, and the zombie's body fell on its back, turned and left without even looking at it.

"Kill one more zombie now, and you will be safer in the future." Gu Ning dropped that sentence concisely, and then took the lead to walk along this path. Several people looked at each other, feeling a little strange in their hearts, and then followed go up.

Daoist Jia has seen Gu Ning kill zombies before, but at night, Gu Ning directly stabbed the knife into the zombie's head, he didn't see how Gu Ning did it, but this time, he saw clearly Now, the eyes looking at Gu Ning's back are a little unpredictable.

In contrast, Cheng Ming was the one who was the most shocked. In his impression, Gu Ning had always been a very gentle girl with gentle words and deeds. He still remembered the first time he saw her at the train station and she was smiling. look. It's really hard for Cheng Ming to connect the image of Gu Ning in his mind with the Gu Ning in front of him who has an inexplicable vigor from his back.

Huang Mengyao looked at Gu Ning's back with complicated emotions.

The others were those who were with Cheng Ming and the others before, and they all silently followed Gu Ning.

Compared to their complicated mental activities, Gu Ning felt a little annoyed at this moment.

She drove all night and found no trace of her parents along the way. When it was almost dawn, she accidentally bumped into a group of zombies and was chased by dozens of zombies. She finally got rid of her by virtue of her speed. Hit this group again.

When she rescued Huang Mengyao, she didn't even see her face clearly.

Saving people is not out of the spirit of helping others. Rather, she believes that in the current world, saving one more person and killing one more zombie means more safety in the future.

Under the premise of ensuring his own safety, Gu Ning is not "stingy".

But after experiencing that kind of betrayal, Gu Ning is no longer so full of kindness, she restrained her look of kindness that seemed very close, and became indifferent and cold and repelling others thousands of miles away.

All she thought of was hope, maybe one day, all the zombies would be killed, and the world would return to its original state.

This might not be another kind of psychological comfort, but only with such expectations can one have more courage to live in this world.

This narrow path used to be a yard, a three-story house, and there were two rows of cement flower beds in the yard, some flowers were planted in it, and two sweet-scented osmanthus trees were planted. During the flowering season, the trees are full of small golden flowers. The fragrance of these two trees is so strong that the whole yard is filled with the strong fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, so that it even covers up the rotten smell of corpses.